26 - Scared Beauty*

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Making it back to the car, Sanada surprised his mate by bringing her in for a very deep and passionate kiss.

"What was that for?" Gideon was still trying to recover from it.

"Because I can. And I love you."

"God I can't wait to get back home."

"You and me both."

Before he could drive off, his phone rang.

"Hello hyung!"

Gideon sat quietly as Sanada talked on the phone. From the happy tone in his voice she could tell it was his good friend Lee. The two Alphas talked and laughed for about 10 minutes with Sanada handing her his phone to put away for him.

"Hey babe?"

"Yes handsome?"

"You want to go out to dinner tonight?"

"With who?"


"Sure, should I dress up?"

"Yes, but nothing too sexy, I don't want you breaking anymore noses."

"I'd love to! I like Lee, he has a good heart."

"I love ya babe!"

"love you too! Can we go back to the hotel to relax? They should have cleaned and changed the bedding by now. Plus I have a lot of translating to do before we get back."

"Sure babe." Sanada took her back to the hotel. The ride was peaceful and the day lovely,  any other time Gideon would want to stay outside and explore but she was getting tired.

Once in the room, Gideon saw they had indeed cleaned and changed the bedding and linens. Saying that Sanada was pissed with the change, was an understatement.

"What's wrong hon?"

The Alpha walked past her and into their temporary bedroom, growling.  Gideon followed him to see that housekeeping had replaced the bedding. She turned to him and sighed.

"I told you I'd scent it later."

Sanada was pissed, Alpha mode pissed. Gideon saw his red eyes and walked over to him to calm him down. She placed her hands on his waist and nuzzled him, a soft growl coming from him, he had relaxed.

"Come on, let's shower and relax before dinner." Gideon gave him a quick peck. Leaving for the other bathroom she could hear him sigh in frustration at having her scent completely gone from the room. She found a fresh set of clothes to lounge in, shorts and a t-shirt, she thought of going braless but changed her mind. Getting the Alpha more excited than he already was, was not a good idea. She quickly showered, dressed and grabbed her laptop, returning to the main bedroom. Gideon just realized that some of her scars were visible. As Sanada continued to shower, she laid on top of the covers, gently releasing her scent so that it was barely noticeable. Laying on her stomach, pillow under her torso, she opened her laptop to start on the contract translations when she was hit by an abdominal cramp. She lowered her head and took deep breaths until the pain subsided. After a few seconds she recovered and pulled her scent back as Sanada walked out of the bathroom. He just had on sweatpants and was shirtless. Gideon was too focused on the receding pain to turn around.

Sanada saw what she was wearing. It was the most he'd seen of her since they had met.  "Hey babe...you okay?"

She looked at him over her shoulder, smiling at him. Sanada picked up her faint scent and made his way towards the bed. He crawled in and moved next to her, placing his hands on each side of her torso. The Alpha leaned down so his chest came into contact with her back and nuzzled her neck from behind, inhaling what was left of her wonderful scent, he let out another growl.

"Thanks babe."

She looked over at him, he was relaxing on an elbow as his free hand rubbed her back. She let out a sigh as she enjoyed his touch and seeing him shirtless again. She needed his closeness as her pain had gotten worse and she was working on keeping her discomfort to a minimum. His scent was helping to relax her to where the pain of her heat lessened. Gideon tried not to let it show on her face, she didn't want to worry him. The Alpha let his eyes scan over her body, stopping at her thigh as he saw deep visible claw marks along the side of it, marring the smooth mocha flesh. He involuntarily growled in anger, which alerted his Mate.

"What?" Gideon looked at him, she caught him staring at her legs. She glanced down and saw the scars on her thigh but didn't say anything. She looked back at her Mate, gave him a quick kiss and went back to the translations. 

Sanada just stared, moving up to her arms, he could see the edge of a puncture mark on the back of her bicep, just visible under the sleeve. He hadn't realized that she had mostly kept herself covered around him. She felt him staring at her again and quietly shut the laptop and set it out of the way and looked over at him.

"You're staring at me Toru."

"I'm sorry Gi, I've just...I've never seen your scars before. I didn't know they were this bad."

The Omega reached out a hand and gently caressed the side of his face, remaining silent. Sanada looked at her as she simply smiled at him.

"It was only a matter of time before you saw them anyway." Sanada's hand came up to touch her thigh but stopped. She saw the pain in his eyes. "It's ok Toru. You can touch me if you want, you won't hurt me." She laid on her side next to him so that they were facing each other, her arms wrapped around her. Gideon's face was soft and relaxed as she gazed up at him. She found his hesitation somewhat heartwarming. For an Alpha he could be very gentle.

Sanada looked at her again as if he was asking for permission a second time as she continued to smile at him. He lightly ran his fingers over the raised flesh on her thigh. The skin was smooth and warm. He could see her tattoo peeking through from where her shirt was raised on her waist.

"What's the Okada tattoo?"

She looked at him and frowned, "You've never seen it?"


"Hmn, I figured you would have seen my dad's or Sabe's" Gideon let out a yawn. The energy she was using to keep her heat under control was starting to take its toll on her physically.

"No, they never showed it to me."

"Interesting, I'll show you later. Now, I need to rest before dinner, will you wake me up in time to get ready?"

"Sure babe, are you okay? You've been really tired lately."

"I'll be fine after I rest." She gave him a quick peck before moving under the covers. Sanada needed to make some phone calls and started to leave when Gideon reached out, holding onto his arm. "No, I need you to stay next to me, you won't bother me."

"Are you sure?"


Sanada sat against the headboard as the Omega snuggled next to him quickly falling asleep, a very low purr was coming from her. Sanada made the calls that he needed to make and did a little work on the computer. Occasionally his mate would whimper, placing his hand on her shoulder, it quickly calmed her back down.

It was almost 3pm, they were supposed to meet Lee at 5, so the Alpha decided to wake his sleeping Mate. She got up slowly which worried him a little but her smile reassured him that she was alright. She returned to the spare room and changed into something that would keep her warm if the evening turned chilly. Sanada had informed her to dress up, but not in anything too revealing, he didn't want a replay of someone trying to smack her ass. Her outfit was modest and covered her fully, a grey twill skirt that reached her knees and black cowl neck sweater. There was nothing she could do about her curvy hips. She set her black knee high boots by the door after she had skillfully braided her hair. She kept her makeup and jewelry to a minimum. Another wave of heat hit her, causing her to reach for the wall for support. She knew what it meant, but painfully forced it back down, she would have to deal with it when they returned.

There was no other choice.

Gideon grabbed her suitcase and quietly set it in their shared bedroom out of the way along with the rest of her things. Earlier that morning, when she requested the room to be freshened, she had asked them to place a mattress protector on the bed and add an extra set of bedding in the closet. It was just a precaution she wanted to take if things got to be too much for her. She was glad she had taken it. The hotel was tailored towards Wolfen so the request was typical. She sat on the small sofa checking emails on her phone while her Mate got ready. The pain and cramps finally settled back down.

Sanada came out, looking for her. She turned to him and gave him a warm smile. He was sharply dressed in a tailored grey suit. She stood and walked over to him placing her hands on his waist she rested her head on him. Even though she was taller than most women, he was an Alpha and she needed heels just so she could comfortably rest her head on his shoulder.

"You look great babe."

"Thanks, so you do handsome. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, lets go. I want to get back and spend some time with you."

"Mn." Gideon put on her boots, then headed out of the room.

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