The Next Whitebeard!

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Author's Note: Hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving! I know I did, lots of food, talk with families and friends. Loved it

Me and Tenya walked to the Battle City B where we were gonna have our Exam, on the way I bumped into my mother. She was wearing her old hero costume, but the thing was, she was wearing a Sweater with golden sleeves on her shoulders with padded cloth on the shoulder guards. She was also carrying my Bisento

Author's Note: Yes, this is her hero costume. But she's not freaking 10 feet tall and not having a monkey face. And yes, she has all the attacks like kizaru has and abilities

Y/N: Hey mom, we were on our way to Battle City B

I said as she nodded and handed me my bisento

Tenya: Wait, are you Ms, Sunlight? It's an honor to meet you!

Author's Note: Not sure if I like the hero name. Any good suggestions?

He said as my mother giggled and offered to shake his hand

M/N: An honor to meet the son of Ingeniumu

They shook hands but I smirked as I saw a new detail to her hero costume

Y/N: Hey mom, you didn't have that coat on your shoulders before? Any reason why?

I asked with a smile as I saw her cheeks turn a bit pink and looked away

M/N: Oh fine, you got me. I wanted to be like your father too

She said as I laughed, she wanted to be like him too. Actually, that coat does look good on her.

M/N: * Clears Throat * Okay, switching topics. I already signed all the papers for you son, your weapon is now apart of your hero costume. Now you two better hurry and head over to the battle grounds. I'll be up with the other spectators observing the test.

We both nodded but as I passed her, she placed hand on my shoulder and looked me. She leaned in and whispered

M/N: You ready to surprise everyone?

I nodded and she let go and dissaperared in a flash of blinding golden light, when we arrived at the gates, I took off the black shirt I had on and we waited for the test to begin

Tenya: Y/N, please put your shirt back on.

He said again as I groaned

Y/N: Man Tenya, your like my mother. I walk around the house like this. Its normal for me, and plus it's my costume so you can't do anything about it

Tenya: Well, what is your purpose for exposing your entire upper body like that?

I thought for a moment, and then...

Y/N: I'm... not sure. My father's costume was like this. And after doing the same thing, I kinda got used to it. It's not so bad actually

As we talked, I can hear murmurs and whispers around us. Most I heard was the guys saying I was whitebeards son while most of the girls said I looked hot, with my six pack and strong arms. I smirked at that

Y/N: Got my good looks from you father

Y/N: What's your strategy for getting enough points?

I asked my senior friend as he was busy stretching his legs, leaning on them from side to side

Tenya: I'll use my quirk to speed around the city, destroying as many robots as I can find. I suggest you do the same too Y/N. I'm not sure if our future classmates will be kind enough to spare a robot or two

He said as he stood up and cleaned his glasses, I twirled my bisento around till I plunged the tip into the ground, as soon as I did. The ground shook a bit, most of the people shook and tired to stay balanced but the rest feel and I got looks like I'm some sort of monster

Y/N: Whoops, sorry about that everyone!

I said out loud as I leaned on the handle of the blade

Male#1: He really is the Son of Whitebeard

Male#2: With him in the exam, we better prepare for lots of shaking

Female#1: Look at that body

Were some of the things I heard, I grinned at the words they said. But I've been getting glares from most of the girls, I guess I should have some fun

Y/N: Ladies please, my eyes are up here~

I said as I seem most of the girls blush and look away

Y/N: * Chuckles * Like bees to honey, right Tenya? Eh? Where'd you go?

I said as I leaned up and wielded my blade again, I saw him talking with the green curly haired kid again.

Tenya: That girl's trying to focus. Do you want her to fail? Are you taking the exam to interfere with everyone?

He said as the green kid was practically trembling, I signed as walked over. As I did, I hear people saying how this kid was weak from being called, and how plain and small he looks. He was his own person, and looks can be deceiving. As I closed in, the kid's gaze landed on me and he immediately looked star struck

GreenKid: Ohmygoodness!itsY/N!thesonofthequakinghero:Whitebeard!itsanhonortomeetyou!iheardyouwerequirklesstoo!

Translation: Oh My Goodness! Its Y/N! The son of the quaking hero: Whitebeard! It's an honor to meet you! I heard you were quirkless too!

I heard him mumble like crazy, jesus. I held my palm open and he stopped

Y/N: Slow down kid, I can't hear everything. Tenya, you have some sort of grudge against him?

I asked as he shook his head

Tenya: He was about to interrupt someone's concentration

Y/N: Uh Huh

I nodded then turned my gaze to the green kid as he shivered on contact of my eyes landing on him

Y/N: You here to try your luck at being a hero?

I said and he weakly nodded, I see a head of sweat fall on the side of his face. He's nervous

Y/N: Do you know what this Exam is about?

I said in a serious tone, he didn't say anything so I twirled my bisento above us, making alot of wind

He struggled against it till I slammed the bottom end of the bisento into the ground. He fumbled to stay up but fell on his butt

Male#1: Oh Shit, White Hair is pissed

Male#2: That kid is gonna get it now

I heard whispers around me, but I ignored them. Kept my eyes on the kid who looked like he was gonna pass out

Y/N: Listen here kid, and listen good. We all may be here to take the test, get enough points to get into U.A and be a hero like we all want to be. We all may have different goals, either for fame, money, or just for the fun of being idolized. But when you step through those doors, your actually betting your life. I am prepared to stand side-by-side by heroes I'll call friend. I am ready to fight and die for the life of another. My father said those same words to a good friend of mine, who you may know as All Might. Are you ready to take those chances? To know that one day, you won't be able to see your family again? To go to the world above where my father lives?

I said every world with heart and meaning, the kid stood up and gulped. But... Then he nodded

Y/N: Do you have a quirk at all?

I said and he meekly shrugged

Greenkid: Its.. uh... i-it's hard to explain...

I smirked

Y/N: Well kid, I have a feeling you didn't have one but do now. Just like me

I said as his eyes widen in surprise, I can feel the same eyes from tenya and most of the other student who were watching

Y/N: What's your dream Kid?

I said as he looked confident, I can see through his eyes. He's willing to make the same sacrifices I'd do in a heartbeat.

Greenkid: My dream is to be the next number one hero

He said as I then heard most of the students laugh

Male#1: HAHAHA! You! Be the number one Hero!?

Male#2: You must be dreaming if you'd think a guy like you would reach the top!

I got pissed and brought up my blade before slamming the butt end of the blade into the floor again, the atmosphere became deadly silent. I looked at the kid again and smirked

Y/N: What's your name kid?

: Izuku Midoriya

I chuckled before walking towards the massive metal gates, as I did, i called out to him

Y/N: As my father said to me, " The road ahead is full of danger and chaos. " be ready for what gets in your way Midoriya.

I said as I heard a familiar voice

PresentMic: Okay, Start!

As soon as he said that, I began running into the city. But I looked back to see the rest just staring at present mic

Y/N: Hey!

I yelled as they all looked at me in surprise

Y/N: He said Start! Get your asses moving, villains wait for no one!

I said before running again, I ran to a part of the city where I saw a swarm of 1 to 3 pointer robots

Robot: Target Acquired!

They all charged at me as I smirked and readied my fist and blade

Y/N: Father, This one's for you!

I said as I got in my fathers Iconic Form

I broke the air as it cracked and the swarm of robots were destroyed, as the dust settled, I saw them all destroyed

Y/N: Okay, that's....uh... Alot of points, I think. Well, better keep searching

3rd P.O.V

As the rest of the combatants ran around the city, gathering as many points as possible. The scene switched to a dark room, monitors litter the walls as many of the U.A Staff looked through.

PrincipalNezu: In this exam, they haven't been told where or how many robots are in a present area. It's up to them to figure it out with their quirks. Be it intelligence gathering, speed, being calm under pressure, or raw power.

Nezu, a small white animal in a black tux and a scar across his left eye said as he viewed the monitors

PrincipalNezu: Doesn't this year look promising?

He asked the other staff, one being a certain light hero who was sitting with her arms crossed and feet propped up againt the other

M/N: It does, each one has a quirk that, in their own way, can prove both deadly and useful if given the proper training

To her left was her sister

Midnight: I don't see my little nephew~ where is the little guy~

She said pouting as her sister nudged her shoulder

M/N: Don't talk about my son like that! Your always giving off the wrong image with your choice of words and action!

She(M/N) scolded her sister(Midnight) as she giggled at her. A certain boney blonde by the secret name All Might heard the conversation and grew curious

Toshinori: Nephew? Wait, could they mean... No. It can't be true, he was said to not have any quirk! But...

His eyes darted the screen until he found one, a certain white haired kid fighting a group of 3 pointer robots, the said kid did a pose that seemed all to familiar to him

Y/N: Take this!

He slammed his arm in the robots direction and the air cracked, Toshinori's eyes widen as he was making sure what he saw was true. Y/N Newgate, his best friend and trusted brother, had his fathers quirk. His eyes shut as he suddenly got a flashback, a sad memory, of the day he lost him


Both Whitebeard and All Might were weak, both bloody. The villan they were facing had a quirk that made other quirks prove useless. All Might was on one knee as he saw whitebeard use his bisento

Whitebeard: All Might, one of us isn't gonna make it out of this alive. I'll stay behind while you retreat and bring reinforcements

He said as All Might's eyes widen

AllMight: You can't be serious whitebeard! I'm not leaving you here to die by yourself!

He yelled as he saw whitebeard turn to look at him

Whitebeard: Now is no time to argue! If we both die here, who's gonna protect the rest of the world!? The two of us are the strongest of this time, if one of us dies, the other must be there to protect the rest until a new hero is born to take our place when our time comes!

All Might hesitated, he didn't want to leave him by himself. But he was right, if they both died, who would protect the citizens? The people they swore to protect?

AllMight: Goddammit, Fine!
You better be ok by the time I get back with the others!

He said as he began to retreat

Whitebeard: Wait!

All Might stopped and looked back at his Friend, no, his brother

Whitebeard: Promise me something

All Might: Anything!

Then Whitehead faced away, All Might seeing only his coat swaying in the breeze

Whitebeard: Whatever happens, no matter what. Promise me,
... Protect My Son

FlashBack End

Midnight: Toshinori? Toshinori!

His eyes open as he looked at the rated 18 hero

Midnight: You Okay? You seemed to be struggling?

He waved it off as it was nothing

Toshinori: Nothing Midnight, just thinking of a promise to an old friend

Midnight questioned it but decided to let it go, he figured he must have remembered something to sad to describe

PrincipalNezu: Let's see how they do in a real Situation

He said as he pressed a button marked ' Zero Pointer '

Y/N's P.O.V

I wiped the sweat from my forehead, I've felt like I ran a marathon. I don't know how many robots I've destroyed or the amount of points I gathered, but I better get into U.A or I'm destroying it. As i catched my breath, the ground began to shake. The windows of buildings shattered, the earth shaking footsteps.

Y/N: Okay, that wasn't me.

I then noticed I was in a shadow, I looked up and saw the biggest robot in ever saw. It was practically bigger then the buildings themselves.

Y/N: Ho-ly Sh--

M/N: Don't even finish that word young man!

I heard it echo around me

Y/N: MOM?! What are you doing! Your suppost to be watching the other students?

M/N: Oh, the rest of the staff are on it. Are you okay!
Aunt Nemuri: Sister! Get off the mic!
M/N: I will not! What if he's hurt!
Aunt Nemuri: Your not allowed to talk to the examinees!

They argued back and forth as I ignored them. I'm happy they care about me though, makes me happy that I'm not alone. I ran towards the Zero Point Robot. As I did, I saw Midoriya looking up to the Zero Pointer In fear

Y/N: Midoriya!

I yelled as I ran towards them but he didn't pay attention, but he did something that made me stop in my tracks. He jumped into the air and smashed that robots face in!

Y/N: WOAH! That kid is something else!

I said in awe but then I saw him falling, I see both his arms and legs flailing around. Their broken! How the hell does that work?!

Y/N: I gotcha kid!

I said as I wedged my blade into the floor and caught him. I placed him on the floor but heard rocks falling behind me. I looked to see the same brown haired girl who saved him earlier trapped under some debris. I went over and lifted the rock off of her, she seemed weak from her quirk overuse. I then picked her up bridal style, taking her over to where Midoriya was at

Y/N: What a day huh?

I asked the girl, she weakly nodded

???: Y-yeah, could you please put me down real quick?

She said as I raised an eyebrow but complied, as I did, she turned over to her stomach and vomited... a... Rainbow? She smiled weakly after before shutting her eyes

Y/N: Hmm, there both unconscious. Well, that's good.

I said as stood up, but the shaking began again. On the other side, another zero pointer erupted from the ground

Male#1: What the hell?! I thought there was suppost to be only one on each battle arena?!

One of the combatants said as we were covered in the Zero pointers shadow

PresentMic: Don't always believe what everything you've been told is true! If I was a villan, I'd lie to give myself the advantage!

Present Mic's words echoed everywhere, the rest ran in the othe direction as I stayed in my place

Tenya: Retreat Y/N! There's no point in getting in it's way!

Tenya said as he passed me

Y/N: I can't Tenya, if I do, who'll protect these two? We can't retreat, we must fight! Scars on a warriors back is its greatest shame!

I yelled as I began running towards the zero pointer, Ignoring Tenya's pleads. I jumped as high as I could to the robots level

Y/N: This is my father's Power! My father's mark! I won't ruin his reputation!

I said as I charged my fist and punched it dead in the chest

3rd P.O.V

The Zero Pointer then shattered in every side, practically breaking off massive chunks. Y/N glided to the floor until he landed roughly yet still alive on the ground, but knowing that many heros witnessed what he just did.

In the moniter room, there were gasps and shocked faces all around.

M/N: My Son is all grown up! Just like his father!

M/N yelled with pride as she was full on crying. Her sister comforted her, saying that she made the right choice in marrying the right man. Toshinori eyes were still glued to the white haired kid who destroyed the Zero pointer with seemingly no trouble at all. But the promise he made was still clear.

PrincipalNezu: Well well, this must be Y/N Newgate L/N
... The Next Whitebeard...

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