Unexpected Visitors

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Y/N's P.O.V

For this class, everyone decided to wear their hero costumes. Of course, I get scolded for not having an undershirt by our new class president, but of course its not his job to decide if my costume is good enough or not. We were all waiting outside for the bus to pick us up, so I was waiting with Jiro as we talked

Y/N: Y'know jiro, I'm surprised my mothers not here

I said as she was twirling her earlobe Jack's around her finger, she looked at me with a teasing smirk

Jiro: What? Need your mother to be there for you~?

She teased as I rolled my eyes playfully

Y/N: Naw, I actually like it. Ever since my fathers burial, she's been very protective of me. Aizawa told me that she had to pull some ties to make Our hero course with two teachers. Just goes to show how persistent she is

I said as she nodded and we waited in silence, I admired her hero costume. It suited her fine, and also was somewhat designed to be like a punk rocker singer or something like that. I didn't think about mine, I just copied my fathers. Just then, a loud whistle rang catching all of our attention.

Iida: Class 1-A! Gather round! Form two lines by your student numbers in order to make boarding the bus go smoothly!

He shouted with authority as I signed at the memories from when we were still in Somei Private Academy. We were going in two by two as Iida instructed

Y/N: Jesus, he's going... Full Throttle

I said as I was hit on my shoulder playfully by the music girl

Jiro: Ha Ha, Halarious Y/N

I smirked as we entered, only to see that his idea was not like we both imagined

Y/N: I try ~

We walked down and I sat down, only to see bakugo shove past and sit down. Jiro fumbled only to not see where she fell and sat down next to him, she tried to get up but the rest of the class passed her and sat down. A classmate by Todoroki sat down next to me.

Y/N: Hey Todoroki, I like your Qurik. Two for one is an awsome way to get a quirk

I said as he looked at me with a bored look, he didn't seem too interested

Todoroki: Thank you, your Y/N right? Son Of Whitebeard?

He said as I nodded, his eyes narrowed as he looked out the window since to my left was shoji and sero. I looked over to where jiro was to see her looking at me with sad eyes. Oh, she wanted to sit with me but is stuck with Mr. Firecracker

Todoroki: My father somewhat put up with your father.

He said out of the blue which caught my attention

Y/N: Yeah, he had a habit to annoy some people

Todoroki: But many others still loved him. As a brother, a father, and a friend

I said as I looked at him,i see the sadness in his eyes

Y/N: Something happened with your father? Wait, who is your father? Not to be rude

He looked with a slight interest in his face

Todoroki: His hero name is Endeavour, the number 2 hero. He's been after the first spot for years until your father got the rank. But, he said that he was different then All Might. He respected him

Y/N: Yeah, he always has the right words to inspire someone

He nodded, he looked back out the bus window before looking back at me

Todoroki: Do you want to know something?

I nodded

Todoroki: My quirk, it was not natural like most people from families. Each side is from each of my parents. My fathers side gave me my Fire Quirk and my mother my Ice Quirk, they had an arranged marriage.

They had those? I didn't even know that was a thing?

Y/N: Does... does your father care for your and your mother?

I said as he shrugged

Todoroki: Maybe not, all he cares about is surpassing All Might. And since he can't do it, my guess is having a child who can, in other words... me. That's why I only use my mothers quirk

He said as I was confused as to why he won't use it

Y/N: But sure the fire comes from your father but, your in charge of it. Right? It should me more that enough to use it

He just ignored me and looked out the bus window

Todoroki: I don't expect you to understand me Y/N

Y/N: Maybe, at least your fathers alive.

Why is he mad at him? I can somewhat understand his problem, but. Ah its no use to understand, he wouldn't listen. But I was interrupted when I heard a loud voice

Jiro: No, Y/N's quirk is the best!

I looked towards the front of the bus to see jiro standing up from her seat, it was silent as she looked around and blushed at the scene she made, and blushed some more when she saw me looking and sat down quickly

Y/N: Uh, Shoji? What happened?

I asked him as one of his tentacles went infront of me and formed a mouth

Shoji: They were arguing on who's quirk was the best. Kirishima said it was Bakugo's while Ashido said Todoroki

Y/N: And I guess Jiro said mine was?

He nodded

Shoji: I don't think she's wrong in my opinion. Your quirk may be a bit destructive but it's very powerful, a quirk I admire

Y/N: Oh, thanks but I think all quirks are special in their own way.

Shoji: I'm curious to what the letter Mr Aizawa said

Y/N: I guess I can tell you at least, as long as you don't tell anyone

He nodded as another of his tentacles formed into a ear, I whispered to it

Y/N: To put is simply, I'm restricted from using my quirk unless given Aizawa's permission

Shoji's eyes widen a little

Shoji: Are you in trouble?

Y/N: No, I'm fine. It's just that my quirk is destructive, and they have to fix my damages. Its fine though, my father was restricted to using his quirk too

Shoji: True, I can see how strong you are even without your quirk. What is it by the way? Earthquake?

Y/N: Almost, I can create vibrations. Or quakes to make it better to understand. They can travel on anything, even air. Which is why I can create cracks in the air

Shoji: That's impressive, very Impressive

I nodded as the bus was still driving to its destination, few minutes later, we arrived. We stepped out to see a hero waiting for us, it was the space hero: Thirteen!

13: Ah! I've been waiting for you to arrive. Let's talk inside, we have alot to do!

We nodded as we began walk with him but I couldn't help feel that I've seen him before. For some odd reason, I feel like calling him marshy

As we walked inside the big white dome building, inside we saw every disaster known today

13: Welcome to USJ! A training ground that I made for every Disaster known today! Landslide, Fires, Shipwrecks, Windstorms, If it's a disaster, we have it here! I call this place, " Unforseen Simulation Joint! "

He said with pride as he then turned to me and looked surprised

13: Oh! Is that you little whitebeard?

He said as I was confused, little whitebeard? Aizawa groaned in discomfort

Aizawa: Don't remind me

Y/N: Uh, remind you of what?

Jiro walked up to me

Jiro: * Whispering * Do they know your father? Maybe that's it?

I shrugged but it was a good idea

Y/N: Did I know you when I was small?

13 nodded as Aizawa facepalmed

13: Is that any way to say hi to your babysitters?

Wait... What!


Oh, wait. I think I remember something like that

Y/N: I think I remember something like that? Wait a minute...

13 looked nervous as Aizawa smirked

Aizawa: I think he remembers your name 13?

13: N-no, no he doesn't!

Y/N: Oh! So you were Marshy!

13 groaned as he hit the glass of his mask

13: Aww, he remembers his childhood Nickname for me! That was embarrassing!

Jiro: * Giggles * Marshy~ he reminds you of a Marshmallow?

Y/N: Well... yeah. Come one, don't tell me you haven't thought of that! I remember now though. Both Marshy and Aizawa took turns to babysit me when I was small, my parents were a power couple next to him partnering up with All Might every now and then

13: Stop calling me Marshy!

Aizawa: Okay were getting off track. Marshy, Where's All Might?

He said as 13 groaned, but forgot ignored him. Man, I remember him, his costume was very soft. I remember falling asleep on it. Man, I feel so long ago, which it was. They talked but my Observation ability picked something up, a purple portal appearing

Y/N: Aizawa! I don't mean to interrupt but we have company!

I said as I pointed behind him, the portal got bigger and many more people came through

Aizawa: Keep together and don't move! 13! Protect the students!

13 nodded

13: Right! Keep together everyone!

He then turned to me surprisingly

Aizawa: I know your more dangerous then the rest of the class, if they know your the son of whitebeard, they might back off

Sero: Why? What's wrong?

He began walking forward but I put blocked his path with my hand

Y/N: No sero, I have a feeling there villans

Aizawa: Your right Y/N, there villans. Real Ones

He said and everybody went nervous. We expected to work on our quirks to resuce but villans? Some of my classmate's quirks aren't for fighting

Jiro: Y/N?

I looked behind me to see jiro, she seemed tense

Jiro: Just... be careful. Okay?

I nodded as I then walked in front of Aizawa to be at the top of the stairs

Y/N: You either must be real bold or real stupid to pull off a stunt like this!

I yelled down at them to see of they heard me, Aizawa walked next to me as he put on his goggles

Aizawa: Y/N, for now. I'll give you permission to use your quirk. Just be careful, building and people are different things

I nodded

Y/N: I know Aizawa, I'll use my quirk so it'll equal an All Might punch

Aizawa: Is it bad like we both think it'll be?

Y/N: No, to explain it simply. It's a One Punch K.O

He nodded as we both began to run down the stairs together, I held my bisento tight and made a note to lower the power I use and to use the butt end and flat end of my weapon

Villan#1: You two must be idiots to think you can take us all on! Firing Squad!

I saw the guy who had guns on the ends of his fingers, some big green guy in a mask and a girl with her hair all lined up like she was gon a shoot. But I know Aizawa's quirk, they tried to fire but couldn't, Aizawa jumped infront of me and used his combat scarf to tie the 3 of then up, bring them around and knock their heads together

We both landed together as we eyes around us, thanks to my Observation ability, I can tell most of them are just petty thugs. They're easy grunts but the 3 that are by the portal feel the most dangerous.

Villan#1: Idiots! He's eraserhead! He can erase anyone's quirk just by looking at them!

Villan#2: But whose the other one?

I heard them talk among themselves, I readied myself

Villan#1: Don't know, but that long coat on his shoulders and that weapon reminds me of whitebeard

I chuckled loudly so they could hear me, they eyed me with a hint of caution. Just like I want them to feel

Y/N: My father may no longer bless the living but you can bet that I'll be sure to fill his place

Their eyes widen with fear, and some of them took steps back. Perfect

Villan#1: Wait, He's the son of...

AllVillans: WHITEBEARD!?

I can see most of them panicking, but the one portal guy, the guy with hands all over his body and the big bird ( no pun intended ) looked surprised

RandomVillan: I was never told this!

RandomVillan: If he has Whitebeard's quirk then were already screwed!

RandomVillan: I didn't get payed enough to do this shit! He said some rookie heros, he didn't mention one of them being the Fucking Son of Whitebeard!

Aizawa walked up to me and whispered enough for me to hear

Aizawa: * Whispering * That's good Y/N, keep it up and they might retreat

Just then, some big guy with some kind of rock skin and lots of arms stepped forward

Ignore the text, couldn't find a photo so... next best thing. I'm not good at computers

RockVillan: Please, you? The son of whitebeard? Don't make me laugh! Your just some fanboy pretending!

He yelled as he ran strait at us, I gestured for Aizawa to stop as I could tell he and gonna stop him, but I had to prove that I AM the son of whitebeard and they might retreat.

He aimed one of his fists but I made my arm that isn't holding my weapon turn black, covering it with my Armament ability.

RockVillan: Take This!

He threw his fist but I effortlessly caught it, making his gasp in shock before I twirled my bisento and used the butt end of it and slammed it in his stomach, he gasped for breath as I pulled it out and he fell to the ground face first. I faced the rest of the villans who flinched when my sight landed on them.

Y/N: So.... Who's next?

3rd P.O.V

As the villans eyes the teacher and student, nobody made a move yet, they were still a bit cautious of the kid. Sure Eraserhead can erase their quirks but if that kid really does have whitebeards power, then they stand no chance. Tomura and his lieutenant saw this

Tomura: * Tch * We made preparations for All Might but this seemed to slip past us

He said as he looked through his hand mask, Shigaraki looked at his boss and then eyed the supposed " Son Of Whitebeard "

Kurogiri: Perhaps if we offer a reward to the person who brings him down? The offer of money never fails to motivate

Tomura hummed in acknowledgment, that was a good idea. But he knew whitebeards quirk perfect in groups or crowds. It wouldn't work but maybe his pet Nomu would be able to do it

Tomura: Good idea Kurogiri, its good enough until All Might gets here. Hey! All of you!

The villans all looked at him

RandomVillan: Hey! You didn't say the son of whitebeard was gonna be here!?

Tomura: Me either but let me give you some "Motivation". Whoever kills that kid will get 3 times the amount that I previously payed them

Aizawa and Y/N watched carefully, Y/N wasn't worried. No matter the amount of money, they all can't take him down alone. Aizawa on the other hand was a bit nervous for Y/N, that would mean he would get targeted the most. All the villans looked back at the pair, slightly more eager to fight now

RandomVillan: If I kill the kid, then I'll get payed enough to retire early!

Most of the others nodded in agreement, back with the main attackers. They grinned to see all their "friends" more eager to fight now

Tomura: There we go, all there is to do is wait for All Might to appear. Nomu

He called out to the hulking goliath as he stepped next to him

Tomura: When I give the word, Engage the Son Of Whitebeard

Y/N's P.O.V

My position, I just stayed in place. Constantly switching my weapon between my hands and knocking villans back left and right.

Y/N: Aizawa! Your still alive!?

I yelled through the waves of villans, on the other side I see a scarf twirl a villan around before throwing him to group of villans

Aizawa: Don't count me out that quickly Y/N! Just take out as much as you can!

Y/N: Oh, that's easy.

I looked at a certain direction where villans where slowly closing in on us

Y/N: Heads up!

The shockwave sent a few dozen villans flying off into the air, I smirked at the open jaws from most of the villans who didn't get sent flying

Aizawa: God dammit Y/N! I'll make you fix all this damage if your enjoying this!

Y/N: I'm not Aizawa! At least not alot...

Aizawa: I heard that!

I chuckled a bit but that went away as on instinct I dodged left, just in time to miss a massive fist slamming into the ground where I was at. I rolled across the floor until I stopped and locked to see it was some sort of giant Villan with a bird head and beak

Y/N: Your pretty fast for such a big guy

HandGuy: Get him Nomu, leaving nothing behind for the rest to see!

I see the hand guy tell big bird that, I think he's the leader of these guys. I can tell with my Observation ability that he's a whole other level than the rest of these guys. Their just common thugs but him... he's different. With just a second to witness, he began to run strait at me but I jumped over him as he missed

Y/N: Crap, he's fast!

I landed but he quickly turned around and headed straight for me, I made my right hand black as I ran strait at him too, and our fists met. Causing lots of wind to form and push most of the other villans back

I saw his whole arm sort of wiggle, Does his quirk nullify impacts?! If so then he might be even more dangerous then I imagined.

Y/N: * Grits teeth * Your pretty strong

I said as he said nothing back but tried to hit me again, I blocked it with the flat end of my blade and countered with a punch to his chest. I used my quirk to send him flying, and as I breathed from all the fighting, I saw him get up quickly but missing an arm

Y/N: Oh great, even if I win I'll be a murderer!

I said but I was shocked when his missing arm began to grow back.

Y/N: The hell?! He has a regeneration quirk too!? I though it was just something about Nullification!?

I said but I saw the hand guy chuckle

HandGuy: Yes, good observation. Son Of Whitebeard, Nomu here has regeneration but also Shock Absorption Quirks

Shock Absorption? Then...

Y/N: * Chuckles * Thanks for the info, I thought he has Nullification but Absorption? Hah! Then theirs a limit to how much he can absorb! Then I guess I'll take you out first!

I pulled back my bisento, this is the first time actually doing it.

Y/N: Let's see if you can survive this!

I see his eyes widen, This 'Nomu' must also be here to protect him

HandGuy: NOMU!

I didn't wait to see If I did it, that bird was gone, I had to see of Aizawa was okay!

Y/N: Aizawa! Where are you!

I ran across the field, passing over knocked out villans. Then I saw him, by himself, clutching his right arm

Y/N: Aizawa! Thank god your okay! Wait... your elbow is cracking! I... I can see the muscles

I said as I came closer

Aizawa: There you are * breaths * while you were playing patty cake with big bird *breaths* the leader I think used his quirk to break the skin on my elbow or something

He said in between breaths, he stuttered to stay standing but i caught him in time

Y/N: Your fine Aizawa, I think we took out all the common thugs. But the big bird guy is the biggest threat

Aizawa: I-it's fine, I heard from the warp man that one of your classmates escaped. They'll be here in a matter of minutes

I let him sit down as I kept an eye out but I quickly felt someone behind us and I looked to see the HandGuy right there

HandGuy: Man, you two are so cool. And you Y/N, you have your dad's quirk. That's incredible isn't it?

I stood infront of Aizawa in a protective stance

Y/N: Back the fuck up! Come any closer and I'll be sure to break every bone in your body! And that's something my quirk can do

I threatened him but he didn't seem that fazed and took a step closer

HandGuy: Your really cool Y/N, I can admire your strength. Enough power to destroy the world. Guess us other weaker ones better be on your good side huh? Hey hero...

Y/N: What?

HandGuy: I'm not the boss moster in this level... He is

I slowly looked behind us to see the Big bird, guess he survived the attack I shot at him

Y/N: Dammit!

I sent my blade at him but he caught it and pulled it up with me still holding it

Y/N: Let go! I'm not letting you take this away from me!

I kicked him but he caught my leg and slammed me into the floor, knocking the wind out of me. I got up slowly as I felt something wet flow down my lip and top of my hair.

HandGuy: Nomu, pass me his weapon

I saw the big bird throw my bisento to him and he caught it

Y/N: Hey! * Cough * G-give that back!

He inspected it

HandGuy: Impressive, just like whitebeards weapon at his grave. You really like him don't you, well first this then you

He said as... my bisento... turned to dust before my very eyes

HandGuy: Whoops

Y/N: You bastard, I'm gonna break this bird then your next!

I said, they fucking destroyed my bisento! It, it reminded me of my father, I stared the bird guy with hatred that could kill

Y/N: Don't blame me, blame your boss!

He punched me but I caught his fist and kneed him in the face. He stepped back as I charged up my fist and punched him in the chest, making part of his body break apart.

Y/N: There, your getting the easy way out. Now for...

But I remembered as a small part of his torso began to regenerate his arms, legs and everything until he stood back up

Y/N: Dammit, Just stay down already.

Wait a moment, he can regenerate but some things can't be regrow. Be it naturally or with a quirk, maybe if I destroy his head, he may regenerate but brain cells can't be remade. It's worth a try

Y/N: Regeneration is a good quirk but there's one thing they can't regenerate

As I jumped at him, he caught me but I broke his arm before putting each of my hands on each side of his head and used my Qurik to destroy his head. I jumped down, breathing heavily as I see him slowly fall to the ground with a thud as I looked back at the Handguy

HandGuy: You killed him? I... that can't be possible!

Is sounded like a child as he scratched his next

Aizawa: Believe it, no matter how Regeneration happens all the time naturally. Your Nomu just happens to regenerate at an accelerated rate. But brain cells can't regenerate, no brain cells then he can't think at all

Aizawa said slowly as I kneeled next to him, I see the warp guy appear next to him but he's not the biggest threat anymore

Aizawa: I gotta say * cough * you think smart Y/N.

I chuckled as I stood infront of him

Y/N: Hey! I beat your Big bird, your next if I still see you here before the rest of the heros arrive!

MistMan: Tomura, I suggest bringing Him In

He said, 'him' ? Who's that

Tomura: * Tch * Fine, bring him in

At his words the most guy's skin or whatever spread out and out came a pretty fat guy

: ZEHAHAHAHA! Tomura! So good to see you again. Oh? Is that Y/N?

Y/N: * Tch * Who are you?

The said man laughed his weird laugh as his body began to give off some black smoke

: Marshall D. Teach but please call me Blackbeard. I gotta say. When I killed your father I thought I took his 'quirk' but for some reason it didn't work. But now that your here... I can try you this time

Y/N: W...w...what?

Teach: ZEHAHAHAHAHA!! Didn't you hear me before? I Killed your father! ZEHAHAHAHAHA!

Y/N: Y-you bastard.... You BASTARD! IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!

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