~ 7 ~

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Entering the same coffee shop as last time brings a familiarity that does not serve to calm my quickly beating heart, and I for a moment wonder if coming here was really a good idea when staring at Namjoon brings its share of fluttering sensations in my stomach.

How absolutely ridiculous is it that I might develop a crush on Hoseok's mate? I am already having a rather hard time getting rid of any warmth the witch makes me feel whenever he stands close, not to forget that Yoongi and I have started... whatever this is supposed to be for now.

I need to get over these feelings and quickly. It's not fair to their coven, to Yoongi. I need to do better.

"Joonie, we're here" Hoseok muses as he reaches the counter first, followed closely by Yoongi and I. The place is just as inviting and cozy as last time, with the smells of food and books slowly filling my lungs. I wonder if I'll ever get to read here one day.

The giant man blinks, then glances at us at his mate's call, and I get to feel my cheeks warm up all over again when he smiles radiantly as his eyes fall on us. He motions for us to be patient for a little minute as he finishes up with the current customer already being served at the counter.

While Hoseok swoons over his handsome mate from the counter he's leaning his hip against, I turn my glance to the food in front of us.

"Are you going to try something different today?" Yoongi asks me as we gaze at the sandwiches, to which I answer with a small exhale, unsure of what I really want this time. I'm not particularly hungry, and eating a sandwich feels a bit much.

"I might go with something light? I don't think I can handle heavy food right now, I'm still digesting last night's dinner and this morning's breakfast" I mumble with pursed lips, and I watch as he nods his head, feeling the same way.

"Yeah, same. I've been eyeing the salads, do you want to share again?".

"Sounds good to me, why don't we take two to get some variety?".

"That's exactly what I was going to offer".

Hoseok openly observes us with a small smile as he stands on the sideline to gaze at the way we interact, and knowing that last night was a fun date for us makes his chest bloom with hundreds of pretty little flowers.

"What about you, Hoseok?" I ask, turning my gaze to him and not noticing the warmth in his creased eyes as anything other than friendship. "Will Namjoon sit with us again or will he be too busy for that today?".

Before answering me, Hoseok cocks his head towards his tall mate to confirm something that they seem to have already talked about when the latter nods at us.

"I was hoping to sit with you, is that alright? Would you rather spend lunchtime with Hoseok alone this time?" the giant asks us with what appears to be a light of vulnerability in his eyes, as if our rejection to his presence would physically hurt him, something I find strange.

"Not at all, Namjoon, feel free to stay with us. It's just that today appears to be busier than last time, that's why I asked" I reassure as he comes closer from the other side of the counter, now done with the previous customer who takes a seat not too far from where we are with their date.

His shoulders relax, as do Hoseok's, another detail that I find strange. What's going on with them today?

"I'll be fine, someone will cover for me. Do you know what you'll have for lunch today?" he brings with ease the conversation towards the reason of our presence here, food, and I hum while pushing my wheels forward so I can have a closer look at all the different salads.

Some are with pasta, others with colourful leaves, or even entirely veggies. They all look delicious, but the amount of choices on top of not being that hungry keeps me from being able to decide what I want.

Yoongi crouches next to me, somehow sensing my discomfort, something that he appears to take to heart nowadays. "Do you want me to choose for you?".

It's like we switched positions from last time, a funny turn of events. Still, I appreciate his offer, so I nod. "Please, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now" I admit, not recognizing how worrying that can be as the three witches share a concerned look.

"Anything we can do to help? Is it the environment? Too much noise?" Hoseok enquires as he makes one step closer to get more information, but I look up at him with a confused expression on my face, why all those questions?

"Hm? Not at all, Hoseok, everything's just fine. Don't worry".

There's a pattern there that Yoongi is starting to put together more and more, starting with the fact that sometimes, I don't seem aware of how I feel at a particular moment despite sometimes saying it very clearly with words myself.

Then there's my calculated avoidance, which he notices more often than not.

Hoseok looks at Yoongi, and I move my gaze from one to the other briefly before staring back at the salads in front of me while Namjoon stands in silence, observant to the sight in front of him, and more specifically to how I'm behaving.

I don't look uncomfortable, but I don't look comfortable either. He's not sure what to make of this.

"Maybe something warm to drink could help" he offers after a few more heartbeats. That has me staring at the list of different drinks in front of me, and the teas catch my attention more than the others.

"Is there one tea in particular that you'd recommend, Namjoon?".

He runs a hand through his messy grey hair before leaning almost half of his muscled body over the counter to have a look at what caught my gaze, and he hums before pointing at one of them despite the list looking upside down for him, either unaware of the blush his proximity brings to life, or he's simply giving me a chance to not humiliate myself by ignoring it.

"There's this one that I personally really like. It's fruity, not too sweet, but not bitter either. I can add sweet milk if you want, but I think it's the best when you leave it as it is".

Well there you have it, this makes choosing much more simple for me. "As it is sounds perfect to me. I'll have that one, please".

He smiles at my answer, and he needs to fight against every single one of his urges when his fingers itch to feel and caress my cheek softly, which he successfully avoids by bringing his gaze back to Yoongi, another soul that he'd love to know better.

"The two of you were looking at the salads a moment ago, will you be sharing again?".

Yoongi scratches the back of his neck, eyes still wandering over the different options before settling with two, which he points at for the shop owner. "Yes, we're not that hungry so these will do. And if I could have a coffee on the side, that'd be nice, please".

Hoseok joins the conversation by pointing at one of the croissant sandwiches, similar to what he took last time, but with a different filling. "And I'll have that one, Joonie. No need to warm it up, though, cold will do".

After writing down our orders on a notepaper for later, Namjoon sends us to the same table we sat at last week with a promise to be with us soon.

Honestly, it feels a little weird to be back here again. I had to tell them about my condition back then, after they saw my magick run out of control. I was slightly worried that their behaviour towards me would change, but there was no pitying from either men and that reassured me.

"How was your weekend, Hoseok? Did you do anything special with your mates?" I ask as we settle around the table, myself where a chair is missing, and the witch smiles softly as he turns his gaze my way.

"We stayed at home, actually. We cooked a few side dishes for the week, then watched movies and played games together. There was a new one that Jungkook really wanted us to play together, a new Mario Party. It was pretty fun".

I make a sound at the mention of the game, I did hear about that once or twice. I myself had a look into the game console a few months ago, but the exorbitant price had me leaving the shop empty handed.

"That sounds like a fun weekend, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself with your coven" I muse, and Hoseok leans over the table, chin resting on his clasped hands as he stares expectantly at Yoongi and I.

"What about you two? Did you do something fun?".

I immediately blush at his pointed question while Yoongi straightens up on his seat, a look of pride flashing across his face as he sees the look on my own.

"We had dinner together at a really good restaurant last night, then went for a movie at the cinema afterward. I think I can speak for the both of us when I say that we had a great time, and that we'd do it again should the opportunity present itself".

Quickly nodding my head to let the man know that I'm on the same wavelength as him, Hoseok smiles widely, more than satisfied with what was said. Jin will be very happy to know that we liked our time at his restaurant.

"Yoongi made me feel like I was royalty, it was a new experience for me, but I liked it" I admit shyly just as Namjoon comes over with our food, and while he missed a good chunk of the conversation, he seems to know exactly what it is that we're talking about when he chuckles.

"The restaurant's dreamy terrace was decorated with that aspect in mind, I'm glad that you had a good time with the space to yourselves. I bet you both looked amazing".

Yoongi and I glance at each other, we hadn't mentioned the terrace, did we? And we didn't say anything about having the space to ourselves either, so how did he know? Now that I think about it, Hoseok didn't look surprised either, he rather looked like he already knew about it.

Seeming to catch on to their mistake, Hoseok's smile falls a little, and he pulls on Namjoon's rolled up sleeve to get him to sit down after he's settled everything on the table for us, with the two salads and our drinks between Yoongi and I.

"Actually, Y/N, Yoongi, there was a reason as to why I invited you here today".

Sensing the new seriousness of his tone, my heart begins a nervous beat while Yoongi doesn't move a muscle, eyes on the two men who observe us with tensed postures that I would've found uncomfortable for them if I wasn't tensed myself.

Namjoon takes Hoseok's hand when the latter begins to tremble slightly, eyes alternating between staring at me and avoiding me whenever our gazes meet, and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take that.

Have I done something wrong? Have I hurt him without knowing, and he needs Namjoon's support to tell me because it would be too hard to do otherwise? He looked just fine earlier, happy as ever, but now... I can't be sure of anything anymore.

My ice crystals softly slide against my fingers to ease my mind, but then dig into my palm to draw patterns that would soothe if it didn't feel like a knife carving wood.

It's painful, more than I can voice aloud, but at least it helps to distract me from the worst of my erratic heartbeat. It feels like a friendship is about to end, and it scares me. I really like Hoseok, but maybe it was just me and I misread everything.

"Gosh, I don't know if there's any right way to say this, so I'll say it bluntly, okay?".

I focus on the cold aching sensation that my magick causes as it spreads over the back of my hand, from the tip of my fingers to my wrist, eyes closing as if that might lower the pain of the rejection to come.

Why did he invite us with one of his beautiful smiles if it was only to put an end to what I thought was a blooming friendship between us?

"I thought the bond would eventually reach out to your magick, that you would one day feel it if I gave you enough time. But it never happened, and then Yoongi arrived, only to not feel the bond either despite the two of you living together. That's when I knew that time wouldn't change anything".

Hoseok takes in a deep breath before finally blurting it out.

"You're our mates, Y/N, Yoongi, the both of you".

My eyes snap open, the shock so big that my magick dissipates from my hand right away to instead loom over my head with the same surprise that I currently feel in my heart, in my head and in my soul. What was that?

"I should've told you sooner, and I'm sorry that I took so long but-"

"Wait, wait a minute, Hoseok" I cut him off, feeling faint in my chair while Yoongi's still as a statue, eyes round from the unexpected revelation. "This- you knew from the very beginning?" I ask him, and Hoseok nods, guilt visible all over his face as he looks down.

"I didn't know what to do, or how to tell you. I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me, we barely knew each other and you couldn't feel our bond after all. So I waited, hoping that you'd eventually open yourself to what we had. But when I met Yoongi, when you said that you were without mates, that's when I realized that it wouldn't be that simple, and that we needed to do something ourselves".

"The restaurant date, the terrace, it was our eldest mate who organized everything" Namjoon continues. "When he saw your names on the list of reservation, he worked hard so that everything would be perfect for your arrival. We thought we owed you at least a good evening while we thought about how to tell you the truth".

"The restaurant's owner... it was him" Yoongi murmurs, suddenly remembering what was said back then. He couldn't be there, but he wished us a lovely evening. He knew, and that's why we were given the special treatment.

Hoseok nods before glancing at me, concern and fear in his pretty eyes. "I'm sorry for never telling you sooner, Y/N, truly. I should've told you the first time I saw you, but instead I kept from you something so important during months".

Unable to find what to say, I keep quiet as I try to make sense of everything.

From the very beginning, Hoseok has always been nice with me, which, as I learned later on, wasn't the norms. He would always help and support me, and his smiles were warm unlike the way he would stare at others.

I often tried to understand why I was given his gentler side, if it was maybe out of pity, or if it was because he saw something in me that he couldn't find in others. Knowing that he had a coven made me wary of any growing feelings towards him, but it was manageable, up to a certain degree.

Then months later, just as everything around me started to settle comfortably and without warning, I find out that I never had to close a door on those feelings to begin with because I was always meant to be by his side.

Yoongi... the only reason why he became my caregiver was because we both knew ourselves to be without mates. We'd done the tests and we'd received the results the next week. That was our undeniable reality.

We'd gone through the pain of coming to terms with the fact that we'd never have a coven of our own, that our home would never be filled with that kind of love and that we might actually have to live our whole life alone.

But we surprisingly found comfort in each other, relief in that it might be possible to find that love in one another instead, without having to feel like we were betraying anyone. I learned to appreciate having him near, even if sometimes he really annoys me to no end.

Then all of a sudden, I learn that he too is my mate, just as he's learning that I am his. So suddenly, we're finding out that fate had planned everything from the very beginning, that it brought us all together for a reason, so that it would lead to this very moment.

When Hoseok took us here last week, to Namjoon, it was because he had hopes that it might help to trigger something in the dormant bond, and since it didn't, they had to come to terms with the fact that they'd have to tell us more directly the next time we'd meet.

Which led to today.

Feeling a headache rising within my skull, I silently pull back from the table to bring some distance between us, needing some space of my own to process everything. I stop next to the farthest bookshelf, then drop my head on my hands.

I'm not mad at Hoseok, not disappointed at anyone. I can understand how it might've been hard to deal with this situation, hard to figure out the best moves when that kind of thing doesn't happen too often.

Silent bonds are not something we hear about, not something we're taught happens, because it includes going into the subject of mental health and society would rather do anything to pretend like that doesn't exist instead of trying to understand.

So why can I not feel the bond? It's been months since Hoseok and I met, and it's not like I'm against having mates, it was something that I in fact wished for, until the test results. If Hoseok feels the bond with Yoongi and I, if Namjoon feels it too, then why can't we?

Someone crouches next to me, and I don't need to open my eyes to know that it's Yoongi, simply because I recognize his perfume, that and the comforting gentleness that always follows around him like an aura.

It must be shocking for him too, to hear the things that we did, but instead of focusing on that, here he is trying to take care of me as he rubs soothing motions onto my arm, his fire magick warming up my skin when he finds some remnants of my ice underneath.

He follows the trails left behind all the way to my fingers, and he softly takes my hand between his to warm it up. He wants to let me know that he understands how I feel, that he's here with me, for me, so he squeezes lightly.

Thankful for him, I squeeze back just as softly, as the warmth of his magick works to soothe even the headache that was forming just a moment ago. I don't know how he does that, how he always takes the aching away so easily, like it's just second nature to him.

Is it the magick, or is it something more? I can't tell anymore. Maybe the bond was always thrumming and alive between us, even if we couldn't feel it.

"Is that better?" he asks after a few seconds of scanning my body for any ice crystals he might have forgotten, and when I nod my head, he exhales his relief and relaxes by my side, though he doesn't let go of my hand yet.

For Yoongi, there's the unmistakable joy of knowing that he wasn't without mates after all that fills his soul. Joy of knowing that I am one of them, and that this growing love can not only remain, but be nurtured for what it is.

But then there's also his anxiety that seems insistent on making him feel like he's broken, because what's wrong with him that kept him from feeling the bond? That made it so he couldn't feel it with me, and not with either of the men he's gotten to know through me?

Or from the very beginning, were there not, underneath it all, the smallest hints of an attraction towards them, the same that he felt towards me? Was there not a pull, one that was simply easier to brush off as nothing instead of digging deeper?

He doesn't understand why that happened, but he wants to find out the cause until he can feel it too. He'll make it so we can both feel it, just as we were always meant to.

"I feel like I was just given a birthday present ten years late, honestly" I finally speak up, his consistent touch helping me to calm down and to accept what was said more easily, it's not like it was anything bad after all, it's rather a joyous thing once the shock fades.

Hoseok is actually my mate, Yoongi is mine too, as is Namjoon, not to forget those from their coven whom I've yet to meet. There's something comforting about this knowledge, because it can finally explain the feelings, the pull, the longing.

Yoongi chuckles softly, thumb gentle as it caresses over my hand. He feels more confident in showing his affection now and it's liberating, in a way. He doesn't have to pull back anymore, not if it's with his mates. Is it wrong of him to think like that?

"I feel the same. I grew up all my life hearing that I'd never have mates, and then the tests confirmed the lack of bond and it felt like the universe had... forgotten me. Yet today I hear that it was never true, and that my not feeling the bond doesn't mean it's not there".

I slowly open my eyes to meet his gaze, and his gentle and soft eyes crease slightly as he takes me in. "I'm glad I could experience what it feels like to fall in love with you before learning about the bond between us. I think that, too, is a gift, in its own way".

A warmth spreads in my chest at those words, and I feel the smallest smile pull at my lips.

He's right. That is indeed a beautiful gift we were granted. We got to appreciate the appearance of those warm feelings with a fated the natural way, and that is special and unique in its own right.

"That's a beautiful way of seeing things, Yoongi. Maybe we were lucky, then" I muse back, to which he answers with a gummy smile that melts me right on the spot. That smile should be illegal, but I want to keep seeing it forever.

Looking over my shoulder to find Hoseok and Namjoon silently sat at the table and snuggled close as they wait has me taking in a deep breath, and Yoongi understands what this means without needing to hear me say it when he stands to give me space so I can turn my chair around.

Once at the table, he locks the brakes for me - since there's no need to run away anymore - while I set my gaze on Hoseok who now stares at me with visible concern. It's a good thing that we didn't take any hot food for lunch, because it would've been cold by the time we eat.

I take a sip of the tea, finding that waiting has made it into the perfect temperature for drinking, and I hum softly before smiling at Namjoon. "You were right, the tea is very good".

That has him smiling back, posture easing on his chair. "I'm glad you like it, dear. Shall we eat first before we continue this conversation? You don't have to say anything about what was mentioned right away, I know that it's a lot we just dropped on the two of you today".

"No need to wait, Namjoon. I... It was very sudden, but it's not... bad. It's more of a relief, actually. To know that these feelings can finally be explained, though it's also unnerving to know that I can't feel a bond that would otherwise be very precious to me".

Hoseok heaves a sigh of pure relief at those words, muscles losing of a tension that kept him rigid and uncomfortable. Namjoon pats his thigh before turning back to Yoongi and I.

"Actually, we have a mate who works with doctors specialized in bond anomalies, so he asked them about you. What came out the most was that silent bonds usually occur because of emotional trauma, usually after someone has experienced rejection. In their words, not being able to feel the bond could be explained by seeing it as the soul closing a door as to avoid more painful experiences".

"That makes sense" Yoongi says after frowning at the table for a bit, we have indeed been through rejection in a way that could have caused emotional trauma, no matter its form and size. Both of our families betrayed us, made us feel unloved, and we suffered because of it.

"My parents kicked me out when I was still a teen because of a lie my brother told them about me, and I had to survive on my own from then on" he explains when Hoseok and Namjoon look at him with a puzzled expression that falls into outrage the very next second.

He shrugs lightly. "I don't hate them for it anymore, it's been a long time ago and I have moved on with my own life since, but I guess that could've caused a big enough trauma to block the bond, considering that the theory is right".

When Yoongi turns his gaze to me, the two witches do the same, and I nervously pat a hand over my thigh, fingers dancing on the fabric of my pants while my magick creates a blanket over my shoulders. Cold to the touch, but warm to the heart.

"I told you last time about the day of my accident, but what I didn't tell you was how my parents reacted after learning that I'd never be able to walk ever again. I remember the way my mother looked at me... like I was a doll that had outlived its time, while my father just... left without a word.

"It all happened so fast after that. They bought a house in Seoul, something about how it would be better adapted for my new condition, then shipped me there, and that was the end of it. They never answered my calls, never tried to contact me either, so I eventually gave up on trying".

"That's... terrible" Namjoon murmurs while Hoseok looks heartbroken. I did mention a bit of my relationship with my parents on the night that he drove me home, which is when he also met Yoongi for the first time, but he didn't think it was that bad.

Two cases of rejection, and enough to create emotional trauma. The bond doctors must have been right.

"Is there a way to fix the silent bond?" Yoongi asks next, and Namjoon hums lightly, arms crossed over his built chest as he stares at the table.

"Well, as far as we know, there's only one way available to us, which is why we figured it was time to tell you about the bond. The doctors believe that making you two fall in love with us might fix everything, that and meeting everyone else in our coven".

Oh... I don't know why I expected something more... magickal, but I guess it makes sense.

Namjoon smiles softly when he sees our shoulders droop a little. "I'm sorry that there are no more effective methods out there, but if you could give us a chance, I would love to make use of that opportunity to gain your love. That seems lovely to me".

Feeling myself blush at his statement, I clear my throat while avoiding all of their gazes. "Well... seeing as it was harder to avoid crushing on you than it was to reach that point... I don't think you'll struggle too much".

Namjoon blinks in surprise, only to beam into a proud grin, and Hoseok leans over the table with desperation in his eyes as he stares at me. "What about me? Did you ever... do you think it could be possible to love me? It's been longer since we met and-"

He stops talking when he tentatively opens his senses to my emotions, and my blush gains in intensity, something hard to fight when I suddenly remember the feeling of his body against mine when he'd helped me into the car that night.

My heart had pulsed with strength, and while I'd done my best to ignore it, there are things harder to do than others.

"That won't be a problem" I admit shyly, body burning with the embarrassment of having to speak such words to the same people whom I thought I could never love. They certainly won't find it too hard to make me fall, because I've been standing on the precipice already.

"Oh thank goodness, you- oh you have no idea how happy that makes me. I was so scared that you'd struggle with me since we've worked together for months now, you've known about my coven from the very beginning" he confesses with a hand over his face, as if doing so might help him to get rid of those unwanted fears once and for all.

Namjoon smiles at him, then at Yoongi and I. "It's a relief to know that we can finally move forward with the bond, now that you know. Some of us couldn't sleep all night because we didn't know how today would go, and I was one of them".

Hoseok emits a small chuckle, eyes now glassy with his overwhelming joy, it shows me just how scared he was, and how much he cares.

"If it was up to me, I'd invite you over to meet our coven tonight after work, but that would be moving too fast, right?" he asks softly, only to sigh when Namjoon shoots him a gentle look with a hand over his shoulder.

"Let's give them some time, babe. They just learned that they're each other's mates, I think they deserve to explore their bond before they meet everyone, not to mention that the week just began. Maybe we can invite you over for dinner on Friday instead?".

I look at Yoongi, eyes blinking softly as he smiles blissfully, the shimmer in his eyes so pretty that my mind briefly blanks from awe. Has he gotten more beautiful in the short amount that we've been here or is it just me?

"Friday sounds good" he answers for us, his eyes still on me. "I would indeed like to make use of this week to explore that new reality of ours, if she would accept to do so with me. Being mates changes a lot of things about our current arrangement".

I purse my lips warily at that. "Are you dropping out of the work contract already?".

He chuckles with a deep rasp that makes me flush and pout.

"Of course not, why would I when that contract allows me to stay by your side? I like being your caregiver, the bond won't change that. I only meant to say that I don't want to see you only as my client anymore, the same way that I don't want you to see me only as an employee anymore".

I make a shy o with my lips, then look away with a barely hidden smile that speaks of my joy and relief, only now remembering that Hoseok and Namjoon are staring with interest, both of their chins rested on their hands.

"I love seeing the way you interact with each other" Hoseok finally muses with creased eyes and a heart shaped smile. "It's special, because your bond grew stronger, not because fate decided so, but because you found a common ground that keeps you afloat over the unruly ocean".

Feeling proud, Yoongi pulls his coffee closer to warm it up with his magick, after which he takes a sip. His heart feels so happy today that he could easily believe it's Christmas. He was given the most beautiful present life could offer him after all.

"I think so too. I wasn't sure what would happen while living with her, but I've been loving every minutes of every day. We've had fights, of course, but I think they managed to bring us closer so I don't resent them. It helped me to understand her better, and Y/N to see that I'm on her side, rather than against her".

"I would like to remind that you're still annoying when you set your mind to it, Yoongi" I grumble in the face of his endless positivism. "I know you're on my side but sometimes... you force me to acknowledge things that I prefer to ignore, and that's not cool".

"I said I wanted you to see me as a mate, not that I'm not your caregiver anymore, Y/N. For as long as that contract exists, it's my job to make sure you do everything you're supposed to do. You're not avoiding those exercises, I see you".

Hoseok and Namjoon grin at the sight that we make, and I take a sip of my turned-cold tea with a unhappy frown. "You're not fair" I utter as the cold liquid flows down nicely, and he snorts in amusement, not in the least bothered by my behaviour. He thinks it's cute.

I take another sip of my tea to calm down, there's no need to get angry now. My magick naturally drops an ice cube into the liquid to make it into the perfect iced tea, and its little splash earns me the three men's attention in the span of a second.

I try to pretend like nothing happened, but Yoongi rolls his eyes before shaking his head. "We all heard that" he says, but I tilt my head as innocently as I can manage. How dare he point out my harmless bit of luxury like this?

"Whatever makes you say that, Yoongi? I was just drinking my tea and minding my own business, as you should".

Namjoon covers his mouth with a hand just in time to muffle the snort that leaves him, and Hoseok is not faring any better while Yoongi stares at me, lips parted at the offense directed at him. "Well I ought to melt that ice if you're going to speak to me that way".

I quickly move my cup away from him when he makes a threatening movement towards me, and I swear when my locked chair keeps me from fleeing as he stands with a large, gummy smirk that means danger.

"No, Yoongi. Not my tea, I just had a tiny cube of ice made that's all-" I try to make peace with him before he pounces, but I end up screaming instead when he suddenly decides to punish me with tickles, my cup quickly taken from me by Namjoon when I squirm and twist on my chair in laughter.

"You want to say that again for me? Do I need to mind my own business, now?" he asks teasingly, finding his own amusement in rendering me speechless, tears strolling down my cheeks at this torture that sees no end, he will kill me if he doesn't stop soon!

Namjoon and Hoseok sigh in contentment, then begin eating their food in peace while their two newest mates playfully strengthen their bond before their very eyes. What a special show they're given on this good day.

"Y-Yoongi! You monster, s-stop!".

"But I'm just minding my own business! Whatever are you talking about, Y/N?".

As I now update two stories at the same time every two Fridays, feel free to have a look at Horns, blood and tail if you haven't already!

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