Acceptance Or Rejection ?

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It was a few weeks after the Exam, I was relaxing in the living room, whitebeard style. I was also watching TV with my Aunt, she seems to be coming over more often. Not that I mind, I actually enjoy her company. It was going normal until I heard a knock at the door.

Y/N: I'll get it

I said it as I stood up from seat and went to the door, as I opened it, there was the mailwoman there

Mailwoman: Oh! Y-your the son of whitebeard! I'm a huge fan!

She explained in glee, it felt weird knowing I had... Fans i should say

Y/N: Thank you. I appreciate it

She gave me a few letters until she handed me a blank paper and a pen

Mailwoman: Um... if it's not to much trouble. C-could I have an autograph for the next whitebeard?

She said timidly, I was shocked. I, was giving autographs?! Is this what my father did?

Y/N: I... Uh... Sure

I grabbed both things and decided to draw my fathers Symbol with his famous words that he always said when we were at the ocean

As I finished, I gave the autograph back to her, she smiled and hugged me out of the blue. Literally placing my head between her breasts! Why does this keep happening to me!?!

Mailwoman: Oh! Thank You Thank You Thank You!

I just kept saying your welcome until she finally let me go, with a good bye she left. Most likely to deliver the rest of her letters. I calmed down before closing the door and going inside to the kitchen, as I passed the living room, I saw my Aunt giving me a mischievous smile

AuntNemuri: How'd it feel to be in that position~

She smirked as I turned beet red, She saw!

Y/N: Umm.... wait what! No! I don't know what your talking about!

I ignored her laughter as I went to the kitchen garbage.

Y/N: Let's see, Bill's, Bill's, junk mail, Bill's, letter of recommendation, fan mail, letter addressed to mom, More Bi-- wait, letter of recommendation!

I looked through the pile again as I saw a letter with the U.A mark.

Y/N: Its the real thing, Mom! Auntie! The letter arrived today!

I said as I opened it, my aunt walked in as my mother ran in from her room

M/N: What's it say!?

She said as my aunt calmed her down, I didn't see any letter, just a cylinder disk

Y/N: What's this?

I said as I eyed the disk

AuntNemuri: Its a hologram disk, press the top dear.

I did as I was told and pressed it, as I did I set it on the counter and a hologram Screen appeared with All Might on it. He was wearing his golden Suit that he wears when he's on TV doing interviews

AllMight: Young Y/N! An honor to meet the son of whitebeard. You've surprised practically every single staff that was in the practical exam, including myself.

He said as he clicked something on the remote he had, it showed clips of my using my fathers Power. Shattering robots, breaking the zero pointer with a punch to the chest.

M/N: You remind me so much like him Y/N

She said as I nodded, she was proud of me, I turned back to look at the hologram

AllMight: Now let's talk About your scores, in private.

He said as his casual smile was gone, I was confused. Both my Mother and Aunt were confused, I picked up the disk

Y/N: I'll be in my room

I said as I went up the stairs

AuntNemuri: No sister, stay here

I heard as I neared my room, she's just being cautious, like every mother should. As I entered my room, I closed the door. I placed the disk on my desk and sat down, I waited a moment, what could he want to talk to me about? I ignored it at I pressed the button again

AllMight: Now, before I start, I'd like to tell you a few things first. Well... First was your father.

My eyes widen

AllMight: Your father was a great man Y/N, better than me in every way. The things he could do, the quirk he had, it made us an unbeatable team. If only I was in more control of One-For-- umm. I mean my quirk, I could have saved him. He always had that sense of honor and justice, always put others infront of his own safety.

I looked around my room, seeing posters of the 4 heros that mean the most to me. My aunt Midnight, My mother Ms, Sunlight. An awsome uncle All Might, and my Father, The Quaking Hero: Whitebeard. These 4 are the reason I want to be a hero, loss is something sad but common in being a hero. But that's why I want to be one, to save everyone and not let a single life perish.

Things can easily be replaced, buildings can be remade, crops can be regrown, but life is not so easy to replace. And one person is one of a kind, no one is similar, every one has their special things that make them... special.

AllMight: The mission that left me badly injured, and... And that took your fathers life. He made me promise one thing. And that's to... well protect you

Y/N: What? Protect me?

AllMight: You might see it at U.A Y/N. You passed by a HUGE amount. Really, it'll take us a few months to rebuild everything!

He laughed as I scratched the back of my head, I'll need to work on that

AllMight: But, you passed Y/N. You'll be in class 1-A, along with another person your father enjoyed as a brother, well maybe not the person I'm referring too but he couldn't do anything about it. Your father inspired lots of people Y/N, they all respected him. Including me. Many of us would have gladly died to save him, but he wasn't having that. Me, Midnight, Present Mic, 13, Endeavour, Mt. Lady, Death Arms, And much much more. They all respected him, and they all mourned for him in their own ways. That's why they all Want to make sure your safe, because they all made the same promise at one point
.. To protect You

I'm afraid that all I have to say, I'll see you in class Y/N. Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!

The screen turned off, I leaned on the desk. Brushing off the tears in my eyes.

Y/N: I miss you father, I really really do.

3rd P.O.V

Outside the door, their stood Both M/N And Nemuri. They listened In on the message All Might gave him, and remembered the promise they made

M/N: Sister? Did you all made that promise?

She asked her sister, she nodded

Nemuri: Of course sister, and what he said was true. If I had to give up my life for him, I'd do it in a heartbeat. It's the least we could do

She said softly as she wiped the tears forming on her sisters eyes

Nemuri: That's enough crying today sister, let's go see what were gonna make for dinner

She asked as her sister nodded, Nemuri still remembered the day he asked her that question

Edward: Nemuri, I don't have a lot of time left, just... protect my son, please

He asked her as she was surprised of the words that came out of his mouth

Edward: Promise me Nemuri

She nodded

Nemuri: I promise Edward, I'll always be there for him. Through Thick and thin

She smiled softly at the memory, the times they shared together. When they were still young, she remembers teasing her sister for having a crush on him when they were young

Nemuri: Thick and thin Edward, Thick and thin. I'm curious to how much he'll learn, but I know he's gonna be a great hero like you were Edward

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