40 - The Apartment

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Sanada was finally able to board, the attendant taking them to their seat. Gideon fastened her belt then curled up next to her mate, her face hidden in the sleeves of his hoody. Preparing for take off, his phone began to vibrate. Checking the message it was from her dad.

Jun: It's safe to go to her apartment.
Toru: Thanks, just got on the plane.

Sanada relaxed now that they were on the plane. Luckily as others boarded, they kept their distance and didn't bother her. One older lady cooed, but that was it. Sanada turned to his Mate. "Get some rest babe."


She was asleep before they were in the air. The flight was straightforward and they reached Japan before they knew it. The attendant asked Sanada if he wanted to get off first and he said that would be fine. Landing, the Omega started to stir. Waking up she still clung to her Mate and kept her face hidden. After a few minutes the stewardess let Sanada know they could deplane. Gideon stood and let him get out, she was right behind him, holding onto his arm. She took her pack and slung it over her shoulder. Sanada quickly took her to the baggage claim. Finally back in Japan, the majority of people kept their distance from them. While they waited off to the side, Gideon managed to Uber a ride to her apartment. It would be there in 10 minutes, she showed Sanada the phone so he would know. As they waited an Alpha stood to close and Gideon growled at him. He apologized and moved away from her. Sanada sighed in frustration. In 20 minutes they had their luggage and were in the car on the way to Gideon's apartment. She was finally able to relax and released her hold on her Mate.

"How are you doing baby."

"God that was awful, I'm so sorry." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's ok, you'll be home soon."

She breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the traffic. The car pulled up to her apartment after a 40-minute ride through traffic. She paid the driver and thanked him. They quickly went inside. Gideon was eager to get to Sanada's and be done with her apartment. It was still early and Rei was at work. Going inside they found her stuff by the door and saw that Rei had in fact moved her stuff in. Rei had pretty much unpacked and rearranged the entire apartment. Gideon did one last check, making sure she had what she wanted.

There was a tote of clothes and shoes, her steamer, toaster oven and blender. Sanada let her know he had everything except the steamer. Gideon contacted the landlord, he would be there in 10 minutes with the lease to sign over to her friend.

Five minutes later, there was a knock at the door, she thought the landlord had gotten there early and went to let him in. When she opened the door someone lunged at her, wrapping arms around.

"Please don't let them arrest me!"

"Let go of me!" Gideon was panicked as she didn't get to see who it was. Sanada was at the door in seconds, pulling the two apart.

"Ow! You're hurting me!". The young man was terrified. Gideon was able to finally see him and quickly figured out who he was.

"Toru, let him go, he's just a child!" Gideon touched the young Alpha's arm, quickly easing the pain from her Mate's grip.  Sanada glared at the young man as he released him.  Gideon could feel the fear coming off of the young Alpha.  She reluctantly let him in.

"Come in, your one of my brothers, aren't you? "

"Y-yes ma'am."

"How old are you?"

"16, almost 17."

"16! What's your name?"


Gideon felt bad for the young man and was amazed that he had found her apartment.  She led him into the kitchen and had him sit at the small island.  Sanada never took his eyes off of him.

The kid had a ballcap on, hiding his face.

"Take your hat off Trevor, you're safe here now.   Are you hungry?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Call me Gigi, the man next to you is my mate, Toru. Don't worry, he was just protecting me plus he speaks English."  Gideon went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of ice tea for him.  She couldn't help but feel sorry for him and knew he was terrified and just wanted a safe place and to go home.

"How did you find me Trevor?"

"I - I hacked my moms phone to get your number. From that I was able to get your location withh the help of a translator app."

"I see a little hacker!"  The Omega could tell he was still uneasy.  he stood across from him at the island, Sanada was not leaving her side with the unknown Alpha.

"Trevor, look at me."  The young man looked at her, his energy was calm even though he was frightened. "Our mom forced you to come here, didn't she?"

"Yes, I'm really sorry for all the problems she caused. My brother and I just wanted to stay home."

"Hey, Don't you dare apologize for anything she does. She is not your responsibility. Understand?"

"Yes Gigi."

Gideon smiled at him calling her Gigi.

"It's nice to finally get to meet you. I didn't even know I had brothers until she wanted something. Does she treat you well?"

"Eh, she's gone most of the time.  We stay with our dad whenever she takes off.  Their not together anymore, they weren't mated of anything.  Me and James didn't even know we had a sister till we got on the plane.  She only told us because we wouldn't stop asking her questions."

"I'm sorry Trevor.  I really am.  But Hey! Now we've met, huh?"

"Yeah." He finally cracked a smile. Gideon was trying to lighten the mood

"Listen, do not let her dictate how you live your life. Have a goal and focus on that. Mn."

The two talked for another hour, both warming up to each other. Sanada finally relaxed and actually talked to the young Alpha while Gideon took care of the lease transfer. Now she needed to get him back home.

"Trevor, we need to get you back home, ok? I hope you have your passport on you?"

"Yeah, but I don't have any money or anything!"

"Don't worry about it. Toru can I talk to you for a minute."

The two walked into the living room away from him.

"Hey I'm really sorry but-"

He wrapped her in his arms as he already knew what she had in mind.   She was too kind and loving not to help the young Alpha. Plus he was her brother.

"Let's get him on a plane for home." He smiled at her.

"Oh! You don't mind helping?"

"No, he's your little brother after all and it's not his fault he's in this situation."

Gideon gave a kiss and another hug. She was back to her happy self although she was still tired and stressed from the trip. The two went back into the kitchen. Sanada patted the youngster on his shoulder, causing him to flinch. Gideon took her place back at the Island. Before she could tell him the plan he spoke up.

"Gigi, can I visit you again? Without mom?"

"I tell you what Trevor, you keep your grades up, get a plan for college and when you graduate you can visit. But seriously, you and your brother get focused on what you want to do after high school and keep those grades up."

"Deal! I want to focus more on computers and James wants to focus on business."

"Good, Good. Come here Trevor."

The young Alpha walked over to her and was wrapped in a long hug. Gideon was happy to have met him.

"Can I have a picture with you Gigi? James would love to see what you look like. He's not going to believe it when I tell him that you have crazy grey eyes."

"Of course!"

The two siblings took a picture together with his phone and she did the same with hers.

"Can we exchange numbers?"

"Ah, that's not a good idea hon, I'm sorry but I don't want mom to know we contacted each other.  Please understand."

"It's ok I understand, I just wanted to keep in contact with you. You're a lot nicer than what mom said you were."

"I tell you what. We can do something better than exchange numbers. But Trevor I need you to do me a favor?"

"Yeah sis."

"Do not tell anyone what we can do alright? Not mom and not your brother. Understand?"

"I understand."

Gideon suddenly linked him. He didn't freak as much as she thought he would. He laughed and looked at her.

"Me and James can link each other, but only because we're twins."

"Oh! See, I didn't even know you two were twins. I'm so sorry we couldn't have met sooner Trevor and under better circumstances."

"It's ok. At least I finally got to meet you. Mom wasn't even going to let us do that much. She was just here for the money."

"I figured as much. Now if you need anything or just want to say 'Hi', you can link me ok?"

"But we're so far away!"

"It doesn't matter, we're blood. But please, don't tell anyone, ok?"


"Good, let's get you home young Alpha!" Sanada patted him on the back again.

Gideon gave the apartment one final check and left. She had left the lease and her keys on the kitchen island. She carried the bag of clothes while Trevor carried the two boxes. Getting to Sanada's car they placed everything in the trunk and got in. They stopped at a nearby restaurant so Trevor could finally get something to eat. The three chatted and learned about each other a little more. The newfound siblings showed each other pictures of their dads and Gideon learned that her brother's dad was a college professor. Trevor also shared a picture of him and his twin with her, so she could have something of both of them. Trevor again was grateful at having found her and that he was able to spend time with her. He told them that he had been at the vending machine near their hotel room when the police came to take his mom and brother away. His brother James had linked him and told him to stay away from the room and that he had hidden his backpack behind the bed.  After an hour he had snuck back in to get his things and quickly ran to a nearby coffee shop and searched for her.

Making sure her brother had gotten enough to eat, they got up to leave. Gideon was happy that Trevor and her Mate had hit it off. The two spent almost an hour talking as Sanada gave the young Alpha valuable advice for college and finances. By the time they had reached the airport it was already 6pm. Gideon hoped there wouldn't be an issue with getting him on the plane due to his mom getting deported earlier and luckily there wasn't. Gideon checked to see which class came with meals, the ticket agent let her know only business and first class had meals included. It was a long flight and he would need to eat.

Gideon purchased him a seat in first class that would be leaving in 2 hours. She wanted him to be comfortable and taken care of on the long distance flight back home. All he had was his backpack so he was set to go. The two walked him to security. Before she let him go, she gave him money, enough to get something to eat and snacks once he got through security. She also gave him a little extra to get a souvenir for him and his brother, and some american money just in case to get home safely once he landed in the States. Sananda shook his hand and wished him luck. Gideon couldn't help but give him one more hug and told him to link her to keep in touch and let her know when he landed and made it home. It was the one way they could communicate without their mom knowing. She also told him that since they were twins, they could both link her but again stressed to not let their mom know. Gideon didn't want her to retaliate against them because of her.

She reluctantly let him go and watched until he was safely through security and headed to his gate. He gave a final wave and disappeared into the crowd of people. Sanada noticed his mate was a lot calmer now, even though she was getting stares and whispers.  Gideon turned to him and hugged him, not caring that everyone was looking at them. Just then she got a link.

{Thank You sis, for everything! I can't wait to see you again. Love you.}

{Love you too Trevor. You and your brother take care of each other. Let me know when you graduate! I'll come.}

{Bye Sis!}

"Thank you Toru."

"Of course baby. Let's just head over to your dad's okay?"

"Okay. I'll be glad when I'm home."

"I know. Let's go."  

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