15 - Confrontation

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Gideon was on her way back to her office but became distracted when she heard yelling coming from the main area. Walking towards the voices, she found Aya confronting Rei, who was cowering against the wall. That was it.

As Gideon stormed towards them as another employee ran to Sanada's office to alert him. Gideon's presence made others move out of her way.  Aya was getting ready to hit Rei when Gideon grabbed her arm, canines extended she snarled a warning at her. The grip caused Aya to yelp and others quickly backed away from the two. Gideon released her and turned to help Rei up. By turning her back to Aya, it showed that she no longer considered the female Alpha a threat; it was also a way to insult her.  Once Rei was standing, Gideon turned back to face Aya and stepped uncomfortably close to her.

"I think you need to leave Ms. Kaiba. Now." Gideon had positioned herself between the two women, protecting her friend.  Aya thought since she had an audience so could use it to her advantage.

Aya made a move towards Gideon, which was the wrong thing to do.

"Ms. Kaiba!" Sanada growled her name. Everyone in the office flinched. Sanada approached the women; his voice and features softening.

"Are you okay Ms. Okada, Rei?"

"We're fine." Gideon responded, she was not about to move away from Rei.

"Ms. Kaiba. Give me your badges and leave. Your tenure with this company is done. Security is here to escort you out of the building."

There were audible gasps heard as two security guards appeared out of nowhere from behind Sanada. Gideon turned her focus back to Rei and escorted the woman to her office.   Motioning for Keiko and Kenji to follow her,  Gideon had no problem leaving Sanada to deal with the mess.

Once they were in her office, Gideon helped Rei to the chair.

"Are you okay Rei?" Gideon was rubbing her shoulder. Rei was a little shaken, even though she was tough, she wasn't tough enough to go up against an Alpha.

"Yeah, God I'm glad she's gone, she's such a bitch!"

Keiko brought Rei some water, which she took two sips of.

"What the hell happened?" Gideon was curious.

"Aya was being a bitch! She came out of Sanada's office and called you that nasty n-word and said how you weren't going to get close to him and just... just....she's a bitch and I was done with her!" The entire situation still had Rei pissed.

"Trust me honey, I know!" Gideon could understand after her run in with her too.

"Wait!! You snarled at her Gideon! You're one of them?!" Rei's own question shocked her.

Gideon smiled, but said nothing.

"How did we not know? We're your friends?" Keiko was also shocked. The only one of the three that knew, was Kenji, but he was like her brother.

"Because it's not something I advertise, that's why! Now keep your voices down. We're still friends, dorks!"

Sanada came into the office, everyone standing to bow except Gideon who was still upset with him. She could see that Sanada wanted to talk.

"Kenji, will you take Rei home? You should get some rest Rei, Keiko will you stay with her to make sure she's ok?"

"Yes, please do that." Sanada spoke, the three left the office but not before giving Gideon a hug. Gideon winced as Kenji hugged her, but she gave him a reassuring smile and he left the office. After they left, Sanada closed her door.

"I'm sorry Gideon. I should have taken care of her earlier. Thank you for stepping in."

"Mn" Gideon couldn't be too angry with him. Plus, she had shown her Wolf and it exhausted her. She suddenly felt dizzy. Without thinking, she began to approach Sanada, collapsing before she could reach him.


Kenji heard Sanada yell and ran back to her office, throwing the door open. "Shit! Gigi!" He quickly shut the door.

"Help me get her up!" Sanada looked at Kenji as the two gently lifted her to the small loveseat in her office.

"I'm calling for an ambulance!" It worried Sanada that something serious could be wrong with her.

"No! Don't!" Kenji grabbed his hand to stop him from calling. "She just needs to rest for a bit. Trust me." The two looked at each other. Sanada shook his head.

"What's wrong with her Kenji?"

"She showed her wolf when dealing with Aya, it exhausted her."

"Why would that exhaust her?"

"Gideon....G-" Gideon moved, stopping Kenji from explaining anything about her.

"Easy, easy." Sanada returned to the small couch. He was now holding her in his arms. Kenji couldn't help but look at the two. "Kenji, get her some water, please."

Gideon was out of it and groggy. Feeling arms around her quickly brought her back to her senses as she whipped her head around to see who was holding her.


"You okay?"

"No I'm not okay. I passed out." Gideon was rubbing her neck, shifting to get up. Still slightly out of it, her eyes focused on Kenji.

"Kenji? I thought you were taking Rei home?"

"I was, till Mr. Sanada yelled your name!" Gideon smiled at him.

"I'll be fine Kenji."

Sanada took the water from him and motioned for him to leave. Sanada set the water on the table, still holding onto her. Gideon felt herself starting to relax into his hold.

"You can let me go Toru, I'm fine now." Gideon lightly touched his arm as she set up fully. Taking a deep breath, she went to stand, but he stopped her.

"I'm fine, I just did too much." The two were practically cuddling on the couch, Sanada sitting behind her with his arms wrapped around her.

"Toru? Let me go."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

As she went to stand, she reached out for him, feeling her legs starting to buckle again. He was quick to help support her.  

"Thanks.  What time is it?"

"Almost 11."

"Thank you, I'm glad you were here to catch me."

"Me too, you scared me."

"Sorry." Gideon suddenly became shy.



"Can you take me home, before we have to fly out?"

"Sure let me grab my things, sit, I'll be right back."

He carefully placed her back down on the love seat and went to his office to gather paperwork and his computer. When he returned to her office, she was standing waiting for him. Her bag across her shoulder. He moved to help her walk, but she brushed him off.

"I can walk by myself."

"I either help you walk or I will carry you out bridal style."

Gideon sighed mostly out of exhaustion and didn't want to argue with him. The two walked out of the office, Sanada had his hand on her waist, which everyone noticed. The elevator door opened as soon as he pushed the button, glad that it was empty.  As they entered the elevator, Gideon was right by his side.  Again she did something unexpected and rested her head on his shoulder as the doors closed. Once more she realized what she was doing.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry!" She moved away from him. Sanada looked at her but said nothing.  Door opening to the parking area, he placed his hand on her back, directing her towards his car. There was no driver this time as he had driven his own car. He helped her into the passenger seat. As he leaned across her for the seat belt, Gideon caught a strong whiff of his Alpha scent again.

Once he had her safely inside the car, he got in as well and off they went. The 30-minute ride to her apartment was a quiet one. Gideon gave him the passcode to get into the secured parking garage. She wasn't sure she was up for a lot of walking from the front entrance to her apartment. The parking garage would put them close to the apartment; even though she didn't drive, she still had her own reserved parking spot. Pulling into the spot, she started to get out of the car when he stopped her. He walked to her side and helped her out. Making her way to the apartment neither spoke, Sanada still keeping his hand on her waist. Gideon knew there was no point in protesting, and she was still exhausted.

At the door to her apartment, she already had her key out and ready. Once inside, she searched in her bag and handed Sanada a key card.

"What's this?" It surprised him how much she was allowing him into her private life.

"The extra key card. It will get you into the parking garage and my apartment. Will you pick me up around 3:00 for the airport?" 

"Are you going to be fine by yourself?"

"Yes. Do you have anything scheduled for when we arrive in Seoul this evening?"

"No, maybe dinner but nothing fancy."

"Ok, Thank you again for your help. If I don't answer when you stop by, use the key to let yourself in."

"Are you sure you will be okay?"

"I'll be fine."

"All right, get some rest, I'll be back to check on you before we leave." Gideon smiled and walked towards her bedroom. He could see she was still out of it. He placed the key card in his wallet and gently shut the door to her apartment. Walking back to his car, he called Mr. Anno, one of the senior members, to let him know he would be out for the rest of the day. He would touch base with him once they arrived in Seoul. Sanada felt he needed to call one more person.

Even though Gideon had said she was fine, Sanada was going straight home to quickly pack, then back to her place. He had a nagging thought that had been on his mind since spending the day with her at the park. Pulling out of the garage, he placed the call from his car. Sanada called Gideon's dad. Both Uncle Sabe and her dad were like older brothers to him. A part of him was truly worried about her and wanted not only answers but to make sure she would be fine.


"Good Afternoon Jun, are you busy?"

"No, I'm free. What can I help you with?"

Sanada took a deep breath before continuing.

"Jun, there was an incident at work today. Before I say anything, Gideon is fine."

"I see, what happened?"

"An employee attacked a co-worker today.  I think she was one of Gideon's friends because she stepped in to protect her.  She later passed out. I was going to call for an ambulance when her friend Kenji stopped me.  He said she had exhausted herself."

"Oh my. Is she okay? Is she conscious?"

"She's fine Jun. She asked me to take her home. She's resting, I'm home to pack and head back over to check on her."

"Thank you Toru, this type of thing hasn't happened for a while. It's very rare for her to expose her Wolf like that."

"Why did it exhaust her Jun?"

Sanada could hear Jun sighing on the other end.

"What I tell you, do not repeat."


"Gideon keeps her Wolf suppressed along with her scent. Bringing her Wolf out, weakens them both."

"Why? She mentioned that she masked her scent, but that's all she would say."

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that Toru. You mentioned packing, are you planning on staying with her?"

"No, no, we have a trip to Seoul. Our flight leaves this evening."



"Please take care of her, keep her close to you."

"I will Jun. She'll be okay won't she?"

"She'll be fine as long as she rests. Just please, take care of her."

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