Chapter 7: Meeting

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P.O.V. Third

The young male known as King was currently following Ironwood as he walked down the halls of Atlas. The male then stopped in front of a room and Ironwood looked at the child in front of him. "Wait here, he will be here shortly," Ironwood said as he looked at the male in front of him. King sighed hearing this and began to walk into the room.

When he did he saw a rather plain room with a table at the center and a chair on either side of it. King sighed seeing this and took a seat in one of the chairs placing his head on one of his hands suggesting that he was rather bored with what he was doing. After a few minutes King then heard the door behind him open and he heard someone walking towards him. 

King then opened one of his eyes and saw a familiar figure in front of him. "Hello, King," The male said as he looked at the child in front of him. "My name is Ozpin" The male said as he extended a hand towards the male trying to introduce himself. King sighed hearing this and slapped the male's hand away with a glare showing his distain towards the male. 

Ozpin sighed hearing this and looked at the male, that had been the reaction he was expecting but that didn't make it any less disappointing. The male then reached beside him and placed a small plate of cookies in front of him. "What's that?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Just some cookies, I thought you might be hungry is all," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. King was a bit cautious hearing this and continued to look away from the older male in front of him. "May I know your name?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"You mean Ironwood didn't tell you?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"No, he tends to be a bit difficult to work with at times. Not only that but I think it'd be more appropriate if I heard it from you," Ozpin said as he looked at King. When he said this King looked at the male in front of him a bit cautious. King's first impression being that he was rather strange. 

"My name is King . . . King Kresnik," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ozpin smiled hearing this knowing that he was starting to have some effect on the male even if it wasn't that much of an effect. 

"That's a unique name," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"I'm aware," King said in a rather cold voice continuing to keep his distance from the male. Ozpin sighed hearing this and looked at the male in front of him.

"If it's alright with you, I'd like to ask you a few questions," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. King showed no reaction hearing this and after a few moments of silence Ozpin once again began to speak. "I've been told that you were found at a place that was, to our knowledge, being used as Salem's base of operation," Ozpin said as she looked at the male. 

"That's right," King said as he looked at the male. 

"Mind if I ask you what your relation to Salem is?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"She's my mother," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ozpin showed no visible reaction to this mainly because he had a feeling that this was the case.

"I see," Ozpin said as he reached for the small cup that he carried with him. "I also understand that you are responsible for killing one of my best huntsmen, Summer Rose. I was told that you attack her and General Ironwood both during an unveiling of sorts," Ozpin said as he looked at the male. King nodded hearing this and continued to avoid looking at the male. 

"Mind if I ask you why?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Because my mother told me too," King said as he turned to look at Ozpin for a brief second before he once again turned away. "You're free to believe what you want, but I'm afraid that it really is that simple," King said as he closed his eyes starting to become a bit bored with the conversation. 

"King, may I ask how old you are?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the child in front of him. 

"I'm ten," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ozpin nodded hearing this trying not to show his concern. 

"King if I may ask, who trained you?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Until recently my mother preferred to train me. However at the moment she placed someone else in charge of overseeing my training," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ozpin once again nodded hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. He was a bit surprised at how cooperative the male was being given what Ironwood had told him before hand. 

"Do you know where your mother is?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"No," King answered honestly and for a brief moment Ozpin thought that he saw a small glimpse of sadness in the male's eyes. "But even if I did, I wouldn't tell you," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Tell me King, are you familiar with a game called chess?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him. King shook his head hearing this showing that he wasn't and Ozpin made a slight gesture towards the door. When he did he heard the door open and saw a female that he hadn't seen before walk in with a small board with a strange pattern on it and several different pieces that King thought were shaped rather oddly. 

"I'd like to teach you how to play," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. Unknown to the two Ironwood was watching the male from a small amount of glass. Ironwood then sighed a bit annoyed with what he was doing. 

"Just how much longer does he plan on wasting time," Ironwood asked as he looked at the male in front of him. Ironwood admittedly wouldn't be as irritated with the male if it weren't for the fact that most of the questions Ozpin was asking him were questions that they already had the answers to. 

Ironwood in his slight frustration began to pace back and forth trying not to seem to irritated by what Ozpin was doing however it was more than obvious that he was very upset with what the male was doing, and after close to an hour passed Ozpin stood up and looked at the child in front of him. 

"I thank you for your company," Ozpin said as he sat up and walked out of the room. When he did he was greeted with Ironwood staring at him clearly displeased with the male. 

"What was that?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"I just talked to him like you requested," Ozpin asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I know, I saw. What I meant was why did you stop interrogating him halfway through, and why did you ask him things that we already knew?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"You know," Ozpin began as he took a sip from his cup. "A few old friends of mine, gave me some advice once. They said that sometimes the only way to beat someone incredibly powerful, is by being incredibly nice," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

Ironwood sighed hearing this and watched as Ozpin began to walk away. Once the male faded from sight Ironwood turned his attention towards the white haired male in the room in front of him and walked into the room. When he did King turned to look at the male in front of him.

"Follow me," Ironwood said as she looked at the male in front of him. King stood up hearing this and began to follow the male to a different location than before. The two then stopped in front of a small opening. It had a bed, a sink, and a toilet. However those were the only things in the room. 

"You'll be staying in here from now on," Ironwood said as he gestured to the small room beside him.

"You're going to be keeping me in a cell?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Where do you suggest we keep you?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the male. King sighed hearing this and turned. 

"Fair point," King said as he walked into the room. When he did he heard a slight buzzing noise behind him and turned to see that there was now a field of energy now separating him from Ironwood. King sighed seeing this and walked over to his bed before he began to lay down and look at the ceiling. 

After some time had passed King let out a sigh. "Shadow?" King questioned to see if the female had recovered any since he had arrived. When he said this the female slowly began to rise from the shadows and King smiled seeing that the female was more or less completely healed. 

"It's so good to see you again master," Shadow said with a smile as she looked at King. 

"I'm glad to see that you're okay," King said as he looked at the female. Shadow smiled with a slight blush hearing this and covered her face a bit embarrassed. 

"You flatter me, master," Shadow said as she looked at the male. King smiled hearing this and moved over patting the spot next to him. Shadow smiled seeing this and happily took the seat next to him before she began to lay her head on King's lap. 

"I was really worried about you," King said as he began to stroke the female's head. Shadow smiled hearing this with a slight blush. 

"Of course master, I'd do anything if it pleases you. As long as it's you then I don't care, if you're kind then I'm happy, if you're cruel then I'm happy," Shadow said with a smile, King smiled hearing this and looked at the ceiling. King then heard some footsteps approaching his cell and looked to see a male with a clipboard in front of him. 

The male's eyes widened as they came across Shadow and he slowly approached the cell in slight disbelief. "A-Amelia," The male said as he looked at Shadow. 

"Amelia?" Shadow questioned as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"A-Amelia, it's me! You remember right? It's me, Alexander," The male said with a smile as he looked at Shadow. 

"I believe you're mistaken," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. "My name isn't Amelia, my name is Shadow," Shadow said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"A-Amelia what you saying? It's okay, you're safe now. I-I don't know what he did to you but I'm sure we can-" The male began only for King to cut him off. 

"Ah, I see. Now I understand," King said as he looked at Alexander causing the male to glare at him. "Sorry about that, please continue," King said as he gestured to the male in front of him. 

"What's he talking about master?" Shadow asked as she looked up at the male whose lap she was still sitting on. 

"He's referring to the girl you absorbed to obtain that form," King said as he looked at Shadow. 

"A-absorbed?" Alexander questioned as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Yeah," King said he looked up at the male. "Feel free to continue talking, but I should warn you that you'll just be wasting your time. The girl you call Amelia has been completely erased, all that remains is this physical form of her," King said as he gestured to Shadow. "And as you can see," King said as he began to pet Shadow causing her to smile with excitement. "She's completely docile and more than willing to serve me," King said as he looked at the male. 

"You . . . You're a liar!" The male said as some tears began to build in his eyes clearly unwilling to accept what he had just heard. "I don't know what you did to Amelia but as soon as we figure it out, we'll have her free from your control. Then we'll be the one's laughing," The male said as he turned to look at the female. 

"Tell him Amelia! I know you're still in there. You just need to fight it, I believe in you!" The male said as he continued to desperately plea out to the female that he thought he had lost. Shadow then turned to look up at King. 

"He's rather annoying isn't he? Would you like me to get rid of him master?" Amelia asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"No," King said with a sigh. "As tempting as that is, I don't think it'd be in our best interest at the moment. After all the last thing we need is for Ironwood to be keeping an even closer eye on us than he already is," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

Shadow nodded eagerly hearing this "As you wish master," Shadow said as she nuzzled against King with a smile. Alexander couldn't believe what he had just heard, and it had been said so casually as well. 

"A-AMELIA!" Alexander began only for a spike to rise from the ground and stop just under his chin. 

"Shut up,"  Shadow said as she glared at the male. "I'm not Amelia, she's dead, leave my master alone," Shadow said as they spike slowly seeped back into the ground. King smiled hearing this and once again began to pet the female causing her to smile and nuzzle against the male happily. The male gritted his teeth hearing this and began to walk away with tears in his eyes.

After several hours had passed King began to hear some footsteps walking towards him. King wouldn't have paid whoever it was any attention if it hadn't been for the fact that King could recognize the aura signature so he knew exactly who was walking towards him. King sighed hearing this and stood up much to Shadow's dismay.

King then walked over to the barrier that separated him from the rest of Atlas. After a few seconds had passed Ozpin stepped in front of King and looked down at the male. Ozpin then let out a sigh as he looked at the male in front of him. "Now that we have some privacy there's something I'd like to talk to you about," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"What do you want?" King asked as he glared up at the male in front of him. Ozpin sighed hearing this seeing that the male was still clearly hostile towards him for whatever reason. 

"Come now King, I'm sure we can work this out like civilized gentleman. I'm sure that whatever you've been through was . . . unpleasant to say the least. But trust me when I say that you'll want to listen to my offer," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. Before King had the chance to speak Shadow stepped between the two wanting to make her more than obvious hatred for not only him but all of then clear.

"ALL OF YOU TRIED TO KILL HIM! IF I HADN'T BEEN THERE TO SAVE HIM, HE'D BE DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS! YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK ABOUT BEING CIVIL AFTER WHAT YOU DID!" Shadow said as she glared at the male her true form making itself know near the bottom of her feet. Ozpin sighed hearing this and leaned over slightly so that he could see King.

"King if you wouldn't mind, could you call off your guard dog," Ozpin asked as he looked at the child in front of him.

"No, I think she's got things under control," King said with a smirk as he looked at Ozpin clearly just trying to spite him. Ozpin sighed hearing this and once again stood up straight as he turned his attention to the female in front of him. 

"Very well," Ozpin said with a sigh as he looked at the female in front of him. "Then can I trust you to relay a message to him?" Ozpin asked as he looked at the female in front of him. Shadow was silent for several seconds hearing this before she nodded causing the male smile.

"Then please tell him that despite what he may think, his mother is a very evil person. I hate to do this to someone as young as him but chances are that his mother doesn't really care about him and that she's only using him," Ozpin said as he looked at the two in front of him observing King's reactions more than Shadow's.

"I however can offer you a chance to redeem yourself. I can show you what it's like to be with others that truly care about you. While Ironwood sees you as a very dangerous individual I see a child that has been misguided. I'd like to correct that mistake," Ozpin said as he looked at the two in front of him. Shadow seemed a bit shocked hearing this and continued to listen to the male keeping a rather stoic expression as she did. 

"However I'm not stupid enough to put any faith in someone who's not willing to change their ways. I know you'd have to prove yourself not only to meet but the others as well, and I think I know just the way you can do that," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. When he said this King sighed and began to walk forward. When he did Shadow moved to the side and began to sit on the ground beside King. 

"What did you have in mind?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. Ozpin smiled slightly hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. 

"As much as Ozpin would undoubtedly like to keep this matter a secret it's only a matter of time before it's common knowledge. A while ago Atlas created a robot named Jensen, Ironwood apparently modeled him after someone that had died in a rather tragic incident. He was an experiment of sorts, a prototype to something else that Atlas had planned. However he found out about the nature of his experiment and he went rouge," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Get to the point," King said starting to become a bit bored with what Ozpin was saying. 

"This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that he's now actively trying to bring the Atlesian military down. He's stolen several androids that belong to the Atlesian military, and he's been responsible for several acts of terrorism as well as several military and civilian deaths. I'm sure if you were to eliminate him it would benefit us both greatly. Who knows it may even get Ironwood to lighten up on your sentence," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"What makes you think I can defeat them?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Because I know what your capable of," Ozpin said as he took another sip from his cup. "You defeated Summer Rose, and while I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you for that. I also know how capable she was not only as a huntsmen but as a maiden as well. Yet you were able to defeat her, even with the help she had received along the way. So it's more than obvious that you've got more than enough power to deal with Jensen," Ozpin said as he looked at the male. 

"Then I saw just how smart you were earlier today. While we were playing chess I managed to defeat you without losing a single piece. However during I last match I had to forfeit because you had set a trap so perfect that no matter what I did or what precautious I tried to take you would have won in three moves despite the fact this was a game you had never played before," Ozpin said as he looked at the male in front of him.

A few moments of silence then passed before either of them spoke, and as it turned out that person was King. "I'll think about it," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ozpin nodded hearing this and decided to offer King some parting words of advice. 

"As I said I won't force your hand, if you want to continue down your current path then I won't stop you. However I can see what your capable of I can assure you that you are capable of something so much greater than this," Ozpin said before he began to walk away. 

King then watched as the male's outline slowly faded from sight. King sighed as he did and began to walk over to the bed he had been laying on before. When he did Shadow took a seat beside him and looked at him with a concerned expression. "What are you going to do master?" Shadow asked as she looked at the male. 

"I don't know," King answered honestly as he looked at the ceiling. "I don't think I should help them, but at the same time I'm pretty pissed at my mother and the others for what they did. Maybe I'll help them, even if it is just to spite my mother a bit," King said as he looked at the ceiling. 

Shadow nodded hearing this and began to sit beside King's bed like she did when she was at the palace. Not that she minded of course, this bed was much smaller, it was barely big enough for an average human, plus she preferred sleeping like this. As long as she didn't get to clingy King would let her hold his hand while he slept. It also made it easier for her to jump to his defense if anyone tried to attack him in his sleep. 

Shadow watched the male as he slowly drifted off to sleep and smiled as she reached up to hold his hand using her arms as a pillow. "Goodnight master," Shadow said as she closed her eyes and slowly began to drift off to sleep as well. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as well as the new OC introduced in this chapter, Jensen who is owned by RealNagitoKomaeda for those of you that are curious I am still accepting OC's for the this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King fights Jensen
2. Ironwood tests King
3. King meets someone (suggest who you want)
4. King sends Shadow on a mission
5. Other (Suggest what you want)

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