Class Rep & Break In

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3rd P.O.V

It was early in the morning, an hour until school starts as Y/N was sitting at his desk doodling on his sketchbook. He's all set in his class uniform, all he's waiting for is his mother to finish dressing up for her lesson at U.A.

M/N: Y/N! I'm ready, let's go!

He heard her mother say downstairs

Y/N: About time

He muttered, she always takes so long to get ready while all he needs is 5 minutes. She can't understand why she takes so long though. He grabbed his Satchel Backback and went downstairs where her mother was waiting by the door in her hero costume, he grew to love her costume. The yellow suit resembling her Light quirk and long coat on her shoulders in memory of her deceased husband.

They both went to the car as M/N turned it on and drove to the School, as she drove, she spoke to her son

M/N: So, how's everything so far in your classes?

She asked as Y/N looked out the window

Y/N: Fine mom, you know my grades too you know? All perfect markes just like Tenya, he always calls to see if I finished my homework. Says he doesn't want one of his classmates to take this lightly

He said as her mother then smirked

M/N: And what about jiro~ Don't think I didn't see you two talking yesterday. She even kissed you!

She giggles as Y/N's cheeks grew a darker shade of Red

Y/N: What? N-no, just back off from my Private Business

M/N's eyes grew dark, did he just say what he thought he said to her?

M/N: What did you just say to me young man?

Her voice was cold and deadly and Y/N shivered at the frightening aura she was giving off

Y/N: U-uh, I-im sorry?


Y/N: Oww!

He rubbed his head from where she smacked him as M/N huffed

M/N: Maybe that Bakugo is corrupting you somehow, don't even think about doing that again. Ok?

She said as Y/N nodded repeatedly

Y/N: Right, sorry mom. Its not my fault though, he talks back to Aizawa and even All Might. It's like he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him or the consequences

M/N nodded at that

M/N: I know, I noticed that too. I thought he was having problems at home so I decided to go see what the problem was

Y/N looked at her mother, curious

Y/N: And how'd that go?

FlashBack Start

M/N parked the car and stepped out, on her first view of Class 1-A. One student stood out from the rest in attitude to his teachers. Katsuki Bakugo. She decided to visit his home and see if he's having any home issues. She arrived at the front door and knocked, few seconds later. A woman opened it, having the same blonde hair and red eyes as bakugo, 'she must be the mother' she thought

???: Yes? Can I help you?

She asked as M/N nodded

M/N: Yes, Im M/N L/N. Is this the home of Katsuki Bakugo?

She asked as the blonde womans sweet smile switched to a frown, she rolled her eyes. M/N thought that she was nervous of her news but her response was

???: Sadly yes, I'm Mitsuki Bakugo. What did he do this time?

' This Time?' She thought, ' how much trouble does he get in?'

M/N: Oh, nothing serious. It's his attitude towards his teachers, I figured he was having home issues

She asked as Mitsuki Turend her head I side her house and yelled


M/N covered her ears, how can someone yell so loud?! Seconds later

Bakugo: What the hell do you want?!

He yelled as he turned the corner and his eyes landed on M/N

Bakugo: What's the Annoying Flashing teacher doing here?


Mitsuki smacked him across the head

Mitsuki: Don't talk like that to your teachers you brat! You will respect her!

Bakugo rubbed his head then Glared at his mom which shocked M/N

Bakugo: I don't have to respect anybody!


FlashBack End

M/N: It was.... Interesting

She said that word loosely, she didn't know how to explain the Odd family. How does that even happen? She started to get closer to the school but saw the Mass of media waiting at the entrance

M/N: Oh dear, Y/N get down

She said quickly as Y/N wasn't sure he heard her right

Y/N: I'm sorry, what?

M/N: Get down!

She said a bit louder as she pushed his body down, she drove past them and into the school parking lot which closed behind her to stop them from coming in

M/N: * Breaths in Relief * That was close

Y/N: Can I sit up now?

Y/N said as he raised his head to see that they were in the parking lot

M/N: Oh! Right, sorry. It's just that I saw lots of media by the doors, and if they saw you. Well... there goes the day

She said as they both exited the car

Y/N: Oh, the media. I guess that makes sense

M/N: Not just that, words already out that your in U.A. Pretty soon there's gonna be an army of fans outside our house, that one mail woman with the hug and autograph your aunt told me about was one thing but a whole swarm will eat you alive.

She said as they both walked in the school hallway

Y/N: Good point, I'm off to class

He said as he walked towards his class

M/N: Take care son

She said as she dissaperared in a flash of light, she hoped that her son will be safe, she can't afford to him. Y/N's probably the only person keeping her sane

At class U.A, the class listened to Aizawa's quick announcement

Aizawa: First things first, Bakugo

He said as the firebomb blonde looked up at him

Aizawa: Your a grown kid Bakugo, so don't wine like a child when you lose. Your talented and smart, don't waste it

He said as Bakugo scoffed and looked away

Bakugo: * Mutter * Yeah, I know

Aizawa: Midoriya

Said Green Hair flinched upon hearing his name

Midoriya: Y-yes?

Aizawa: It says here you won your match with a busted arm... Again. I don't want to hear excuses of 'I can't control my quirk'. Fix it or else

He said that last part menacingly, making Midoriya shutter in fear

Midoriya: Y-yes, I'll control it

Aizawa: Good, Y/N?

Y/N: Present

He said as a few of his classmates snickered making Aizawa roll his eyes

Aizawa: Halarious Y/N, here

He said as he walked up and gave him a slip of paper

Aizawa: Read it but keep its contents to yourself

Y/N nodded as Aizawa walked back to the front of the class, he was curious for what the note said and decided to read it


Your not in any trouble or anything Y/N, this is just something we teachers at U.A mentioned when we had a quick conversation

First off, we've seen the footage of you basically Punching All Might through several walls to win your Hero/Villan exam.

Its not anything bad or anything, but The principal decided to sort of restrict your use of your quirk. I know you say you have full control over it and we believe you, but we can't afford to keep rebuilding most things after you use your quirk. Your lucky we don't send you a bill or anything, but whenever you want to use your qurik, you ask me for permission. It's not bad, in fact, your father was restricted to using his quirk too. It's just that he mainly uses his other abilities

Second, it's the talk of teachers agreeing for you joining the Big 3. Most of them already accepted you but there are still a few others, counting Me as well. You may have your fathers quirk but that means nothing to me, I'll see if your really meant to be with them. Until then, keep getting perfect scores and you Might be accepted in a few weeks

Third, I know your secret. Only a very selected few knew Edward's power being a 'Devil Fruit' instead. I still thing its total lies, getting powers from eating a dammed fruit. But it would explain why my quirk doesn't erase his?

Anyways, That's it

Y/N closed the envelope and put it away

Aizawa: Understand Y/N?

His voice caught his attention as he looked at him, he knew what the leader said and wanted to know if Y/N agrees

Y/N: Yes Mr. Aizawa, I understand

He nodded as many of his classmates were curious as to what the leader said

Aizawa: Now on to pressing matters

He said and the class grew quiet, thoughts of surprise quizzes filling their minds. And most didn't study at all, so they'd be screwed

Aizawa: You'll need to pick a class representative

At his words, the class was relieved but erupted in celebration

Kirishima: Pick Me!

Kaminari: No! Me

Yuga: No, a fabulous person such as myself will fit the spot perfectly ~

He said as he was somehow glimmering until Ashido stood infront of him

Ashido: Perfect President right here!

Y/N: Okay! Let's calm down for a moment!

He yelled and the class grew silent, watching Y/N

Y/N: You all want to be the representative, but can't figure it out so w--

Tenya: We'll vote!

He said interrupting him, Y/N signed as he sat down

Y/N: Yeah, what he said

~ Minutes Later ~

Aizawa: Okay, your class representative is Isuku Midoriya and your class deputy's are Momo Yaoyorozu and Y/N L/N

He said as Midoriya was infront with Y/N to his right and Momo to his left.

Momo: I'm surprised you weren't elected Y/N

She said as said person shrugged his shoulders

Y/N: I don't mind, now remember Midoriya. Inside this room, you can relax. But out there, where were in the public and your representing us and All of U.A, and any word you say can ruin our reputation and basically screw the rest of us! * Takes deep breath * but no pressure

He said like nothing matters as Midoriya feels like he's about to pass out in fear, momo giggles

Mono: Your scaring our fearless Representative Y/N

Y/N: Did I? Sorry about that, got caught up in the moment

Momo shakes her head playfully as Y/N chuckles, Jiro feels her eyes twitch at seeing them both talking to eachother like that. She can't help but be jealous for the amount of attention She's getting

[ Lunch Time ]

Y/N this time is sitting by himself, eating his lunch

Y/N: Hmm~ Man, this food Lunch-Rush made is delicious!

???: Hey

He turend his head to the voice and saw Jiro, making him stop eating immediately and swallow the food he already has

Y/N: Oh, hey jiro. Wanna sit with me?

He asked but saw that jiro was already sitting beside him, eating her lunch.

Jiro: I really thought you were gonna be the class rep

She said as Y/N hummed since he was eating too

Y/N: I don't mind, too much responsibility. Besides, I voted for Tenya. Back in Somei Private Academy, he was our class representative.

???: So you voted for Y/N for no reason? Hmm? Talk to me like you did with Momo!

Jiro ignored the voice in her head as she nodded in response to his words

Y/N: So, when do you want to hang out?

He said which snapped jiro from her thoughts

Jiro: Oh, um...

She thinks fast but was interrupted when the school alarm rang

: Warning! Level 3 security breach! Please evacuate in an orderly fashion

But quite the opposite happened with everybody running of over each other, pushing them out of the way

Author's Note: Need helping imagining it? Okay, remember the beginning of Highschool Of The Dead? Just like that, minus the zombies and deaths

Jiro was about to get up from her chair until a strong arm wrapped around her and pulled her in. She blushed when she noticed It was Y/N keeping her so close, Y/N gave her a warm smile and Jiro noticed that even with most of the school evacuating, Y/N didn't look at all worried

Y/N: Don't worry, its just the Media. Don't know how they came in though?

He wondered as jiro was surprised on how he knew that. Now knowing Y/N used his Observation Ability to scan the school and saw that the press were at the front doors at U.A With Aizawa and Present Mic doing there best to stop them

Jiro: Um, Y/N?

She said, not the alarm stopped and students were going back to their business, eating lunch or talking to eachother. Though Y/N didn't seem to notice, she still had his arm around jiro

Y/N: Calm down okay, were fine

Jiro: I know that, the alarm stopped

She said and Y/N noticed and looked around, seeing everyone going back to their business

Y/N: They finally calmed down? I would have told them but they wouldn't have listened, too scared to hear anything

He said till he felt something around his arm, he looked and his face grew red when he realized he still has his arm around jiro. Slowly he let go, jiro missed his touch already

Y/N: S-sorry about that, though all the drama was still going on

Jiro: N-no, it's fine

Y/N: Just say 'I like you' idiot
Jiro: Just say 'I love you' Idiot

They both though and the school bell rang, signaling that lunch is over. And they both left back to their class together

Y/N: Being with her feels nice, like the hugs my father gave me.

[ Class 1-A ]

Midoriya had a quick announcement as he was in the front of the class with the Two class deputy's at each of his sides

Momo: Go ahead class rep

Y/N: And stop shivering, and relax. Its annoying

Midoriya: R-right, I wanted to give the position of Class rep to Iida. During the recent alarm, Iida was the one to calm everyone down

Kirishima: I don't see why not. He was a big help at the cafeteria

Kaminari: Yeah, he was like a giant exit sign. Everybody saw him

Aizawa: Fine fine, I don't care just hurry up and move on.

Iida: Then I respectfully agree to your transition of power over to me. I promise I won't let you down

Aizawa got out of his Sleeping bag as we all sat down, eager to know what their gonna do in their hero course

Aizawa: For today's hero basic training, it turned into a class of 3 instructors. Me, All Might and one other.

Sero: Excuse me, but what'll we be doing then

Aizawa pulled out a card and showed it to us, it said ' Rescue ' on it.

Aizawa: Disaster, Shipwrecks and everything in between. In Rescue training...

Kaminari: Sounds like it'll be alot of hard work

Y/N: Were gonna be heros kaminari, it's our job to rescue others

Kaminari: Right, right

Kirishima: My arms are ready to rumble

Asui: Nobody can beat me in water, ribbit

Aizawa: I'm not done yet

He said and everybody quieted down

Aizawa: You can decide of you want to wear your hero costume. If your like most of the serious students here, then your costume had things that make it easier to use your Qurik or something else. The training will be off campus, so We'll be taking a bus. That's all, start getting ready

We all stood up and began getting our hero costumes, all the while Y/N couldn't help but feel that something was going to happen

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