A Swapped Intruder

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Ink Sans stretched his arms, as he than began to stand up from his bed. And clearly...he felt very exhausted from the fact that he had to help Dream Sans with having to help not just one but 3 Sekirei. And needless to say, Ink is not sure if he can take anymore of this, and that is if his body can take anymore of what he had to endure. If he was still his soulless emotionless self, than he would not have this much of a problem to deal with. But he does not want to worry his Sekirei, and wants to reassure them that he is still okay. And he has no idea on what will happen if he becomes emotionless, and because of this, decides to still keep his emotions, in order to make sure that the Sekirei do not get suspicious of him.

But with Dream, he now has to live in a bigger house, due to the fact that he now has 3 Sekirei with him. Luckily, Ink was able to make more rooms for the other 2 Sekirei to be inside of. And thanks to that, Musubi and Yume are happy to be staying with Dream. And needless to say, while Ink is not sure of what type of impact that Dream's Golden Apple has on the Sekirei, it is very obvious that it is doing a little bit well compared to Ink himself, who only has a limited use of emotions in order to constantly power his Sekirei up. Only thing good that the both of them share is that they are unable to feel hatred. So thanks to thar, it will not get in the way of having to make them weak.

Of course, Tsukiumi is gonna have to get used to this sort of thing, since she does not like the fact that there are 3 other competition here to try and win Dream's eternal love. Dream has tried many times to say that he loves them all equally, but his attempts were not very confident, and the rivalry simply grew. Though at least it was not serious, and it is simply in a way that made them challenge each other in non-harmful stuff, such as simply racing to a supermarket to by food for Dream. Of course, that is only in the case of Musubi and Tsukiumi.

Well, at least that Dream is not having any bad stuff that is happening to him, as well as his Sekirei. Is may have look like a problem at first, but he is still okay, as well as the Sekirei, so nothing bad is really happening.

As for Ink, he decided that he really needed to take some fresh air a little bit. After all the stress that he had in having to deal with Issei and his annoying Sekirei-Chasing habits, Ink decided that he really needs to take a load off. Luckily, Issei will have to take a very long time to recover, a very long time to heal, as he has been badly injured by Dream and Ink, who are both powerful enough to agonize him a lot. Of course, Ink is not alone. In fact, one of his Sekirei is with him. And it was none other than the most blindingly loyal of all of his Sekirei, who he cares about more deeply than the other Sekirei present.

Akitsu began to walk with Ink, as the both of them are beginning to have a good time being with each other. She never stops following with her master, Ink, as she like to be in his presence. After all, Ink was the one she reacted to, and the one that she believes to be her master, and the only master that she will ever have. To her, no one can response Ink, as Ink is irreplaceable in her mind. Ink will never be replaced as Akitsu's Master.

Her eyes are closed, almost like she is meditating whine she is walking at the exact same time. Needless to say, it is strange to Ink Sans, but it is still very interesting to see Akitsu like this. Ink smiled, as he stretched up a little bit, as he than looked down a little at the ground, as he feels very happy that he gets to finally have a day off with not having to deal with that perverted chimp, Issei. And needless to say, Ink is now able to rest after all that has happened. Or at least...he thought he was gonna rest. He thought way to soon, as than, a white energy blast nearly hits his foot. Ink jumped back, as Akitsu noticed, as Ink than spoke out.

"Oh, great! What now?! What in the world is ruining my break?!"

As he said that, a voice spoke out.

"It seems they I finally got your attention!"

Ink than snapped up at where the voice had came from, and than, before he realizes what was gonna happen, a humanoid entity came down, and when they stood up, Ink's eyes widened with both annoyance and anger, as he saw who it is that is before his eyes.


Ink Sans shouted out, as he jumped back, and gripped his Paintbrush, as Template smiled very sinisterly at Ink, while at the same time, having a look of disappointment. Ink has actually seen Template before, when he was in a different AU and faced off against a version of Error about a year ago.

And needless to say, Ink was not happy with that Template had just done, considering the fact that Ink has never wanted Error to be erased. In fact, he would have preferred to have fun with Error, as even he admits that killing people and erasing them is just crossing the line. But with that Template can do, and what he does to Error or any Error that he can encounter, it is clearly terrible.

"Hello, Ink. I see that you have not forgotten about me, especially with the fact that I still want something that you have, something that I deserve instead of what you deserve."

This made Ink a little bit unhappy, as he than gripped his paintbrush, and Akitsu, she simply stands still, and while she may not look like much, she is actually a little bit concerned at what she is seeing before her very eyes. Especially with the fact that this person before her and Ink, Template, her master called him, has a very strong resemblance to Error. And seeing a resemblance to Error made Akitsu prepare to defend against this strange enemy. And at the exact same time, for a very, very odd reason, Template also has some resemblance to Ink Sans, her master, such as having his coat wrapped around his waist, and this is making Akitsu a little bit angry. To her, no one imitates her master and gets away with being a pretender.

"Ahh...Master? Who is this?"

Akitsu said, as she looked confused at Template, clearly having never seen Template before. Ink than spoke out to Akitsu, as he discusses a brief version of this situation.

"This is Template. He is someone that admires me, but at the same time, he wants to surpass me and take my place as the protector of the Multiverse, even though he is already a protector of where he had came from!"

Template then looked at Ink, as he than spoke out to him.

"You being in your Multiverse is not enough!! You have kept Error Sans alive for far too long! If I take your place, the Multiverse will be safe, the Multiverse will not have to deal with Errors such as him anymore!!"

Ink Sans snarled, as he than spoke out to Template Sans.

"You don't understand the consequence of what will happen if you kill Error Sans, especially with the fact that Error Sans has someone extremely powerful at his side, protecting him. And even if I were to try and kill him, the person protecting him will beat my butt to kingdom come!!"

Template than spoke back.

"That is nonsense!! There is no one protecting Error! I'll prove it, by defeating you! By becoming the new Protector of the Multiverse."

Ink Sans smiled a little widely, as he gripped his Paintbrush, and spoke out to Template Sans.

"Well, if you want to dethrone me, than why don't you come and try to dethrone me as the protector of the AUs."

Template smiled, and he then took a strange, as he than spoke out to the Infamous Protector of the Multiverse.

"Oh, I will. And also...this will be between the 2 of us, Ink. I don't want the lady next to you to go and interfere with our fight. This will simply be between the 2 of us, nothing more, nothing less. And when this fair fight is doing, I will finally prove that I have surpassed you in every way, and you...will he thrown aside, no longer protecting."

Akitsu now was much more unhappier. She is said that she needs to stay down, so that her master has to face against Template all alone. Ink than gripped his hand around hers comfortingly, as he spoke out.

"Don't worry, Akitsu. I'll beat him."

Akitsu looks down at Ink Sans, and smiled slightly, as Ink nodded his head. He than gripped his Paintbrush, as he than stepped forward, before he than beckoned at Template.


Template smiled, as he eagerly charged at Ink Sans.

"With pleasure!!!"

Template than leapt towards Ink Sans very fast, as he than prepares to fight him, while Ink Sans does the same, as he faces off against the swapped version of Error. Clearly, Ink does not want to face off against Templete, who is a fellow protector himself, but since Template is going to try and make him fight against him, Ink knew that Template is not going to let him go this easily. So unfortunately, Ink has no choice, than to face off against Template Sans.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When the both of them began to fight, it was not a pushover for the both of them, as the 2 of them are both protectors, and while their powers are similar, there are key differences in their strategies on how they try to deal with one or the other.

Ink and Template went close to each other, and clashed against each other with both the Paintbrush and the Pen. This made a shockwave generate from the both of them, as they both began it push against each other, before Ink than leapt up into the air, and swung his paintbrush to make a blast slash of paint at Template. But Template, not wanting to get hit, swung his pen and made a slash of digital paint in order to parry the attack. He than used his digital pen to make a hologram of sorts, and touched it, as he glitched an object that he wanted to make so that he can fire Ink out from above.

Template than fired a holographic blaster from the pen that he has used. Of course, Ink knows that he had a blaster that he can summon to his side like Error, he is just simply doing a warm up against the Infamous Protractor of Creation.

Ink than swung his Paintbrush, and made a wall of paint, as the Hologram Blaster hits the wall, but the damage is not done to the wall itself. But Template than made a portal from behind Ink in order to try and strike at him by stabbing him in the back with some Hologram spears. But Ink Sans than spun his Paintbrush and was able to block against the hologram spears that were about to piece Ink at the face and the torso. Ink than leapt up into the air, and fired an Ink Blaster at Template, in which Template than made a hologram shield in order to defend against the attack. Needless to say, Template is not having a very good time right now, especially with the fact that Template has some more abilities when compared to Ink himself, who doesn't have as much abilities. And yet, even with that sort of advantage that Template Sans has, it does not seem to bother Ink that much, considering that he has fought against both Error and Nightmare, not to mention survive an encounter with the person that had been protecting Error, as well as being someone that is responsible for training him into making him much more stronger than before.

As Template looked forward, too his immense shock, he saw that Ink Sans is no longer in front of him, and has vanished. Template looked around, only for his eyes to widen, as he realizes what was about to happen next. He than turned around to try and react to the situation, but it was too late. Ink has reappeared behind Template, and struck him at the back with his Paintbrush. This sent him crashing to a wall, and made a crater on there. And needless to say, Template is not happy right now, as Ink than rushed towards Template as fast as he could, and attempted to strike him from above. But the thing is, Template was able to react quickly, and avoided getting hit by the attack. Ink landed on the ground, and began to look around to see where Template is. He then felt something, a presence from behind, and with quick reacting, he swung his Paintbrush to tried to attack Template. But there is one problem with that maneuver. Template was not behind Ink anymore. Instead, Template ended up doing something else that made Ink not hit him instead of what should have even really happening.

Template than made a hologram decoy to make Ink think that he was attacking him, but in reality, he simply attacked a fake. And needless to say, Ink was very agitated at this sort of thing, as Template had used this on him a bunch of times, and whenever that occurred, he simply falls for that simple trick. Guess Ink Sans never learns. But as that is happening, Ink Sans than began to look around, in order to see where Template is...only to realize something, that there is someone that is about to strike at Ink from behind. He than decide to duck down in order to try and avoid getting hit by whatever it is that is coming his way, and he was rift to do it, because Template had appeared from behind.

Temple had tried to attack with his pen in order to cut him in half, but Ink was able to react just in time and ducked underneath the pen. And needless to say, Ink Sans is not happy with that sort of thing that Template had tried to do to him, and thus, when he had regained his footing, he than quickly turned around, in order to strike back at Template.

Ink than tries to return the favor by swinging his brush at Template, only for Template to dodge the attack by jumping backwards. And needless to say, Ink is getting very agitated at what he has gotten himself into. Template is not gonna go down, no matter what he does it him. It seems that Template was able to learn as much as he could about Ink. B the thing is...Ink has done the same, and even worse for Template...there is another thing that Templete did not learn from Ink. And it is something that he will show to Template as to why he is the chosen Protector and Guaridan of the Multiverse that he lives in. Why he is the one that is needed instead of Template, and it will stay by showing Template what it is that he is really capable of.

Ink Sans than began to leak out his emotions, as he than began to use his demonic face against Template Sans, who is clearly not going to stop until he finally claims the title as being the Protector of the AUs. But Ink is going to make sure that this does not happen to Template.

Template than them leapt up into the air, and made a a large forcefield from around himself and Template, as Template than made stars rain down on top of Ink Sans.

"Eat this one, false protector!! Starfall!!!!"

Suddenly, Hologram stars began to rain Diana he try to attack Ink Sans. Not wanting to get hit, Ink Sans than turned into his paint form, and began to dash through and avoid getting hit by the paint puddles. And this is a technique that Template is unable to do, due to the fact that his body is way too physical to be shifted into a state that is similar to this. Ink went through and in between the stars. Ink than landed down onto the ground, and he looked up, and saw that Template was about to strike at him with the Pen in hand.

"I got ya!! Now to surpass you and claim the title as the number one protector of the Multiverse!!"

But as he swung his Pen, all of a sudden, Ink caught it with his barehands, and all in which succession. Template was caught off guard, and he was not expecting this sort of thing to happen.

"What??!!! How did you catch my pen??!!!"

But Ink than grabbed Template by the collar of his shirt, and head butted him as hard as he could, making his nose bleed, as he then through him into a wall. Template stood up, and began ti run the blood off of his nose, but than, as he than started to stand up, his pen was than rocketed towards his position, and nearly hits his head, which caught him off guard, as he was not expecting for that to happen. He than turned around to see who it is that has thrown it, only for Ink to now arrive in front of him, and the thing is, Ink is not acting like himself. Template gawked his head, as he noticed that Ink is now moving in a far more grounded manner, as he now has a frown on his face, and Ink's head is down. But than, Ink raised his head, and Template gasped, as he saw something that he had never seen before happen with Ink.

Ink now has an emotionless expression on his face, as his eyes are now white and the size of pinholes, as he stares at Template, who is now a little bit creeped out at Ink. He had seen Ink in a number of ways, but he had never seen Ink like this in his life. In fact, this is the very first time that Template is seeing Ink like that. To see him with an expressionless face such as this. This is the first time he had seen such an expression be present on him. Just what is going on right now? And he is not the only one that is creeped out. Akitsu, who is sensing Ink's emotions, suddenly felt the emotions gone. She looks at Ink, who now has an expressionless face present, before he walked forward, and spoke out.

"What's the matter, Template? Are you suddenly afraid of me? I am disappointed. Quit being such a pathetic fool and fight me."

Ink's way of speaking, as well as the tone of his voice was also different. It was a parallel to the way he usually speaks. While Ink, with his emotions, would have a feeling of emotion behind his tone, the way that Ink is acting now, his tone is different. It is flat, with no sort of emotion present in the way that he speaks. And needless to say, it is freaking Template out. But he shook his fear, as he than spoke out.

"Me, afraid of you? Don't make me laugh!!"

But the truth is, he is now stating to become creeped out by the way that Ink is acting towards him right now. Ink stepped toward, and continues to go forward towards Template, and Template stepped back a little bit, as he waits to see what it is that Ink will do. Than, what he did was not what he was expecting. In a split second, he leapt and he was in front of him in an instant. He didn't even teleport. He is just that fast. And before Template realizes what was gonna happen, Ink punched him in the face. This sends him backwards, as he flipped, before he landed on the ground, and he than like you, as Ink than is in front of him, using his demonic face again, as he than attacked with a protege tile attack, while Template does the exact same thing.

Both the Ink Bones and the Hologram Spears attacked and canceled each other out, as Ink was able to make sure that the attack that Template tried to do will not work. Template than kicked Ink in the gonads, but to his immense shock, Ink acted like he didn't feel that. The thing is, Error did it, and it worked with Ink, and this was when he is acting like his usual self. So why in the the world is he not acting like his usual self?? Why is he not feeling any pain?! Template stepped back, as he than teleported behind Ink Sans, and he prepares to use his his most devastating power, and it is a power that it used by all of the Sanses in the whole Multiverse, a powerful weapon that they all share and possess in their very own fingertips.

Template than had summoned his Template Blaster summoned to his side, as he than tried to fire it at Ink, only for Ink Sans to dodge it, and than, he fired his Ink Bones at Template, who he dodged, before he than fired and summoned his Ink Blaster at Template, as Template used his Template Blaster again, in order to clash against the Ink Blaster

The 2 Blasters clashed against each other, as both Ink and Template are now evenly matched. And while Template is insane, Ink, as his emotionless self, is far more ruthless than even Template could ever imagine. And before Template could realize what was about to happen, Ink was now in front of him, as he than struck Template in the side of his head with a kick, and this sends Template back, and as Template looks up, Ink tried to stab at Template with a sharp Ink bone. But Template teleported away from the attack, as he was able to avoid getting pierced by the Ink Bone.

Template is now very scared, as he had never seen Ink act like this. In fact, Ink never ever acted like this in his life. So to see him act like this, and deciding to play Template's game, is now a terrifying thought for Template.

Ink than began to walk towards Template, as his emotionless self continues to get closer and closer to Template, before he than appeared in front of Template, and landed a powerful punch at Templete, sending him backwards and causing him to crash down to the ground a bunch of times. Template scrambled back into his feet, and he than fired a Template Blaster at Ink Sans hastily. But Ink used an Ink Blaster to counter against the Template Blaster, as he continues forward towards his opponent.

Even Akitsu is starting to look very concerned towards Ink, her own master. She had been able to sense his feelings, along with the other Sekirei. But now...she can't feel anything from Ink anymore. It is as though the feelings that are within Ink had simply just been sucked out of his mind. And this is really making her scared for her master, as she has never seen Ink like this before when she was around her.

Template than began to  step back from Ink, as he thought to himself.

'Wh-What is this? Ink, he is never this power, he is never this violet in his life!! Why in the Multiverse is he acting like this?! What is happening to him?!'

Ink than began to step towards Template, as Template stepped back, before Ink than began to speak out.

"Do you see this, Template? Do you see what I am before your very eyes? This is what I really am. This is my real self. My true, emotionless self, without the false feeling that I have. This is the self that I had hit from everyone a very long time ago, because when I felt emotions, I wound often think...of what they wound think of me, when they saw that I had no emotions, due to a soul that I once had, a soul that I had once destroyed, a soul, that limited the power that I had within me, that held me back. I am unrestrained, I don't feel anything. And to me, you have become nothing to me in my eyes for what you have, for I feel nothing about you. In fact, I feel very little of you, for what you are in my eyes. You are just nothing more than a pest annoyance interfering with me."

This made Template horrified, as he stepped back from Ink, and he now began to see why he is the infamous protecter of the AUs. He is a being without a soul, and Error needs to grab onto souls in order to control them. But the thing is, Ink will think very little of the people he is fighting, and this includes Template himself, even though he is a version of Error. But as Tempalte stepped back, horrified to get close to Ink, the Soulless Artist than stopped, as he than looks at Akitsu, before he than spoke out.

"But the Sekirei...including Akitsu, they gave me something that I never thought could happen. They gave me the ability to feel, as if I had a real soul, due to the bond that I have with them. Due to the fact that I had winged them. And because of this, I now understand what it means to love someone, to care for someone, and to depend on them. And I owe them, all of them, my life for what they have done for me, at being there for me. I even had to use my Emotion Vials that are on my sash, so that I could continue to care for them, and even though the emotion is artificial, the care that I have towards them, are very, very genuine. I may have been emotionless, but I will care and protect them, all of my Sekirei, to the end. Even if I am a husk of who I had once been in the past.

This made Akitsu surprised, even though she has a full form of surprise in her face...but at the same time...she feels so...so happy, as she hear this, at what Ink said, about being glad that he had met the Sekirei, even Akitsu herself, as she put her hand over her heart. Even though Ink is soulless, even though he can't feel, and has only artificial emotions that he uses to make sure that he doesn't act different, it doesn't change anything about that Ink has spoken out about her and the Sekirei. Ink...even though he is the way that he is, he still cares deeply for his Sekirei, and simply used his emotion vials to not make them worry, and to make sure that he can care for them, no matter what is happening. Akitsu feels her Tama heat up very comfortingly, as Ink than turns back to Template, before he than spoke out to the swapped version of Error Sans.

"But you...Template...you have tried to do something that you are not supposed to do. You have tried to commit yourself to something that you were never supposed to do...and so...I will make sure...


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