Chapter 12: Crush

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P.O.V. Ruby

I hummed to myself happily as I walked down a small path I had found in the Emerald Forest. I had been given an assignment by Professor Peach, she wanted all the team leaders to go and collect some berries that happened to grow nearby. I wasn't sure why she only wanted the leaders to do it, but I guess it doesn't matter. As long as I get it I think that's all the matters, plus the sooner I get it the sooner I go back to my dorm and start reading my comics.

However, as I was walking I heard some branches cracking and turned to not see anything. However despite the fact that I didn't see anyone I could tell someone was watching me. "Is someone there?" I asked as I reached for my crescent rose. As I did I heard some low growling. "Jaune?" I asked as I looked around hoping that it might have just been some attempt to scare me. However, this turned out not to be the case as two large Beringel with wings ran towards me.

I gasped in surprise seeing this and began shooting at them. My bullets didn't seem to have any effect on them as they shrugged them off fairly easily. One went to punch me and I jumped up landing on its fist and jumping back as it tried to punch me. This sent me into the air and I once again began shooting at them this time aiming for their head. This seemed to be a bit more effective but didn't seem to be doing any major damage.

They both flapped their wings and began flying towards me. I turned and shot to the side so that their attack would miss and transformed my crescent rose into its scythe form. I once again shot it hoping to cut the Beringel's head off and while I was able to hit its neck it seemed like this wasn't enough to sever it. I felt the Beringel grab my crescent rose and throw me and it against one of the trees.

I then heard some footsteps approaching me and turned to see a slightly older male with pale yellow eyes, and long brown hair tied back into a pony-tail and braid to resemble a scorpions tail. I smiled seeing this thinking he was one of the professors that I hadn't met yet, however it seemed as if this wasn't the case as he began attacking me. I tried to block his attacks but he was to fast leaving behind small cuts that I had to use my aura to heal.

I then felt a large and sharp pain in my side and felt myself being thrown through the air. I looked back to see that one of the Beringels had hit me and I once again gasped as I felt myself be sent through a tree, and sliding across the ground before hitting another tree and coming to a stop. I looked up and once again saw the male from before running towards me. I grabbed my crescent rose and jumped up to avoid his attack before firing a shot to sending myself away from the male.

When I landed I looked at him seeing his twitch in an almost unnatural manner. The Beringels then landed behind him and he smiled as he looked at me in a slightly twisted manner. "Who are you?" I asked as I looked at the male. The Beringels seemed ready to attack me hearing this however he raised a hand and they stopped.

"I am just a humble servant of our lovely goddess," The male said as he placed his hands together bowing slightly. I was more than confused hearing this and tried to ignore his rather creepy answer.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Why?" He asked as he looked at before chuckling however this chuckle quickly escalated into a burst of insane laughter as he looked at me. Without answering me he glared at me and began to dash forward once again attacking me. This time the Beringel seemed to stay in the same place however like before he was just to fast eventually turning tripping me with his tail and kicking me in the stomach sending me into a tree.

I once again got up and looked at the male that was still chuckling. "I'm doing this because you have the potential to be a thorn in our queen's side," Tyrian said as he looked at me. I was a bit concerned hearing this and shot my crescent rose to send me towards him. I was hoping to catch him off guard however it seemed like this didn't work as he ducked under my attack and grabbed one of my legs twisting it to leave behind two large and deep cuts on it.

He once again laughing insanely as he pulled on my leg violently to send me into a different direction. When he did I heard a loud crack and felt a sharp pain in my leg. Thanks to my training with dad and uncle Qrow I knew almost immediately that he had broken my ankle. He once again threw me into a tree and I tried to get up however the pain in my ankle was just too much to handle and I couldn't manage to get up.

Seeing this his smile widened and he once again began twitching a bit as he started to walk towards me, with the Beringel following behind him. "I'll admit it was fun while it lasted, little thorn," The male said as he continued walking towards me. I began to panic seeing the male walk towards me with a sinister smile. I can't believe this, is this really how it ends? Yang, Weiss, Blake, someone, please save me!

P.O.V. Third

King sighed as he continued to walk down the path that he had found. He like many others had been sent into the Emerald forest. As he was walking he heard a slightly pained scream, King sighed hearing this and began walking towards the sound. As he did he saw something that shocked him. Two familiar figures as well as two Beringels, the first while it had been awhile King of course recognized.

With his stinger and choice of weapons, it was hard to mistake him for someone else, Tyrian. The second figure, however, King was a bit more surprised to see, a female with black hair that slowly turned red towards the tips with silver eyes. King could hardly believe what he was seeing. Had he really failed to kill Summer all those years ago?

Not that it mattered, he had only tried to kill her because his mother had told him to. At least now he could try to apologize to her, then again that may be rather difficult given the circumstances in which they met. King shook his head to clear his mind of these thoughts and jumped into the air above the creatures of grimm. Then a few moments later he used his semblance to send himself to the ground.

As he did he readied his weapon slicing one of the Beringel's heads off. As soon as he did both Tyrian and the Beringel turned to look at him. As soon as they did King jumped and began spinning to confuse his opponents before cutting off the second Beringels head as well. When he did Tyrian gritted his teeth seeing the male in front of him. Out of all the people that could have shown up to save her, it had to be him.

While Tyrian was more than irritated to see this, Ruby smiled more than happy that someone had come to save her. "What are you doing here?" Tyrian asked still gritting his teeth.

"I could ask you the same," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Tyrian gritted his teeth seeing this and readied himself. Seeing this King pressed a small button on his scythe causing the bottom to extend slightly. When it did King grabbed it and pulled out a small dagger. King then swung the dagger in Tyrian's direction sending a large gust of wing towards him. The wind was extremely powerful as it sent Tyrian back slightly and some frost began to form around his arms. King then dashed towards the male with his scythe in hand.

Tyrian raised his hand planning to block his attack with his wrist blades however it seemed like he underestimated how powerful King was as while he did hit King's blade with his King's scythe completely crushed his weapon piercing his forearm and traveling up to his neck the tip of his blade entering his neck causing it to start pouring blood as well. Tyrian's aura flashed when he did and King pulled his blade back splitting Tyrian's forearm and hand in half.

Tyrian let out a cry of pain feeling this and jumped back with blood pouring from his forearm. "This . . . this isn't over!" Tyrian said as he looked at the male in front of him holding his forearm before he turned and began to run away. King could have chase after him, however, he thought it would anger his mother if she knew that he had been the one to not only defeat Tyrian but save the girl she was trying to kill as well.

King then turned to the female and remembering the small promise he had made to Ozpin turned to Ruby and smiled. "Are you okay?" King asked as he walked towards her offering a hand as he walked over to her.

"Y-yeah," Ruby said as she took the male's hand and slowly got up off the ground. However, she quickly lost her balance due to hurting her leg during the fight and fell on top of the male. King caught her when she did and Ruby looked at him her face now a rosy pink. "S-sorry," Ruby said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"It's fine," King said as he looked at her after all, Shadow usually got much closer than this so this didn't really bother him. "Here," King said as he leaned down so that his back was towards the female. "Get on, and I'll carry you to the medical wing," King said as he looked back at the female.

"A-Are you sure?" Ruby asked as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Yeah, come one," King said waiting for her to get on. Ruby felt her face heat up, even more, seeing this and walked over to the male and began to crawl onto his back leaning against him. When she did King stood up and began to walk Ruby feeling slightly embarrassed by what he was doing.

"I-I'm really sorry about this," Ruby said as she looked down at the male.

"Don't be, you're not that heavy, in fact, you're as light as air," King said using his semblance to reduce Ruby's weight drastically making it much easier to carry her. Ruby however only felt her face heat up more as she looked at the male. First, he had saved her, and now he was complimenting her? Ruby didn't know how to handle a situation like this.

"I-I'm Ruby by the way," Ruby said as she looked down at the male. King's eyes widened hearing this more than surprised. This wasn't Summer? Which meant he hadn't failed to kill her ten years ago. So then maybe this was her daughter?

"I'm King," The male said introducing himself as he continued down the path and eventually Beacon came into sight.

"So you're one of the new students right?" Ruby asked as she looked down at the male.

"Yeah, we just transferred," King said as he continued towards the building. Ruby smiled hearing this and began to rest her head on the male's back relaxing as she felt the male's muscles under her.

"Well, I'm glad you came," Ruby said with a slight smile. King smiled slightly hearing this and continued walking down the halls until he eventually reached the medical section of Beacon carrying to one of the rooms. When he did King gently placed her on a seat and looked down the halls.

"It seems like all the doctors are busy with other injuries," King said as he turned to look at the female.

"That's okay," Ruby said with a slight smile. "I can wait, I don't mind," Ruby said as she looked at the male. King nodded hearing this and was about to leave however stopped himself as he once again looked at Ruby. Knowing he had most likely killed her mother King couldn't bring himself to leave, deciding to help her instead. After all, it could be a weird way to make up for what he did.

"No," King said as he walked over to one of the shelves with medical supplies. "I'll take care of it," King said as he looked at the medical supplies. There wasn't much that King could use but he felt like it was enough to heal Ruby. King picked up what he thought he would need and walked over to the female kneeling down in front of her and placing the supplies on the ground. "Which leg is it?" King asked as he looked up at the female.

"I-It's, the left," Ruby said as she looked down at the male. King nodded hearing this and reached for her legs as he began to take off her combat boot. Ruby once again blushed as the male help her, however, her blush only grew as King reach up under her skirt to start removing her stocking. She wasn't sure if King was helping at this point or if he was just trying to take advantage of her.

However, her doubt was soon washed away as King looked at her slightly red leg and began to gently touch it. "How does this feel?" King asked as he looked up at the female in front of him.

"I-It kind of stings," Ruby said as she looked down at the male. "Are you sure about this? I-I don't want you to get in trouble with professor Peach because you were helping me," Ruby said as she looked down at the male.

"I can deal with it, I'd rather help someone and receive a lecture than not help and feel bad for the rest of the day," King said as he looked at her leg, Ruby nodded hearing and King reached to the back of her leg and once again began gently touching it.

"How about this?" King asked as he looked at the female in of him.

"Th-that hurts too," Ruby said as she looked down at the male still completely embarrassed by what he was doing.

"Worse or less?" King asked as he looked at the female.

"A little less," Ruby said as she looked at the male beneath her. King nodded hearing this and began to gently press against the back of her leg and he felt around. Ruby once again felt her face heat up, because to her it seemed like all he was doing was massaging her leg. However, in reality, King was using his semblance to see what kind of damage was done beneath the skin. Several of her blood veins were broken so he knew it was only a matter of time before it formed a bruise.

He could also tell that her nerves were a bit sensitive at the moment causing a large amount of pain, so King was rather impressed she was able to stay as calm as she was. Her aura also seemed to be a bit low probably from the fight she had just been through with Tyrian. While King knew he was nothing compared to him, for even most skilled huntsmen he could present a challenge. After King thought he had located all the problems he began fixing them.

He deadened her nerve receptors so that she wasn't in as much pain, then used his semblance to cause her blood to circulate normally so that she wouldn't bruise and it would help her heal a bit faster, and lastly began to pour some of his aura into her. He was part grimm so he didn't have much to give however his regenerated rather fast so he was sure he'd be fine. "That feels good," Ruby said as she looked down at the male.

King nodded slightly hearing this and reached for a small cotton ball as well as some sanitation dust and began to gently rub it over her cuts. He saw Ruby twitch slightly as he did and looked at her. "Are you all right?" King asked a bit concerned that he had done something wrong.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ruby said as she looked down at the male. King nodded hearing this and reached to the side for some healing dust and began to gently rub it into her wounds as he did. After he did he reached to the side for the bandages and began to gently wrap her leg being sure to not make the wrapping too tight.

"I think that should be it," King said as he looked up at the female in front of him. Ruby still blushing nodded hearing this and King reached over to hand her, her stocking. When he did Ruby began to look at the male as he stood up and made his way to the door.

"I'll see you around," King said with a wave as he walked out of the room. As he did Ruby watched him leave and smiled slightly as she did. She smiled to herself slightly as she watched him slowly fade from sight having one final thought before she put on her combat boot.

'He's . . . so cool!' Ruby thought to herself as she began to lace up her boot and make her way out of the room. She went to try and find the male however it seemed as if he had suddenly disappeared from sight. As Ruby began walking down the halls hoping to once again find the male that had saved her King was already across Vale and in front of the building he knew Roman was staying in. He had already left the Emerald forest and dropped his jar so he didn't see the point in trying to complete the assignment.

When he walked into the room he saw roman talking to a short male with long black hair and gray eyes. "Maverick," King said as he walked up to the two in front of him. "Were you able to find anything?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. Maverick nodded hearing this and turned to look at him.

"Yes, like I was telling Roman we were able to find that girl you wanted. She was staying a local inn, as it turns out she just wanted to be away from the White Fang for a while, as well as prove to her sister that she could take care of herself," Maverick said as he looked at the male in front of him. King nodded hearing this and walked up to him.

"Good, now I've got another assignment for you," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. "In the Emerald forest I fought Tyrian, the blood from out battle should still be there, I want you to find it and follow it. If we can find out how he travels or if my mother has any secret passageways through the cities then we can make sure that those are destroyed. It's also a good chance to see who else is working with her from the shadows," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

Maverick nodded hearing this and was about to walk away before stopping and turning to look at the male. "Before I go, do you want me to finish him off?" Maverick asked as he looked at the male in front of him and King shook his head.

"No, I want him left alive, just trailing him from the shadows should be enough to find out what we need," King said as he looked at the male. Maverick nodded hearing this and walked out of the building once again ready to complete his mission. At this rate, he'd have enough lien to live a life of luxury in no time.

After he had walked out of the building King turned to look at Roman. "If that's the case then I'm sure Iris will be more than relieved to hear that her little sister is all right," King said as he looked at the male in front him. Roman nodded hearing this and King turned around ready to once again leave the building.

"You're leaving already?" Roman asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King nodded hearing this and turned to look at him as he opened the door.

"I only came to see if you had found Zora yet. I hadn't planned on meeting Maverick but it was still a nice surprise, since everything worked out in the end," King said as he looked at the male. Roman nodded hearing this and before the male could leave once again went to ask him a question.

"If that's the case then what do you want me and Neo to do?" Roman asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"As long as you two don't cause to much trouble then you can do whatever you want. Rob a few banks, steal some shipments from the S.D.C. as long as it won't be on the news the next day then feel free to do whatever you want," King said as he walked out of the door. Roman smiled hearing this and nodded as he watched King walk out of the building. When he did King once again used his semblance to teleport back to Beacon. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and for those of you that are curious I am still currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. I also wanted to explain the last vote, while I was making this the lemon and saving Ruby votes were tied for first place I didn't want it to turn out like last time where I had to wait forever for the tie to be broken and then complete most of the next chapter only for the votes to become tied again later. So I decided to count the votes differently depending on who they voted for the lemon. Meaning that saving Ruby won by one vote. Now I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the next chapter is about to begin. 

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King meets someone (Suggest who you want)
2. King and Ruby study session
3. King goes out for ice cream
4. King fights Cinder
5. Ark and Shadow fight
6. King gets the White Fang to work for him
7. Ruby asks King out
8. King talks about the upcoming dance
9. King has Roman get new recruits
10. Other (suggest what you want)

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