Hero/Villan Tests

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3rd P.O.V

As M/N asked all the students to follow her, All Might lead both teams to their starting points. As they entered the spectator room which had TV screens that showed the entire building, Y/N was thinking why he was a team of one? And what test could they have in store for him?

M/N: Okay students, watch the screens and see the match. See what they did wrong and where they can improve

She asked as she faced the class, they nodded as she left the room

M/N: I'll be right back

She left the room and walked till she made it to the exit and waited. Few minutes later, All Might walked in but was stopped by M/N

M/N: You haven't been learning your lessons you were suppost to know weren't you?

She asked suspiciously as All Might walked passed her, not answering her question. She signed as she followed him down the hallway to the spectator room

M/N: You've been busy doing hero work again haven't you?

AllMight: It's my job M/N, I have to be there to save the day

M/N signed with a bit of frustration, she then stopped walking

M/N: All Might

She said and All Might stopped, not turning to face her

M/N: Your One For All is diminishing each day, you already passed down your quirk to someone already, didn't you?

She waited for his response, till smoke appeared and All Might turned back to his real form. Coughing  a little bit of blood, she signed as she pulled out a napkin and handed it to him

Toshinori: Thanks

He said as he cleaned his mouth, M/N passed by him but stopped a little down the hallway and leaned on the wall

M/N: Isuku Midoriya. A quirkless kid, just like you when you were a young teenager.

Toshinori finished cleaning himself up and looked back at the Light Woman infront of her, Seeing the long coat on her shoulders. He can tell she doesn't want to forget him too

Toshinori: Its not because he's quirkless that I decided to pass it down to him. Its because he had the thing all Real heros had that all previous One For All users had, his body moved on its own. Even when he knew their wasn't anything he could do, it was better than me just watching from the sidelines.

M/N listened as he explained

M/N: * Sigh * Yes, I know. You said those words to everyone. But listen Toshinori, you and me are here to teach the new generation. Were getting older each passing day, and your quirk will grow weaker everytime you use it. And... and I know I won't be there for my son. He's growing up just like Edward wanted him to be, already he passed the Entrance Exam with the highest score out of all other battle cities.

She said softly, Toshinori didn't think this was affecting her more than he realized. He readied himself as he turned back to his hero form, he walked over and placed a hand in M/N shoulders, making her look up at him

AllMight: I apologize for that M/N, your absolutely right. I just want them to have more time

He said as he let go and walked towards the Spectator Room, till he stopped and looked back

AllMight: You coming?

He asked as M/N got out of her daze and decided to follow him. They both walked to see the first match, but M/N had a small smile on her lips

M/N: Your not that different from Edward, you want what's best for everyone. That's something I can Respect

They arrived at the room and saw the class talking among themselves, and through the cameras see both hero and villan teams talking to each other, most likely thinking up a plan. All Might and M/N both put on earphones that are tied to the speakers, All Might held a clipboard as M/N didn't

AllMight: Where's yours M/N?

He questioned as M/N watched the screens

M/N: I don't need it, I've done this before All Might, I just had to quit for a bit to raise my son

He nodded as he looked back at the screens

AllMight: Okay, Team A and D! The test starts... Now!

He said through the speakers as Team A began sneaking through the window

[ Time-Skip since by now, we all know what happens by heart. Apologies for doing this ]

AllMight: The hero team... Wins!

Everyone was amazed by the match they witnessed, M/N grew a newfound respect for the kid. He had the things that made a quality hero, and understands why Toshinori chose him

The next matches went by smoothly, Team B being the heros and Team I being the villans. But in the end, Todoroki from team B froze the entire building including team I which was an easy win.

Next was Team J being Sero and Kirishima being the villans and Team H as the heros being Tokoyami and Asui. The hero went to the Heros since Tokoyami's dark shadow was too much for both villans to handle and so on and so forth. But as the test were nearing the end, all that was left was Team K: Y/N

Y/N's P.O.V

M/N: Okay son, your next. Go to the starting position outside the building

She asked as I nodded and went to the starting point, grabbing my bisento that was propped up against the wall. A few minutes go by, and I'm playing as the heros fortunately as I'm not sure who the villans is but I guess I'll see.

As I walked down the dark hallway, I used my Observation Ability to Scan each floor for the bomb, and of course it's on the very top.

Y/N: What's with all these stairs? Why not put an elevator?

I said a I climbed up the last set of 4 stairs. I was walking towards the big room till on alarm, I ducked and just in time to dodge a punch that made a hole in the wall. I jumped back and looked back at the attacker and was surprised

Y/N: All Might?

I said as he pulled his fist out of the wall and looked at me

AllMight: The Son Of Whitebeard! What an honor! Let's see if your as good as your old man!

He said as I was worried if he was serious or just pretending, but now wasn't the time. I could use my Qurik but I'll probably destroy the building and since I'm the hero, it'll cost lots of deduction points. Guess I'm sticking to hand to hand combat

In a split second, thanks to my Observation ability, I used the flat end of my Blade to block a punch that pushed me back a few inches

Y/N: Dammit! He's not giving me time to think!

We engaged in close combat, me using my right fist coated in my Armament Ability. I punched him in the chest but wasn't fast enough to see him punch me through the wall


I heard through the speakers as I got up from the pile of debris and dusted off my shoulders

Y/N: Jeez, you give a mean right hook

I caressed my cheek as All Might walked through the hole in the wall

AllMight: Flattery will get you no where! But I guess I'll be fine. Your nothing like your father

Y/N: ..... What?

I said as I gripped my hands into a fist, my skin turning white

AllMight: If you were really whitebeards son, I'd be down already. Maybe you aren't meant to be a hero like your father

M/N: Uh... All Might? I suggest not getting him mad. It won't end well for you

AllMight: Why not? What's the worse that can happ--

All Might flee through several walls before crashing through the last one and falling to the ground floor, where he stayed, Defeated


Y/N: Wait what? Oh... OH SHIT!

I ran to the wall, looking down at the ground to see All Might in a small crater from his impact


I shouted but was relieved when he lifted his hand to give me a thumbs up before falling limp again

M/N: That's what you get for provoking my son All Might! I'm so proud of you son! One punch and he's down for the count!

I heard her say through the speakers again, I pulled my hand up. Making my hand into a fist and relaxing it, I felt the anger when he said those things. That punch, I felt the air around him crack, I think I'm starting to understand my fathers powers. And I guess he was trying to get me to understand, in his own way. Even if I nearly paralyzed him

3rd P.O.V
Small Time - Skip

Everyone was staring at Y/N in surprise, they didn't believe what happened. They saw a blur and All Might crashed through several walls before landing outside the building.

All Might was covered in bandages from his waist and M/N giggled every now and then. Since that was All Mights plan, he didn't figure the punch would be that powerful, maybe he's stronger than his old man already, he can't be sure

As they talked about what happened and M/N reminding him of his beating. Jiro decided to talk to him

Jiro: Hey Y/N

She said as she saw Y/N writing something on his clipboard, but he flinched when he saw her coming. He hid the clipboard behind his back

Y/N: Oh, hey jiro. Need something?

He answered as she stood next to him, they both watched All Might and M/N talk to the class. Jiro decided to say what she wanted to

Jiro: Um, Y/N? Can I ask you something?

She said timidly as she faced away, Y/N was confused to what was making her so shy.

Y/N: Sure, what is it?

Jiro took a breath and faced him, mustering up all her courage

Jiro: I was wondering if one day, if you'd like to... hangout?

She asked as Y/N was blushing, sure It was not a date but, who knows. It could change and that was he was hoping for.

Y/N: Sure, I'd love too

He said but he didn't expect for Jiro to hug him out of the blue, jiro noticed what she was doing and immediately let go. Both were beat red, on the sidelines, Ashido, and Momo were watching the entire scene.

Ashido: Aww~ we were too late Momo!

She said disappointed while Momo stuttered

Momo: W-what? I never said I liked him!

She said as Ashido grew a smirk and elbowed her

Ashido: Who's the lucky guy~

Momo blushed again and didn't answer when ashido giggled but her eyes landed on a certain Ice-Fire Person in her class

Back to Y/N and Jiro, they both talked about random things. Sharing things that they like, and other things

Y/N: You play music?

He asked as jiro nodded, tapping her earphones together which she does when she's shy

Jiro: Well, yes. But not expertly, I just know the basics.

He smiled as he decided to give her something. He brought out his clipboard and neatly ripped off a page

Y/N: Hey jiro, I want to give you something

She looked as he handed her a paper, she took it and grew happy when she saw what it was

She liked how he drew her, and colored it so neatly.

Jiro: Thanks Y/N, I love it

He smiled

Y/N: I'm glad

He said but unexpectedly felt a kiss in his cheek to see jiro smiling, deep red cheeks just as red as his

Y/N: God dammit, why'd you do that?

He said as he cover his face with his right hand in shyness, jiro giggled softly as she saw his flustered he was

They all then walked back to class since they finished in time, All Might left to check in Midoriya since he injured his hand from his quirk use. Classes were over so most of the class stayed to see if Midoriya would be fine, outside the school was Y/N walking with jiro out the gates

Y/N: Well, this is where we part. My moms staying behind to do some paperwork so I'll be leaving home already.

Jiro: Okay, maybe I'll come visit sometimes?

She offered as Y/N wasn't sure. He wouldn't mind but she's scared that his aunt or mother would be there to... spice her visit.

Y/N: Sure maybe in a few days?

He offered but didn't see expect jiro to hug him again

Y/N: Don't throw me off guard like that!

He said as she giggled

Jiro: You don't like it?

Y/N: Of course i lik-- wait a moment

Jiro: Just hug me already

Y/N was a bit flustered but in the end laced his arms around her. Jiro wrapped his coat around them

Jiro: Your so warm, well. I better get going

She let go as she walked in the opposite direction. Y/N began leaving too to his house

Y/N: Jeez that girls gonna be the death of me one day

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