Sports Tournament

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Still Present Time
Y/N's P.O.V

Inside Jiro's Room, I looked around. I see posters of different bands and a few instruments on their stands. Guitars, Drum sets, and also other types that I don't know what their called. I sat down on a chair while she sat on her bed, we eye'd each other embarrassingly, till we shifted our eyes somewhere else.

Y/N: So.... What should we do?

I said as she shrugged herself, I finished my homework early at the homeroom's free time.

Jiro: Well, we can figure out how some things for the Sports Tournament?

She questioned and I nodded, we talked about how we can each improve on our quirks as. I watched her use her earphones to throw some darts at a dart board

Y/N: Double Points

She smiles as I suddenly remembered that I haven't done anything to improve myself, I already an expert with my quirk. It's just that I'm restricted to using it to not cause any property damage. But then I remembered what Recovery Girl said, I can't be causing those heartaches, can I? On curiosity, I brought up my right hands in front of me.

Jiro: What's wrong Y/N?

She said as she sat back down on her bed, seeing me with my hand infront of me.

Y/N: Recovery Girl said I was making that odd black flame, remember? She said to experiment, but I don't want to set your house in fire.

We both chuckled as I then made my fingers into a snapping position, and then I snapped my fingers. And the most amazing thing happened, there was a little fire where my pointer and thumb were at. Jiro saw me do this too and was equally surprised, out of fear of burning her house, I shaked my hand in alarm before the fire disappeared

Y/N: Woah, that scared me. I didn't know I can do that

Jiro stood up from her seat and stood next to me, placing her hands on my shoulders. I don't get embarrassed as much when were alone, don't want the paparazzi spying on us. Girls figure out I have a girlfriend, then they'll be gunning at Jiro.

Jiro: * Chuckles  * Maybe you can do that Cliche thing that some people with similar Fire quirks. Use that snapping your finger to light other people's cigarettes

We both chuckled as I decided to do it again, I snapped my fingers and the fire appeared again. I open my hands and the fire disappeared, I snapped my fingers again and the fire formed. At least I have this down, but if I have some sort of fire ability, then add another destructive force to my already dangerous Quirks

Y/N: Jeez, First my vibrations are dangerous. What do you think fire will he like?

I see jiro shrug as she hugged me from behind, putting her chin on my shoulder. Making me a bit flustered

Y/N: And why do you keep doing that? It embarrassing, your not enjoying this are you?

I asked her as she smiled but we heard footsteps approaching, Jiro on alarm quickly let go and sat in her bed. The door opened and walked in her mother, Mika

Mika: Y/N, your mothers here. She's waiting for you outside.

Y/N: Ok, thanks Mrs. Kyoka

She nodded and looked over at her daughter, I looked as we see her looking down, not showing her face. She then looked at me, giving a teasing smirk before leaving.

Y/N: I saw the look your mom gave me, she thought we were a bit... Intimate

I said as she tensed, I chuckled before getting up. I walked over to her and placed my finger under her chin. I brought her up to look at me, seeing her blush was adorable

Jiro: W-what are you d-doing?

I then moved my hand away, before picking up my backback and swinging it over my shoulder

Y/N: Just wanted to see you embarrassed, consider that payback for the other times you embarrassed me~

I said before I see her pout but then grinning at me

Jiro: I bet You enjoyed it~

I grew pink a bit before just leaving the room, hearing her laugh from her rook

Y/N: Damn that woman, she's harder to handle then my Aunt

I said my goodbyes to her parents before leaving their apartment and walking outside. Seeing my mother waiting in her car

Y/N: * Cough * Hi mom, finished?

I said as I got in and we drived home

M/N: Yeah, for now. Until the sports tournament, me and your aunt will be busy.

She said and I nodded, coughing again before the hot sensation came back.

M/N: Your still coughing? Recovery Girl gave me some medicine, I'll give you some when we get home. Where you coughing at Jiro's house too?

She said and I pondered for a moment, thinking back and was surprised to know that I didn't have any heartburn when I was at her house

Y/N: No, not once.

M/N: Hm, Well, me and your aunt will be staying after school for a few days. So how about you can stay over at Jiro's house when ever you leave school? Recovery Girl said you need someone to look after you in case you get any serious heartburn.

I agreed, I dont mind spending time with Jiro. She's nice to hang around with, I them showed my mother the new thing I discovered. She was also surprised, she said it could be a side affect of blackbeards Darkness attack. She's talk with the other teachers but I still have a few days to practice.

[ Time-Skip to Day Of Sports Festival ]

This is the day, The Sports Festival is today. During these few days, I tired practicing my newfound Flame powers. Though I haven't made much progress, it's hard to practice my quaking powers but flame too? No, I keep setting things on fire on accident. Right now, my mother had some preparations to do with my Aunt so she used her reflection ability to get there quickly, I walked to school.

Not that I mind, I do exercise. As I made it to U.A, I see all the fireworks, this is a special event after all. But I can see the massive crowd of Reporters, police sifting through their bags to make sure no other attacks happen. After the USJ incident, any my almost death experience, they've upped security by a huge margin.

Reporter: Hey look! It's the son of whitebeard!!

Uh oh

I was then swarmed by hundreds of people, I wasn't really worried or nervous. Just blinded, too many flash shots. And too many questions

Reporter: Have you recovered from your wound yet?!
Reporter: Do you have any romantic relationships with Jiro Kyoka?!
Reporter: Can I have your autograph?!

Y/N: * Sigh * First, Almost, still feel a few heartburn now and then! Second, She's just a friend! And third, fine, here!

I gave the reporter the same autograph I gave that mail woman a few weeks ago, but the police saw me stuck and Thankfully came to my rescue

Police: Okay, okay! Step back, he's a student of U.A! Step aside!

A few other police came and pushed them back while I walked through the gates.

Y/N: * Takes Deep Breath * Thanks for the help!

I waves to the other police and they waved back

Police: Anytime! We'll be rooting for you! Son Of Whitebeard!

That's starting to become my title but I don't mind. Walking inside, I see lots of different selling places. Walking through, greeting people, other heros and some kids. Signing autographs, and talking photos, is this what being popular is like? Maybe that's why Aizawa Doesn't like being popular and likes being an underground hero.

???: One order of Tokoyaki, please

I stopped, I recognized that voice. I started walking towards the Voice. And I see its Mt. Lady, with Kamui Woods and Deatharms.

???: Ooh! Mt. Lady! Okay, that'll be 500 yen

Mt.Lady: Eh?

She looked surprised, looking at Kamui and Deatharms. They shook their heads no and she pouted, till her eyes land on me and she smiles wide

Mt.Lady: Ah! Its White Rose!

Y/N&Kamui&Deatharms: Eh?!

Y/N: White rose?! I know I have white hair but why the rose part?!

Kamui: Mt lady! Don't call the Son Of Whitebeard that! Its Dishonest!

DeathArms: Yeah, Don't you remember the promise Whitebeard told you when you were young?

She seemed to ignore them as she grabbed my shoulders and looked at me with those sad cute eyes she gives lots of people.

Mt.Lady: Could you please buy them for me?

She said swaying her hips seductively, but I wasn't fazed much

Y/N: You know that doesn't work on me right?

I said and see Kamui and Deatharms snicker while Mt.Lady looks surprised

Mt.lady: Eh?! Aren't I sexy?! Beautiful?!

She said grabbing the collar of my shirt

Y/N: Of course you are, but I've seen... Um... I guess better? Or worse? I'm not sure what the correct words is

Mt.lady pouts while Kamui Woods and Deatharms walk up to me

Kamui: Its good to see you in good health Y/N

Deatharms: Agreed, from what we heard. You've almost been killed, lots of other heros were scared to believe that

Y/N: Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm actually feeling better. Haven't gotten much heart burns.

They both nodded and I still see Mt.Lady pouting. They way she pouts remind me of My aunt, can't stand to see them sad.

Y/N: Excuse me, But you can Give it to her. I'll pay

I said as I pulled out some yen, Mt.lady hugged me, Thanking me over and over again.

Y/N: You two want one?

Kamui: No, it's fine.

Deatharms: Yeah, were on security anyways.

I nodded before going towards where the rest of my classmates were at.

Mt.lady: Come join my agency!

Kamui: Ignore her!

I chuckled as I walked in building and looked for class 1-A. I found a door with the name and went inside

: Y/N!

I see everyone there, Mineta, ashido and every one else. Except Tenya

Y/N: Hey everyone, you guys ready?

Ashido: Yeah! It's too bad we can't wear our hero costumes!

She pouted while pulling on her gym cloths, I chuckled since I agree with her too

Y/N: Yeah, I hear you. Though they let me keep my coat on so that's okay for me.

I said as ojiro closed a locker nearby

Ojiro: Well it's to keep everything fair

Tenya: Everyone! Are you ready! We'll be entering soon!

Tenya said as he barged in the room, I cracked my neck not remembered that I don't have my Bisento. I'll have to tell my mother or Aunt to have them make a new one for me.

Todoroki: Y/N, Midoriya

I look to the side, Midoriya was there but infront of is was Todoroki. He looked serious, I mean more serious then he already is

Y/N: What is it?

Todoroki turned his attention to Midoriya, I can feel him, feeling pressured from his gaze

Todoroki: Looking at this smart, I can say I'm stronger than you.

Midoriya: Eh?... I'm... I suppose so

Todoroki: But you have All Might behind you. Right?

I eyed them both suspiciously, Midoriya's hiding something... but so is Todoroki.

Todoroki: I'm not going to pry that information out, but I will beat you.

He then looked at me

Todoroki: Y/N, your father was Whitebeard. The previous Number 1 hero before All Might, you also have his quirk. So you'll be my top opponent to beat.

He said to me, I can feel the eerie silence in the room. But I chuckled which surprised everyone

Y/N: You can try Todoroki, but just know that If it comes down to you and me. This side won't be much of use to you

I said poking his right Arm, he narrowed his eyes at me.

Y/N: If you really want to defeat me and prove whatever you wanted to prove to your father. Then using this side might give you an advantage

I said poking his left arm now but he grabbed my wrist, eyeing me with a hateful glare

Todoroki: Your saying my right side it weak?

He said slowly as I felt my wrist behind to cover up with ice

Kirishima: Hey Todoroki, what are you doing?

I see Kirishima and a few other of classmates begin to panic from Todoroki using his quirk already.

Y/N: That's enough Kirishima

I looked at him and then at everyone

Y/N: Stay out of this

I then focused on Todoroki, the ice that was on my wrist is already coming up to shoulder.

Y/N: If that was the only quirk you had Todoroki, then yes. It would be completely useless against me, but that's not true. Is it?

His eyes widen as the ice quickly came up to my upper body, freezing my neck and closely coming up to my head. But I kept my composure

Momo: Todoroki! Stop this please!

I see Momo grab on to his shoulder but Me and Todoroki's eyes never move from eachother. But I used my power to make my body vibrate and shattering the ice around me, as bits of ice fell to the ground. I grabbed Todoroki from the collar of his uniform and pulled him to close eyes length, right In front if me

Y/N: See? Your ice is no threat to me. So I'll say this once more, your ice quirk alone is Useless against me. If you really want to beat me, you'll use both parts of your quirk

I then let him go, and leave the rook without sparing anyone a look. Walking through the hall with the rest of my class following

Y/N: That Todoroki is a fool, I can understand why he won't use it. But he's in charge of it, he controls it, so it's his!

PresentMic: Welcome Everyone to this years U.A Sports Tournament!

I can hear Present Mic's voice across the building, I can hear lots of screams of excitement from outside.

Midoriya: Hey Y/N?

I look right to see Midoriya walking next to me.

Y/N: What is it Midoriya?

Midoriya: You know something about Todoroki? He looked really angry when you said something about his dad

Y/N: Your right to assume, you can talk to him about that. If you fight him, it's not a story I should tell

He nodded as we left the hallway, into the light and the Battle grounds

PresentMic: Here we have The class with the most talent, the most dangerous and special that made it. Class 1-A!!!

We look around, I see lots of people here.

Midoriya: T-there sure is a lot of people here

I see him stretch the collar of his gym cloths nervously

Y/N: * Chuckles * Best get used to it, being a hero also means being a role model for the younger generation. You'll be talking with reporters, fans and much more. I mean I do that

Midoriya: Eh? You do that already?

Y/N: Yup, Took some photos outside. Gave autographs, Talked with some heros and some other kids who were a fan of my father too. Man I already have fans Midoriya, you know how that feels? It's an amazing feeling

PresentMic: And coming in close, its class 1-B! Following the rest of the others! Like the General Studies C, D And E! Along with the support class F, G and H! And let's not forget the business course I, j and K!

I see many other classes joining us, I see shinso in the general studies group and Tetsutetsu from Class 1-B. I cough a bit, the heartburn aren't that active as much and don't happen as always as they used too

Tenya: Are you sure you'll be fine for the Tournament Y/N?

He asked me as I finished my coughing fit, damn their annoying

Y/N: Yeah, * Clears Throat * they don't happen as frequently as they used too. My wound is healing properly too, I'll be fine in a few days

We all reach the middle, in front was the stage. And on it, the umpire. My Aunt

AuntNemuri: Now, for the Student Pledge!

I can see the embarrassing looks on most of my classmates from my class and others too

Kirishima: What is Midnight wearing?

Y/N: Her hero costume, trust me. Her previous one was much more... Revealing

Mineta: How Revealing?

I hit him across the head, hopefully knocking the lewd pictures out of his head

Kaminari: Well, that's an R-rated hero all right

Tokoyami: Is she allowed to be teaching of she's an R-rated hero?

Y/N: Yeah, the deal is for to cover up and tone down on her... um... unique words

I said the last words carefully, they don't need to know what she used to say

Midnight: Quite Everyone! Representing the students is Y/N Newgate from Class 1-A!

Y/N: Me? How?

Jiro: Its because you scored first in the entrance exams.

I hummed till I heard an arrogant sign, we look to see the class of 1-B looking at us with either hate or jealousy, or both. Some girl with Brown hair and some guy right behind Shinso

Y/N: You can go if you want

I offered and she along with both of our classes were shocked

Girl: R-really? In front of all these people?

Y/N: Yeah, go ahead. I don't mind, I'm eager to hear what your gonna say

She looks nervous, looking around, till she looks down

Girl: Um... never mind. You can go, I'm... a bit nervous talking infront of all these people

I shrugged as I began to walk to the stage

3rd P.O.V

As Y/N went to his his opening speech, the girl was looking at Y/N's form

Girl: He's so kind, and nice too.

Guy: Yeah, unlike those other people from his class. He's too good for them

Girl: Yeah, that's true

Class 1-A was listening in to their conversation

Kaminari: They like Y/N more then us

Kirishima: Well he did offer them a chance but their too shy to talk in public

Y/N's P.O.V

As I walked up the stairs, I see my aunt waiting for me there with the mic next to her

AuntNemuri: Oh look at you, I can practically feel the powerful aura around you! It makes my knees weak!

She said seductively and I roll my eyes, I practically hear my mother face palm. I stood infront of the mic, everyone Is waiting for me to give my speech.

Y/N: Man, what to say? If only my father was here, he'd know what to say. Well, I'll just say this. Nothing is achieved easily, to make what you imagine a reality. You need to first figure out your own self, push yourself to the limit and achieve new heights. And as my father once told me, word for word " No matter what happens, I'll always be with you in heart and spirit. Stand tall and walk with pride. Make your footsteps shake the ground and frightened your enemies. The future ahead will be filled with danger and chaos. When I retire, you'll be the next quaking hero. The next whitebeard. Your presence alone will assure everyone is safe and your enemies will surrender " I follow his words every day, but now I'm telling it to all of you, because I believe that you too can change the world.

And that was it, I can hear everyone cheer for me and feel myself hugged by my aunt

AuntNemuri: You've really grown these last few years Y/N. Me, your mother and especially your father. Were all proud of you

I nodded

Y/N: I know Auntie, Y/N, the quaking hero. Has a nice ring huh? Whitebeard

I can hear my Aunt giggle at the joke

AuntNemuri: Yeah, it fits you perfectly

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