Twin Sekirei of Love

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It had been a couple of days since Dream had winged Tsukiumi. And needless to say, the presence of the 2 of them together is very unique. And needless to say, it couldn't get more unique than ever before. As their personalities are kind of the opposites to each other, this made living with Tsukiumi for Dream a unique experience. Tsukiumi is prideful and has a feeling of being powerful. But Dream on the other hand, I'd humble, and is not very confident in what he can do. But Dream, unlike Tsukiumi in a way, is extremely kind, and his kindness of even effecting Tsukiumi, to the point where she is shown to be effected by it. This made Tsukiumi much more warmer and more selfless than before.

But the thing is, Papyrus is not going to be letting Dream share the house, due to having way to many rooms. So Ink was able to create a new house with his powers. And needless to say, it is a fancy one.

But right now...Dream and Tsukiumi are waking outside, as Dream held Tsukiumi's hand, as Dream than spoke out.

" was nice for Ink to make us a new house for the both of us to live in, especially one that is next to Ink's house."

Tsukiumi nodded, as she than spoke out.

"Yes, it is in fact so yond that gent is kind to us, but it shouldst beest obvious, since he is an old friend of yours."

Dream nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yes, he is. And I owe him my life for helping me. And with you, it feels so much better to have someone else besides Ink in my life."

Tsukiumi blushed, as her hair waved around in the wind for a little bit, as she had nothing to say at how kind Dream is to her. Even though she is harsh and tough, Dream is gentle and kind, and that sort of thing really touched her heart. She never thought that there could be anyone as gentle as Dream Sans.

But as they both continued to walk down towards a direction, a red explosion occurred from above, as Dream and Tsukiumi stopped at what they were doing, as the ground shook.

"What wast yond?"

Tsukiumi said, as Dream leaned against Tsukiumi in order to balance himself from the sudden explosion.

"I don't know."

As he said that, a voice shouted out.

"AAHHHHH!!! OUT OF THE WAY!!! I can't stop myself!!!"

Dream looks up in order to see where the voice is coming from, but unfortunately, he was way too late to react to what was about to happen to him next, as he sees that it was a girl, who's head manage to ram right into Dream's gut.

Dream got hit right in the stomach, hard, and needless to say, it is a very, very painful feeling. This made Tsukiumi caught off guard, as she spoke out.


Dream felt hurt, as he felt like he wants to throw up blood. But he knows better than to do that, as he than groaned, as a voice spoke out loud.

"Ow. I knew that the building was too high to jump off of."

The female crawled off of Dream, as Dream than began to sit up, as Dream held his head, and looked to see the person who had crashed into him, as the female turned to see Dream's face.

Looking at him was a beautiful female, about 19 years of age. Needless to say, it was insane, because her beauty rivals that of Tsukiumi. Even Tsukiumi was caught off guard by her beauty. And than, she spoke out to Dream, with gratitude in her voice.

"You were the one who caught me? Thank you very much."

Dream than stood up, as he than spoke out.

"Umm...y-you're welcome."

Tsukiumi got mad, and she than shouted out.

"Huh?! Wh-what art thee doing to mine own husband?!"

Musubi looks and Tsukiumi, and was about to speak out to the Water Sekirei, until a voice spoke out, and it was the same as the girl's that had landed into Dream.

"Musubi, please be careful. You could have severely injured him."

Everyone, including the girl, Musubi, looked up, as they saw that someone is coming down as well. And when the person landed onto the ground, they saw who it is.

Landing next to the girl, Musubi, who she called, is a female that is wearing a different outfit, and yet, has them same face of Musubi, as well as a different hairstyle. And needless to say, Dream actually blushed at the 2 women that are before him. Dream looks, as Musubi spoke out.

"I'm very sorry, Yume. But I panicked. I didn't know what to do."

Yume, which Musubi called the double, smiled, as she than spoke out.

"It's okay, Musubi, my little sister. Just learn to be careful."

Musubi nodded with a smile, as Dream than spoke out.

"Umm...excuse me. Do you mind introducing yourselves."

Musubi smiled, as she stood tall, and looks at Dream, as she than spoke out Dream.

"I am Musubi. It is so nice to meet you."

The twin than spoke out to Dream as well.

"And I am Yume, Musubi's older sister."

"Do you mind telling us your name."

The 2 girls said at the same time, as Dream looks at them both.

Seems like they are both very great sisters to each other, considering that they spoke in sync, the both of them. Dream than looks up, as he took a deep breath, and spoke out.

"My name is Dream. It's nice to meet you both. And this is Tsukiumi."

Dream also spoke our, directing his finger at Tsukiumi, who is next to Dream, and she does not look very happy at all. Yume smiled, and spoke out.

"Ahh...she is a Sekirei of yours."

This caught Dream's attention, as Tsukiumi spoke out.

"Thee both art Sekirei as well?"

Yume nodded, as she spoke out.

"Of course we are."

Dream than spoke out to Musubi.

"Umm...Ms. Musubi. You said you panicked to make you jump down. What were you running from?"

Musubi was about to answer, but than, a male voice spoke out.

"Hey, you!!!"

Dream looks up, and saw that it was none other than Issei, who Tsukiumi recognized, as she reacted angrily at him.

"That monkey!! How is he here again??!!!"

Dream looked frustrated and angry, as Musubi and Yume looked at the both of them, and Yume than spoke out to Dream and Tsukiumi.

"You both know of him?"

Dream nodded, as Tsukiumi spoke out.

"I never forgot that gent. That wretched monkey!! He tried to wing me by force, and never cared of my choices."

This made Yume and Musubi's eyes widened, as Musubi spoke out.

"He did? That's horrible!!"

Than, Dream had spoke out.

"And that is not even the first time he tried to do that! He tried to a few other Sekirei, most were reacting to a friend of mine. Don't worry. I'll take care of this corrupted man."

Dream stepped forward, and he than manifested the bow on his hands, as he than looked up at Issei Hyoudou, before he than spoke out.

"It appears that last time was not enough for you, Issei Hyoudou. Last time, you did not learn your lesson."

Dream than tugged on the string, and an arrow that is made of Positivity formed, as Dream Sans than spoke out.

"It is time that you start to learn your lesson."

But Issei laughed, as he than spoke out to Dream.

"Do you honestly think you can beat me like last time. Last time, you only had Ink that started the fight first. What makes you think that you can take me on all on your own?!"

But Dream simply glares at Issei, his golden eyes glowed, as he than spoke out to the Red Dragon Emperor.

"More than you realize."

Dream than released the string, and the Positivity Arrow fired at Iseei's position, and when it struck Issei, it was in the knee, and it was painful to Issei, as he shouted out in pain.


Issei held his knee in pain, as Dream than turned his bow into blades, before he than launched himself at Issei, and attacks.

Tsukiumi looks up at upcoming fight against Issei. And needless to say...she looked very unhappy and disappointed at the fact that Issei had not targeted more Sekirei to try and forcefully be winged by him. And needless to say, it had to be in the form of these 2 twin Sekirei next to her. Even though she is very prideful as a Sekirei, she honestly feels very bad for the twin Sekirei that had been hunted by Issei. Especially since Issei is not caring for how the Sekirei feel of wanting to be winged or not.

With Musubi and Yume, Yume looks very worried for Dream, while Musubi's excited. Her eyes widened, as stars are in her pupils, as the fighting started, but she is rooting for Dream to win the fight against Issei. But as she thought of that...she suddenly had a sudden heat wash over her body, as her heart thumped, and she bends on one knee. And she is not the only one. Yume also felt the same, as she felt her knees buckle, but she still had enough strength to prevent herself from collapsing to the ground. Tsukiumi looked at the 2 Sekirei, and realized that the 2 of them are reacting. What is going on?

With Dream, he began his fight against Issei. And needless to say, Issei was not ready for what Dream was going to do, as he than tried to slice at the arms with his blades. And Issei, not wanting to get his arms amputated, dodged the attack, as he than saw Dream standing up, and Dream looks very curious, as Dream than charged at Issei, and began to go up close and personal at Issei, as he swung his blades and launched a bunch of kicks at Issei, as the Red Dragon Emperor is having a lot of trouble trying to retaliate back at the Guardian of Positivity, who has had about a few centuries of combat experience.

Issei tried to grab and catch the little guy, but the Guardian of Positivity was too fast to catch, as Issei only mange's to grab onto the air, as Dream struck Issei in the head, in which Dream spoke out to the Red Dragon Emperor.

"What is the point of doing all of this?!"

Dream than jumped into the air, as he than went down to the ground fast, as he than punched Issei in the head, before speaking out.

"What is the point of trying to bond to these Sekirei, if it is not their choice. Their decisions, their will, they maybe something alone, but they are not objects, they are people like the rest of us!! They are people, who you cannot force to be with. They are people who gets to decide who they want to be with and who they do not be with! And you are not the one to decide this for them!!!"

He than launched a fist empowered by Positivity, which than caused a crack to appear in Iseei's armor, as Dream than rushed forward, and make his relentless assault on the Red Dragon Emperor once again.

Back at the ground, Musubi heard it, along with Yume, as they both looked up at the battle, as Musubi, feels her own body heat beginning to rise more and more and more. What Dream had just reminds her of the lessons when it involves Love and the Sekirei themselves. And needless to say, Dream, saying at how they are people with a will of their own, and the fact that heh can decide who they can be with, and who they can't be with, it really touched he heart, as she than spoke out.

"Dream...he is the one...I am looking for."

Musubi began to stand up, as Yume spoke out.

"You can feel it as well, right, Musubi? Our connection towards the one that calls himself Dream?"

Yume spoke out, as Musubi nodded her head rapidly. Musubi stood up, as she than looked at the building that Dream and Issei are fighting on top of, before she than jumped up and launched herself at the building where the fight is taking place, as Yume and Tsukiumi, who can tell who it is that they are reacting to, jumped up as well in order to follow her. Even though Tsukiumi does not like it, she will allow them to be winged, since they also had the misfortune at being charged by Issei and nearly being forcefully winged by him.

Dream jumped over Issei, as he then sliced the back of his leg. Issei looked angrily at Dream, as he than tried to grab him by the neck, as Dream avoids the attack.

"You little bitch!!! When it get my hands on you? I'll-"

But before Issei could finish, he is suddenly knocked back by a powerful punch to the side, as Issei has been launched. Dream was caught off guard by the attack, but than...he felt his body being grabbed by the shoulders, and saw that it was Musubi that had grabbed him suddenly. Dream then around, and spoke out to Musubi, as Yume and Tsukiumi landed behind the girl.

"Musubi? What is wrong?"

But Musubi didn't hear him, as she than spoke out.

" is you who I have been looking for. My fates one, my Ashikabi."


Dream said, before Musubi crouched down, and picked Dream up, before kissing Dream in the mouth, catching Tsukiumi by surprise, but making Yume happy, as Musubi than finally bonded to Dream.

As Musubi than puts Dream down, Musubi felt the warm feeling inside of herself beginning to build up within her body. She hugged herself, as moan escaped her mouth, and than...her crest formed from behind, before it than spreads out, as she lets out a heated cry, as her wings shined brightly.

Musubi was finally winged by Dream, as her wings sprout out from her back. And when that happened, she felt an instant connection to Dream, as well as with the Golden Apple that is within his body. The Positivity from within the Golden Apple, is now able to increase Musubi's power. And she is not the only one. Because as soon as Musubi got winged by Dream, Yume also picked up Dream, and kissed him as well, before she than spreads her wings as well. And the wings are the same as Musubi's, which are pink, Yume smiled, as she intertwined her hands, with her wings having been spread.

Dream blushed a golden color, as he scratched his left cheek a little bit, clearly embarrassed at this sort of thing. But as that happened, Issei shouted out in anger at what had just happened.


Dream than turned around to try and shout at Issei, when another voice than spoke out to Issei.

"Well, what a shame, Issei! You should have known better than to the and wing other people."

Issei, Dream, and the other Sekirei, turns to the source of the voice, and saw that Ink has arrived.

And Ink was not alone. Kaho was also here. Musubi's eyes widened, as she spoke out.


Kaho looks at Musubi, and her eyes widened, as she spoke out.


Musubi, unable to contain her happiness, hugged Kaho quickly. Kaho was surprised, he than hugged Musubi back, as she felt very happy to see her old friend again. Yume smiled, as she sees the heartwarming scene before her, as Ink than spoke out.

"And with that said and done...I think it is about time that you finally get what you deserve, Issei. I have not forgotten that defeat you have given to me from before, and I need some payback at what you had nearly tried to do to me from before. So it is time for you to pay for what you have done."

Ink than reappeared before Issei, and made his scary face, before he attacked.

Ink immediately launched a bunch of Sharp Ink Bones at Issei, who tried to get out of the way, only to get hit by them anyway. And before Issei could react to what was about to happen next, an Ink Blaster appeared out of complete nowhere, and struck Issei on the back, as it sends him down to the ground. Ouch.

As Issei tried to stand up, he is than struck by a Naginata, as Kaho, who had finished her reunion with Musubi, struck and attack Issei, as Issei tried to defend and attack at Kaho, only for Kaho to jumped back and defend against the Red Dragon Emperor's blows. Kaho than leapt up into the air, before landing behind the Red Dragon Emperor, and she than spoke out to Issei.

"Battle Dance – Blossoming Princess!"

She than did multiple strikes at Issei, each of the strikes in a very graceful, yet a very rapid pattern. Issei could not defend against the strikes fast enough, as he than felt a bunch of cuts all over his body.

Than, Tsukiumi than makes her attack at Issei, as she than spoke out to his former attempter at force bonding, now becoming her opponent that she wants to make sure that he pays at what he had tried to do.

"thee shalt payeth for what thee has't hath tried to doth to me!!"

She than jumped up into the air, and summoned a burst of water from her hand, which formed into the head of a Dragon.


Issei's eyes widened, as he only had seconds to realize what was about to happen, as he than was splashed by water, as he had been consumed by the Water Dragon. Needless to say, it was not a pleasant experience for Issei Hyoudou to have, as he tries to find a way out of this water prison, before having it use his Dragon Shot to blow up the Water Dragon from the inside. The explosion was so powerful that the Water Dragon exploded, but in the process, Issei had to get himself damaged.

Issei than stood up, and looked at Tsukiumi, before he than charged at Tsukiumi, and tried to punch her. But than, Yume stepped in the way, as she blocked his punch, and surprisingly, despite the fact that she is not looking this strong, she is a lot stronger than she appears to be. She than kicked him back, as Musubi than jumped on front of Issei, and she reeled her right fist back, as she than spoke out.

"I can feel it...deep within my very heart. There is a beast that is inside of it. A beast that roars to protect the birds that has now bonded to their master. The beast, a big black bear, waiting to be unleashed!!!"

As she said that, a black bear visage appeared behind Musubi, as it roared with anger, and Issei was fisher off-guard by what Musubi is doing, before Musubi than attacks with an attack that she has made just now.


Musubi shouted out, as Pink Energy generated onto her fist, and he struck at Issei in the torso, as it sends him back at the force of the punch. And needless to say, Issei felt pain that he never thought he would feel. Looks like he will need to work on his durability a little bit more. The power of the punch was so powerful, it had launched Issei off of his feet, and sends him flying backwards into a bunch of buildings, and crashed into a building that had not yet been done, and is still in construction. The moment that happened, the building lost balance, and it crashed down right on top of Issei. Of course, people would think that Issei was killed by this right? Wrong. It takes a lot more than that to kill Issei. In fact, all that Musubi did was knock him out. Ink looks at the area that Issei is in, and spoke out.

"Yikes, I think you overdid it a little bit. Issei seems to have taken one heck of a beating by you because of that powerful bear punch that you had done. But still, it is very cool."

Musubi nodded, as she looks at Dream Sans, who held his on relief, as he than spoke out.

"Thank goodness. I thought that you would both be winged by this corrupted man. I am so happy that this did not pass."

Musubi smiled, as she than picked up Dream and hugged him. And the location of where his head is in, it was very embarrassing to him, but he does not have the heart to get out of the hug by force. In fact, all that he can do simply to wait until Musubi is done with hugging him. But as that happened, Ink than turns around, and saw that the metal bars are beginning to come off from the pile, as Ink spoke out.

"Uh oh."

Dream looks at Ink, as Kaho spoke out to Ink.

"What is wrong, Ink!"

Ink turns around to Kaho, as he than spoke out to his Sekirei.

"Issei is about to reawaken again. And I think it is best to get out of here before he decides to try and fight us again."

This caught everyone's attention immediate, as Tsukiumi than spoke out to them with haste present in her voice.

"Then wherefore art we still standing? we needeth to fleeth from that monkey, now!!!"

Everyone nodded, as Ink gripped his Paintbrush, and spoke out.

"Quick, in here!!!"

Ink than jumped in, as Dream spoke out.

"It will take us to Ink's house. And thankfully, Ink was able to make a house for me and Tsukiumi. But I think we might need some more room for the both of you, since you are my new Sekirei."

Musubi and Yume nodded, as the both of them, along with Tsukiumi jumped into the portal, as the portal than disappeared, and at the same time, rain began to fall down, as Kaho looked up at the sky.

Kaho looked up, seeing how beautiful the rain is, before she than jumped into the portal as well. Than, Issei busted out of the way of the metal bars, as he is a second too late to prepare his rematch against them, due to the portal finally being destroyed after Kaho had entreated through the paint portal. Needless to say, he is not feeling proud of himself right now.

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