52 - Recovery #2

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Gideon woke up an hour later. Sanada was asleep as she moved out of his arms. He felt shaking, thinking something was wrong he sat up quickly. The Omega was staring at him as she sat next to him.

"Hmm...What's wrong babe?"

"Will you get my grey bag? It's on the couch."


Returning with the bag he set it next to her. She went to reach for it but winced in pain.

"Stop, Stop...what do you need out of it babe?"

"There's a tin of medicine in the side pocket."

Reaching into the bag he found it and opened it, there was a sweet smelling blue ointment in it. She smiled at him.

"What's this for?"

She was slowly trying to take off the bathrobe, she was still naked underneath it. Once she had it opened, she laid down on her side. Sanada could see that she was still in some pain.

"I need you to put that on the wounds, it will help with the scars. They should be healed by tomorrow."



Gideon laid there as Sanada carefully applied the ointment to the wounds on her neck and thighs. He helped her get the robe back on and set up for a bit. She looked around the room, she seemed a little out of it.

"You okay Gi?"

"Yeah, what day is it?"


"Tuesday? I've been out since Saturday?"

"Yeah babe."

"Okay...Make sure you eat. I need you to stay strong so you can help me heal."

"Don't worry, get some more rest babe."

Gideon laid down, slowly moving to find a comfortable position. Sanada gave Jun a call to let him know she was doing better.

"Toru, you're calling so soon is something wrong?"

"No, no. I'm just letting you know she is doing much better after the bath. She had some soup and sat up for a little bit. She's resting again."

"I see, that's a relief. Thank goodness she is doing better. I was going to suggest taking her to the hospital if she hadn't improved. Do you need anything? I can have Ms. Fujimoto drop something off for you."

"No, I think we're ok. She pretty much had things in place for me."

"Good, Toru she may need more than just this week off."

"Yeah, I will contact work later in the week."

"Good, well take care, duty calls. Let me know if you need something or anything changes."

"I will Jun."

As Sanada laid down and placed his arm over her she opened her eyes. The soft smile from her was comforting. She moved closer to him and nuzzled into his neck, causing him to chuckle.

"Feeling better kitten?"

"Yes. Thank you so much."

"I should be thanking you. When did you get things ready for all of this?"

"Early Friday morning, before I cooked breakfast. I knew I wouldn't be able to do much afterwards."

His hand came up to caress her face, the soft purring that he loved returned.

"So what happens now baby?"

"Mmmn... It will be awhile before my body is ready for intimacy or before I can go into heat again, so things will be limited but not for long. Luckily you'll never go Primal again, at least not with me."

"Good, cause I never want to go there again. Ever."

"You won't, you'll only go that far if there's serious danger."

"Did the Elder teach you that?"

"Yeah, she taught me everything she knows."

"God I'm so glad you're ok, I was so scared when you passed out."

"I'll be fine hon, I just need time to heal and rest."

She placed her hand on his neck, her thumb caressing his jaw and moved in for a tender kiss.

Gideon slept till early Thursday morning. She awoke around 6 am, by now she was wanting to get out of the bed and walk around. Moving slowly so she wouldn't wake her Mate, she slid out of his arms and slowly stood on wobbly legs. After a few seconds, she had her feet under her. First thing she wanted to do was use the restroom and take another hot bath. She carefully walked into the kitchen, using the wall for support, she grabbed another bag of epsom salts and a medicine bundle. After this bath, her external injuries would be pretty much healed. She still had to take things easy, her injuries from the knotting would take longer.

She made it back to the bathroom. Sanada awoke when he heard running water.

"Gideon! Gideon!"

{I'm in the bathroom Toru}

He rushed into the bathroom, half asleep. "Babe, why are you walking around?"

"I need to move for a bit hon."

"Next time, just wake me up and tell me what you need."

She smiled at how attentive and protective he was, she so loved that about him.

"Are you still hurting?"

"Yeah, I'll be ok."

She had the bath ready, Toru helped her in and sat on the edge of the tub. Gideon moved to rest her head on his lap as he scooped water over her shoulder with his hand. She purred as he felt her relax.

"Did you know it would be this bad babe?"

"Yeah, I'm actually doing a lot better than I imagined. I thought you'd put me in the hospital."

"Gideon!" Sanada was upset with not only himself but the situation. Gideon tried to reassure him.

"Stop worrying hon. This is pretty much normal for Primes that are Mates with True Alphas."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, Unless the Alpha truly loves his Mate, he typically won't help her with the aftercare. That's when you see rejection happen and in worse cases, death of the Omega."

"Oh my God, I couldn't imagine not being here for you."

She looked up at him and smiled, seeing the sincerity in his eyes.

"You need to eat something Gi."

"No, I need all my energy for healing, not digesting food. I'll have some more soup later."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, this time maybe only half a container. I have meal shakes in the fridge also."

"Meal shakes? When did you get all of this stuff?"

"Uh...When we were at the grocery store! You were too busy glaring and keeping people away from me. I told you this earlier, silly butt!" She gave a quiet giggle. "What time is it?"

"It's about noon."

"Okay, hey I'm going to need more time off than just a week. The Internal injuries will take some more time to heal."

"Internal injuries? Baby please tell me I didn't hurt you that badly?"

"Toru, my body can handle you as a True Alpha but as a Primal... your fucking huge. Painfully huge."

"God baby I'm so sorry..."

"Hey, you're here taking care of me now. That's all I care about."

He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm done with the bath."

"I'll help you up!"

He went to grab a bath towel then lifted her out of the bath, sitting her on his lap, he drained the tub and threw the medicine bundle in the trash. He wrapped her in the last clean robe and carried her back to bed. She wanted to put on clothes, so he got her a pair of undies and a t-shirt. He helped support her while she dressed and he laid her back into bed.

Gideon rested for a bit while he washed bathrobes and towels. He also fixed him something to eat and her another cup of soup. Returning to the bedroom she was still resting.

"Gi, here's your soup, I brought you a shake also." She slowly set up, thankful for the bath as it was much easier for her to move around.

"Thanks hon."

The two sat and enjoyed their food, Gideon finished all the soup along with the shake and rested her head on his shoulder. He noticed her scent was slightly different, there was less of the Rose smell.

"Gideon, did your scent change?"

"Yeah, because I'm fully Mated now and I no longer have to mask it. The rose smell isn't that strong, it will increase when I'm in heat again, or if I'm just horney and want you." Gideon laughed as his eyes widened at her remark.

"Hey, will you call my dad for me?"

"Sure, he'd love to hear from you."

Sanada grabbed his phone from the side table and dialed Okada's number, he hoped he was free for a bit to talk.

"Toru? Is everything ok?"

"Yes Jun, things are fine. I have someone here that would like to talk to you."

He handed the phone to Gideon.

"Hi dad."

"Oh my Gigi! How are you baby, you had me so worried!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to let you know I'm all right."

"So good to hear from you, is he taking good care of you like the Elder told him too?"

"Yes, he's been awesome. I'm feeling so much better, I need to stay in bed a few more days though."

"Good, Good, let me talk to Toru again. You take care my dear, rest and let him continue to care for you."

"I will dad, love you."

"Love you too kiddo."

She handed the phone back to Sanada and laid back down.


"Ah, Thank you Toru for taking such excellent care of her. You two both rest. Call if anything changes."

Sanada hung up the phone and laid next to her, she was already asleep.

Gideon slept for the rest of the day. Sanada contacted the office after he woke up to inform them that they both would need one more week off, if they needed anything they could call him or email him as he would be working from home during that time.

By Friday she began walking more, Sanada by her side, she was feeling much better. She caught up on emails, which there were a lot of them. She also texted Rei and Kenji letting them know she would be gone for one more week and that things were fine. Sunday, Sanada let her walk around on her own. She made sure laundry was done and even cooked a few meals for them.  

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