Chapter 6: Kidnapping

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P.O.V. Third

Shadow sighed as she looked at the male in front of her. She hated seeing her master in such a poor condition. She had been assigned to take care of her master and much to her distress his current state hadn't improved at all in fact if anything it had actually become even worse than before.

Shadow sighed as she reached over to the wet towel that was on King's head before she dumped it in a nearby bucket of cold water rung it out and placed it back on his head. She then once again began to wait and bit her lip slightly as she looked at the male. 

His hair was still glowing and his face had now become stained red. His breathing also seemed to worse as he was now panting heavily despite the fact that King had been asleep for the majority of the day. 

"I hope that you'll be okay master," Shadow said more to herself than anyone else as she looked down at the male in front of her. However her worried state only worsened as she suddenly heard a loud explosion and felt the ground shake violently. Shadow shapeshifted into a Beowulf when this happened and began to look around. 

Shadow then began to hear several gunshot and lowered her head so that she could use her enhanced hearing to try and form a better imagine of what was happening. "Where is he!" She heard a muffled voice say behind several gunshots. 

"I don't but keep searching he has to be somewhere here! Also any of you see if you can locate the remains of Amelia!" Another female voice said as Shadow noticed that they were beginning to come closer to her. Shadow assuming the worse that they were here for her master transformed into a king taijitsu and coiled around King in an attempt to protect him. 

She could hear the gunshots coming closer as time passed. She wanted to just scoop her master up and make a run for it but she wasn't sure where to go. In King's current state taking him anywhere would have meant certain death. "What are you doing?" Shadow heard a familiar voice ask in front of the door. 

Shadow then turned back into her human form and ran towards the door with a smile. That was Salem's voice, even if she wasn't happy that King was sick she'd know what to do. "I'm going to get King," She heard Javelin's voice say in front of the door. Shadow then reached for the nob ready to open the door however before she could she heard something that stopped her in her tracks. 

"Leave him, he's worthless. There's no point in wasting energy on someone who's just going to die," Salem said as she began to walk away. Shadow couldn't believe what she had just heard. How could someone be so irresponsible! Even Grimm such as her had basic maternal instincts, but her, she was just going to leave King for dead. Just because it caused a slight inconvenience for her. 

After a few moments of silence she then heard Javelin begin to run away as well. She couldn't believe it, they were really just going to leave her master behind like that? How could they! Shadow wanted to fling open the door so that she could yell at them however she heard several footsteps followed by one of the doors being kicked in. 

Shadow panicked seeing this and transformed into her Beringel form as ran towards King scooping him up and running towards a window. She didn't want her master to travel in his current state but at the moment she didn't have a choice. Shadow was about to jump out the window until she saw several Atlean airships flying as well as several huntsmen wearing Atlas uniforms around the tower. 

Shadow then heard the door behind her opening and gently placed King on the ground before she turned into a Beowulf and took a defensive state over King growling aggressively as she did. As she did the door was kicked open and several huntsmen began to point their guns at her. She saw the male's eyes shift from her to the male beneath her quickly. 

"HE'S IN HERE!" The male said trying to alert the others and within a matter of seconds several guards had her surround. Shadow had no time to think as they all began to shoot at her. Despite her best efforts to defend herself there was always one arena that she couldn't defend. After several minutes Shadow finally collapsed and purposely threw herself to the side so that she wouldn't land on top of King. 

"I'm . . . sorry . . . master," Shadow said in it's groggy course voice as she began to seep into King's shadow. She didn't want to leave him alone, however at the moment she was to injured to continue. If she stayed in his shadow then she could recover, however she had decided that if things looked like they were getting to far out of hand then she would once again make her presence known. 

The figures then waited several minutes before any said anything almost as if they were expecting something to go wrong. "Sir we've eliminated the threat," A male said once he was sure that nothing was going to happen. The grimm from before didn't seem to be planning to come back and the male that they had been sent to capture hadn't moved since they had arrived. 

As soon as he said this a male with black hair that seemed to be silver and gray in some areas walked into the room. He seemed a bit surprised seeing the male that had killed Summer in such a state. "What did you all do to him?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the soldiers around him. 

"Nothing sir, he was like this when we found him," One of the male's answered as he looked at Ironwood. 

"I see," The elderly male said as he looked at the child in front of him. He didn't want to take sympathy on the male especially since he had seen first hand just what this child was capable however at the same time this was just a child. So it was naturally hard for him not to feel a little empathy for the male in front of him. 

After a few moments of silence Ironwood sighed and looked in the direction of the door. "Winter come in here," Ironwood said as he looked at the doorway expectantly, and just as he had thought within a few seconds a young female with pure white hair that had been tied back into a bun and icy blue eyes walked into the room. 

"Yes sir?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"I'm placing you in charge of his transportation to Atlas. I expect you to oversee the others and make sure that his state doesn't worsen between now and the time we arrive. Am I clear?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the female in front of her. 

"Of course, sir!" Winter said with a somewhat enthusiastic tone. This was one of the reasons that Ironwood had agreed to let her join Atlas military before she had graduated from Atlas academy. She was always so willing to help and follow orders especially if she believed that it would benefit their cause for some reason or another. 

Winter then began to walk over to the male and reached down to pick him up unware of her extra guest that was hiding just out of sight in the shadows. Winter of course obediently carried the male to the ship however all the commotion had managed to finally wake the male. King then looked up and for a brief moment he thought he saw Shadow carrying him and offered the female a kind smile. 

However his smile quickly faded the moment he realized he wasn't being carried by Shadow. After a few steps of feeling the child glaring at her Winter finally looked down and gave the male a rather forced smile. Of course Ironwood had told her how dangerous the male was but at the moment he didn't seem like much to her. 

"Don't worry, we'll take you somewhere safe," Winter said trying to put the male at ease. She personally believed that the male wasn't deserving of any form of sympathy however Ironwood had placed her in charge of his wellbeing and despite her feelings she was willing to put those aside that she could care for the male. 

"I'll," King said as he began to slowly began to reach up towards the female with Winter still offering him a kind smile. However her smile quickly faded as King gripped the collar of her shirt and began to glare daggers at her. "I'll break every bone in your body, have your skin ripped off, crucify you, and then burn you at a stake," King said just before the anger from his eyes faded and his grip went limp as his arms fell to his side. 

It was clear that the male had once again passed out however that didn't shake the feeling of unease that Winter had just gotten. This child who was just a few years younger than her, had managed to come up with a threat like that, and say it with an almost casual voice. It managed to send chills down her spine.

"The rest of you, stay here and secure this palace. They'll be back and in greater numbers. They'll undoubtedly take this place back, so destroy as much as you can while you have the chance. Destroy the entire building if need be," Ironwood said as he also began to walk down the halls. Ironwood then walked into one of the many airships that had been placed outside. 

When he walked in he heard Winter enter behind him and place the male on a medical bed. However out of caution Winter also bound the male to be sure that he couldn't do anything even if he wanted to. When they finally arrived at Atlas Winter released the male from his restraints and began to take him into one of the several rooms that they had. 

"Try and find out why he's so weak and see if you can't make him better . . . but try not to fully heal him. After all the last thing we need is for him to be able to fight again," Winter said as she looked at one of the male's in front of her. 

"Understood," The medic said as he took the male and placed him on a table that then began to glow a dull green color. "What the!" The male said as he looked at the monitor in front of him. "Just what did you do to this kid!" The male said as he turned to Winter. 

"We didn't do anything to him, he was apparently found like this," Winter said as she looked at the male in front of him. 

"Then I can only imagine what kind of horrible conditions he was in then. His aura is almost completely depleted. It's so low that it's miracle that he's even alive to begin with," The male said with a sigh as he turned to look at Winter. 

"Look, I know you said you wanted us to try and restore him but to be honest. In this state I'll doubt he'll make it through the night," The male said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"These are orders from general Ironwood, he wants this male alive for some reason. Personally if it was up to me he would have been dead the moment anyone had laid eyes on him," Winter said as she looked at the male still clearly upset by the threat he had made earlier. 

"Very well," The male said with a sigh as he began to type on the small screen in front of him. "I will try my best, but just a warning I can't promise he's going to live. I can't even promise that he'll make it through the next few hours," The male said as he looked at Winter. The female gritted her teeth hearing this and watched as several more staff appeared and began to work on the male. 

Winter a bit exhausted from the rather short work day began to walk to her room and began to lay down for the night. It may not have been that long or even challenging but if nothing else it was at least stressful. After all Atlas had just captured someone who had killed several members of the military endangered several lives and was responsible for several other crimes that she didn't even want to think about, then she was placed in charge of keeping him alive. 

After several hours when Winter once again awoke, when she did she began to make her way to the room from yesterday hoping that King's condition had improved, or that if nothing else he had at least survived. She was incredibly nervous, she knew that if he couldn't be helped then there was nothing she could have done about it and she was hoping Ironwood wouldn't hold it against her. However at the same time Ironwood was a rather difficult man to get a read on. 

When she arrived she saw the male from before on the table. His eyes were open and he seemed have a rather bored look on his face. However the one thing that stood out the most to her was the fact that King now had several metal restraints holding him on the table and there were also several blood stains around the table. "How is he?" Winter asked as she looked at the male from before. 

The male sighed hearing this and placed a hand to his head pinching the ridge of his nose. "I . . . I don't know," The male said as he pulled up a screen with an outline of a human body and a small orb at the center. "According to this his aura is still extremely low. He shouldn't be alive let alone conscious. However he seems to be completely fine," The male said as he looked at the female. 

"I see, and the blood?" Winter asked as she looked in the room. 

"Oh that, I wouldn't worry to much about that. It's his, after he woke up he was understandable pretty pissed so he went berserk and attacked everyone nearby. It took ten of us to restrain him, he's a strong brat that's for sure," The male said as she turned and began to look at the screen in front of him. The male then sighed and stood up as he began to walk towards the room. 

"What are you doing?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Well it would appear as if he's in a much better mood now. So I want to talk to him and try and remove those restraints of his," The male said as he looked at the white haired female. Winter nodded in understanding hearing this and watched as the male entered the room and approached the table. 

"Excuse me little one," The male said as he looked at King who at the moment was still tied down. 

"King," The child said as he continued to stare at the ceiling. The elder of the two seemed confused hearing this and the child turned to look at him. "My name is King, don't call me little one. Just because you're taller than me doesn't mean you can talk down to me," King said as he glared at the male. 

When he said this the male sighed and nodded. "Well then excuse me King," The male said as he looked at the child. "But if you're willing to cooperate with us then I'd be willing to undo the restraints arounds you," The male said as he looked at King. 

"How much cooperation?" King asked as he looked at the male. 

"Just attack or kill anyone," The male said as he looked at the male. After a few brief moments of silence King sighed and began to stare at the ceiling.

"Agreed," King said as he waited for the male to unbind him. When he did the male began to undo the metal binding around him. When he did King began to rotate his wrists and ankles letting some feeling return to them. 

"Now then," The male said as he held up a small needle. "I'd like a small sample of blood," The male said as he looked at King. 

"Why?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"We need to examine it," The male said as he looked at King. After a few moments of thought King sighed and held out his arm. 

"Help yourself," King said knowing that it wouldn't help him that much. The male nodded hearing this and began to draw some blood from him. 

"Thank you," The male said as he began to draw blood from him. After he did the male walked out of the room with a slight victorious smile. "I never would have imagined he'd be so cooperative," The male said as he looked at the blood in the vail in front of him. However as he did he noticed something strange. 

The blood seemed to be a slightly darker shade than usual. Shrugging the male then took the vial over the a small device and placed it into it. "What are you doing?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"I'm preparing his blood for analysis," The male said as he the mission beeped and the male looked over to the machine to see the word error. The male seemed a bit taken back to see this and opened the machine to see that as he had thought the blood was just fine and once again put it in the machine hoping it was just a glitch of some kind. However after a few more seconds he once again saw the word error appear on the screen. 

"Is something wrong?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Apparently," The male said with a  sigh as he removed the vail of blood from the machine. "However I'm not sure what, I know we got this machine six months ago however this is some of the best Atlesian technology available. It should be good for years to come," The male said as he sighed.

"I'll just have to analyze it myself under one of the microscopes," The male said with a sigh as he began to walk over to said device. Winter nodded hearing this and began to walk, she wanted to visit Ironwood and see if he had any other assignments for her. She didn't mind the job that he had given her yesterday, but if she had her choice she'd rather be doing something else. Something that she thought was more important than babysitting. 

When she located the male she smiled as she began to walk towards him. Before she had the chance to speak to the male Ironwood looked at her. "What are you doing here?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"I'm here to see if there's anything that you-" Winter began only for Ironwood to cut her off. 

"I don't need anything, you're supposed to be watching over King. Despite how he looks I can assure you that he is incredibly dangerous. You are not to let him out of your sight again, are we clear?" Ironwood said with some slight venom in his voice as he looked at the female in front of him. Winter was a bit taken back by this and sighed as she turned and began to walk away. 

When she once again arrived in the room that she had just left she saw the male from before once again holding the ridge of his nose. He seemed to be processing several feelings, and overall just seemed a bit dazed at the moment. "Is something wrong?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"You could say that," The male said as he turned to look at Winter. "I was able to determine why the antaomizor wouldn't accept his blood. It's because it was built to only analyze human and faunus blood, and he's neither . . . or at least not fully," The male said as he held up a screen with some data on it. 

"What?" Winter asked as she began to look at the screen in front of her.

"This is only what I was able to find at first glance, I'll need to inspect it again to find more. However I can safely say that only part of him is human, the other part of him however" The male began as he turned to look at the female. "is part grimm," The male said as he looked at Winter. 

"Are you sure?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her trying to confirm that he hadn't made some sort of mistake. 

"Indeed take a look," The male said as he gestured to a small pile of black dust that was now in the vial. 

"What is that?" Winter asked as she looked at the strange substance in front of him. 

"That used to be his blood, it dusted itself after being away from his body for to long," The male said as he sighed. "This would also explain his abnormally low aura signature. "If he's a creature of grimm, something that doesn't have a soul then of course he won't have an aura signature," The male said as he looked at the screen in front of him. 

"I'll need another blood sample however we can't just take more from him, he's small and he'll run out of blood. That and I don't think it'd be a good idea to try and patronize him. He's already told me not to talk down to him and now that I know he's part grimm it's likely that he has a deep hatred for humans as well," The male said as he looked at Winter. 

"I see, well I'm sure if we ask him he won't mind after all it's only another small vail of blood," Winter said as she looked at the male. As much as she hated the thought of watching a child. She didn't mind watching over something that as far as she knew was a one of a kind specimen. 

"I suppose, but at the same, we may need to watch how we carry ourselves. He doesn't seem like the type to take disrespect lightly," The male said as he looked at Winter. As soon as he said this the younger female nodded and walked into the room and looked at the male in front of her. 

"Would it be possible for us to get some more blood from you?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"I want some Matsusaka," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"What?" Winter asked slightly confused as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"I gave you my blood the first time as payment for healing me. Now this time I want some Matsusaka," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"But Matsusaka beef is 78 lien a pound," Winter said as she looked at the male in front of her a bit shocked at his demand. 

"You're right that does seem a little cheap," King said as he looked at the ceiling. "In that case, I want two Matsusaka, and some orange juice preferably in a sixty ounce container," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"For one vail of blood! That's outrageous!" Winter said as she looked at the male. 

"Maybe, but it's the best you're going to get. If I don't get something to eat and drink that's been customized for me then you don't get my blood. It really is that simple," King said with an arrogant smirk as he shrugged in almost mocking manner. Winter clenched her fists and was about to speak however King managed to do so first. 

"Personally if it were up to me you'd all already be dead," King said as he looked up at the white haired female in front of him. "It'd be easy to reach into your skull and pull out one of your eyes then feed it to a grimm. If I wanted, I'm fairly certain that I could walk out of this building and there's not a single person that could stop me," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"Then why don't you just do it?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"At the moment I have a friend that won't be able to travel. So I think it'd be in my best interest to stay here at the moment," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Winter was a bit confused hearing this but gritted her teeth and turned. When she walked out she turned to look at the male in front of her. 

"I'll be back, don't let him out of your sights," The female said as she looked at the male in front of her as she began to walk out of the building and down the streets. She didn't like the demands that King was making but at the moment she didn't have the time to argue with him. Not if it meant that Ironwood would be upset with her. 

She bought the food that King wanted and began to walk back to the building. When she returned she saw several guards around the room. "Is something wrong?" Winter asked, one of the several guards. 

"Not at the moment, we were just told to stand guard around this room. Your orders, apparently," The male said as he looked at the female in front of him. Winter seemed a bit shocked hearing this and walked into the room. 

"Here," Winter said with a small amount of distain as she looked at the male. King smiled as he saw the food and opened one of the packages and placed it on his hand. Within seconds the meat was covered in flames and he smiled as the smell filled the room. While the meat was cooking King reached for the other package and opened it. 

King then placed the meat behind him so that Winter wouldn't be able to see it. "Why'd you open it if you aren't going to eat it?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"Don't worry about it," King said as he used his semblance to cut the meat behind him into several small chunks. King's shadow then began to envelope one of the several pieces and it slowly began to seep into his shadow. 

The flames that King had been using to cook his food until now then disappeared and he smiled as he looked at the food in front of him, and he slowly began to eat the food while sticking out his arm once again waiting for them to draw blood from him. As soon as he did Winter walked out of the room and within a matter of seconds the male from before walked in and like before took a small amount of King's blood. 

The male then began to analyze his blood like before and Winter watched the male closely from behind. Hoping he would tell her about any interesting abnormalities that he managed to find. After several hours had passed Winter looked at the male from before and sighed, they needed more of his blood however he at the moment didn't think he needed anything so he wasn't willing to give up any more of his blood. 

As Winter stared at the male in slight frustration Ironwood began to walk up behind the female. "What have you found?" Ironwood asked as he looked at Winter

"Whoever this kid is he's certainly one of a kind, his aura signature is abnormally low. In fact if he were human than he'd be dead," Winter said as she looked at the hologram in front of her. 

"And that's it?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the female. 

"Of course not, this kid has several quirks that are both horrifying and amazing," Winter said as she looked at Ironwood. 

"Such as?" Winter said as he looked at the female. 

"I've sent a full report to you already sir but I will tell you the big one that you will undoubtedly want to hear," The female said as she held up her holo-tablet and began to show Ironwood a large amount of data. "His genes are amazing this is true, and most of them benefit him greatly. Almost like his was built to have these specific genes inside of him, it's rather strange to say the least. However there's one sequence that stands out more than any other and that's this one," Winter said as Ironwood took the device from her. 

"We've named it G-369," The female said as Ironwood began to look over the data in front of him. "This is something that we could only dream of having until now. If we could learn how to extract this and apply it to others, then the benefits this would cause would be revolutionary to say the least," Winter said with a smile starting to show just how truly happy and excited she was about this discovery.

"This is," Ironwood began in obvious shock as he looked at the data in front of him. 

"That's right," Winter chimed as she took the device back. "This gene lets him chose whether he wants to age or not. Aging is natural part of life and it seems like it's a part of his as well, however the difference between us and him is that this genetic sequence literally lets him bring that entire process to a halt," The female said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"That is amazing," Ironwood said as he looked at the female in front of him. 

"Isn't it? With your permission we'd like to start dissecting him as soon as possible. After you look over the report I sent you of course," Winter said as she looked at Ironwood. As soon as he heard this Ironwood tensed up. He had a feeling that if King so much as heard that he'd undoubtedly begin to fight back. 

"Not yet," Ironwood said as he looked at the male through the glass that separated them. "I'd like to speak to him first," Ironwood said as he began to walk into the room. Winter became a bit nervous and as soon as the door shut behind him she looked at the guards beside her. 

"Get ready, I don't want to take the chance of him trying anything," The female said as she looked at the guards. When she said this they all nodded and prepared themselves to rush into the room while at the same time making it look as if they were just standing by. Winter watched as Ironwood walked up to the male as he sat on the table in front of him. 

"So why did you do it?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"As if you can't guess," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ironwood gritted his teeth slightly hearing this. He had been hoping that this child for some reason had just been blackmailed into doing what Salem wanted. However deep down he knew the truth, he knew that the only reason he had killed Summer Rose and attacked him was because he had been told to. 

"If that's the case then there's someone I'd like you to meet tomorrow. He requested to see you before we decided to do anything to drastic with you," Ironwood said as he looked at the child in front of him. 

"As if you could do anything to me," King remarked as he looked at the male in front of him. "I'm only ten years old and I already have more power than you. The only difference is that I don't hide behind others like a pathetic coward," King said he looked at the male in front of him. Ironwood sighed hearing this and took a deep breath deciding it would be better to simply ignore the male's comment and not give him the satisfaction of seeing him. 

That would only encourage him, "So then," Ironwood said as he looked at the male. "Who exactly are you? After all it's not everyday that someone is seen with Ark Dios, let alone kill a skilled huntsmen," Ironwood said as he glared at the male. 

"I am King Kresnik, the son of Salem," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. When he said this Ironwood felt part of his heart sink. He had already guessed that this was the case, however to hear it for himself was an entirely different matter. "Now let me ask you a question," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

Ironwood tensed up slightly hearing this and looked at the male in front of him. "Why are you fighting? You seen it yourself even your best men can't hold a candle to someone like me. You'll undoubtedly lose this war," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"That's because we are fighting for things that you could never understand. We fight for something greater than ourselves, we are fighting so that others can live," Ironwood said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"What makes you think we're not?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. "What makes you believe that we aren't fighting for those we are close to us? How do you know the creatures of grimm aren't fighting so that their children won't have to live in fear of being dusted by you humans. If that's you're argument then I hate to tell you but that's a moot point," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

Ironwood looked at the male a bit surprised hearing this and sighed. "If that's the case then we can only hope that things will work in our favor. After all fate has seemed to favor us thus far," Ironwood said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Is that what you think?" King asked as he looked at Ironwood before he began to chuckle slightly, however it didn't take long for his chuckle to escalate into full blown laughter. "Then you really are an idiot!" King said as he looked at the male in front of her.

"There is no hope on the battlefield! There's nothing but unspeakable despair," King said as he looked at the male. "You think that someone will stamp a paper that says you get to live just because you fight for others? Then you really are a moron," King said with a smile as he looked at the male in front of him. 

Ironwood gritted his teeth hearing this and grabbed his gun and went to move forward. He planned on grabbing the male by his collar and holding his gun under him to try and at least threaten him. However before he could he felt two large cuts around his lips that began to spread up to his face. 

Ironwood jumped back and held his hands up to his mouth only for a large amount of blood to begin pouring from his mouth. "Damnit," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. Ironwood looked up at the male hearing this and saw that one of his hands was now covered in a grimm-like armor and his nails had become longer and much sharper. 

"You jumped back, I guess you're quicker than I gave you credit for," King said as his armor faded from his arm. "I was hoping to hack that fucking snarl off your damn face," King said with a smile as he looked up at the male in front of him. After he said this the guards that Winter had told to prepare themselves suddenly came into the room. 

"Sir are you okay?" Winter asked as she looked at the male. "Yeah I'll be fine," Ironwood said as he began to hold his hand over his cheek. "It's nothing a mechanic can't fix," Ironwood said as he slowly stood up. After seeing a few stares at him King sighed and looked at Winter. 

"Actually," King began as he looked at the female in front of him. "There is something you can give me in exchange for my blood," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. Winter immediately assumed the worse and placed a hand on her weapon ready to attack the male. 

"What outrageous, demand do you want now?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of him. 

"A pillow, and blanket," King said as he looked at the female. "You've all greatly fouled my mood, and I'm hoping that sleeping will help put me in a better mood," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. However he had another reason to want the blanket. It was so that he could create even more shadows so that his loyal servant could heal herself even faster. After a good nights rest he assumed that she'd be in near perfect condition. 

Winter sighed hearing this and watched as the others began to walk out of the room. King sighed as the room was empty and within an hour Winter returned and toss a pillow and a rather thin cover at him. "Here," Winter said with more than enough venom in her voice. 

"Thank you," King said calmly as he once again held out his arm. When he did the female walked out the room and like before within a minute the male once again walked into the room with a needle and took a small amount of blood from King. The male then walked out of the room and King began to lay down on the table he had been sitting on for the entirety of his day. 

As he did King placed the pillow under his head and threw a cover over himself. After several hours had passed King once again woke up and saw a new male standing in front of him. "What are you doing here?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"I've been told that I'll be extracting your blood this morning. I'm not sure why, but they also told me to mention something about a debt," The male said a bit confused as he looked at the child. King gritted his teeth hearing this and held out his arm. Despite what he had hoped for Shadow still wasn't fully recovered, King's best guess as to why was that she still had some dust lingering around in her system. 

"You know you don't seem that bad for someone who reportedly attacked the general . . . twice," The male said as he looked at King. 

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you. That is unless you have a death wish," King warned as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Seems like someone has a superiority complex," The male said as he walked over to King as he slowly began to sit up. 

"Complex? I am superior, that's a fact," King said as the male began to slowly walk towards him.

"Are you back talking me?" The male asked assuming he'd act the way most other children his age would in this situation. King gritted his teeth and looked at the male in front of him. 

"Yeah I am," King said as held out his arm. "That's how communication works you moron," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. The male then sighed clearly annoyed by what he had just heard. 

"I knew this was going to be a pain in the ass," The male said as he slowly inserted the needle into his arm and began to draw some blood from him. 

"Well," King began as he glared at the male. "I'm no doctor, but maybe you can find some medicine for your ass while you try and analyze some more of my blood," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. The male once again sighed as he looked at King. 

"You know, you have a lot of confidence for someone who's being held here," The male said as he pulled the needle out of King arm and looked at it to make sure that he had gotten as much blood as he thought possible. 

"Is that what you think?" King asked as he watched the male turn his back to him 

"Prove me wrong," The male said as he began to walk away. However when he did the needle suddenly broke and it was shot into the male's eye at an incredible speed causing blood to begin gushing from it. The male let out a scream of pain when he did and fell back holding his eye as he looked at King now much more terrified than before. 

The male then began to run towards the door and King watched from the table as the door slid open. King then sighed as he slammed his fist against the wall behind him and the door slammed shut on the male just where his arm met his shoulder pinning the male in place. "Let's get one thing straight," King said as he looked up at the male. 

"You're not holding me here against my will. I could escape this pitiful place you call a base at time. The reason I'm staying here is because I know that a friend of mine is still hurt and she's still recovering. If I were to escape and move around it might cause her to have to overexert herself and open fresh wounds," King said as the door continued to close as several men and women tried to open the door. 

"So you're not holding me here against my will, I'm staying here voluntarily. You got that?" King said as he glared at the male in front of him. However before the male could answer the door for some reason still pressed against the male causing a sickening crack to fill the air. 

The male once again let out a loud scream as he felt this new crushing pain."Y-yes!" The male said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Good," King said as the door suddenly slammed all the way shut severing the males arm. The door then opened from the command of all the workers that had been trying to get the door to open before. "Keep that in mind, and maybe you'll get to keep your other arm," King warned as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"What about our blood?" Winter asked as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"It's right there on the ground," King said as he gestured to the blood that had spilled from the vail during the rather short scuffle. "However I doubt it'll be much good to you in that state," King said as he began to walk towards the door. Winter gritted her teeth hearing this and watched as the male looked at Ironwood. 

"Come on," King said as he looked at the male in front of him. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Ironwood asked as he looked at the child in front of him. 

"Didn't you say I had to meet someone today?" King asked as he looked at the two in front of him. "I suggest you introduce them to me, before my mood has the chance to worsen yet again," King said as he looked at the two in front of him. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and for those of you that are wondering. I am still currently accepting OC's for this story so if that's something you're interested in then please PM me. Now I hope you're all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin. 

Who does King meet?

1. Ozpin
2. Qrow
3. Lionheart
4. Taiyang 
5. Jacques
6. Ghira
7. Raven
8. Sienna
9. Watts
10. Other (suggest who you want)

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