53 - Almost 100%

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Monday, Gideon was moving around much better. She no longer needed her Mate with her while she moved about the house. She got up early and showered in the other bathroom so she wouldn't wake him. After a nice hot shower and washing her hair, she dressed and did her hair in a simple braid down the middle. She would let it air dry since there was no place to go. Now she was truly hungry.

Walking to the kitchen she glanced in the bedroom, her Alpha was still asleep. Opening the fridge, she saw that he had eaten all the meals she had made for him. She was glad she had brought items that would last and selected things for breakfast. Filling the house with the delicious aroma of food, her Alpha had awakened and was making his way to her. Soon she had strong arms snaking around her from behind. She inhaled her Mates scent deeply, as she leaned against him.

"Morning hon, hungry?"

"Of course kitten. How do you feel?"

"Much better!"

Sanada couldn't help it and placed tender kisses on both of her mate marks. That caused her to giggle softly.

"I love you Gideon."

"And I love you Toru." She turned around and gave him a brief kiss then went back to cooking. "Have a seat, I'll fix you a cup of coffee."

A kiss to the shoulder and he took a seat at the table. Looking at his Omega move about the kitchen, he noticed that she looked more muscular. Her curves, fuller and her breasts rounder.



"Did your physique change?"

"Yeah, it's part of the reason I was hurting. I'm stronger now. Since I'm fully mated..." Gideon paused. "My body has changed to bear pups. My hips and breasts are fuller."

Sanada wasn't going to go into the topic of pups with her, not now as he knew it was a painful subject for her.

"Well, you look amazing."

"Thanks." She brought him a hot cup of brew and gave him a quick kiss before returning to fix their plates. Scooping food on a plate, Gideon received a link, she instantly giggled to herself. It was little Ha-neul, he wanted to say hi and tell her that he missed her and had gotten a new bear bear. She let him know that she missed him and gave him an imaginary kiss. He giggled then closed the link. He really was a sweet child, so tender and loving. Making it to the table she gave her Alpha his food first.

"Looks good baby."

She smiled and took a seat across from him. "Ha-neul said hi and that he misses us."

"Really? He can still link you?"

"Mmhmm! He is just so stinking adorable. He's going to grow up to be a very handsome Prime."

Sanada choked on his food. "Prime?"

Gideon laughed. "Yes, that cutie is a Prime, but his parents don't know. I'm surprised you didn't realize his dad is a True Alpha."

"Your sense of smell is that good?"

"Yes. Sight, smell, hearing, speed and strength. But it's all to keep me safe. That's why I'm so glad we're fully mated, that whole terrified Omega stuff was stressing me out. Thank you for keeping me safe."

"Of course babe."

The two sat and enjoyed a delicious breakfast, engaging in small talk. After being shut inside for a little over a week, Gideon wanted out, but she didn't want to be around others.


"Yeah babe?"

"Can we go to your mom's park today?" Sanada looked at her and smiled. He too was wanting to get out and get some fresh air.

"Are you going to be okay with all of that walking?"

"Mn! I need a little bit of exercise and it looks so lovely out."

"Okay! Get dressed, we'll head out, but you're staying by my side understand?"

"Of course! I'm still not 100%."

Gideon gave him a kiss, then went to change. She would do the dishes when they returned. She just wore lightweight jogging pants, tshirt and his nike jacket. She didn't need to do anything to her hair. Sanada entered and changed into athletic wear as well. Gideon stopped by the kitchen and grabbed a couple of bottles of gatorade and a few meal shakes for her just in case she needed nourishment or felt herself getting weaker. She placed the drinks in a small insulated bag and that into a backpack. She also grabbed a small bag of snacks.

Sanada was standing by the door waiting for her. Gideon went straight to him and embraced him in a hug. "Thank You Alpha." Sanada nuzzled the side of her head, deeply inhaling her scent.

"Anything for my beautiful Omega." A tender kiss and the two were ready to go. Walking out into the hallway, Gideon wasn't as fearful as she had been, but she still stayed close to her Alpha. Making it to the parking garage, the couple came across one of their neighbors. He was an older Alpha with a kind face.

"Toru! It's good to see you, how have you been?" As the Alpha addressed Sanada he glanced over to Gideon who gave him a kind smile. She held onto his arm a little tighter.

{You okay baby?}


"Mr. Hirata! I'm well, how are you?"

"Good, and who is this beautiful creature?"

"This is my Mate, Gideon Okada." Gideon smiled again and gave a slight bow. But she wasn't going to talk to him.

"Okada...interesting. Well I'm off to a meeting. You two enjoy the beautiful day!"

"You too." Sanada continued towards his car, Gideon's grip loosened a little and she exhaled.

"Man...his scent is strong!"

Sanada chuckled at her as she made a silly face at him. Finally in the car, she was excited to be going outside. Pulling out of the parking garage the sunlight was bright. Causing her to squint and shield her eyes.

"Don't worry babe, I'll stop at a 7-eleven and get some shades."

"Thanks, I didn't realize it was so bright out. My eyes usually aren't this sensitive to light. They'll adjust."

"No problem babe."

Driving for a bit, Gideon enjoyed the view. It was Monday so the traffic was heavy. Even though she loved the city, she missed her dad's home, it was far enough away that it was quieter and he had yard space to relax in.

"Have you always lived in the city Toru?"

"No, when I was younger we lived in a much smaller town."

"Mmm, i bet it was peaceful and quiet. Do you live in a house?"

"Yes. It was a small traditional style house. My grandparents lived even further from town, in a smaller house deep in the woods."

"Wow, that sounds wonderful."

"How about you Gi?"

"I've just lived with my dad and in the city. Every once and awhile we go up to a place in the woods with Sabe and my brothers. They would shift and run around."

"You didn't shift with them?"

"No, I very rarely shift."

Sanada found it weird that she didn't shift that often. He used to do it all the time.

"You know, I still own my old home and my grandparents house."

"Really? That is so...Can we go there?" GIdeon was looking at him again with her puppy dog eyes.

"You really want to see it?"

"Oh Yes! It's part of who you are." Sanada glanced over at her. She truly was something else.

"Okay." He unexpectedly turned the corner and went back to their apartment.

"What are you doing? I thought we were going to the park?"

"We're going someplace better than the park. We're going back to the apartment to pack. We'll be gone for a couple of days. It's about a 3-4 hour drive or we can take the Shinkansen?"

Gideon squealed in delight. This was a chance for her to see the Japanese countryside, something she rarely got to see. "Can we go by car!?"

"Sure babe. Are you going to be okay sitting for that long?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Might have to stop along the way though."

"Perfect. Pack comfortable clothes, the bath robes and extra drinks for the trip. Anything else you need, we can stop on the way there and pick it up."

"Thank you!! I'm so excited!"

Gideon leaned over and kissed him. Luckily it was still early so they should be there early afternoon. Reaching the apartment, Gideon went to the bedroom to pack. Sanada needed to make a few phone calls. Even though he didn't actively live in either home, there were caretakers that kept the homes cleaned and well maintained. He let them both know that he would be spending a few days there and to have things ready for him. Sanada went to join her in the bedroom. She had a small suitcase with 2 sets of clothes for her along with their robes, she turned to ask him what he wanted her to pack for him. He picked out 2 comfortable outfits. He reminded her that anything they needed could be picked up.

Everything packed, Gideon turned into her Alpha's arms. "Thank You Toru!"

"I'm surprised you want to go out there, but glad. I can't wait to show you the houses."

Now they were  set for their impromptu road trip. Making it back to the car, he placed the suitcase in the trunk and they headed out. Traffic was heavy until they made it outside of Tokyo. Gideon quietly sat and enjoyed the ride.

"Tell me about the town we're going to."

Sanada thought she was asleep as she had been so quiet. "Outsiders rarely visit it. There are some local shops and a few restaurants. There are no buses or retail stores. Life is pretty quiet and low key. You my beautiful Omega will attract a lot of attention."

"I'm used to it."

Sanada reached for her hand, finding it without a problem.



"What does your wolf look like?" Gideon turned her head to look at him as he concentrated on driving. Sanada smiled and squeezed her hand, but didn't answer her.

"Brat." Gideon whispered under her breath as he chuckled under his.

After a hour of being in the car, Gideon needed out and to use the restroom. She asked her Mate to stop at the next roadside rest area which he was happy to do. He let her know they would reach one in about 30 minutes.

Turning into the rest area, Gideon sat upright in her seat. She'd never been to this part of Japan before and the scenery was beautiful, even if it was just a rest area.

"It's so beautiful out here!"

"Wait till you see the town."

"It's better than this?" Gideon just couldn't believe it. She knew Japan was a beautiful country but this was just gorgeous. Sanada pulled into a spot as Gideon gathered herself to get out of the car.

"You stay close to me Gi, okay."

"I will, but I need to use the restroom."

"Okay, lets go. We can walk around for a bit, we have a couple more hours of driving ahead of us."


Getting out of the car, Gideon waited for him to reach her and did exactly as he asked. She had a firm but gentle grip on his arm as they walked into the station area. Gideon received her usual stares as Sanada led her to the restrooms.

"I'll wait for you, link me if you need something, okay."

"Okay." Gideon quickly entered. She really wanted to get back to her Alpha. She was glad the restroom wasn't busy. She used the toilet, washed her hands and hurried to the exit. As she exited, a group of young school girls rushed in. Sanada moved towards her quickly and pulled her out of the way. Gideon locked eyes with one of them and smiled.

The young girl squealed. "You're so pretty!" Her english was broken but Gideon understood her.

"Oh! Thank you." Gideon felt it was best to reply to her English. Leaning into her Mate, Gideon kept her voice low as she spoke to him. She talked to him in Japanese, which is how they usually communicated. Even though her Alpha spoke perfect English, she preferred to use Japanese. "Lets go out and walk around, it's getting crowded in here."

The young girls heard her. Their high-pitched voices made Gideon flinch due to her super sensitive hearing.

{I need to get you outta here babe.}

Sanada picked up his pace as he walked towards the exit. Finally outside, Gideon relaxed. Sanada went to a less crowded area.

"Thanks hon."

"Yeah, I don't need a bunch of screaming school girls all over you."

"Me either." They both laughed.

Gideon held onto him as they walked along the outskirts of the rest station. The fresh air is just what she needed. Thinking of their stay she wondered if they would need to buy groceries while they were there.



"Will we need to buy groceries for our stay?"

"No, everything we need will be there."


"Let's get going, I want to get there before it gets dark so I can show you around."

"Sounds good."

Sanada was glad that his Mate was doing so much better and seemed in such good spirits. After mating, he had been so worried about her. Worried that he would lose her. But here she was, right by his side, just as he'd always imagined a Mate being. Now that he had one, he would make sure she was spoiled, loved, cared for and had everything she could need or want. 

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