Chapter 13: Savior

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P.O.V. Third

King was currently in the middle of a large tent that was in a small camp just outside of Vale. After what he had done for Iris, she had become more persistent about Adam speaking to King. He had reluctantly agreed to the situation allowing him and one other to attend. King of course brought two just to be safe. The first being Ark and the other being Shadow who was currently hiding inside of King's shadow. 

"So, one of my men tell me that you could be useful to our operation. Tell me, just how can you be useful?" Adam asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King shrugged hearing this and looked at the male.

"Depends on what you want really, however I could offer to eliminate a certain . . . fiery thorn in your side," King said as he looked at the male knowing this would get some kind of reaction.

"So you know about her?" Adam asked as he looked at the male.

"Indeed, as you can suspect by my offer. I'm not exactly a fan of hers either. Of course you of all people should know not to expect something for nothing," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I see, so what is it you would want in return for your help?" Adam asked as he looked at the male in front of her.

"I want help killing my mother," King said not trying to avoid or be subtle about the subject. Adam nodded hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. He seemed to carry himself fairly well but Adam still wanted to see what he was capable of.

"So tell me King, how will 'you' make a difference in this world? How can you prove to me that you have what it takes to stand up against the powers we have fought for years?" Adam asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Well, I am the reason Ironwood is a walking tincan. So that's probably a good start," King said as he looked at the male. He hadn't seen Ironwood since he left him in the hands of Jenson but from what he had heard Ironwood did manage to escape but he had been so badly injured that more than ninety percent of him needed to be replaced.

"So that was your doing huh? We had heard that a huntress died and Ironwood was mangled in Atlas," Adam said with a slight smile. "I'm sure we'll get along nicely. We have a common enemy, and a common goal," Adam said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"You want to kill my mother too?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Of course!" Adam declared, "The world will have no Peace until our Dreams are realized. We will turn the tables on those Feeble Cowards who rely on others to do their work for them. The Tyrants who only see Faunus as a usable tool. Only then, will we have Equality," Adam said as he turned around to continue what he was saying.

"But anyone who gets in our way . . . like your Mother who sent that woman. The False Maiden. I'll be sure to return the favor. I'm the Hero of the Faunus after all. To rise up against any power, I'll make sure to protect those beneath me and destroy those who are clearly above me in power. That's the path of a Leader after all," Adam said as he turned to look at King. "The path, of a hero," Adam said as he looked at the male.

Ark began clapping hearing this and Adam glanced at him. "What's he doing here again?" Adam asked. 

"He likes speeches," King replied as he looked at the male. 

"Don't you think it's a bit ironic that he likes speeches, but he himself can't speak?" Adam asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Never thought of it before," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Adam then shook his head and looked at the male in front of him realizing they had gotten a bit off topic. 

"First thing's first," Adam said as he looked at the male. "What do we do about that disgusting woman," Adam asked as he looked at the male in front of him. It took King less than a minute to think of a suitable plan for her. 

"I'm willing to bet it's only a matter of time before she tries to infiltrate Beacon. So I doubt you'll see her very often from this point. So for now, just say whatever you can to pacify her," King said as he looked at the male causing Adam to look at him both irritated and skeptical. 

"I don't see how this helpful," Adam said as he looked at the male. 

"Cinder's strength is that she's a megalomaniac, she's power-hungry and loves to be in control. So I'm betting on her massive ego to be her downfall. Let her feel like she's in control, let her think everything's going the way she wants. It'll make it that much more fun when we kick her back down to the dirt," King said with a smile as he looked at the male. 

Adam smiled hearing this and nodded. "I like the way you think, for now me and my men are in your service," Adam said as he looked at the male. King nodded hearing this and stood up as he looked at the male. "Then feel free to do whatever you want, when the time comes I'll be sure to call on you," King said as began to walk out of the tent. When he did Ark followed behind him and the two slowly made their way out of the room. 

"You know Ark, I found another silver eyed warrior at Beacon," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ark turned to look at him a bit surprised hearing this. 

"I know, I was just as surprised as you. I don't think she knows what makes her eyes so special yet. However I am more than curious to see if we can get her on our side," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ark nodded hearing this and King began to look at the sky thinking about what the young female was doing at the moment. However unknown to the male, the young female known as Ruby was currently walking down the halls with her team.

The four had just walked into the cafeteria that Beacon had, and while Ruby was traveling with all of her team at the moment she was of course talking to her sister. "No, seriously! You should have seen him! He was so cool! He was wearing his coat like a cape and everything!" Ruby said excitedly as she looked at the blonde in front of her. "And then-" Ruby began as she looked at Yang only for her to cut her off. 

"I know, he swept you off your feet and carried you to the infirmary to help heal you," Yang said as she looked at her younger sister. While she was more than happy that her sister had come back unharmed from her mission, Yang had to admit she was getting a bit annoyed by how much Ruby kept talking about what had happened, more specifically how much she kept talking about King. 

"You know Ruby, it almost sounds like you have a crush on him," Yang said as she looked at the female beside her. When she said this Ruby's face broke out into a blush and she looked away a bit embarrassed, making her feelings for the male very clear. "Oh my gosh," Yang said as she looked at the female. "You have to tell him!" Yang said as she looked at the male. 

"No," Ruby said as she pouted looking at her older sibling. 

"What do you mean no? Ruby you're adorable, just tell him how you feel," Yang said as she looked at the female in front of her. 

"I can't!" Ruby said as she looked at the female in front of her. 

"Why not, it's easy and there's no chase of you two getting together if you're nor willing to take action," Yang said as the two sat down beside the rest of her team as well as team JNPR. 

"Is something wrong?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at the two. 

"Yeah Ruby, you're face is really red. You're not sick are you," Jaune asked as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"No, we were just talking about her new crush," Yang said as she looked at the figures in front of her causing the others to look at her and Ruby to place her head against the table trying to hide herself. 

"You like someone?" Weiss asked as she looked at her partner. This genuinely surprised the female as she didn't take Ruby for the type of person to form a crush on someone. Let alone be very good at hiding it, then again she had been talking about a certain male nonstop for a while causing Weiss to mentally scald herself for not picking up on this fact sooner. 

"So who is it?" Jaune asked as she looked at the female in front of him. 

"It's King," Yang said with a smirk as she looked at her sister who seemed to shrink even further into her seat. 

"You mean one of the new exchange students," Pyrrha asked as she looked at the female in front of her only receiving a slight nod from Ruby with a slightly troubled groan. "I-I'm sorry," Pyrrha said as she looked at the female not meaning to upset her. 

"It's okay she's just embarrassed," Yang said with a smile as she looked down at the female in front of her. After a few minutes Ruby eventually sat up and began to eat however her face was still incredibly red. "So do you see him anywhere?" Yang asked as she looked at her sister. 

"No," Ruby said quickly as she took a bite of what she was eating. 

"Aw come on, you didn't even look," Yang said as she looked at the male in front of her. Ruby sighed hearing this and began to look around the room. She wasn't sure why she was trying to find him, especially since Yang would most likely just end up embarrassing her. "Oh is that him?" Yang asked as she pointed to a male she hadn't seen before. 

"No . . . King's a lot more handsome than him," Ruby said as she looked at the male. As they continued their search King had just grabbed his tray of food and began looking around for a place to sit. However as he did he saw a male picking on a girl with rabbit ears. King would have disregarded this action if it hadn't been for his next comment. 

"Wow, what a freak," Cardin said laughing as he pulled on her ears some more. 

"Ow, p-please stop," Velvet said as she looked at the male in front of her. This seemed to irritate King, mainly because it reminded him of his time on the island and how others would call him name's like freak, and pick on him like he was her. King held out his tray and Ark took it sending a smirk towards Shadow causing her some mild irritation. Without warning King grabbed the back of the male's head and slammed it into the table completely breaking the table and sending the male through it. 

"Next time you want to pick on a girl, you better make sure I don't see it," King said as he turned to walk away and grabbed his tray. However his slight outburst had draw some attention. 

"That's him," Ruby said with a lovestruck voice as she looked at the male in front of her. Yang smiled slightly seeing this, she has seen people make a worse first impression than him. At least he wasn't afraid to stand up for what he had believed in. 

"That's King?" Weiss asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Yeah, isn't he dreamy," Ruby said with a sigh as she looked at the male in front of her. Yang smiled seeing this and stood up to wave at the four. "Hey cutie over here!" Yang said gaining the four's attention. They stared at her for a moment before King leaned over to the male beside him. 

"I think she's talking about you Ark, better go over and tell her you're not interested," King said as he looked at the male causing Ark to give him the same dumbfound look he had given Javelin. However the difference being that Ark couldn't tell if King had forgotten that he couldn't talk, if it was just a minor slipup, or if King was intentionally mocking him. 

"No, she means you of course master," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Me?" King asked confused. "That can't be right," King said dismissively. Seeing their slight argument Yang once again decided to intervene. 

"All of you, just come over here," Yang said as she looked at the four hearing this King shrugged and began to walk towards them. As they did Yang smiled and looked at the figures in front of her. "Hey can you guys move over?" Yang asked in a hushed voice. 

"Why?" Jaune asked clearly confused. 

"So Ruby can sit across from King . . . plus you'll be closer to Weiss," Yang said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Hey!" Weiss said clearly opposed to the idea. However they did agree and moved down. "Hey we saved two of you a seat," Yang said as she looked at the four in front of her. "King why don't you come down here, you've already met my sister," Yang said with a smiled as she looked at the male. King not seeing anything wrong with the offer walked towards him with Shadow and Ark following behind him. 

However seeing only one seat left Shadow pushed Ark back so that she could sit beside King and smiled as she looked at the two in front of her. She was in a rather good mood considering she had just managed to get rid of Ark. Yang smiled as she waited however it seemed like Ruby was to embarrassed to say anything so Yang elbowed her. "Ow, what was that for?" Ruby asked as she looked at her sister. 

Yang then leaned over and smiled. "Flirt with him," Yang said quickly and quietly as she looked at her sister. 

"Wh-what? No!" Ruby said clearly opposed to the idea. Shadow was a bit confused about what they were talking about. Then again she didn't care as long as she got to sit beside King. As the two argued for a slight moment King watched a bit intrigued about what could be so important that they were arguing in front of others. However after some time they separated and Yang smiled as she looked at Ruby and King waiting to see what happened. 

Ruby stayed quiet for nearly an entire minute before she took a deep breath and blushed deeply as she looked up at King a bit intimidated. "H-hey, King," Ruby said gaining the male's attention. "If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cutecumber," Ruby said as she looked at the male. 

"Uh . . . thanks," King said as he looked at the female clearly unsure of how to respond. However her slight comment earned her a very strong and deadly glare from Shadow. While she wasn't ready to attack yet, she was gripping the edge of the table incredibly tightly. She then leaned over to King grabbing ahold of his arm. 

"Well King-" Shadow began as she looked at the male only switching from his title to his name because she thought it was only fair. If Ruby got to address him so casually then why didn't she. "I'd like to point out that 'beautiful' has 'U' in it, but 'quickie' has 'U' and 'I' together," Shadow said as she continued to glare at the female still clinging to his arm. 

Ruby felt her heart sink hearing this and looked at the male. "I-I'm s-sorry, I-I d-didn't r-realize-" Ruby began her voice a bit shaky as she tried to hold back her tears. 

"We're not," King said as he reached up to poke Shadow's forehead and push her away. Not that he minded her action, he had gotten used to it over the years. However at the moment he was trying to eat and that tended to be difficult with her clinging to him.

"O-oh, that's good," Ruby said relieved. "I-I mean, that's surprising," Ruby said trying to correct her mistake. Yang then leaned over and whispered in her ear. However this time it was much longer than before and Ruby nodded as she looked up at the male. 

"Hey King, were you in the boy scouts?" Ruby asked however before he could answer Ruby continued with what she was saying. "Because you've tied my heart in a knot," Ruby said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"King are my undies showing?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male. 

"No," King said without bothering to look. 

"Would you like them too?" Shadow asked making it very clear that Ruby had some competition when it came to winning King's affection.

"You don't need car keys to drive me crazy," Ruby said as she looked at the male. 

"You're turning me into a vacuum cleaner because I want to suck every part of you," Shadow said as she looked at the male. 

"You're so hot, not even a firefighter could put you out," Ruby said as she looked at King. As the two continued the others began to stare at them. Ark then slowly began to hold up a small sign with the words "Well, this turned into an awkward situation" written on it. Before he once again lowered the sign. As he did King listened to the two continued to flirt with him drawing similarities in them. 

Shadow was being very upfront and forward about what she wanted, in a more than obvious manner. While Ruby seemed to keep hers rather confined as if she was a bit afraid to cross the line that Shadow had, which King admittedly thought was rather cute. Shadow being incredibly lewd and Ruby being incredibly innocent. The two were almost polar opposite of each other. Shadow then looked at the female. 

"Hey Ruby are you a smoke detector because-" Shadow began only for King to raise his hand covering her mouth. 

"I know where that's going, and that's incredibly rude and uncalled for Shadow," King said as he lowered his hand and Shadow looked down. Ruby did the same also seeming to be a bit ashamed of what she had done. However she was a bit happy that he hadn't rejected any of her advances. 

After nearly a minute had passed Yang finally leaned over and once again whispered into Ruby's ear. However as she did Ruby's face turned a deep red almost matching her hood. "I-I can't do something like that," Ruby said as she looked at her. Yang then turned around wrapping her arm around ruby and bringing her down into a mumble conversation, and while Yang was quiet  Ruby however was able to be heard.

"No . . . I-I can't . . . that's so, embarrassing . . . he might hate me because of it! . . . Well yeah but . . . . . . .okay fine," Ruby said as Yang stood up and turned around to look at the two. 

"Sorry about that," Yang said as she looked at the two in front of her. Ruby's face was still incredibly red as she sat quietly for several minutes. However King soon discovered why as he felt something gently pressing against his crotch and looked down to see Ruby's foot between his legs. King stared for a moment a bit confused before looking up at her to see her giving him a nervous and apologetic smile. Thinking this had been the blonde's idea King shrugged and let Ruby continue. At least she took her boots off so she didn't accidentally hurt him.

However it didn't take Shadow long to notice either and she reached for Ruby's foot her hand transforming into a Beowolf's as she glared at the female. She was ready to break her ankle for daring to flirt with her master however King stopped her hand before she could reach her. "We're not supposed to cause trouble remember, just humor her," King voice rang inside Shadow's head. She gritted her teeth hearing this and after a few moments slowly pulled away from her. 

After roughly a minute had passed Ruby took notice that King wasn't rejecting her advances and her actions became a lot more purposeful rubbing against him just hard enough to stimulate his member. Her efforts soon began to show as she felt him slowly start to become a bit firmer. However before she could feel just how much of King was still hidden the bell rang signaling the end of lunch and King stood up. 

Ruby panicked seeing this and quickly put on her boot and began to follow the male. "W-wait!" Ruby said as she looked at the male. When he stopped King turned to look at her with a slight smile. 

"Is something wrong Ruby?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"N-no, or yes, I-I mean. . . th-that wasn't my idea. None of it! I-It's just my sister-" Ruby began as she looked at the male in front of her. King chuckled slightly seeing her embarrassed reaction. 

"I know," King said as he looked at the female in front of her. "I mean, your sister was whispering to you the entire time. I'd have to be a complete idiot to not have seen what was going on," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"So you're not mad?" Ruby asked as she looked at the male clearly excited by the news as she looked at the male in front of her. King shook his head hearing this and Ruby smiled. "That's great!" Ruby said letting her excitement show. "So, if it's okay with you I was sort of hoping you could walk me to my next class?" Ruby asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

King nodded hearing this and smiled as he began to walk down the halls with her. While Ruby liked King, she wasn't nearly as bold as her sister wanted her to be. In truth she was just happy that he had remembered who she was let alone let her flirt with him and do something as extreme as what she did under the table. Even now just walking to class with King was more than enough to satisfy her. 

When they arrived King smiled and looked at the female. "Here we are," King said with a smile as he looked at the female. Ruby nodded with a smile and walked into the class as she waved at the male. 

"Bye" Ruby chimed as she waved at the male as she walked into the class. King smiled seeing this and began to walk down the halls. He was waiting for combat class again so that he could once again leave and attend to some business. As he did However Shadow appeared beside him and began to walk rather close to him. 

"Master," Shadow said as he looked at King, he sighed hearing her voice and stopped as he looked at her. 

"I know you must be pretty upset so-" King began only for Shadow to shake her head. 

"Not at all, I knew it was only a matter of time before someone else noticed how great you were. I'm just a bit surprised it took someone this long to show interest," Shadow said as she looked at the male with a smile. King nodded hearing this and smiled slightly. 

"Even so, I'd like to explain myself," King said as he looked at her. Shadow nodded hearing this and waited patiently for her master's explanation. "I need her," King began and as soon as he said this Shadow opened her mouth and King placed a finger to her lips to keep her from speaking. However in a slightly unexpected gesture Shadow took his finger into her mouth and began to suck and lick it rather suggestively. 

King stared at her for a moment as she did before shaking his head. "As I was saying I need her because she has silver eyes," King said as he looked at her. Shadow took King's finger out of her mouth for a second to speak however as she did King lowered his hand much to her distress. 

"Why can't we just use Ark?" Shadow said as she looked at the male. 

"Because Ark doesn't know how to use his silver eyes. Don't get me wrong neither does she, but I think she might have an easier time tapping into them then him," King said as he looked at Shadow. 

"Why?" Shadow asked a bit curious. 

"I think the curse from Ark's sword is preventing him from using his eyes to their full potential," King said as he looked at Shadow. When he said this Shadow thought about what he said and nodded. If that was the case then Shadow could certainly understand why King was keeping her around. While she was certain her master was more than capable of defeating his mother having a silver eyed warrior with them would certainly make things easier. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and for those of you that are still curious I am still currently accepting OC's into this story. So if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King meets someone (Suggest who you want)
2. King and Ruby study session
3. King goes out for ice cream
4. King fights Cinder
5. Ark and Shadow fight
6. Ozpin talks to King
7. Ruby asks King out
8. King talks about the upcoming dance
9. King has Roman get new recruits
10. Other (suggest what you want)

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