41 - Dinner with the Family ~ #2

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Finally getting out of the airport it was already 6:45p. Kenji had texted her to let her know he was there and couldn't wait to see her. She let him know that they would be late but were on the way. Sanada gently held her hand.

"How you feeling baby? You've had a stressful day."

"I know, I'm sorry about the whole airport mess, I was so not feeling being around that many people. I would have been fine if people hadn't tried to touch me."

"Yeah, I noticed they were mostly foreigners."

"Yeah, but I'm home now. I feel better, I'm just exhausted."

"Are you going to be ok around everyone?"

"I think so, trust me, you'll know if I'm not. I already know everyone is going to freak when they see my eyes, so..."

"Well, you just let me know, and we'll leave."

"Okay. God I can't believe my little brother found me..."

"That is weird, I feel sorry for them. Getting dragged to a country you don't even know then having to fend for yourself."

"Yeah, at least they have their dad. Thanks again for feeding him and taking him to the airport."

Sanada kissed her hand. He could tell she was beyond exhausted. He wondered if she'd be up for going to work for two days. He had no problem with taking the rest of the week off. They reached her dad's around 7:30p.

Walking up to the house her dad was already at the door, anxiously waiting.

{Are you going to be ok with me hugging everyone?}

{Sure babe}

Gideon reached the door and gave her dad a huge hug. He lifted her face to gaze into a striking pair of grey eyes.

"Wow, this is going to take some getting used to kiddo!"

"I know, trust me. Hey dad I need to talk to you for a minute."

Sanada walked up to them and gave her dad a hug, he kissed his mate and made his way to the others. Her dad led her to his office which was off the living room. Luckily she didn't have to go past any of the others just yet. Once inside his office she shut the door.

"What's going on Gi?"

"I- ...." Gideon showed her dad her phone with the picture of her and her brother.

"Who is this?"

"Trevor, one of my brothers."


Gideon flinched from her dad's yelling, his voice carried through the entire house.

"Calm down, let me explain. Dad, they're just kids. He's only 16!"

"16! I thought they were adults?!"

"So did I! He hacked mom's phone for my number and found me from that. He asked someone about me when he got to my apartment and they let him in."

"So how did that go?"

"You know dad, it went great. He was terrified to death that they would arrest him. He's a good kid. He said mom forced them to come, they didn't even know about me until they got on the plane to fly over here. She treats them the same way she did me, he said she's hardly around and they stay with their dad most of the time."

"I see, poor kids. I don't know why your mom just can't be a 'mom' Gi...she wasn't like that when I first met her."

"I know dad."

"So where is he at now?"

"Well, we sat at my apartment for about an hour talking, then we took him to get something to eat. He hadn't eaten anything since they took his mom and brother away. I got him a plane ticket home and gave him some money so he could get something to eat in the airport and on the way home."

Her dad smiled. He wasn't surprised at all by what she had done. It's just the kind of person she was.

"I can't believe he found you Gi."

"Me either."

"So I take it you haven't gotten moved in yet with Toru?"

"No, Trevor kind of changed the plans on that, but it's okay. He's safe and on his way home. Plus I got to meet another brother I didn't even know I had."

"I can imagine. Let's go kiddo, everyone is dying to see you!"


The two walked to the living room where the rest of the family was gathered. They were all laughing and chatting. Kenji was the first to see Gideon enter.


He was at her in seconds and had her wrapped in a hug. Sanada was still protective of her and walked over to her, gently trying to break the hug.

"All right Nakamura, that's enough."

Kenji held Gideon's face in his hands and noticed her eyes.

"What the fuck happened to your eyes!!" Kenji suddenly hit Sanada in the arm. "What did you do to my Gigi-chan you beast!!" Sanada had to laugh at the Alpha because he was acting like a mother hen.

"Oh my baby, come here!" Kenji wrapped her in a tight hug again, his arms going around her head this time, smothering her face into his chest.

"I can't breathe, dork ass!!" 

Sanada was no help as he was too busy laughing along with everyone else.  Kenji let her go. Gideon instinctively sought safety behind her mate, just like an Omega. Then it hit Kenji.


Gideon was beyond embarrassed and hid her face against her Mate's shoulder as she plastered herself against his back. Sanada knew she was embarrassed and tried to help between the bouts of laughter.

"Kenji you're embarrassing my Mate! Knock it off!" Sanada's laughing negated all seriousness in his voice. Gideon punched Sanada on the arm and quickly walked over to the couch and hid her face in a pillow. Now it was her older brother's turn to embarrass her.

"Awww come on Gi...Let's see those beautiful eyes Sanada gave you!"

By now Sanada had walked over to her. Wrapping his arm around her waist she hid her face behind his shoulder again. Sabe was in the kitchen finishing up the meal but could hear the commotion. Jun stepped in to save her.

"All right guys, that's enough. Yes, Gideon's eyes have changed. We'll all have to get used to it."

{Thanks dad}

{You're welcome, but this is all pretty hilarious!}


Sanada rubbed her back until the laughter died down. Just then Sabe came in from the kitchen.

"Who's hungry? Let's eat!" Sabe saw Gideon hiding behind her Alpha.


As everyone made their way to the table, she released her hold on her Mate and got up to eat. They didn't eat when they took Trevor out as they knew a delicious meal was on the way. Walking into the dinning room Gideon gave her uncle Sabe a hug.

"Oh, someone's mated! I see Sanada gave you a set of beautiful grey eyes."

"Oh good grief!" Gideon stomped off to get a seat.

Finally at the dinner table, Gideon wasn't hiding anymore.

"Let's see those eyes Gi!" Tomo and Sanichi were dying to see them. She looked at them and scrunched her face. They both wolf whistled her.

"Oh knock it off, jerks!" Gideon lowered her head as Sanada fixed her a plate.

"So Gideon, how was the trip home?" Uncle Sabe was curious as to how she had handled such a public place after mating.

The Omega wrapped her arms around herself, whimpered loudly and hid her face behind Sanada again. He just chuckled at her. She was being super sensitive to everything. Sanada knew she wasn't going to say anything so he answered for her.

"It was a shit show!"


Everyone was surprised and wanted details, especially the current mother hen, Kenji.

"Man...All the damn foreigners kept trying to touch her or look at her. Let's see, she yelled at some couple before we even got to the security checkpoint so we ended up going to a private line. Then I took her to get something to eat and she growled at another couple, luckily a wolf security guard was there and made them leave the line. We get to the actual gate and thankfully the agent noticed what she was and let us board before the others and a woman got pissed and grabbed her shoulder. I thought she was going to rip her face off. She growled and snapped at the woman who then screamed bloody murder. Me and the agent got onto her. She was fine once I got her on the plane."

"Holy Shit! People aren't usually like that."

"I know, it all stressed her out."

Gideon finally recovered from her embarrassment and sat back up. Now all she wanted was to get to her new home and lay with her Mate. Everyone sat and chatted for a few hours after dinner. Gideon ended up linking Sanada to let him know she was ready to go home as the others were still involved in a lively conversation.

As the new couple departed, she gave hugs to everyone who had to spend time looking into her eyes. Kenji let her know that he couldn't wait to talk to her one on one. She had to tell him that after Friday, she would be gone for another week as she got used to her new home. He told her he understood and to keep in touch. Her dad was glad that she was able to connect with her younger brother and that the meeting went well.

After another round of hugs the couple were finally in the car and she was on her way to her new home.

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