16 - Travel*

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Gideon put on sweats and crashed onto the bed. She tried to sleep, but was restless and decided to call Kenji to not only vent but see how Rei was doing. They really were like brother and sister and Gideon knew she could always count on him and vice versa.

"Gigi? How are you doing baby?"

"Better, thank you for not letting Sanada call the ambulance. How's Rei?"

"No problem, he was really worried about you. Rei is probably still pissed but she's fine."



"I think you might be right about him."

"I think I am too, you didn't see how he was holding and looking at you when you passed out."

"Holding me?"

"Yeah, you two look so...perfect together!"

"Fuck. Kenji...I don't even know how to deal with this right now. I need to talk to him."

"Agreed. He looks at you like you're more than just his assistant."

"Maybe while we're away I can get him to talk."


"Yeah...we leave tonight for Seoul. We'll be gone for a week."

"WHAT!! Ok... there is definitely something going on with him!"

"What are you talking about now?"

"The entire time I've been there, he's never left Japan to go anywhere."



Both sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Are you going to tell him what you are?"

"Shit! I don't know. Part of me feels like I trust him with my life, the other part doesn't know him from Adam. I think starting with a talk would be good."

"I agree."

"Thanks Kenji-kun." Gideon couldn't help but chuckle.

"Your welcome Gigi-kins."

Both laughed as they joked by calling each other their pet names and said goodbye. Gideon needed some solid trusted advice, so she called one of two people she could think of. Her Dad, if he wasn't available she'd call her uncle Sabe. Her dad picked up on the second ring.

"Hey Dad."

"Hey Gigi, How do you feel?"


"Toru called and filled me in on what happened."

"Why'd he do that?"

"Cause he was worried about you dear."

"Ohh dad..."

"What is it kiddo?"

"I... shit...Ugghhhh...I think he might be my Mate dad."

"Yeah, me and Sabe talked about that last night after you guys left."

"Is it that obvious?"

"Not so much with you, well, laying your head on his shoulder didn't help, but it's pretty obvious with him. He couldn't take his eyes off of you."

"Great. Wait, how can he tell, my scent is masked!"

"We don't know. So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, I'm afraid to tell him the truth. But I feel we need to have a talk. About what, I'm not sure."

"A talk sounds like a great start. Whatever you decide, we're here for you. Sanada is a good man with a good heart. He's just been closed off for a while."

"I understand. Thanks dad. Love you."

"Love you to Gigi. Get some rest."

"I will, bye dad."

"Bye hon."

Gideon tossed the phone on the bed. There was no way she could sleep, not now. She got up and took a nice long hot shower to help her relax. Dressed for the flight, she returned to the bedroom, grabbing her suitcase and backpack. Packing early, she could make sure she had everything. Dress clothes, pj's, after work clothes and a nice outfit in case they went to someplace special.  With that out the way, it was almost 1:30 when she heard the front door to her apartment open. Looking around the corner, it was Sanada.

"Mr. Sanada?!" She surprised him as he thought she would be asleep.

"Gideon? Why aren't you resting?"

"I'm too restless to sleep, why are you here so early?"

"I came to check on you, make sure you were all right." 

Gideon smiled, she had to lower her head to hide that she was trying not to laugh.

"Thank you, sorry for worrying you. Come in and have a seat, I'm just finishing up with packing."

Gideon made her way to the kitchen, while Sanada sat at the small kitchen island, "You want something to drink?"

"No, I'm good. Since you're almost done packing, how about we grab something to eat before the flight?"

"Ok, sounds good. Give me a couple of minutes."

Gideon returned to her room and set her suitcase out in the living room while she made sure she had everything for her carry-on. She dressed comfortably for the flight since they weren't doing anything once they landed.  Hair was braided in a french braid, she chose athletic pants, oversized shirt, a warm soft cardigan and comfy sneakers. She had separate travel organizers with their boarding passes. She double checked that she had the folder with reservations, and the documents on her phone for both her and Mr. Sanada. She handed him the grey organizer. 

"This is for you, it has your boarding pass in it. I'd put my passport in there if I was you to protect it."

"First class?"

"Yes. We have seats next to each other. If you need wi-fi access, let me know. I'm bringing a mobile hotspot just in case. We have airport lounge access both ways as well."


Gideon wanted to talk, but she was in work mode. Talking could wait for when they had down time. "Phone?" She held out her hand. Sanada looked at her confused.

"We should exchange numbers, I am your assistant after all."

Sanada shook his head and chuckled. "You do make sure all bases are covered, don't you?"

"I try." The two exchanged numbers. "So do you want to eat at the airport or someplace else?"

Gideon could feel Sanada's eyes on her. She turned to find him looking at her as she held his gaze.

"Let's find a place in the airport, that way when we finish we can go over some things before we board. Once we land, I'd like to relax and enjoy the evening." 

"Ok, do you have a lot of luggage?"

"No, a suitcase and backpack." Sanada was still looking at her.

"In that case, why not leave your car here and I'll get us an Uber?"

They both agreed and made their way to the parking garage. Gideon found an Uber that could be there in a couple of minutes. By the time they made it to Sanada's car to retrieve his bags and stepped in the elevator, the Uber was waiting. On the way to the airport neither spoke, Gideon was busy double checking reservations.

"Do you have a preference for car type?"

"Actually, I'd prefer a rental. I have some places I want to go outside of work."

"I see, car preference?"

"Lexus; sedan is fine." Gideon was glad she booked the driver with a service that provided rentals and the change was easy.

"Is that going to be an issue?"

She looked at Sanada and smiled. "It's already taken care of."

With everything confirmed and checked on, Gideon put her phone away.

"Will we be working the entire time?"

"No, there will be a few days to sight see. Is there something you want to do?" Sanada had hoped to spend some time getting to know her better. He really wanted her to open up to him, and he hoped to do the same.

"Yes, actually. I think we need to talk, and not about anything related to work."

Sanada smiled. "Gideon, you are full of surprises."

'You have no idea' she thought to herself.

The two had to laugh.  Arriving at the airport, Gideon paid the driver as Sanada grabbed their bags. They made it to the check-in counter and checked their luggage. Everything went smoothly with security and they searched for something to eat once past the checkpoints. Finding a nice restaurant, the two grabbed a table away from the main area. She sat with her back to the entrance. After they placed their orders, Gideon felt someone approaching, she turned and looked back to see a man walking towards them; he looked American. She looked back at Sanada and saw him stand, moving to greet him.


"Mr. Grisholm, how are you?"

Gideon stood out of politeness.

"Ah, is this your beautiful Mate? I never figured you as someone who would mate with a foreigner, and African at that!" The man moved towards Gideon to shake her hand but she stepped back, Sanada also blocked him from getting close to her.

"This is my Assistant, Ms Okada."

Not wanting to touch him, she nodded instead of bowing and took Sanada's seat that was further away from the American. The man looked at her confused.

"And where are you from Ms. Okada?"


The American laughed, "No seriously, where are you from."

"The same place I told you 5 seconds ago. Thanks for stopping by, Mr. Sanada and I have business to discuss. Enjoy your flight!"

Gideon glared at the man, Sanada took the American's hand and shook it.

"She's right Grisholm, we have to discuss some business issues. Enjoy your flight."

The American left with frowns in his face. Sanada took her seat and looked at her with his signature smirk. Gideon returned his gaze and smiled.

"Thank you for stopping him."

"Mn. So what business do you have to discuss?" Sanada was being sarcastic.

"The food, it has arrived."

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