Obstacle Race!

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Y/N's P.O.V

After giving my little speech, I walked down to join the rest of my class. My aunt then began to explain what we were gonna do next

AuntNemuri: Now, let's get started right away!

Y/N: I wonder what our first Little game is gonna be?

I said as I was next to tenya who was busy stepping bakugo from calling the other students 'extras' and such.

Tenya: I'm not sure either, but the first ones are always to cut the number of people participating later on.

I nodded as we looked back at my Aunt

AuntNemuri: This little game will determine which of you is worthy enough to participate in the harder ones~

I shuttered when she said 'harder' that way, I hate it when she does that. Behind her, a digital screen appeared and it seemed to be deciding in something

AuntNemuri: This years Sports Tournament will have.... An Obstacle Race!

Y/N: Obstacle Race?

Tenya: Yes, an obstacle race is--

I interrupted him

Y/N: I know what that means Tenya, I'm saying how are we gonna do this?

AuntNemuri: All 11 classes will participate in this event, one big race around the stadium and the first person to make it back here wins!

Y/N: Seems easy enough

I said since it was a casual race, it should be easy. Though I'm not that fast, can I use my quirk in this?

Tenya: This is U.A Y/N, I doubt it'll be anything but easy.

Y/N: How much you wanna bet that I at least beat you?

I questioned him, this is gonna be fun

Tenya: Fellow students don't bet on things Y/N, were doing this for sport not money

Y/N: * FacePalm * That's not what I meant

AuntNemuri: It's about 4 kilometers around the entire stadium, As long as you stay on the course, anything goes!

Y/N: Anything? Alright!

I explained, can't wait. I can see most of my other friends look nervous

Y/N: What's wrong guys?

Kaminari hid behind Kirishima

Kaminari: Were just worried your gonna break us or something. I mean you did get excited when Midnight said ' Anything goes '

Huh, he made a good point.

Y/N: Fine, I'll try at least. But no promises

AuntNemuri: Now take your places! Y/N, a word please

Y/N: Good luck guys, your gonna need it. *Chuckles*

Bakugo: Whatever, I'll beat both you and icy-hot here!

He shouted as he pushed past Midoriya ti at least be first. I walked up the stage towards my Aunt as she turned her mic off

AuntNemuri: You ready Y/N?

I nodded

Y/N: Yeah, I'm pumped up.

AuntNumuri: Well I'm here to just tell you your allowed to use your quirk but... just go easy okay? Cementoss can make a new one but that kind of stuff takes hours. And also from me and your mother, good luck

I nodded as I went back towards the rest of the other students but I'm dead last at the back.

Y/N: Huh, dammit, well... sucks to be them

AuntNemuri: On your marks!

???: Hey, White Hair

I looked to see shinso, but when I looked at him. He had a look of surprise on his head

Y/N: Oh, hey shinso, you ready?

I asked him but he didn't answer back, I was confused

Shinso: Uh, Y/N?

He asked again

AuntNumuri: Get Set!

Y/N: Yes?

I said and he looked surprised again, starting to get frustrated

Shinso: I don't understand

Y/N: Understand what?

Shinso: Why doesn't my quirk work on you?!

Y/N: What Quirk?! Just tell me!

AuntNemuri: START!!

Y/N: God Dammit! We're gonna come back to this!

I said to him as I began running into the long hallway. But it was very small, well if you can't go through them, go over them. I jumped over the ocean of students and began jumping from head to head

: Ouch!

: Hey! That's not fair!

Y/N: Yes it is!

: Oh my God! Y/N Just stepped on me!

Y/N: Sorry about that!

: Step on me!

Y/N: Okay, this is getting weird and why can I see my breath?

I said as the temperature suddenly goes way down and ice covers the floor and traps the others feok their feet. I see Todoroki running ahead, freezing the ground beneath him.

: I... I can't move!

: Its so cold!

I jumped over one last person before jumping into the air and landing with my power fused into my feet. Breaking the ice and freein everyone

: Thanks Y/N!

I heard some people say behind me as I waved my hand, catching up with Todoroki. Whenever he'd try to freeze the ground, I'd lightly stomp the ground with my quirk and break the ice again and again

Todoroki: Why are you helping them?! Their our competition and enemies!

He yelled as he looked back at me while we were both still running

Y/N: Heh, Scared?! That one of them might beat you?!

He glared at me as he ran faster, I ran catch up with him. But he suddenly stopped and I bumped into him.

Y/N: Don't do that!

Todoroki: Shut up!

We were about to fight until the ground began to shake, causing lots of students to fall or trip

Y/N: For the record! That wasn't me!

Todoroki: Look up you idiot!

I did and saw that it was filled with massive robots from the entrance Exams. 1, 2, and 3 along with massive Zero point robots

PresentMic: Looks like the students have meet their first obstacle, Robot Inferno!

I hear Present Mic say through the speakers, we both get up and surprisingly, Tenya Catches up to us

Tenya: * Pant * I thought you said this was gonna be easy!?

Y/N: Yeah, easy for me!

Robot: Targets Acquired!

Tenya: Were all not like you!

Robot: Initiating Attack!

Y/N: I never said that!

A shadow covered us and all 3 of us looked to see the Zero Pointers fist coming right at us.

Tenya: Its coming right for us!

Before we could even do anything, Todoroki used the right side of his quirk to freeze the entire things solid, freezing it on the spot. He then began running between its legs

Y/N: Your not losing me that quickly! Come on Tenya! Shake a leg and move it!

I shouted as I ran after Todoroki, but I heard the ice creak and it started falling. I managed to get through and was right behind Todoroki but then another shadow loomed over us, we looked to see another Zero Pointer coming at us

PresentMic: Looks like the robots are gunning for Todoroki and Y/N! What will they do!!

Before I could do anything, I was grabbed by it in its massive robotic arms

PresentMic: Woah! Looks like the Son Of Whitebeard is caught in the robots grasp!

Y/N: God dammit, A little help here Todoroki!

I yelled at him as he stopped and looked at me

Todoroki: Your the Son Of Whitebeard aren't you? You'll be fine!

Was all he said till he ran off, leaving me behind

Y/N: Okay, I'm getting back at him

The Zero Pointer pulled me up infront of his face

Robot: Son Of Whitebeard, apprehended

Y/N: Can you put me down?

Robot: Negative

Y/N: Please?

Robot: Negative

Y/N: * Sigh * I didn't want to do this

With all the strength I had, I broke free from his grip and began running down his arm.

PresentMic: Looks like Y/N is free, but what's he doing?

Aizawa: Keep watching, I think were all about to be surprised

I kept running down his arm, towards his head. That's right Aizawa, your all gonna be surprised. I've always wanted to do this trick ever since I saw my father defeat a giant with nothing but his bare hands. Once I reached his Head, I jumped and grabbed the side of his face and brought it down with me as I dropped to the ground, pulling him down with me

PresentMic: Wait a minute, I know what he's gonna do! This is gonna be epic listeners! Camera crews! Better not blink!

I landed on the ground and slammed the robots head into the ground beside me, I then used my quirk to smash his head in

PresentMic: He did it! He freaking did it! He did the head smash Whitebeard did!

I looked at the robots flattened head, firmly grasping it in my hand

Y/N: I wonder where they get the money for you guys. Well whatever, not my problem

I then with little effort threw him into the forest

PresentMic: And he threw the robots body into the forest like it weighed nothing! Y/N is a freaking Savage!

Aizawa: Stop fanboying and compose yourself again. Your losing your cool

Y/N: That's right, I'm the next whitebeard suckers, oh right. I'm in a race, better get going.

I ran after Todoroki, I've lost alot of ground, but I'm surprised that not many people have made it through yet. Their all still probably cornered by the robots.

PresentMic: Looks like people are starting to get past the first obstacle! Lets see how they do in obstacle #2! If you fall, your out! The Fall!

I along with a few others are at the edge , lots of small long platforms of rock, all connected with ropes. I see Todoroki a bit ahead, using his ice to freeze the ropes and get himself across

Y/N: Huh, I'll just jump over. See you guys at the finish line!

I jumped from paltfrom to platform, but I hear little explosions. While jumping into the air,  I look behind to see Bakugo closing in

Y/N: He can fly? Well, his quirk is explosions so I guess he's pushing himself with the moment force of the explosion he generates. Pretty smart

I almost reach the edge, seeing Todoroki reach the last obstacle

Y/N: Better hurry, hey Bakugo!

I yell from behind me

Bakugo: The fuck do you want?!

Y/N: Don't be like that, never mind

I land at the last one as Bakugo passed over me, leaving me in 3rd place

Y/N: * Huff * I hate running, wish I has some sort of ability to help me go faster like Bakugo's

PresentMic: Looks like the leaders have made it to the 3rd and last Obstacle! A minefield! These are just for games so they aren't dangerous, but set one off and you went your pants!

Y/N: Huh, really? This is to set back the leaders and give the rest of the students a chance to catch up. 

Up ahead, I see both Todoroki and Bakugo fighting each other.

Y/N: What children, I'll just sneak through here and...

Bakugo: Don't think I don't see you, you bastard!

I used my Armament ability to strengthen my arms and blocked the explosion.

Todoroki: Looks like the Son Of Whitebeard is here to challenge us!

With bakug to my right and Todoroki on my left, I was blocking attacks from both sides

PresentMic: Looks like the 2 leaders have some sort of grudge against Y/N? Wonder what he did to get on their badside?

Y/N: For Todoroki, I know. But Bakugo is like this with everyone!

Bakugo: No I'm not! Stop say shit about me!

We start fighting again till a loud explosion Catches our attention

PresentMic: What's this? A massive explosion from the back?

But through the smoke, I see a little flying thing

Y/N: Is that Midoriya flying on that piece of metal?

Bakugo: Deku? No, that runt is dead last!

Todoroki: No, it is Midoriya

Bakugo: What?!

We see Midoriya fly right over us, making him in first place. We stop fighting as we looked at each other real quick

Y/N: Truce for now?

Bakugo: Whatever
Todoroki: Fine

We all then begin to run straight after him

PresentMic: Looks like the 3 previous leaders have called a truce.

Aizawa: They all have a common enemy at the moment

Running after him, I can see Midoriya losing momentum. He's falling, better stay ahead a bit

Y/N: Sorry about this guys.

I used my quirk to knock bakugo and Todoroki a few feet back

PresentMic: Looks like Y/N back on the Offensive! It's just Midoriya and Y/N now!

I just need to keep ahead and Midoriya will eventually fall to the ground. But out of the blue, I feel two feets on my shoulders, I look to see Midoriya,

Midoriya: Sorry about this Y/N

He used the piece of metal to hit the ground, donating mine and launching himself while blinding me with smoke and light

Y/N: * Cough * Fuck! N-not now! * Cough *

I feel that burning sensation come back but I had to fight it and continue running. I see Midoriya running full speed with Todoroki and Bakugo hot on his heels.

PresentMic: In first place, we have Izuku Midoriya!

Me and a few others are in the tunnel, about to make it to the end but I can't run as fast anymore! Its getting hard to breath!

PresentMic: In second place, Shoto Todoroki! And third is Bakugo Katsuki. And surprisingly, Y/N in fourth place!

As I made it past the entrance, I dropped to my knees. Coughing like I'm about to spit fire, blood leaking out and dripping into the Ground

Midoriya: Y/N! Are you okay!

I feel his hands pat my back, I start being able to breath again.

Midoriya: Was it my fault Y/N? When I made that mine detonate in front of you?

He questioned as I was quick to tell him no.

Y/N: I-it's fine Midoriya. * Cough *, I just N-need a minute to catch my breath.

He helped me to my feet, putting my arm around his next

Midoriya: Let's go see Recovery Girl, I'm sure she can help you.

Y/N: Y-yeah, that's a good idea. * Cough *, fourth place, that sucks. My dad could probably do better

I said as we entered a hallway, everybody was given 30 minutes to rest until we start the next game

Midoriya: You don't have to say that Y/N, your dad would be proud of you. Having an awsome quirk like his, makes me somewhat jealous.

Y/N: * Chuckles * Whatever you say Midoriya

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