25 - Cute Couple? Not to Everyone*

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Sanada returned to their table after a few minutes. "We'll leave in a bit to go meet my friend."


Gideon texted Kenji a picture of the apartment.

Gigi: My new home. Nervously excited!

Kenji: OMG!! That's so you!

Gideon checked her work email one more time, finding a few more documents to translate, she made quick work of them. One email was from a senior member wanting all contracts translated and master copies saved to the serve. That would take some time. She would work on it over the weekend if they weren't going to do anything, plus she needed to download the keyboards for the other languages. She saved the original contracts to the desktop so she could work without wi-fi along with the keyboards. She had the foresight to install her VPN software on both of their laptops for added security from unsecure wi-fi portals.  After she had downloaded everything, she started putting things away before they had to leave.  Since Sanada was still working, she took their dishes to the front and sat quietly so she wouldn't disturb him while he worked. Wrapping the cardigan closed she stared out the window, watching the people and traffic go by.

As she zoned out, a group of young Korean women came into the shop, they all took notice of the beautiful dark-skinned woman. Gideon didn't notice them as they began whispering. The group sat at one of the tables off to the side. Sanada, hearing all the squealing and giggling, turned and smiled at them. All that did was increase their excitement. Two of the young women got up and approached them. Gideon could feeling their nervous energy and looked up at them. Seeing the young women she smiled, causing them to blush the most adorable shade of pink.

"Excuse me, Sir?" One of the young women addressed Sanada, thinking he was Korean and that Gideon was a foreigner which was becoming a thing evidently.


"Your wife is very beautiful, can we have a picture with her?"

Gideon couldn't help but chuckle, the young women were very polite and sweet. Gideon decided to talk to them.

"Thank you for the compliment. I don't mind taking a picture with you."

It shocked the young women that she spoke such good Korean. Gideon got up and stood next to them. Being a wolf, Gideon was taller than the average human woman. Standing between the two young ladies, they barely came up to her chest which was slightly awkward but Gideon didn't care as long as they kept their hands to themselves. The young ladies both took turns taking selfies with the Omega, then all of them joined for a group selfie. Sanada was getting a little irritated, but Gideon didn't seem to mind. The young ladies were sweet and polite. Returning to her seat, her Mate looked at her.

{Oh, come on, they were adorable and polite.}

{Do you get that often}

{Yeah, I'll probably get it more now that I'm with you. We kinda stand out hon, not only being wolves but a mixed couple.}

Sanada chuckled and shook his head. "You ready to go babe?"

"Yeah, hand me your stuff."

Gideon put his things in the backpack and stood up to leave, making sure she had everything. On the way out she waved to the group of young women as they excitedly waved back and squealed. She also thanked the young Alpha behind the counter, causing him to blush. Sanada just looked at her.

"What now?"

"I swear I can't take you anywhere."

"Get used to it Handsome!"

"Has it always been like that for you?"

"What? The stares and attention?"


"Of course! How many tall dark skinned Omegas have you seen in Asia? But I've gotten used to it. As long as they don't try to touch me I'm fine, or say something highly disrespectful."

"People will do that?"

"Yes Toru. Not everyone will see us as a 'cute couple' and they have no problem coming up to you and letting you know it. I've lost count at the times my dad has had to Alpha out on someone for saying something racist or trying to touch me when I was younger. Don't even get me started on Tomo and Sinichi, they'd just knock them out."

Gideon could tell it was upsetting him, but it was true and he would have to learn to deal with it just as she had.

"Now you know what to look forward to by being with me."

"I'm proud to have you as my Mate Gideon."

She looked at him and smiled. "Thank you Toru. It's part of the reason I kept my distance from you."

"What? You being a different race?"

"Yeah, most like the idea of being with a black woman, but not the actual reality of it."

"Well, that's not me."

"I know. If it was, you wouldn't have made it past dinner the other night. Or Kenji for that matter."


"Yeah, we're like brother and sister. He broke a guy's jaw once when he grabbed me at the mall one day when we were younger. He's actually the first one to mention that we might be Mates." 

"Oh really?"

"Really really. So tell me about your friend. Is he nice like Lee?"

"It's been awhile since I've seen him. Last time I saw him, he was pretty happy and carefree. Good sense of humor. A definite ladies man. He's actually from Japan but chose to live in Korea for some reason and he's human."

"I see, so where are we meeting him at?"

"He owns a couple of bars in a non-touristy area, so we are meeting him at one of them."

They drove to a popular area of Seoul; it was quiet during the day but busy at night. It was popular with the locals and not so much with the foreigners. Sanada found a place to park as certain areas didn't allow vehicles. Gideon grabbed the backpack as she wasn't about to leave it unattended and the two headed down the street a little ways. Sanada quickly grabbed her hand, giving her a warm smile and they reached the place in about 15 minutes. Entering the bar, there was a huge aquarium that immediately caught Gideon's attention, Sanada looked around for his friend. Spotting him at the bar, he waved and was directed to a seat by the window. He walked towards it thinking his Mate was following him but she was too mesmerized by the fish to notice he had walked away. Gideon looked up having sensed her Alpha was gone.


He stood up so she could see him. She locked eyes with him and made her way over to the booth he was in. Sanada waited for her so she could take the inside seat. Before she reached him, his friend walked up behind him and patted him on the shoulder.  The two shaking hands and hugging, the Omega walked up behind her Mate. She gently touched his back letting him know she was next to him. Sanada looked back and smiled, pulling her close to him. 

"Who's this Toru?"

"Katsumi, this is Gideon Okada, my Mate."

"Mate huh?"


Gideon instantly did not like him.

{I need the bathroom}

"Katsumi where's your restroom?"

"Ohh you two are doing that wolf esp shit huh? Down the hall, signs' on the door."

Gideon handed the backpack to Sanada and walked past the human and instantly wanted to snap his neck.

{Your friend is an ass!}

Sanada cleared his throat to hide his response. The two men sat down.

"So how have you been Katsumi?"

"So what's with the black chic?" Katusmi completely ignored the question as he was too focused on the color of Sanada's Mate.

"Huh? Kat, I haven't seen you in years, and that's how you start our conversation?"

"Dude, if you're going to Mate a foreigner, at least get a cute blonde haired blue eyed beauty if you can't find a Japanese woman."

"First off, Gideon is beautiful, she's not a foreigner, she was born and raised in Japan and she's my Mate Katsumi. Unlike you humans, once we find our Mates it's for life."

"Well that fucking sucks. I'd reject her and find someone better. Yeah she's cute but only for a nice fuck, she's definitely got the body for it. And she ain't Asian my friend. Don't care where she was born."

"What the fuck is your issue dude?" Sanada was amazed at how his friend was acting. This was not the Katsumi he remembered.

"Me? I'm not the one slumming around. You don't know how they can be. If I had $5 for every time I had to kick one of them out of my bar, I could retire."

"Maybe the issue isn't them, it's you! I don't know what happened to you, but you've turned into a racist asshole!"

{Gideon! Get out here, we're leaving! NOW!}

Gideon was almost to the table when her Mate had linked her. She walked up to him with a confused look on her face. Katsumi was in full 'racist asshole mode' 

"You know, I'm not sure why he picked you for a Mate?"

Gideon was used to this kind of behavior and could fire a response quicker than the person could finish their sentence. She burst out laughing in his face.

"Oh please human. Evolve already." Gideon was walking on her way out when he made the mistake of reaching for her. Sanada had him pinned to the table, dislocating his shoulder from the force of the maneuver within seconds.  He was screaming for Sanada to get off him as others looked on.

"You know Katsumi, you're lucky it's me and not her that has you pinned to the table. I'm proud to have one of 'their kind' as my Mate."  Sanada snarled and snapped at him, causing the human to piss his pants. The Alpha shoved him to the floor, turning to his mate who was trying hard not to laugh but failed. Placing his hand on the small of her back, he led her out. The human was still trembling on the floor, screaming in pain.  Once outside, Gideon could tell the Alpha was still worked up.

"Thanks hon, you can relax now." She quickly nuzzled into his neck to calm him.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't know he was like that. If I did, I wouldn't have met with him."

"It's not your fault, don't you dare feel responsible for that. Understand?"

Sanada hugged her, it was the first time he had done so out in public. She smiled at him and gave him a quick peck. "Let's go, Alpha!"  

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