Entrance Exam

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(Y/n) POV

It was currently the day before the entrance exam for UA which I was excited for, I was currently eating dinner with my family and we were all chatting about stuff until my dad asked me a question.

Enji : "Hey (Y/n) do you want me to recommend you for UA like Shoto?"

(Y/n) : "No thanks I'm good."

Touya : "What?!?! Seriously why?"

(Y/n) : "Because I want to work for my place, not let someone hand it to me, no offence dad."

Enji : "None taken, and besides I think that's a good idea fighting for your spot."

Rei : "Agreed that's good motivation."

After we finished dinner, I decided to head out to the training area to get 30 minutes of training in, so I'm ready for what's going to be in the exam, but over the years Shoto stopped using his fire, and over that time I've tried may times to try to get him to use it, but to no avail, so over time I gave up, if he wants to freeze himself solid, I don't care it's his fault, but we developed an intense rivalry against each other to see who was more powerful. But we were never able to find out who was more powerful. After 30 minutes I started to get ready for bed and get some sleep before tomorrow.

The next day

I got up and put on the new fire proof clothes that my parents bought for me so that every time I used my quirk, they wouldn't burn away. Me and Shoto then walked to the entrance exam and went their separate ways to take our different exams, I went to the main building and sat down next to a someone with red spiky hair.

(Y/n) : "Yo spike head."

Spike head : "Hey, I have a name you know and its Ejiro Kirishima."

(Y/n) : "Nice to meet you Kirishima, I'm (Y/n)."

But before me and Kirishima could continue our talk, Present Mic started talking.

Present Mic : "HEY!"

No one said anything.

(Y/n) : 'This guy is too loud.'

Present Mic then started to explain what we needed to do and how it worked, when suddenly a tall blue hair boy with glasses started spouting out some obstacle that the teacher didn't mention and something about UA reputation then he pointed to some kid and called him out.

??? : "And you stop mumbling you're distracting to the people around you that are trying to focus."

After that, he sat back down, I just ignored what the guy was saying.

Present Mic : "Alright the obstacle you were talking about is the Zero Pointer and it doesn't matter if someone destroyed it so its best to ignore it."

(Y/n) : "Well if he's telling us to ignore it then it must be important right Kirishima?"

Kirishima : "Yeah it might be."

And after that, the speech ended, me and Kirishima went to the exam stage, ready to start it.


Me and Kirishima had finished the written exam and made our way to s city like area where people were waiting behind a gate.

Kirishima : "You ready for this (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) : *cracks knuckles* "Hell yeah!"

Kirishima : "So what's you're quirk you haven't told me."

(Y/n) : "It's called Blueflame Subfreeze, you know who Endeavor is right?"

Kirishima : "Yeah, of course, he's the number two hero."

(Y/n) : "He's my dad."

Kirishima : *surprised* "Really?"

(Y/n) : "Yeah, my quirk is similar to his to an extent, except that my flames are blue and are hotter and are far more powerful, but harder to control as well and if I use it too much I can burnout, so I won't be able to use my fire for 10 minutes, and I can even manipulate ice as well which from my mom the Frozen Hero Blizzard."

Kirishima : "Oh really, you're quirk is really cool, mine isn't that special, all I can do is harden my body." *hardens his arms*

(Y/n) : "Holy crap, that's actually a really cool and useful quirk."

Kirishima : "Really thanks I don't think it's that good of a quirk it's not really that flashy."

(Y/n) : "No it looks really cool as well, you shouldn't doubt you're self that much."

Kirishima : "Thanks (Y/n)."

Everyone was just chatting and just standing around waiting for a countdown or something like that.

Present Mic : "GO!"

(Y/n) : "Come on Kirishima hurry!"

I ran off leaving everyone behind with Kirishima behind him, everyone beside the was confused but started to run as well. As we entered the city we begin to see robots.

(Y/n) : "If we work together we can get lots of points."

Kirishima : "Yeah!"

As we were running in the city arena two 3 pointers robots suddenly appeared in front of us.

(Y/n) : "You get the one of the right I'll get the one on the left."

Kirishima : "Got it!"

I then charged at the 3 pointer on the left and punched the robot with a small explosion.

Kirishima hardened his arm and punched the 3 pointer on the right.

(Y/n) : "Nice job"

Kirishima : "You too and damn your fire is really hot."

(Y/n) : *rub the back of his neck* "Yeah sorry."

I then saw a bunch of robots in a group and told Kirishima to follow me. When we got there I used flame charge and grabbed a 1 pointer a and threw it at 2 other robots.

(Y/n) : "That's 10 all together."

Kirishima punched a few robots and threw one to me, I then shot fire at it.

Kirishima : "Nice."

(Y/n) : "How many points do you have."

Kirishima : "12"

(Y/n) : "Alright I see a few more over there, come on."

We then run towards the robots when I see a blond boy with a black streak in his hair about to get punched by a robot. I quickly used flame charge and charged at the robot and punched it with my fist on fire.

(Y/n) : "You ok?"

??? : "Yeah thanks."

Kirishima caught up to us and that's when an even larger group of robots showed up.

(Y/n) : "That's a lot."

??? : "I can discharge my electricity to destroy some of them but you guys might get hurt."

(Y/n) : "That's alright, Kirishima can harden his body and I'll be fine."

Kirishima : "You sure? I mean I can harden my body but you'll get hurt won't you?"

(Y/n) : "I can take it and if its that bad I'll just launch myself into the air."

??? : "Alright but be prepared."

Kirishima hardened his body and I prepared my body for the attack, while the boy put his hands on the ground and discharge electricity around himself. When it ended the boy had stupid look on his face.

??? : "Duh, duh, duh."

Me and Kirishima laughed our butts off. After the boy recovered I asked him what his name was and he told us his Denki.

Denki : "Alright we got to get more points."

The 3 of us went around attacking more robots as well as helping out people, then we heard a loud crash and saw tons of people running away from something we then head towards the chaos and we all looked up.

(Y/n) : "Holy sh*t that's big."

Kirishima : "Yeah no kidding."

(Y/n) : *smiling* "That must be the zero pointer."

Kirishima : "Yeah I didn't know it would that big though. How are we going to take it down?"

(Y/n) : *gets an idea* "Kirishima, Denki I have an idea."

Denki : "Well what is it?"

(Y/n) : "Ok here's the plan you two take out it treads to stop it from moving and I'll deal the final hit got it?"

Denki : "That's you plan!"

(Y/n) : "Yup."

Kirishima : "Sounds risky, but we should try it."

Denki : "You too!"

(Y/n) : "Come on Denki if we don't get enough points the judges should be impressed taht we took it down together."

Denki : "Alright fine I'm in."

Kirishima : "What kind of man would I be if I didn't say yes to this."

(Y/n) : "Alright, you guys ready."

Denki/Kirishima : "Hell yeah!!"

All three of us then begin running to towards the zero pointer, it then sees and smashes a building causing rocks to fall, a rock then lands in my path, so I use my quirk to run on the wall of the building nearby.

I then land safely and ignite myself on fire and run towards the zero point, I run past a few people, including a angry spikey haired boy with a sort of explosion quirk, I then see that Denki and Kirishima have destroyed the zero pointers treads and are running towards me, I then increase my flames temperature, I stop and just before I send a massive wave of fire at the zero pointer I tell Kirishima and Denki to get out of the way.

(Y/n) : "Out of the way guys you don't want to be in the way of this."

They then dive out of the way in the nick of time and look back to see me send a colossal wave of fire at the zero pointer.

Everyone present, just stares at the massive amount of fire that just incinerate the zero pointer with ease. I then fall on my knees with smoke coming from me.

Kirishima : "Dude! That so awesome, it was so manly!"

(Y/n) : "Yeah it was f*cking awesome."

Denki : "Yeah it was."

After that the exam ended, I went back home, where at the front door I saw my dad waiting for me with a smile on his face.

Enji : "Ah your home, so how was it?"

(Y/n) : "It was great, had a fun time and made some new friends."

Enji : "That's good to hear."

I then went inside the house and collapsed on the sofa in the living room, then Shoto came from the kitchen and sat down next to me.

Shoto : "So how did it go?"

(Y/n) : "It was great and it was fun as well, I met two guys and they were cool."

Shoto : "Good to hear. It's not fair."

(Y/n) : "What isn't?"

Shoto : "That I got recommended to UA, but you didn't."

(Y/n) : "To be honest, I'm glad I didn't."

Shoto : *Surprised* "Really."

(Y/n) : "Yeah, it was fun for me, and it's better to work for my goals."

Shoto : "Yeah, true."

(Y/n) : "You need to talk more often bro."

Shoto : "I guess."

Time-Skip Two Weeks

After the UA entrance exam, all I did was training and then it finally came.

Shoto walked into my room holding a letter while I was reading a book.

Shoto : "(Y/n) the letter came." *hands it to you*

(Y/n) : *takes the letter * "Thanks."

Shoto then walked out of my room to open his letter, I then opened my letter and placed the small round disk on the table. Then it activated and suddenly... All-Might appeared!

All-Might : "I Am Here! Young (Y/n) you've impressed me. And I'm glad to say. You Passed! In 1st place. We noticed you quick thinking and planning as well as your leadership skills when you Kirishima and Denki took down one of the zero pointer. Not only did you get 40 villain points but as well as 40 rescue points. You have a total of 80 point! Welcome to UA!"

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