Chapter 10: Reunion

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P.O.V. Third

King and Shadow at the moment were walking down a small path that lead to Vale. They had been walking towards it for a few days and they had finally arrived. King sighed once they entered the city. As King walked down the streets he looked around at the several buildings that littered the city. Nothing really seemed to stand out to King, this was the kingdom that his mother had been so fixated on? 

He couldn't see why, there wasn't really anything special about it, or if there was then he couldn't tell what it was. The only reason that came to mind about why she would hate Vale and think it was important to destroy it first was just the fact that Ozpin lived in this city. Atlas seemed more suited for what he would consider important to destroy. 

After all it was the most technologically advanced and they had the most soldiers that were ready to fight. While King hadn't been in Vale for very long he hadn't seen a single soldier yet. However he did know how much his mother hated Ozpin so he knew that she wouldn't come to Vale to look for him, unless she absolutely had to. 

As King walked down the streets he looked around trying to find anything of interest, however nothing seemed to catch his attention as he continued down the streets. As he looked around he noticed that Shadow seemed a bit nervous for some reason, probably because she wasn't used to being around so many people. 

"I think we should find somewhere to stay for the night," King said as he began to look around, mainly because he wanted to try and calm Shadow down. 

"I-I think that would be best master," Shadow said as she looked around at the several people that surrounded her. It wouldn't have bothered her as much if she didn't notice that almost everyone was carrying a weapon of some type, and with her previous experiences that usually didn't end well for her. 

King looked around trying to find a hotel or an inn of some type, however as he did Shadow turned and began to look in a different direction. "Master, I sense a familiar aura signature nearby . . . actually I sense two familiar aura signatures," Shadow said as she looked down the street.

"Really?" King asked as he turned to look at Shadow, when he did the female nodded. "Where are they?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him. Shadow began to look in the direction that they were in. 

"They're in that direction," Shadow said as she pointed down an alleyway. But they're also kind of far away, I don't think they know we're here. They seem to be just sort of wondering around," Shadow noted as she pointed down in the direction from before. King nodded hearing this and looked at her.

"Do you know who they are?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him. Shadow shook her head a bit ashamed hearing this. 

"No, I never paid attention to the others while we were at the palace. The only one I cared about was you master," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. King nodded hearing this and continued to walk down the streets with her. 

"Well, please keep an eye on them. If they start getting close then let me know," King said as he looked at the female above him. Shadow nodded and began to monitor them intently, she didn't want to risk disappointing King. As they continued Shadow noticed that while they were getting closer it wasn't anything to worry about. 

King then came to a stop in front of an Inn that he had managed to find and walked into it with Shadow following closely behind the male. "Room for two please," King said as he looked at the male. Hearing this the male looked at the child and the female that was seemed to be accompanying him. 

"Aren't you a bit young for stuff like this?" The male asked as he looked at the child in front of him. King a bit irritated by not being taking seriously looked up at the male. 

"You know, I killed the last inn keeper I met," King said as he glared at the male, however hearing this the male chuckled and looked at him. 

"Sure you did kid," The male said with a smile, however his smile quickly faded as he noticed King's hands become covered in some type of armor before lunging at him. Shadow watched with a smile as King jumped over the counter and began to strangle the male that he had been talking to just seconds ago.

"Master, you're so strong. I bet you could strangle anyone you needed to," Shadow said a bit lovestruck as she watched King rip out his throat. After he was done all the camera's seemed to malfunction before exploding and King reached up to the honeymoon room's key. Once he grabbed it he looked at Shadow. 

"Are you ready?" King asked as he looked at the female and she nodded. King and Shadow then began to walk down the halls together. "It was fairly late and this inn was on the edge of the kingdom so he didn't think would be visiting so it should have been safe to leave his body there until someone discovered it," King and Shadow walked down the streets together. 

Once they had arrive in the room Shadow looked at King. She had noticed that he had been rather quiet today. "What's wrong master?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male. 

"It's . . . complicated," King said as he walked over to the couch. Shadow seemed a bit distressed hearing this and walked over to the male. 

"Is there anything I can do to help? A shower, dinner, tea? . . . Fellatio?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her. King chuckled with a slight smile hearing her last suggestion and shook his head. 

"No, that's not necessary," King said as he looked at the female. Shadow smiled seeing that she had made King smile and walked beside him sitting down and placing her head on his lap. 

"What's wrong master?" Shadow asked as she looked at him. King sighed hearing this and looked at the female. 

"This day, it . . . it's rather annoying for me to think about," King said as he looked at the female that was using his lap as a pillow. 

"Why?" Shadow asked as she turned to look at the male above her. King bit his lip hearing this he debated about weather or not he should tell her about what was bothering him. However decided to go through with it when he realized that he had already told her what he considered his greatest weakness. King took a deep breathe and sighed. 

"The reason this day is so annoying for me is because . . . today is my birthday," King said as he looked at the female beneath him. 

"What?!" Shadow asked as she jolted up. "Why didn't you tell me! I could have done something to celebrate. I could have gotten you cake and ice cream and-" Shadow began as she looked at King only to stop when she noticed King's expression. "Unless there's a reason you didn't want to celebrate," Shadow asked as she looked at the male. 

King sighed hearing this and nodded as he looked at Shadow. "Before my mother came to get me I would spend my birthday at that island. Now I think I'd kill anyone who such much as glanced at me but back then I was to scared to do anything. I hated living there, and my birthday was always the worst," King began as he placed his head on his chin clearly not happy about the thought. 

"Most people, go out and celebrate on their birthday, and even most of the people that stayed in still celebrated to some extent. But me . . . my birthday was spent running from most of the angry civilians. Once they caught me, it seemed like they'd do just about anything to hurt me," King said as he looked away remembering what had happened. 

He was starting to have regretted killing all them as quickly as he did because now that he had thought about it if he had his choice he would kill them as slowly as possible. "They'd cut me, stab me, shoot me, burn me, wrap me in barbed wire, and each year seemed to be worse than the last," King said as he continued to look at the wall. 

Shadow looked at her master a bit disturbed hearing this and walked over to him and hugged him pulling his head into her bust. "It's okay master, even if someone did somehow manage to beat you. I'd gladly give my life to make sure that you were okay," Shadow said as she continued to hold the female in another obvious attempt to seduce him. 

As she did King found himself starting to relax slightly and he smelled something that he thought was both strange but at the same time oddly inviting as well as slightly intoxicating. It didn't take King long to figure out what was going on, it was just like he said King had started his heat cycle and was now drawn to Shadow's scent since she was still part grimm. However at the moment he didn't care he just wanted to keep her close. 

"Master," Shadow said as she noticed something tensing up slightly. 

"Yes?" King asked his eyes still closed, enjoying the scent that Shadow was unintentionally giving off. 

"They're here master," Shadow said a bit on edge as she continued to hold King. It took him a few moments to process what she had said before he finally forced himself to separate from her. 

"How close are they?" King asked a bit dazed as he looked at the female. 

"They're coming this way," Shadow said as she looked at the male. King nodded hearing this and went to the door preparing himself as did Shadow transforming into a beowolf as she did. King waited for anything hearing the footsteps approach his room. King's hair glowed for a moment using his magic to create a scythe with the blade alone being more than twice his size and readied himself. 

After almost a minute had passed King and Shadow heard knocking on the door and King opened it swinging at whoever was on the other side. When he did he saw that it wasn't who he was expecting and instead saw Ark and Javelin on the other side of the door. Ark happened to be closer to King's scythe and as such King planned on killed him first. Ark reacting on instinct drew his sword and brought the blade straight up stopping King's scythe. 

However before he had the chance to do anything else King kicked Ark in the gut rather hard sending him back. This would have decapitated Ark if it hadn't been for his college grabbing his head and falling to the ground. "Wait, wait, wait!" Javelin said holding up a hand as he looked at the two in front of them. "We're on your side," Javelin said as he looked at the two. 

King continued to glare at him with Shadow growling at him behind King. "No, it's the truth! Tell them Ark!" Javelin said as he turned to his partner. Ark turned to look at the male seeming both disappointed and irritated by the fact that Javelin seemed to have forgotten that Ark was mute. "Oh . . . right," Javelin said as he looked at the male beside him. 

King then slammed the blade of his scythe between them. "Explain," King said as he glared down at the two of them. "Well after Ark heard that they had left you behind and that you weren't coming back. We came up with an idea," Javelin said as Ark held up a small pad correcting his story. "It was MY idea" was written on the pad. 

"You decided to rebel?" King asked a bit skeptically. 

"Yeah, Ark wrote down this huge speech about how you were the successor of Salem, and how you're the heir to the new world. It took me almost five minutes to read, so I don't remember everything," Javelin said as she looked up at King. When he did King continued to stare down at the two before sighing as his scythe disappeared. 

"Alright, come in," King said as he turned around and Shadow transformed back into her human form still glaring at the two. King then walked over to a couch and looked at the two in front of him. "So why should I believe you?" King asked as he looked at the two in front of him. 

"Well we have some information on Neo and Roman, as well as Cinder's two underlings. Ark said that would could probably convince Roman and Neo to join us, and he also though disposing of Cinder's playthings would upset her," Javelin said as he looked at the two in front of him. King nodded hearing this and turned to look at Ark. 

"Why would we need Roman, and Neo? I'll admit they're both fairly good at finding things out but so are others. Why risk them turning on us?" King asked as he looked at the mute in front of him. When he said this Ark grabbed his pad and looked like he was about write something but stopped clearly showing that he was having to think about his answer. After a few seconds of hesitation Ark began writing on the sheet of paper. 

"Because he likes Neo," Shadow said bringing the male's explanation to an end before it could even start. Ark tensed up and ending up breaking the tip to the pencil he had been using as his face broke out into a blush. If Ark could speak then he definitely would have yelled at Shadow trying to defend himself. However his extremely red face would have made it fairly obvious that he was lying. 

"I see," King said as he looked the male in front of him. Ark looked at the male a bit nervous his face still stained red as he once again began to write several things down on his pad. "It's fine," King said raising his hand. "I personally couldn't care less about your crush. Just make sure it doesn't interfere with my plans and you two can fuck each others brains out for all I care," King said as he looked at Ark making him admittedly nervous. 

"So do you two know where they are?" King asked as he looked at the two in front of him causing Ark to nod and Javelin to answer him quickly. "Alright then let's go," King said as he stood up. 

"Wait, you mean now?" Javelin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Yes now," King said as he looked at the two in front of him waiting for him to lead him to where Roman and Neo were. He knew how powerful of allies they could be, after all Roman had connections to almost every gang, and criminal origination in Remnant. Then there was Neo who despite looking completely innocent and fairly harmless was more than dangerous enough to kill several training guards at once. 

"Okay," Javelin said as he stood up and looked at the male. "Mind if I ask why?" Javelin asked as he looked at the male. While Ark couldn't make his opinion known to the male he also found it a bit strange that King was so eager to leave. 

"If we stay here I may end up doing it with Shadow," King said as he walked out of the room when he said this Shadow seemed shocked and more than just a bit distressed. 

"W-wait, what? Master that's not fair!" Shadow said as she followed after the male clearly upset by the information she had just heard. Ark smirked slightly hearing this, that would teach her to give away his secret crush to everybody. 

"Come on," King said getting a bit irritated that the two weren't following him. When he said this the two walked out of the room and King stared at them. "Lead the way to wherever Roman and Neo are," King said as he looked at the two in front of him. When he said this the two began to walk down the streets together. 

As they continued walking down the streets King began to look around taking note of the city that they were in. Ark and Javelin then jumped onto a nearby building and King and Shadow began to follow after them. The four began jumping from building to building stopping in front of a building that seemed to have a few White Fang guard patrolling the building.

However they did try to disguise this fact but having them not wear masks and having their weapons concealed and the routes that the guards seemed to follow seemed to be random suggesting that they were merely making them up as they walked. "They're in there, but I don't know if you'll be able to get in," Javelin said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

King nodded hearing this and stared at the building for several moments almost as if her were trying to think of something. "You two go back to the building we left . . . and before either of you get any ideas the big bed belongs to me and Shadow," King said as he looked at the two in front of him. 

The two nodded hearing this and turned beginning to make their way back to the building that they had just left. "Shadow," King began and before he could finish Shadow nodded and began to sink into the ground perfectly in sync with her master's wishes. King smiled hearing this and walked to the edge of the building looking and waiting for his opportunity. 

After a few hours had passed King saw the small opening he was looking for, and without hesitation took the chance he was given and leaped onto the building. When he did he began to look for any vents into the building and sighed seeing that there weren't any, or if there were they may have lead to somewhere else in the city. King once again walked to the edge of the building trying to remain out of sight from the several guards that surrounded it. 

However unlike last time this time King eventually got bored of waiting and not waiting for a chance decided to be a bit reckless jumping off the building with his body curving in the air and sending him through one of the windows. King used his semblance to both mask the sound of the glass breaking, and fix it as he walked into the room that way he wouldn't alert the guards more than he already had. 

King looked around and saw that he was in someone's room however it seemed as if he had been slightly lucky in the window he had picked as the female that claimed this room appeared to be showering at the moment. "I know she may be attractive but please don't look at her," Shadow pleaded as she looked up at her master hoping she would listen to her. 

King nodded hearing this and made his way to the door. He then took a breath and began to use his semblance. This was one of the more strenuous tasks as it meant that he would have to actively use his semblance if he wanted to remain undetected. However after a few minutes King's imagine began to distort as light began bending around him and he turned completely invisible. 

King then opened the door and walked out. A nearby guard seemed confused by this however King ignored the figure and began to make his way down the halls. When he was certain he was out of earshot he looked to the side of the hall to see a thin shadow following him from the small corner where the wall met the floor. "Where are they?" King asked as he looked at her. Without receiving an answer Shadow began slithering in front of him a small bit clearly trying to lead him to the location they were at. 

After several minutes of walking and exploring Shadow eventually stopped in front of a door and waited for King to materialize so that she could once again join his shadow. King nodded seeing this and slowly opened the door causing both Roman and Neo to look at the door. However unlike the guard from earlier they were both on guard seeing this and once the door had shut King sighed and showed himself as Shadow once again joined him. 

Roman tensed up seeing this and while Neo didn't make any moves she was ready to attack the male at any point. "So . . . King . . . what do I owe this unexpected visit?" Roman asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"You're a smart man Roman, so I'll cut right to the chance," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. "I want you and you underling to come work for me," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Roman chuckled slightly hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. 

"Come work for you? You're kidding right? Cinder would kill me if I did something like that," Roman said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"What makes you think she won't even if you stay with her?" King asked as he looked at the male. However before Roman could respond King continued with what he was saying. "She works for my mother and I know how she thinks. She wants Cinder to have a certain mentally before she begins with the next stage of her plans. As soon as you exhaust your usefulness they'll get rid of you," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"And you won't?" Roman asked as he looked at the male in front of him clearly skeptical about what he was saying. 

"Of course not, because I know that you have what it takes to be a loyal servant," King said as he approached the male. "And there's nothing I value more than loyalty," King said as he stopped in front of the older male. "So what will it be Roman, will you stand against me or will you stand with me?" King asked as he offered a hand to the male in front of him. Roman seemed conflicted hearing this and sighed as he took his hand. 

He was fairly certain that if he had said no King would have just killed him then and there, and he knew for a fact that he was stronger than Cinder so if nothing else he would at least be able to protect him until he decided to get rid of him. However Roman hoped that it wouldn't come to that. "Glad to see you agree," King said as he took his hand back placing it in his pocket. "Now if you don't mind please follow me," King said as he turned around and began to make his way towards the door. 

"There's a lot of planning we have to do," King said with a slight smile. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and in case any of your are curious I am still currently accepting OC's for my story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now I hope you're all ready because here's the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

Now before we begin I would like to do some explaining as to why the vote suddenly changed. The original vote for this chapter was originally very different. However then two votes entered a tie these two votes being King meets Ark and Javelin and a timeskip. I really didn't want to keep this chapter waiting any longer than it already has been, so to honor both votes I decided to do this first and make the timeskip another vote. 

When does the next chapter take place?

1. Volume 1
2. Volume 2
3. Volume 3
4. Volume 4
5. Volume 5
6. Volume 6
7. Other (Suggest what you want)

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