Chapter 11: Beacon

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P.O.V. Third

Ozpin sighed as he looked at the paper in front of him. It had been almost ten years since King and his group had disappeared. Ozpin and many other had just assumed that he had died, they weren't sure who or what would be powerful enough to defeat someone as powerful as him but it never hurt to be optimistic. However he had received something that changed his mind in a matter of seconds.

One of the many applications he had received this year had been from a male that seemed to fit King's exact description. White hair, bright vivid purple eyes, incredibly pale skin, the picture that had been submitted even seemed to resemble him to some extent. So of course Ozpin was taking a few precautions when it came to letting him into the school. He had invited the male into Beacon so that he could speak to him personally, with several members of the staff on stand by just in case things got out of hand.

He closed his eyes as he continued to wait for the male to arrive. However it seemed as if he didn't need to wait that long as a knocking on the door could be heard shortly after. "Come in," Ozpin said as he looked at the door in front of him. As soon as he said this the door opened and King walked into the room. It seemed like his ten years of hiding had been rather kind to him.

While nothing about him had changed to any drastic extent he had grown several feet standing nearly 191 centimeters tall with a rather deceptive build that made him look frail and fragile until someone got close enough to see otherwise. However a subtle difference that many wouldn't notice is that his eyes seemed brighter than before, almost as if they were now radiating power.

"Take a seat," Ozpin said still trying to act formal as he looked at the male in front of him. King without saying a word sat in the seat across from him. The two stayed quiet for several minutes before either of them spoke and as it turned out the first to do so would be Ozpin. "So may I ask what you're doing here?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"You told me you wanted to speak with me," King said as he looked at the male in front of him clearly playing coy.

"I meant why you're here in Vale," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Why wouldn't I be? I've lived here for almost ten years now," King said as he looked at the male in front of him causing Ozpin to tense up. He had been in Vale for ten years? Was he really not that observant? That someone who should have been considered a high-level threat had managed to stay in Vale undetected for nearly ten years. Ozpin then sighed and looked at the male in front of him, leaning forward slightly.

"How do I know you're really King?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King smiled slightly hearing this, it seems like even Ozpin believed those rumors that were circulating around him.

"I can assure you," King said as he raised his hand causing it to become covered in grimm-armor. "I'm the genuine article, not some cheap imitation," King said as his armor disappeared and he lowered his hand. Ozpin tensed up seeing this and looked at him, if he was someone who was just pretended to be King then he had to admit whatever he did to do the grimm armor trick must have taken a lot of practice and preparation to do without leaving any sign behind that he was using outside sources to do so.

However Ozpin found the first option that this was indeed King to be far more likely. "So, I hope you don't mind if I ask why you're here at Beacon. You can't really expect me to believe that you just happened to have a sudden change of heart can you?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. After all he had made that mistake once before, he wasn't going to make it again.

"No you're right, I'm still just as evil as that day in Atlas. However I wanted to join Beacon for a very particular reason, and I think this might be the only school that has all the necessary equipment for me to do so," King said as he looked at the elder male in front of him.

"And that would be?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Isn't it obvious?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. "I want to kill my mother," King said with a sinister smile as he looked at the elderly male in front of him. Ozpin seemed a bit surprised hearing this and looked at the male in front of him.

"Do you really believe you can do that? I don't think I need to tell you just how great of a taste that is," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Of course not," King said as he looked at him. "Then again I've already done something that most would consider impossible," King said as two wings made of a white fiery energy appeared behind him and a ring of the same color taking place above his head. "I learn how to use magic in roughly five minutes. I'm sure if I had enough time, and resources I could figure out how to get around my mothers immortality," King said with a smile.

Ozpin tensed up hearing this and thought about it. If he couldn't get rid of her then what other choice did he have. He knew how dangerous King was, but at the same time this may be the only chance he got to get rid of Salem. Ozpin thought about the idea for several minutes before he eventually sighed. Would keeping something like this away from Ironwood, and Lionheart be worth it? After all if it turned out that he was being honest with what he was saying was true then they'd now have an incredibly powerful ally on their side.

However if he was lying to them again just like all those years ago it would undoubtedly throw his leadership into question. Ozpin closed his eyes and began to genuinely think the matter over. After several minutes had passed Ozpin let out a sigh and looked at the male in front of him. "If I do decide to let you in, I'll need your word on a few things," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I won't steal, vandalize Beacon properly, I won't purposely cause trouble, and I shall try not to kill others," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Try?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"At my core I'm still part grimm, so of course if some hum irritates me I'm going to end their life. However as I said I shall try and suppress this instinct. For me not killing someone is difficult, I guess for you it would be the equivalent of not closing your eyes when you sneeze, or not scratching an small itch. Fighting off all those subtle innate desires, and instincts. That's what not killing is like for me, so you'll have to forgive me if I slip up," King said as he looked at the male.

Ozpin tensed up hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. Every part of him told him not to do this, that it would undoubtedly be a bad idea in the end, and what he had just said didn't help his case. Ever part of Ozpin told him not to trust the male that it would just end badly for someone. However against his better judgement Ozpin sighed and looked at the male.

"Then let me be the first to welcome you to Beacon Academy," Ozpin said as he looked at the male causing King to smile slightly.

"Now then we'll need to think of something so that your sudden appearance later in the school year doesn't seem that suspicious," Ozpin said as he looked at the male and King raised his hand.

"I've already thought of that," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. "I just happen to have a few others with me that could also pass for students. All we need to do is say that we're a transfer team from one of the other academies. We'll be assuming the alias of team KAJS," King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

Ozpin nodded hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. "You really have put a lot of thought into this haven't you," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Indeed, I know it may not seem like it, but if there's one thing I'm serious about, it's destroying everything my mother has worked so hard to attain," King said as a slight smile began to form on his face. "As far as I'm concerned nothing could be more satisfying than seeing my mother being forced to watch as everything she's worked so hard for has been brought to an end and dragged through the mud," King said with a smile as he thought about how his mother had abandoned him so many years ago.

Ozpin was admitted a bit uncomfortable hearing how excited King seemed to be with the idea of destroying everything that his mother had worked for. "I see, well in that case I'm forced to ask another question," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. "What will you do after you kill her?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

King shrugged hearing this. "I don't know, I haven't really thought about it yet. I'm doing this to save the world, as far as I'm concerned humanity can perish for all I care. However conquering the world isn't appealing to me either. Having to listen to everyone's problems, and rapidly deal with rebellions that would rapidly be trying to overthrow me. Why would I possibly want something like that?" King said as he looked at the male in front of him.

Ozpin nodded hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. What he was saying seemed to be the truth, after all Ozpin couldn't think of a single reason he would lie, or at least not given what he had just said. "I see," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. "In that case, please gather your friends while I begin working on some documents. I'd like to get all of you settled in before the night is over if at all possible," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him.

King nodded hearing this and stood up. "Then I shall try to gather them as soon as possible and be back before the night is over," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ozpin nodded hearing this and reached into a draw and pulled out a few papers. Seeing this King turned and began to walk out of the building.

It didn't take him long before he was once again walking down the streets of Vale. There weren't that many people out since Vale tended to be fairly inactive during the night which King thought was both rather odd and a bit comforting. He found it odd because a city as large as Vale should have been active even if it was just during the night. However he found it comforting for the simple reason that he hated humans, and it was nice to walk down the streets without others gazing at him.

As he was walking home a few men and women stepped out of the alleyway with a few different weapons clearly trying to cut him off. "Don't move," One of the male's said as he looked at King.

"Yeah, just hand over all your lien and dust and we'll just go our separate ways," One of the female's said as she looked at him. King sighed hearing this and continued to walk towards them.

"It'll never cease to amaze me how much people seem to think committing a crime under the cover of night will change it's outcome," King said as he continued towards the figures in front of him. As soon as he said this one of the figures dashed towards him and without warning King swiped his head completely destroying it and causing the male to fall over with blood still spewing from his neck.

"The rest of you are free to try as well but I doubt the result will be any different," King said as he walked by them the figures now being understandably afraid of what might happen if they tried to attack him. As King continued down the streets he eventually came to the building that he and the others had been staying in recently. As soon as he did he was immediately greeted at the door by a familiar figure.

"Welcome back master, how did it go?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her. When she asked this King noticed the several other figures in the room staring at him as well.

"Indeed, please tell us how it went. We aren't going to have to relocate because someone said some unsavory things now are we?" Roman asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"No," King said as he walked over to a small chair and began sitting down with Shadow placing her head in his lap. King began to petting her when she did much to her delight. As he did Shadow sent a slight glare towards Ark and stuck out her tongue out at him. A well known fact amongst King and those that worked with him was that over the years Ark and Shadow had formed a small rivalry over the years.

Not over who was stronger or anything of that nature. After all they both knew who was stronger, their rivalry was over something much different. They would constantly get into arguments about who King's number one was. They had both proven themselves to be more than capable of handling themselves, however King had never made it clear who he valued more between the two.

"I don't think he trusts me yet, not that I can blame him of course. However I do believe that he knows that at the moment all I really want is to kill my mother," King said as he looked at the several figures in front of him.

"So what's our next move?" Javelin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King turned to look at Roman hearing this.

"I assume you're still keep an eye out for Cinder and her underlings," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. This earned him a nod from the male.

"Yes, and so far it's the same as before, there are a few appearances here and there but so far nothing to be concerned with. However I have noticed that they've been spotted around Shade Academy. So they may be planning something there," Roman said as he looked at the male in front of him. King nodded hearing this and looked up at the ceiling for a moment.

King then heard a knock on the door and stood up walking over to it. When he did he saw a female with long silver curly hair, bright red eyes, and two silver wolf ears on her head. She was also wearing a large hooded cloak to hide most of her features to anyone nearby. "Ah, Iris, I was beginning to wonder when we'd see you again," King said as he looked at the female in front of him.

He then stepped to the side and the female stepped into the room clearly uneasy about being around so many humans. King then walked back to his chair and looked at her. "Can we get you anything? We just went shopping yesterday and Shadow managed to find some ribs that seem to be in prime condition. Or perhaps you'd like some tea?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him.

"If it's all the same to you I'd rather get this over with as soon as possible," Iris said as she looked at the male in front of her. King nodded hearing this and watched as she slowly took a seat across from him.

"I understand your eagerness to leave, I've heard Adam has been . . . less than patient ever since a certain member left his ranks," King said as he looked at the female. Iris nodded hearing this knowing who he was referring to and sighed. "So tell me, how is the negotiation going?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him.

"He's still refusing to help, however last week he did make the suggestion that we help you just so we can lure you into a trap and kill you later," Iris said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"Seeing as how you told me that so freely, I'm guessing you didn't like that idea?" King offered as he looked at the male in front of him. Iris shook her head hearing this and sighed.

"No, I'd rather not have all my friends in the White Fang slaughtered because our leader underestimated who we were dealing with," Iris said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"A reasonable thought," King said as he looked at the female.

"Anyway, I guess all I really came to tell you was that at the moment things are unchanged. However . . ." Iris began as she looked at the male in front of her causing King to look at her. The two were quiet for several minutes before either spoke. "I was hoping to make a personal request," Iris said as she looked at the male in front of her. King seemed a bit surprised hearing this and waited patiently for her to speak.

"My . . . little sister has gone missing. I was hoping you could help me search for her," Iris asked as she looked down. At the moment she wasn't even sure why she was asking this. If even half of the stuff she had heard about King was true there's no way he was going to consider helping her. Especially when she was taking so long to accomplish what he wanted done.

"Of course," King said as he looked at Iris causing her to look up at him surprised. "I can understand the importance of family. However apart from that I've already asked a rather dangerous request of you as well. So I believe it's only fair that I return the favor wouldn't you agree? So I'll see what I can do, just be sure you don't forget to uphold your end of the bargain," King said as he looked at the female.

Iris smiled clearly excited hearing this and nodded as she stood up. "Don't worry! I'll be sure to talk to Adam about it again today!" Iris said now in a much better mood as she stood up and began to make her way towards the door in front of her. King smiled hearing this and followed behind her.

"I thank you for your hard work," King said as he looked at the female with a smile. As soon as he said this the female smiled and began to make her way down the streets. Once she faded from sighed King sighed and shut the door. "Roman," King began and before he could say anything the male responded seeming to know what he was about to say.

"Search for the girl?" Roman asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King nodded hearing this and turned to look at the other figures in the room. "So from what I've gathered we won't be able to see the two of you for quiet a wile. Neo be sure to watch after Roman, he won't have me to save him this time. Of course I'm sure that with you by his side he'll be fine," King said as he looked at the female earning a confident smirk from the female.

"And on the off chance that the two of you do end up in some trouble, then just do as we discussed and I'll be sure to try and help you escape," King said as he looked at the two. When he said this the two nodded and began to walk out of the room. When they did King turned to look at the remaining three figures in the room.

"Shadow, Ark, Javelin come on the headmaster wants to see us. Most likely so that he can tell us what we are and aren't aloud to do," King said as he looked at the two in front of him. When he said this the two stood up and began to make their way down the streets. As he did King looked to the sky and smiled. It was hard to believe that after ten years of waiting he was finally this close to getting rid of his mother.

The idea of making her pay for everything that she had done to him excited him. He couldn't wait to see her eyes that were usually so cold and focused wide with agony, pain, and despair.

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and for those of you that are curious team KAJS is pronounce as cages. I also hope you all enjoyed the new OC introduced in this chapter Iris who is owned by June_The_Chuunibyou also I am still currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the chapter is about to begin.

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King meets someone (Suggest who you want)
2. King saves someone (Suggest who you want)
3. King goes out for ice cream
4. King fights Cinder
5. Ark and Shadow fight
6. King gets the White Fang to work for him
7. Lemon
8. King talks about the upcoming dance
9. King has Roman get new recruits
10. Other (suggest what you want)

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