Chapter 9: Bonding

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P.O.V. Third

King sighed as he looked around the building that he was in. He had been traveling around a week with Shadow and they had come to a small town. King didn't plan on staying in the town long just long enough for him to figure out where he wanted to go to next. This lead to Shadow ultimately getting a job at any local stores she could find, hoping to help King however she could. 

This lead to Shadow's current situation working in a small local restaurant. It had been a relatively slow day and King had been watching her most of the day mainly out of boredom. As Shadow stood behind the counter she noticed a male that had been staring at her for a while begin to walk over to her. As he did Shadow turned to the male and gave him a kind and innocent smile. 

"Hello sir, what can I get you?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"You know, I'm a huntsmen," The male said clearly trying to impress the female in front of him. 

"That's good sir, please order food," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. The male not being to happy about how easily she brushed him off continued his pursuit.

"I've killed grimm you know," The huntsmen said as he continued to try and impress Shadow to no avail. 

"Oh haven't we all, please order food," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her.

"I kill them on an almost daily basis," The male said as he began to flex slightly once again attempting to impress Shadow. 

"Yes, me too, please order food," Shadow said with her still oddly innocent smile as she looked at the male in front of him. The male now starting to become a bit annoyed looked at Shadow.

"Listen I don't think you-" The male began only to stop when Shadow reached forward grabbing the male by his collar and pulling him forward. 

"Do you know what it's like to be born into a world with no sense of purpose? To have a void inside you no matter what you do? That emptiness inside of me is what I deal with everyday. I have very few pleasures in my life and one of them is something I look forward to every day, and that's the head pats I get from my master. If I don't get my head pats because you didn't order any food I will hunt you down and I will dissect you," Shadow said as she pushed the male away still wearing her oddly innocent smile. 

"Now sir, please order food," Shadow said as she looked at the male. 

"O-one of the special's," The male said as he looked at Shadow clearly now much more concerned than before about what he was doing. 

"Thank you sir, have a nice day," Shadow said as she began to walk towards the back. She wasn't sure why but ever since she had started working here guys like him always bothered her. She wasn't sure why they were trying to impress her if anything she found their attempts more annoying than anything. King sighed seeing this and stood up before he began to walk out of the door. 

"Come on Shadow," King said as he began to walk out of the door. While it had taken him a while to think about what he wanted to do next King had finally come to a decision. Shadow nodded with a smile hearing this and began to follow the male as he walked out of the building. 

"I quit!" Shadow chimed happily as she walked out of the building and began to follow King. "So master you've finally decided on our next move?" Shadow asked as she looked down at the male in front of her. King nodded hearing this and the two continued to walk down the streets together. 

"Yeah, it's not exactly anything exciting but I think it's the best option for us at the moment," King said as he looked up at the female beside him. Shadow nodded hearing this and after a few brief moments of silence.

"Master," Shadow said bringing their silence to an end. "May I ask you a question?" Shadow asked as she looked down at King. 

"Of course," King said as he looked at the female. 

"I've been thinking about this for a while and at first it didn't bother me but now I find the subject a bit confusing. Why do so many males approach me and try to impress me? Are they trying to conduct some sort of mating ritual?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Yeah, that's exactly what they're trying to do," King said as he looked at the female. 

"I see," Shadow said as she looked at the male beside her. "How strange," Shadow said more to herself than to King as they continued down the streets. 

"Yeah, if you're not careful you could end up in marriage," King said as he looked at the female. 

"Oh! I know about that!" Shadow said with a smile. "I remember reading about it in one of your books. It's an agreement to mutual enslavement right?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Weirdly enough, that's wrong, I mean it's not exactly accurate but it's not wrong," King said as he looked at the female causing her to smile. The two then once again continued down the streets entering another awkward silence. However this time King was the one to break the silence. 

"You know," King said as he turned to look at the female. "If you want to do it with them then I don't mind. After all from what Watt's told me interactions such as mating and not expecting to stay together are fairly common among humans. While you're not technically human you do tend to stay in that form most of the time. So it's only natural for you to experience urges of that nature," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

Shadow shook her head hearing this. "No, I don't think I will. Humans are so strange, can't they smell your scent on me? I think it's more than obvious that I'll never belong to anyone but you master," Shadow said as she looked down at the male. King was a bit conflicted hearing this not being sure how to feel about what he had just been told so he simply smiled. 

"Now it's my turn," King said as he looked at the female causing her to gain a confused expression. "What? You didn't expect me to answer your questions without asking a few of my own did you?" King asked as he looked at the female before Shadow nodded. 

"This is something I noticed a while ago but hadn't really thought about until recently. I noticed that after you devoured that girl that your personality took a drastic shift. Why is that?" King asked as he looked at the female. 

"Oh, well that's easy to answer. If you were really curious why didn't you ask sooner?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male causing him to shrug. 

"It just never seemed appropriate," King said as he looked at the female. 

"Ah," Shadow said in understanding before she looked in front of her. "Well the reason my personality changed was because she was a human and not a grimm," Shadow said as she looked in front of them. King still a bit confused looked at Shadow. It was more than obvious that King wanted an explanation and Shadow smiled. "Alright, I'll explain, but you owe me another question if I do," Shadow said with a slightly mischievous smirk. 

"Agreed," King said as he looked at the female causing her to smile. 

"The reason my personality changed so much is because humans are much harder to devour than grimm are. Humans have something that grimm don't they have aura. I can't get rid of that aura so a piece of her is always inside of me. My personality changed because that piece of her is inside of me and her personality began to bleed into own. That's the reason I do a lot of what I do," Shadow said as she looked at the male. 

"Really? That's rather interesting," King said as he looked at the female in front of him and Shadow nodded with a smile. 

"Yeah, the reason I'm so calm and collected most of the time is because her kind and caring personality bled into my cruel and curious personality. The reason I'm so loyal is because I agreed to become your servant and she was more than devoted to what she believed in," Shadow said as she looked at the male. 

"And the reason you're rapidly throwing yourself at me?" King asked as he looked at the female. 

"Well as you can tell from her efforts of tracking you down all the way to Salem's palace. She was rather obsessed with you, and in more than just one way," Shadow said as he looked at the male. King once again looked at the female and Shadow smiled as she looked at the male, knowing that this meant that King was agreeing to answer another question for her. 

"I've looked through her memories a few times and while most of them are rather pointless and extremely confusing I have been able to find out a few things. I believe the reason she was attracted to you is a combination of two things," Shadow said as she held up to fingers. "The first was because she liked to romanticize evil, and the second was because she was something called a shotacon," Shadow said as she looked at the male. 

King nodded hearing this, and while he thought it was a bit odd Shadow smiled as she looked down at the male. "So master, it's my turn now right? Well in that case I have a request instead of answering three questions, I would rather have one question and one favor," Shadow said as she looked at the male. King became a bit suspicious hearing this but nodded nonetheless. Shadow smiled hearing this and leaned forward to look at her master. 

"Master, you remember the day I asked you to take my virginity right?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male. 

"Yes, and if that's the favor you're going to ask for then the answers no," King said as he looked at the female. Shadow shook her head hearing this and smiled. 

"No, of course not. I'd never be that presumptuous. I was just wondering if you were truly going to follow through with that," Shadow asked as she looked at the male. King looked up at her for a moment before he sighed. 

"I won't lie, it's a very real possibility," King said causing Shadow to smile happily. "As you know I'm both human and Grimm. While these two parts of me often conflict each other they also amplify parts of each other. A good example of this would be my hatred, it's no secret Grimm hatred humans, and it's no secret that humans are rather emotional. My hatred for humans gets amplified by that human part of me. So . . . it's possible that the reverse is also possible," King said as he looked at the female. 

"You mean . . . you human desire to mate will be amplified by your grimm instincts?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male causing King to nod. 

"Indeed," King said as he turned to look at the female. "While it's true over time I did learn to control this rage it's still there. Even now," King began as he reached up to grab his chest. "It feels like my soul could ignite and burst into flames," King said showing a small amount of his anger before he sighed. "But now it's much easier to maintain control of. So if nothing else when I do finally become interested in taking a mate, it's possible for those first few days I'll want nothing more than to seduce you," King said as he continued down the streets. "Now about this favor," King began as he looked at the female. 

"Oh!" Shadow said as she suddenly changed directions. "Please follow me master," Shadow said with a smile. King was a bit confused hearing this but followed her nonetheless. King continued to trail behind the female who's excitement only seemed to grow as she continued. King realized where she was taking him as soon as the building came into sight. Shadow was taking him to the mall that this small town had. 

"This is where you wanted to take me?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him. Shadow nodded enthusiastically hearing this and walked into the mall with King once again trailing behind her. However then walked into a portion of the store that King wasn't comfortable with entering. After a few seconds of standing in front of the entrance Shadow walked back out and looked at the male. 

"What's wrong master?" Shadow asked a bit confused as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"This is a woman's underwear store," King said as he looked at the store in front of him. 

"Yeah," Shadow said as she looked down at the male a bit confused before she realized that she hadn't told King what her favor was. "Master, this is my favor. I want you to pick out underwear that you think looks cute for me," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Why?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"Well, now that I know I have a chance at being your mate, I want to dress in something that's pleasing to your tastes. We also have a surplus of lien from my time working in that store. So there's no harm in splurging a little," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. King still seemed a bit nervous hearing this and Shadow smiled. "Come on master it won't take that long," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

King a bit nervous nodded and walked into the store behind Shadow. As he did King could feel several of the other girls staring at him and began to look at the surprising large selection the store had. However it didn't take long for Shadow to notice the stares as well, and as expected it didn't take long for her jealousy to get the better of her. "Master follow me," Shadow said as she took King's hand and guided him to one of the several changing rooms that the store had.

"I changed my mind master. You stay here, and I'll try on all of them and you tell me which one's you like," Shadow said as she looked at King. 

"Um . . . okay," King said as he looked at the female not being sure of what else to say in this scenario. Shadow smiled hearing this and walked out of the changing room. King sighed seeing this and within a few minutes Shadow to return with a rather large stack of underwear of all different types. Shadow tried on each individual one for him with King closing his eyes every time she went to change much to Shadow's dismay. 

After several hours King had actually seen a few that he did genuinely like and while he'd never admit to it his favorite was a pink pair with a floral pattern on it. After they had finished Shadow paid for the underwear that King had picked out and began to walk out happily with King. As they did however King looked up at the sky and sighed. He could hear someone approaching them from behind. 

He quickly jumped in front of them and sighed as King began to speak in unison with the male. "Hey cutie, why don't you ditch the kid and get with a real man," The male said confidently while King said in a rather bored tone indicating that this had happened several times before. "You should really try coming up with something more original," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Watch it brat!" The male said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Or what?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. The male gritted his teeth hearing this and reached for the child clearly planning to grab him by the collar however before he could King grew claws and raised them quickly cutting the male's hand. The male reeled back in pain seeing feeling this and looked at the male with hatred gleaming in his eyes. He could see blood dripping from King's hand but no sign of what he used to cut him with. 

"You disgusting pigs are all the same," King said as he began to walk forward. However as he did he could hear the male mumbling and cursing under his breath. As they were walking King looked up at the sky as if he were thinking. "Hey, Shadow," King said as he stopped and turned to look at the female in front of him. 

"Yes master?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Two things," King said as he held up two fingers. "First stop calling me master," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Shadow nodded hearing this and looked at the male.

"And the second?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male. 

"Let's go on a date," King said as he looked at the female causing her to gasp from excitement and reach down to hug him. 

"Yes! King, you've made me so happy!" Shadow said with a smile and slight blush as she looked down at the male. King sighed with a slight smile hearing this and nodded. King then touched the bag that Shadow had been holding causing it to disappear. "Be warned, I'm fairly new to this so . . . don't expect anything to romantic," King said as he looked at the female. 

Shadow nodded hearing this and began to walk with the male. As they were walking King reached up to hold the female's hand and Shadow gasped as she looked down at King with an intense blush. As she did she let her mind take over what she was doing. 'Oh my gosh! He's touching my hand! AHHH! HE'S TOUCHING MY HAND! Okay, I have to calm down. CALM DOWN! ohmygosh,ohmygosh, I'm so happy right now! Okay, what am I doing . . . Right! I'm going- AH HE'S STILL HOLDING MY HAND! LALALALA-!!! I can't hear myself think over the sound of my heart beating!' Shadow thought to herself as she looked at the male beside her. 

It took her several minutes before she realized where she was and as soon as she did she realized why King had brought her here. It was a local park that the small town had. While it admittedly wasn't much King seemed to like it for some reason. Mostly likely because there weren't that many people in it at night. King took Shadow to one of his favorite spots and sighed as he sat down. 

As he did Shadow smiled and sat beside him before leaning down and placing her head on his lap. King smiled seeing this and reached down to pet her. "So Shadow, how are you feeling?" King asked as he continued to pet the female. 

"I'm so happy King," Shadow said with a smile as she closed her eyes more than continent with what she was doing. She was also very happy by the fact that she still got her headpats at the moment. So it seemed like there wasn't any need to threaten that man that was trying to impress her earlier that day. As King continued to pet her she let her mind wonder and as she did she smiled. 

"You know King, when I was first born I was so scared," Shadow said with a smile. "I had so many memories that weren't my own and memories that contradicted each other. I was so scared because I didn't know who I was or what I was doing in that destroyed village. All I knew was that I was alone, and that I was so angry for some reason. I was so conflicted about how I should feel. I let my curiosity take me places but no matter what happened I always ended up coming back to that town," Shadow said as she looked at the male. 

"It seemed like no matter where I went or how hard I tried I could never escape that place, and I never had answers about who I was. Then I met you, you seemed to know about me somehow, and then . . . you defeated me. None of the other humans were able to do that. Yet you did so with ease. You became the object of my curiosity," Shadow said with a smile as she looked up at the male. "I haven't thought about that place once ever since we left," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

King smiled hearing this and nodded as he continued to pet the female. The two then once again entered a long silence with them merely enjoying the other's company. "Shadow," King said as he turned to look at the female in front of him. "I'm going to tell you something that I've never told anyone before," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Shadow smiled hearing this and moved closer to the male clearly happy about what she just heard. 

"I figured this out on my own a while ago, and I'm a bit surprised that they weren't able to piece this together at Atlas. It's the reason I yearned after my mother's affection so much, and why I'm devastated now that I know what she's really like," King said as he looked at the ground before turning his attention back to the female in front of him. "Shadow, I suffer from Athazagoraphobia," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

Shadow smiled hearing this she was happy that her master entrusted her with this secret, even if she didn't know what it meant. Her confusion showed and King sighed as he looked at the female. Sometimes he had to remind himself that Shadow was still learning human concepts. Of course she didn't know what he was talking about. King then stood up from where he was sitting, much to Shadow's dismay. "I suffer from the irrational fear that I will be left behind, forgotten, or replaced," King said as he offered his hand to the female. 

Shadow now understanding what the male was talking about smiled as she took the male's hand. "Well there's no need to worry master. No one can ever replace you," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. King smiled hearing this and began to walk with the female back to the building that they had been living in. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and for those of you that are curious I am still currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now then I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King meets Ark and Javelin
2. King goes to Vale
3. King finds an old train system
4. King meets someone (Suggest who you want)
5. King fights someone (Suggest who you want)
6. King disappears (Timeskip please suggest how long you want)
7. King and Shadow free some slaves
8. Other (suggest what you want)

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