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At the Todoroki household inside (Y/n)'s room, in the late afternoon

(Y/n) 6 year old POV

It wasn't fair, why can't I have a quirk like my brother. Why did I have to be born quirk-less, I was currently in my room huddled in the corner near the window. I then heard a knock on the door to my room, I got up and walked to the door and opened it to see my mom Rei Todoroki.

Rei : "(Y/n), honey are you all right you haven't come out of your room in 2 hours since dinner."

(Y/n) : *looks down*  "I'm fine mom."

Rei : "Well you don't sound ok."

(Y/n) : "I'm just not in a good mood."

Rei : *Crouches down and lifts your head* "Well how about you come outside and get some fresh air. Will that make you feel better?"

(Y/n) : "I guess."

Rei : "Alright let's go."

She then grabs my hand and we start to walk to the door and go outside, when we walk outside it was cloudy and sunny, and I guess it is nice to get outside once in a while, we then start walking around the estate, after 10 minutes of walking we arrived at the training area of the estate where I see my elder brother Touya and my father Enji Todoroki training together, me and my mother stop to sit down and watch them. 

After 20 minutes it started to get dark, they both finished training and walked towards us my father grabbed a towel and rubbed it against his forehead and then he looked towards me and smiled.

Enji : "Hey (Y/n), how are you feeling?"

(Y/n) : "I'm doing ok."

Touya : "Are you sure? You haven't come out of your room in a little while."

(Y/n) : "I'm sure."

My parents and my elder brother looked at each other with worried looks, then back to me then my mom kneeled down in front of me and looked me in the eye with look of worry and sadness.

Rei : "(Y/n)... are you sad because you don't have a quirk?"

Enji : *bends down* "And it is also the reason you don't come out of your room?"

(Y/n) : *starts sweating* "W-what n-no."

Touya : *bends down as well* "(Y/n)... come on... you can tell us."

I look at all three of them and that's when it happened, I started to break down and let out all of my sadness, tears started flooding my eyes and falling to the ground I then ran up and hugged my mom tightly. She then wraps her arms around me, and my father and brother do the same. We stay there for a few minutes while I cried and when I finally started slowing down, they all let go of me and my mom smiles at me while she wipes the tears from my eyes.

(Y/n) : "I-it's j-just not f-fair that I don't have a quirk a-and a-all of you do."

Enji : "Son we still love even if you don't have a quirk, its just, I wish Shoto would realize that."

Touya : "Agreed." 

Then my father and elder brother went inside while I was still outside with my mum, we then sat down while I sat down next to her and leaned on her side, while she rubbed my head with her hand in my hair, after I had calmed down, we both got up and I then told I wanted to continue walking around the estate by myself and she could go inside, at first she was hesitant, but knew I wanted to be alone for now.

I then started walking around the estate by myself for the next 15 minutes until I arrived in the back yard, I then walked into the center of the garden and looked to see that the stars were out, I then fell down on my knees and put my hands on the ground, again I then started to cry but I also started punching the ground in anger and sadness with my eyes close.

(Y/n) : "It's not fair! Why did I have to be quirk-less! It's not fair!!"

While I was punching, the ground I didn't notice the dim blue light coming from my hands, and after a minute, I then feel something warm on my hands, I opened eyes and what I saw shocked me to the core.

It was fire, and not just any fire, it was blue fire. I felt happy, relieved and excited, I finally had a quirk after all this time, I realized I wasn't quirk-less, I was a late-bloomer. I got up to my feet and held up my hands, but I didn't notice that the fire on my hands was starting to set my clothes on fire and after a few seconds, I realized. I then start feeling a agonizing pain on me, with my arms having more pain than the rest of me, I then scream out in pain and called for my parents, while the fire was slowly eating away at my clothes and then started to burn me.

(Y/n) : "MOM!!! DAD!!! HELP ME!!!"

I then fell to the ground in pain crying and screaming, I then heard fast footsteps and the backdoor was opened by my father and my mother came a moment later and what they saw horrified them.

Enji : "(Y/N)!!"

I was currently feeling the worst pain I had ever felt, and my mom on instinct used her ice quirk to try and put the fire out that was on me, while my father ran to the garden hose turned it on and tried to help as well, after the fire was put out, I then fell on the ground barely conscious from the pain my parents then ran up to me, my mother picked me up in her arms and held me close, my other sibling had come as well to see what had happened, they saw recently burned garden with their parents holding their brother.

Enji : "Rei we need to get him to a hospital, NOW!!"

Rei : "Agreed!"

They then start running through to house to the car, while grabbing a blanket for me.

Enji : "Touya! Your in charge until we get alright, (Y/n)'s gonna be fine."

Touya : "Alright!"

3rd POV 

The two adults then get in the car and rush there son to the nearest hospital, at this point (Y/n) had passed out due to the pain, and when hey arrive the doctor take (Y/n) to the emergency room to get him stabilized and treat his burns. They then sat down with tears in their eyes while Enji makes a call to Touya to tell them that they had arrived at the hospital. The two parents then sit down and wait.

After an hour of waiting the doctor came to show them where their son was. When they got to (Y/n)'s room the doctor left and both walked in they saw him lying in the bed asleep with bandages on his arms, they both looked at the heart monitor and saw that he had a steady pulse. They both breathed a massive sign of relief and hugged each other. Then a doctor behind them spoke up.

??? : "Excuse me... are you two Mr and Miss's Todoroki?

They looked behind them and saw a man with white hair and glasses, and a clipboard

Rei : *rubs her eyes* "Yes that's us."

??? : "Well I'm Doctor Hartman, it's good to meet you two." *lifts a hand for Enji*

Enji : *takes hand and shake it* "It's good to meet you to, can you please tell us that our son is going to be okay."

Dr Hartman : "He's going to be fine his burns have been treated and is on a few painkillers, and we put him to sleep, he just needs to rest."

Rei : "Oh thank god. Is there anything else."

Dr Hartman : "Yes after we treated him we took a sample of his blood and were surprised to find out his is a late bloomer which is extremely rare."

Enji/Rei : *Eyes widen*

Dr Hartman : "Come with me to my office, I'll tell you what his quirk is."

Enji : "Alright."

They make their was to Dr Hartman's office and when they arrive they go in first while Dr Hartman holds the door for them, he then enters and motions for them to have a seat and he then sits down and puts the clipboard down as well.

Dr Hartman : "Well you see your son has a very powerful quirk and seems to be a sort of combination of both your quirks, it is called Blueflame Subfreeze, it has a fire side and an ice side."

Dr Hartman then starts explaining what (Y/n)'s quirk was and what it can do, he also tells them about the quirks drawbacks and all that time, Rei and Enji's eyes grow wider and wider.

Dr Hartman : "So as you can see, he needs to be careful with his quirk and how he use's it, they burns he got from it are a clear result of that, I suggest that you train him slowly to make sure he doesn't hurt himself, alright."

Enji : "Alright, we understand doctor, thank you."

Dr Hartman : "Your welcome, oh and here's my phone number just in case."

He then hands them a piece of paper with his phone number on it.

Rei : *Takes the piece of paper* "Thank you doctor

They then walk back to theirs son's room, where they still find him fast asleep in the bed.


It been a few days since the accident and (Y/n) is feeling a lot better, the doctors thought he was ready to be discharged, Enji and Rei take their son home where he was greeted by his worried siblings, after the heartfelt reunion, Enji and Rei then tell their son about his quirk while his sibling listened, they were all happy for (Y/n) and were surprised as well when they learned he could produce blue fire, while Shoto on the other hand was a little jealous that he was not able to produce those that type of flame, and that was then when Shoto decided that he would try and surpass his brother. The Enji spoke up.

Enji : "(Y/n)."

(Y/n) : "Yes dad?"

Enji : "The doctors have told be to train you to be careful with your quirk, your brother Touya will also be helping as well."

Touya : "Yup, with our help you'll have control over your quirk in no time. And by the looks of things Shoto seems to be a little jealous that he can't make blue flames."

They all look at and Shoto and he looks at (Y/n) and says

Shoto : "(Y/n), I'm going to beat you."

(Y/n) then smiles and looks at his twin with a look of determination.

(Y/n) : "Alright your on."

Then Enji, Touya, Shoto and (Y/n) make their way to the training area, while Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo look at all four of them smiling, at the fact (Y/n) is now happy.

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