Chapter 8: Escape

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P.O.V. Third

King sighed as he looked at the ceiling of his cell. "Is something wrong master?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"No," King said as he stood up, and began to make his way to the edge of his cell. Within a few seconds King heard some footsteps followed by a familiar figure. 

"Hey Ironshit," King said as he looked at the male. This seemed to cause a small amount of annoyance on Ironwood's part but not enough for him to actually do anything. He continued to walk down the halls ignoring King. The child smiled seeing this and continued to stare blankly at the wall. "I heard you have a slight android problem," King said as he stared at the wall. 

When he did Ironwood came to a stop and King's smirk only widened. "That seemed to get your attention," King said as he watched Ironwood slowly walk in front of him. 

"Who told you about that?" Ironwood asked as he looked down at the male in front of him trying to maintain a stern and intimidating expression. 

"Does that really matter?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. When he said this it seemed like Ironwood was about to speak but King managed to beat him to it. "You know, I could take care of those for you. It'd be a fairly simple matter actually," King said as he looked at Ironwood who was still trying to maintain his calm and collected demeanor. "Oh but wait," King began in a mocking tone.

"I can't do that from inside this cell can I?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Not happening," Ironwood said as he looked at the child in front of him. "Weather you know it not we went through a lot of effort to capture you, and we're using the utmost precautions to keep you contained here. I'm not going to let you escape just because you can make a few false promises," Ironwood said as he looked down at the male. 

"I'm sorry," King said as he crossed his arms clearly not happy about what he had just heard. "But did you say I was being contained here? As in, you actually think you have control over me?" King asked showing a small amount of annoyance. 

"Prove me wrong," Ironwood said as he looked at the child in front of him. King a bit irritated hearing this walked through the forcefield that seemed to be separating the two of them. Ironwoods eyes widened a bit surprised seeing this as he stared at the child in front of him. "You're not holding me here against my will, I was staying here because my friend was hurt. Then I thought I'd stay to get an idea of how powerful your army was, and I have to say I'm not impressed. And now," King began as he walked back into his cell

"I'm doing it for shits and giggles," King said as he begin to sit on the bed in his room. "Tell you what Ironshit, I'll give you three hours to accept my offer. If not then I'll just leave forcible and probably kill a bunch of people in the process. The choice is yours," King said as he sat patted his lap, when he did Shadow happily placed her head on his lap with a bright smile and slight blush. "Tick-tock, Ironshit," King said as he began to pet Shadow's head.

Ironwood stared at the male in front of him for several minutes showing a rather irritated and conflicted expression the entire time before he sighed and looked at male in front of him. "Fine," Ironwood said as he looked at the child in front of him. 

"Well that took less time than I expected. Although," King said as he stood up from where he had been sitting much to Shadow's disappointment. "If you really cared about your men, you would have answered immediately, I guess you're not as caring as others believe huh?" King asked as he stopped in front of the forcefield. "Aren't you going to shut off the field between us?" King asked as he looked at the male. 

"Can't you just walk through it like before?" Ironwood said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Of course I can, but I want you to shut it off. Consider it a symbolic act," King said with a smirk as he looked at the male in front of him. Ironwood sighed in annoyance hearing this and reached for the control panel beside King's cell. He seemed to hesitate for a moment but eventually pressed several buttons on the small bad deactivating the forcefield that separated the two. 

King smiled as he walked out with shadow trailing behind him. Ironwood then looked down at the male in front of him once again trying to take a stern and intimidating expression. "I'll alert the staff of the current situation. I want you to gather any supplies you feel you may need, we leave in one hour so you don't have much time. We'll meet in front of bullhead at the east wing," Ironwood said as he looked at the child in front of him. 

King nodded hearing this and began to make his way down the halls with a smile. He hadn't planned on trying to take anything from Atlas, not because he couldn't but because he thought doing so useless. They didn't really have anything that he need or anything that he wanted considering he had already read all the books of interest inside of their library. However as he was walking King thought of something that changed his mind. 

As he walked King once again decided to put his Grimm genetics to use. 'Shadow can you hear me?' King thought as he continued to walk down the halls causing his voice to ring inside of Shadow's head. When she heard this Shadow looked down at him with a smile. 

"Of course master," She chimed happily as she looked at the male in front of her. 

'Good,' King thought as he looked around for what he was looking for. When he did he stopped and looked at male that looked to be talking to several others. 'See what he's holding?' King thought as he looked at the male in front of him. When he said this Shadow looked at the scroll in the male's hands. 

"Yes," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

'Good,' King said as he turned and once again began to walk down the halls. 'Now listen closely Shadow because this is important. I need you get one for me, I don't care where you get it or who you get it from just get one. Do you think you can do this?' King asked as he continued to walk down the halls. Shadow once again nodded with a smile. 

'Excellent, I'll meet you at the bullhead in five minutes,' King thought as he watched Shadow slowly seep into the ground before disappearing from sight. King continued down the halls of Atlas following several different signs that had been scattered around to finally make his way to where he had been told to go. King smiled as he watched several guards glare at him as he walked onto the bullhead. 

As he did he saw a familiar female that he had at this point become used to seeing. "Follow me," Winter said as she looked down at the male. Without saying a word King nodded and followed the female with a smile. The two stayed silent for several minutes until Winter came to a stop in front of a room. "This is where you will be staying until we arrive," Winter said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

King nodded hearing this and opened the door more than a bit pleased to see that Shadow was already in the room wait for him. King then heard the door slam behind him rather aggressively and he smiled as he walked over to the small bed that had been placed in the room. "Master," Shadow said as she knelt down in front of him with a slightly pouting expression. "You were supposed to be here in five minutes like you said, but it's already been six! That's enough to make me worry about you," Shadow said as she looked at the male. 

King looked at the female a bit surprised hearing this and he looked as if he were going to say something however before he could Shadow once again began to speak. "I have accumulated a large amount of stress, so please pet my head," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. King chuckled slightly hearing this, of course that's what this was about. King then once again patted his lap and like before Shadow happily placed her head on his lap, and began to nuzzle her head into his stomach while she hugged him. 

King then once again began to pet her head and she smiled as he did. After around an hour had passed King felt the ship began to take off and Shadow looked up at King. "So what are we going to do now master?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"That depends," King said as he held out his hand. "Did you get what I asked you too?" King asked as he looked at the female in front of him. Shadow nodded hearing this and reached into her pocket before pulling out the scroll that she had stolen. King smiled seeing this and took the device before he once again patted her head. "I knew I could count on you," King said as he looked at the female. Shadow's smile only widened seeing this and while she tried to contain her excitement she failed miserably. 

"Master praised me!" Shadow chimed happily as she once again began to nuzzle into King's stomach. King smiled seeing this and once again reached down to pet her, he had to admit he never thought someone could be so clingy however for whatever reason he didn't seem to mind it. King then opened the scroll and began to look at it before several ones and zeros began to accumulate above the device. 

"What's that?" Shadow asked as she looked at the numbers that seemed to disappear only to reappear a moment later. 

"Data," King said as the diamond disappeared into the scroll. While he couldn't be certain about what Ironwood was planning something told him that he wouldn't be able to resist putting his plans into his precious military's databank. King began to read the several files that he had just obtained before he began to pet Shadow as he did. King continued to do this for several moments before he sighed. 

"I see," King said as he closed the scroll. "So that's what they're planning," King said as he put the scroll away. "Seems like Ironwood wasn't going to uphold his part of the deal," King said as he stared blankly at the wall. "Or at least, not fully," King said as he averted his eyes to look down at the female that was currently nuzzling into his abdomen. He had planned on using Shadow to blackmail him hoping that he could use her to manipulate King and vise versa. 

"So now what?" Shadow asked as she looked up at the male in front of her. "I think we teach Ironshit a lesson about not keeping his promises," King said with a slightly sinister smile. King waited in his room for several hours until he heard the door open. King turned to see Ironwood was looking at him. "We're almost there," Ironwood said as he looked at the male in front of him. King noticed his eyes go from him to Shadow who had fallen asleep on his lap and while he tried to keep a stoic expression King knew what his plan was. 

King then shook Shadow slightly and the female looked up at him. "Let's go," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. King began to follow Ironwood hearing this and the three eventually came into a large room that for the most part was completely empty. The only thing in the room was a large metal a machine. "So what are you going to do if you die on this mission?" King asked as he looked at Ironwood. 

"If I die then I least I die fighting," Ironwood said as he walked up to the large machine that was in the room. 

"That's something I'll never understand about you damn humans. You weigh your pride against your death. I'll admit it's sentimental but it's not realistic, those delusions you have is one of the many reasons I hate not just you, but your entire race," King said as he looked at the elder male in front of him. 

Hearing this Ironwood looked down at the male in front in front of him. "Doesn't hating us, make you just as shallow as us?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the child in front of him. 

"Of course not," King said as he turned and began to walk out of the room. "Because my hatred drives me to be better than you," King said as he watched Ironwood continue to make his way into the giant metal contraption in front of him. Ironwood tried to disregarded King's comment. However as much as he hated to admit it he did find King to be a rather interesting character. Ironwood after a few more seconds managed to make his way into the giant suit of armor. 

"What is that thing?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King knew that it didn't matter since if he really wanted to all he had to so was look at his scroll and he was sure the blueprints for it would be somewhere there. However he was hoping Ironwood would save him the time and effort, and tell him what it was anyway.

"This is an Atlesian Paladin-290, it's state of the art suit and while I won't enlighten you with all the details just know that this is armed with several different weapons," Ironwood said as he looked at King. The child sighed and nodded hearing this and felt the floor beneath him began to shift slightly. King then watched as a large hole formed in the center of the room and Ironwood walked over to it before jumping down. 

Remembering what he had read he looked at Shadow. "Become my Shadow until we reach the ground," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"Silly master," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. "I'm already yours," Shadow said as she looked at the ground. King stared at her blankly hearing this and Shadow began to pout slightly as she began to melt into King's shadow. "Master's such a meanie," She said before she disappeared from sight. King sighed hearing this and jumped out of the hole like Ironwood had done just a few seconds ago. 

As he was falling just as his plans said he saw a small device that looked just big enough to hold someone flying beside the bullhead. A small device meant to abduct Shadow while she was falling. When King landed he saw Ironwood looking down at him with a slight smirk, however this smile quickly faded as he watched Shadow raise from the ground. "Why are you smiling? We haven't defeated Jensen yet," King said as he began to walk forward pretending to be oblivious to what had just happened. 

"Actually second thought, this is me we're talking about so you might as well go ahead and start celebrating," King said as he continued to walk forward. Ironwood once again chose to ignore King's comment and the two continued to walk around until they eventually came to a somewhat large metal door that didn't seem to match the rest of the otherwise forested area. "I'll let you do the honors," King said as he stepped to the side letting Ironwood tear the door down. 

As soon as he did the two heard a rather loud alarm. "I hate annoying shit like that," King said as the alarm came to a sudden and abrupt stop. "Let's go," King said as he began to walk into the base with Ironwood and Shadow following closely behind him. As they walked several robots of different types began to surround them. Ironwood seemed as if he were about to start attacking until he heard King interfere. 

"There's no need for that," King said as all the device around them took a less aggressive stance. Ironwood turned to look at the male hearing this. 

"How did you do that?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the child in front of him. 

"It wasn't too hard, all I did was manipulate the quantum state vectors around us so that I could access their data. After that I gathered what was necessary such as their motor functions and how they perceive certain things. Then I just deleted everything else," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

Ironwood nodded hearing this and the two continued down the large hall with their newfound allies around them. As they were walking however they came to a room with a large amount of robots as well as a male with black hair as well as a black right eye and an orange left eye sitting on a chair with several wires attached to it, something he clearly used to control the others as well as other aspects of the facility. 

He looked up at the two in front of him and gritted his teeth seeing Ironwood in front of him. "You have some nerve coming here after what you did," Jensen said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Seems like I'm not the only one that hates you huh Ironshit," King said as he looked up at the male in front of him. Ironwood seemed a bit irritated hearing this and looked down at King. 

"Is now really the time for that?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the child in front of him. 

"No, but at the same time I know it pisses you off so it's more than enough for me," King said with a smile. Jensen then stood up from the chair he was sitting in. 

"This is your first and only warning," Jensen said as four robots that seemed to be designed differently than the others came to his side. "Leave, now," Jensen said as he looked at the three in front of him. When he said this King stepped forward with a smile. 

"Sorry, but Ironwood isn't going to be your opponent," King said as he held up his finger letting a blue diamond made of data form above his hand. "I am," King said as he flicked the diamond forward letting it hit Jensen in the forehead. As it did Jensen seemed a bit disoriented and his body began to jerk and twitch rather spastically. 

"What d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-did you d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-do?" Jensen asked as he seemed to glitch slightly. 

"I infected you with a virus, you may look human but in the end you're still made up of one's and zeros," King said as he watched the male fall tot he ground. 

"S-s-s-s-switching ge-ge-general to a-a-a-a-a-assault mode," Jensen said as he looked at the four robots that surround him before he once began to twitch more. "It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-duel! Kill them!" Jensen said as the four robots that had been around him suddenly rushed forward. King smiled seeing this and rushed towards the four in front of him. It seemed like he managed to catch one of them off guard as he kicked it in the chest sending it into a wall. As soon as he did another waved it's hand and the metal that surrounded them seemed to turn to a liquid and began to rush after King. 

King smiled seeing this and began to rush towards the figure in front of him as the liquid chased after him. However doing so proved rather difficult since literally every surface in the room was made of metal slowing King down slightly each time he touched or landed on something. King then dashed towards the figure that was controlling the metal and the liquid seemed to stop him a few inches before he could reach the robot, with more metal liquid rushing towards him.

Jensen smiled from his position on the ground seeing this however his smile faded as soon as he saw King begin to smile as well. King smiled as he pulled his head back seeming to created liquid metal under the creation in front of him. Using the same tactic that he had been using against him. The robot appeared to try and control however King wasn't really trying to use this to defeat him just to distract him. This plan of course worked and King raised one of his arms covering it in his grimm armor before slamming his fist into the robots stomach, causing the liquid to fall to the ground and solidify.

King then looked at the two that were left one seemed to be gather several balls of energy and the other seemed to have hands that were much bigger in proportion to the rest of his body making it clear this robot was a physical brawler. King smiled as her rushed towards the robot that was gathering energy and watched as it shot all the orbs it had been creating at him. The robot watched as they all seemed to suddenly change direction at the last second and miss King, leaving it open to an attack, which King delivered in the form of a powerful elbow to the face sending the robot into a wall similar to how he had done the first. 

The last robot seemed to catch King off guard for a second rushing behind him with one of it's massive arms and attempting to punch him. However King made it evident that this was not the cause as he quickly raised his arm covered in arm  easily stopping the attack. King then turned and watched as the robot jumped back putting some distance between the two. The robots massive hands then began to shift and change taking the form of two massive gatling-guns that began to fire several shots at him. 

King smiled as he began to slowly walk forward letting several shots come towards him only for them to be redirected at the last minute similar to what had happened just moments ago with the previous robots energy. King slowly closed the distance between them and when he was within a few feet he rushed forward and went to stab the creature head with his claws that had formed. It managed to move it's head just out of the way however expecting this result King bent his arm and struck the robot with his elbow. 

Ironwood smiled seeing this however his smiled faded as he heard a massive explosion from the hall he and King had come from followed by an incredible amount of wind and the ground shaking violently. King sighed hearing this and looked at Jensen who was still laying on the ground. "It took you long enough, but I will admit that was some fine acting on your part," King said as he watched the robot kick itself up off the ground.

"Thank you," Jensen said as he began to dust himself off. "And I'll also admit for someone as young as yourself your quite capable. First relaying your plan to me in the form of data, then managing to defeat my four generals with relative ease. I'm quiet impressed," Jensen said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ironwood stared at the two in front of him a bit shocked seeing this and King stared at him with smirk. 

"You should be, now then I also feel as if I should apologize for destroying your robots," King said as he looked at Jensen. Ironwood now beginning to realize what was going on felt rage begin to wash over his body. Jensen shook his head hearing what King said and looked at him. 

"I wouldn't worry about it to much, it's nothing a days worth of repairs won't fix. Plus having the great general Ironwood as my personal prisoner is more than worth losing a few of my subordinates," Jensen said as he looked at King and it looked like the two would have continued their slight conversation, but Ironwood cut it short.

"YOU'RE BETRAYING US! DAMN YOU, YOU TRAITOR!" Ironwood asked outraged as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"I'm not betraying you," King said calmly keeping his composure as he looked at the elder male in front of him. "I was never on your side to begin with . Not only that but betrayal has to come from the people closest to you. The ones you trust more than any other, and the plans I found in your files made it more than evident that you didn't trust me," King said as his smile faded and he looked at the male in front of him clearly displeased with what he had read. "Believe what you want Ironshit but you planned on betraying me first. So you honestly shouldn't be surprised by this outcome," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"That's something I loath about you. You're such a damn hypocrite! You have no right to sit there and lecture me about what's right and wrong when you were planning on doing the same thing. The only different is I'm going to be labeled a traitor while you would have been labeled as a hero!" King said as he looked at the male in front of him. "That being said," King said as he stepped forward. 

"I'll be having my fun with you first," King said with a smile as he watched Ironwood come towards him in his giant suit. However he didn't attack him and instead stopped just a few feet in front of him. King sighed seeing this and watched as Ironwood attempted to punch him. However when he did King smiled and a shield formed in front of him taking the form of a strange bright green energy. Ironwood watched as it disintegrated on contact. Ironwood moved back quickly and looked at the arm that had been almost completely destroyed. 

"Like it?" King asked as the shield that had been protecting him disappeared. "I'm rather proud of it if I'm being honest," King said as he looked up at the male in his giant metal suit of armor. "And I have you to thank for it," King said as his smile widened.  "While I'm not to fond of you or your android fan-club of military, I will admit it's absolutely filled with useful information," King said with a smile as he walked towards Ironwood. 

"I won't bore you with the details about how this works, but in short it's a particle waveform high-speed cannon," King said as he sighed and looked up at the male in front of him. "But even that's rather tedious to say but it's useful nonetheless. And to think this is only one thing you helped me develop and it alone has several uses. I can fire them as projectiles, use them as disintegrating shields, and they can even redirect electricity," King said as he looked at Ironwood. 

"You know King, things didn't have to be this way," Ironwood said as he looked at the male in front of him. "If you hadn't attacked us that day, and were only around Summer by chance, then I wouldn't have to do this. However, the instant you decided to confront not only her but the entirety of the Atlesian military it became another matter entirely and you sealed your fate. So please, King don't force me to kill you," Ironwood said as he looked at the child in front of him. 

King chuckled hearing this as he looked at the male in front of him. "You make it sound like you're capable of such a thing," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"This machine may have lost one of it's arms but it still has more than enough weaponry to dispose of you," Ironwood said as he looked at the male in front of him. King sighed hearing this and looked up at Ironwood with a smile. 

"Allow me to show you just how wrong you are," King said as he raised a hand and opened his palm rather quickly. When he did the armor that had been surrounding Ironwood shatter and Ironwood was immediately sent to the ground becoming embedded in the concreate and his right hand had been torn from the elbow downwards. King smiled seeing this as he began to walk towards Ironwood. 

"This is a life and death battle, it's a rather numbing feeling isn't it?" King asked as he walked towards the male in front of him. Now finding himself in a rather dangerous situation Ironwood tried to think of something he could use to help him. 

"Listen King," Ironwood began only to get cut off by King punching him in the face with a hand that had become covered in his grimm armor. 

"Shut up," King said as he grabbed Ironwood by his hair and forced him to look at him. "As hard as it may be for someone like you to comprehend, but this is not a negotiation, a suggestion, a deal, an entreaty, an agreement, a compromise, or a capitulation. It's my triumphant return, you fucking cunt!" King said as he began to repeatedly slam his armored fists into Ironwood's face, causing him to spew blood from his mouth.

King smiled as he slammed his knee into Ironwood's face and he undoubtedly would have continued if it hadn't been for the fact that Jensen was beginning to become a little bored. "Don't you think that's enough?" Jensen asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King sighed with a smile hearing this and nodded. 

"Not nearly enough, I don't think I've ever hated someone this much," King said as he reached up to grip his chest. "In fact it feels like my soul could burst and ignite into flames at any moment," King said with a smile before he sighed and looked at Jensen. "But for the time being I'll turn him over to you," King said as he began to walk away. 

"I see, would you have any qualms with me killing him?" Jensen asked as he looked at the white haired male in front of him. He at the moment didn't plan on doing this but he had to be prepared for such a situation, not to mention that he'd have to dispose of him when he was done. Keeping a prisoner alive was nothing more than a waste of resources after all. 

"No, I've had my fill. Put his teeth to a grindstone for all I care," King said as he began to make his way out of the room that he was in. As he did Shadow began to trail behind him with a smile. She followed King quietly for several minutes until the two reached the exit of the base they were in. Once they had left Shadow finally decided to speak and looked down at the child in front of her.  

"So what are we going to do now master?" Shadow questioned as she looked down at the male in front of her. 

"First thing's first we need to get off Atlas. It's only a matter of time before others find out what we did and while killing them would be easy it would also be rather tedious and I'd rather not waste my time," King said as he looked at Shadow causing her to nod as the two slowly disappeared into the nearby forest that surrounded Jensen's base. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and for those of you that are curious, I am still currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King meets Ark and Javelin
2. King and Shadow bond more
3. King goes to Vale
4. King returns to salem
5. King betrays Salem
6. King finds an old train system
7. King meets someone (Suggest who you want)
8. King fights someone (Suggest who you want)
9. King disappears (Timeskip please suggest how long you want)
10. Other (suggest what you want)

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