Helping Her

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"Water Celebration!!!"

Tsukiumi shouted, as she than fired a large gust of water at Issei, and it was somehow very painful to him. This made him get launched back by the power of the pressurized water, which than knocked him off of his feet. He than stood up, and prepared to attack, only for Dream Sans to appear in front of him all of a sudden, as he than kicked him much more farther than he did before, as Issei felt immense pain from the kick, as he than stood up, and looked at Dream Sans, and than at Tsukiumi, who than spoke out to her.

"It does not matter how strong you are!! You will belong to me soon, whether you like it or not!!!"

Dream Sans snarled, as he than spoke out.

"Your lust sickens me, Red Dragon Emperor!!!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dream glared up at Issei, as Ink, who is on the ground, cannot help but feel very enraged at the fact that he does not know when to take no as an answer. The fact that he had tried to wing Tsukiumi by force is a very disgusting concept for Dream to even wrap his mind around. He is a person that believes that everyone has a free will of their own, and thus can make their own choices, and should not have anyone else try and force such decisions on them. Such as being forced to be winged or be bonded to someone else. And the fact that Issei would do enraged Dream Sans to no end. And he is going to make sure that Issei takes the hint and leaves Tsukiumi alone.

Dream Sans glared intensely at Issei, as his eyes glowed golden, with his blades out and ready strike fire at the Lustful Dragon Emperor. Tsukiumi opened the palm of her hand a little she than spoke out.

"Thou shall meet your end!!"

Dream Sans than rushed forward and began to do combat against Issei, who than prepares for the attack.

When Dream Sans struck at Issei, the reaction to his weapons is not what Issei was expecting. When he sliced at the Red Dragon Emperor, not only did Issei actually had the Scale Mail Balance Breaker get sliced, but Issei felt a burning pain in the part that had been attacked. Dream's blade can somehow give out an effect that is similar to being cut by a Holy Sword. Needless to say, Issei began to realize that he is in much more greater trouble than ever before, as Dream Sans than sliced Issei at the cheek, and it was much more painful than before, due to the fact that, even though it was just a small cut, it was still an extending painful one that Dream Sans had given him. Clearly, Dream Sans is far more tougher than he lets on, in spite of how innocent his appearance may seem to be in the eyes of Ink, and pathetic in the eyes of Issei Hyoudou, who has now gotten mad at Dream Sans for attacking like that.

"I'll show you, weakling's friend!!! Ascalon!!!"

Issei shouted out, as a blade that appeared at the left gauntlet, and he than swings it at Dream Sans, who than blocked it with his dual swords, only to be kicked back, causing Dream Sans pain. Issei than rushed at Dream Sans, and tries to cut at him, only for Tsukiumi to intervene and block the attack with another one of her own.

"Water Blade!!!"

Tsukiumi, manipulating the water, was able to make a blade out of water, and formed the blade over her right hand. She clashed it against Ascalon, which made Issei stopped into his tracks. Tsukiumi clashed against Issei with her immense strength, as she, for once, tries to actually help Dream and protect him, as he cannot defend against Issei the way he is now, especially at his current level of strength.

Issei snarled angrily, as he than used the Boosted Gear's power to increase his strength.


The Gauntlet continued to boost in strength, and Tsukiumi began to be overpowered a little bit, b than she kicked him far away before he can overpower her, and she than used her Water Blade, and turned it onto her Water Celebration attack again.

Clearly, she is trying everything that she can to make sure that Issei does not try and get her. Issei got pushed back by the attack, and he than tried to use an attack of his own, as he than shout out to Tsukiumi!!

"Dragon Shot!!"

He tried to fire a Red Beam of demonic energy at Tsukiumi. But Tsukiumi responded with a move of her own. She formed water and rose it in the air to make it act as a shield.

Needless to say, Tsukiumi is acting very smug right now against Issei, especially since she feels like she is able to win against him right now.

"Tell me, are we thus matched?"

She than shot her hand, and her Water Celebration attack went at Issei again. Issei roses his arms in the air, as he got hit full blast with the water, only to be launched off of his feet after being hit by the attack for so long. And he was more than just knocked off of his feet. He was pushed so much by the force of the water, that he was shot through a large and tall building, so much that he had than crashed and landed onto the roof of another building, as Tsukiumi jumped into the air, and landed onto another building to see Issei Hyoudou. Needless to say, the experience is very unpleasant for the Red Dragon Emperor, especially since it is usually Ink Sans that had the tendency to push him this much.

She fired another one at Issei, and needless to say, the Red Dragon Emperor is getting really tired of that. As he than stood up, he than spoke out.

" least Rias gave me something to make sure that I get to trap people such as you!!!"

Before Tsukiumi began to realize what was about to happen, Issei threw something on the ground, and needless to say, what it did was that made a metallic box appear from the ground, and tightly compact it around her.

Tsukiumi is now a bit trapped by what it is that Issei had done, putting a bunch of walls around her to prevent herself from escaping and so that he can take her.

Issei gets close to the box, as he has a creepy smile on his face, as he than spoke out to himself.

"Now time to bring her back with me, and get what I want!!"

He tried to grab it, but before he did, Dream Sans appeared out of nowhere, and kicked Issei hard on the face, as the kick launched him into another building. Dream Sans gasped, as he turned around, as he than spoke out.

"Hang on!! I'll get out of this cage!!!"

He opened his palm up into the air, and because he sensed a bunch of positive emotions in the area that he is in, he than absorbed the golden positive energy, before he used it to empower his physical strength, as his whole body glowed immensely brightly. He clenched his fist, and he glared at the cage, before he reeled his fist back, and than, with immense force, punched the cage extremely hard, which shattered and broke it. And thanks to that, Tsukiumi finally became free from the cramped cage. She went on her knees and breathed deeply, in an effort to try and calm herself down. was also more than just that.

"Tsukiumi, are you okay?"

Dream Sans said, as he grips her shoulder, in order to see if she is alright. But had she got a good look at her face...he would see something puzzling.

As Tsukiumi looked down...her face began to turn red.

Her breathing became ragged, as she felt a strange heat coming from within herself. The is spreading everywhere, as Tsukiumi felt a strange sensation inside of her body. But she does not understand. What's that sensation is that supposed to be inside her?

Dream looked very worried at Tsukiumi, scared that she is feeling afraid from what had happened inside, and was about to touch her, but than, a voice shouted out.

"Hey!! I am not threw with you yet!!"

Dream Sans felt not very happy at the sound of the voice, as he knows where it has came from. He turns around, and saw that Issei is flying towards the two of them fast, as he spoke out.

"She is mine to have!!!!"

But Dream Sans thinks otherwise, as he than did something that Issei was not expecting for him to do in this sort of situation.

Dream Sans turned his blades back into his form, and when he did, he than tugged on the strings, and a bow formed from positive energy formed from the strings of what was one 2 separate blades, connected by a single stretchable thread.

Needless to say, Issei was not ready for what was about to happen next, as Dream let's go of the thread, and the arrow fired right at Issei's left shoulder, causing him immense pain!!

"Ahhhhh!!! you little bitch!! How fucking dare you!!!!"

But Dream was not done with his attack just yet. In fact, he had just begun with it. Dream Sans gripped onto the bow and arrow again, and this time, he began to fire as much of the positive to be arrows at the Red Dragon Emperor as much as he can. The arrows pierced Issei all over the blade, such as the arms and the legs, and even in some parts of the torso, and all of them hurt extremely badly. The only reason that Issei is still standing and is still conscious, is the fact that Issei is way to dumb to quit and give into the pain. And the fact that he is very determined to get Tsukiumi as his Sekirei, no matter what. But it will not matter to Dream. As the Guardian of Positivity does not care about being an Ashikabi to Tsukiumi. For he had respect to any sentient being and their choices. If they want to not be bonded with another, than they will not. If they do, they do. And Dream finds it very shocking and sickening that people would do this to other problem against their will. He could not understand why in the world they they would do this, trying to force others in order to be with them whether they like or not, as he than spoke out to Issei, in a very strained and angry tone.

"You will stop this nonsense once and for all!! You will not be taking Tsukiumi as someone that you can use a day you for your distasteful behavior!!"

But Issei spoke out.

"There is nothing distasteful with trying to take her!! I am just getting what I want!!!"

But Dream Sand went forward and kicked him in the head hard, as he than began to speak out to the Red Dragon Emperor with anger present within his very voice.

"You had tried to take her by force, tried to bond with her even though it is not her choice to make!! Tsukiumi is not someone that can he used as an object!! She is a person!! A person that has a will of her own, and that can decide of who she wants to be with and show she does not want to be with!! She has the mind of something that is as human as the rest of the normal citizens of every part of creation. She had the right to live the life that she sees as fit in her eyes!! And people like you, people such as you, will not force someone such as her to become another one of your playthings!! So for once in life, leave a person such as her alone!!!"

Dream Sans shouted, as he than punched Issei so hard in the head that Issei has than blasted right through a bunch of buildings in a row. The rocks from the buildings have fallen and and the explosions of the impact was heard pretty far away.

When Dream Sans shouted that out to Issei...Tsukiumi felt something in her heart, in response to what it is that Dream Sans has said out loud in front of her. Unlike many of the others...Dream Sans sees Tsukiumi as a person, and not as someone that can be used as a toy. It is making Tsukiumi feeling something for Dream. She has a strange desire that is not very describable to her. But there is one thing that she can think of in this way. Tsukiumi wants to hold onto Dream Sans. She wants to be with Dream Sans, for the rest of time.

She than began to stand up, as she than began to walk to the direction of Dream Sans, and began j try and touch him. But as she tried that, Dream Sans was than launched off of his feet, as Issei came out of complete nowhere, and tried to attack him with everything that he has. But Dream Sans made a forcefield that is extremely powerful enough to defend against Issei's powerful strikes. Dream Sans than kicked Issei extremely hard in his stomach, as he than grabbed him at the helmet, and he than Issei Hyoudou into an antenna, as he went through clean like a hot knife through butter. Issei then crashed into the ground, as he than began to crash and roll around on the ground, as he then crashed into a car, which made it beep many times. But Issei does not give up just yet. In fact, he flies up and rushes back to see Dream Sans, who than changed his bow back into the dual blades that he first had, as he than swung his sword to clash against the strength of the Red Dragon Emperor. He than stabbed the Red Dragon Emperor in the legs, which made Issei cry out in pain, as Issei than kicked Issei extremely hard in the head, making blood come out of his mouth, before a blade than graze at the left side of his neck, which made blood squirt out a little bit badly, as Issei than held his neck, but not before launching a Dragon Shot at the direction of Dream Sans. The Guardian of Positivity was caught off guard by what it is that had just suddenly happened, as Dream Sans than raised his arms to try and make a portal made of positive energy. But the Dragon Shot went through, and needless to say, Dream Sans got extremely hurt by that attack, as he is sent back by the power of the attack, as he than crashed onto a wall that is behind him, and made him go onto his knees, and when that happened, he tried to stand up.  He as he tried to do that, he than felt his head being grabbed by a red gauntlet. Obviously, Issei, somehow managed to recover a little bit quicker compared to Dream, who had just began ti try and recover from the attack. Issei than had Ascalon in his left hand out, as he than spoke out.

"This will teach you not to get in my way, you pathetic little bitch!!!"

He than tried to slice off the head of Dream Sans, but before he could, a splash of water struck Issei at the side, and knocked him off of his feet. This made Issei felt immense pain, as he than looked up to se who it is that had struck him, only to see that it was none other than Tsukiumi who had launched the attack at Issei, her arms folded, and needles to say, she is not very happy in the slightest right now.

The Sekirei looked very pissed at Issei, and Issei, for once, can't help but feel very scared at what she will do next. She than splashed water down onto him, and it caused him pain. Than she made the water rise up, and than she launched Issei up into the air, before she jumped into the air, and shot water out, as she was able to launch him far away. Tsukiumi than landed on the ground, and she turns to see Dream Sans, who is on the ground, and needless to say, he is looking very hurt, as he held his shoulder, and he is using his powers to try and heal his arm as much as he is able to do so.

"Ow...that hurt so much."

Dream Sans he tries to stand up...only to feel hands on his shoulder, and before he could react, his head went into Tsukiumi's...yeah, and needless to say, Dream Sans felt embarrassed by what it is that she is doing...until Ink Sans spoke out to Dream telepathically, which is actually an ability that Dream Sans himself can do, due to his ability j speak to people in their dreams.

'Dream...that water Sekirei...she is reacting to you.'

Dream spoke out back to Ink Sans.

'What is that supposed to mean?!'

Ink spoke back to Dream.

'When she is acting like that to you, it means that she is thinking of you as her soulmate. Basically, it is a form of marriage to the Sekirei.'

This made Dream Sans Dream Sans felt a hand on his cheek, and he looked up, as he was than picks duo at Tsukiumi...who than spoke out.

"Thou...Thou protected me... even though we both had just met. Thou art so strange...but because thee are...I feel like that I need you. I needeth thee so much in the life yond i has't.  I needeth beest with me. Please...accept this marriage proposal of mine that I've given for you."

This made Dream Sans feel embarrassed, but he takes the initiative to kiss Tsukiumi, before Issei would have a chance to come back and try to wing her. So, without any sort of hesitation on his part, Dream Sans closed the distance, and kissed Tsukiumi, and he tries to kiss her and make it as very good to her as he possibly can.

Tsukiumi, taking the initiative herself, kisses Dream in the lips, as she than feels her Sekirei Creat glowed, and than, wings sprout out from her nape, as she is than winged by Dream, who is the one that she is destined to be with.

Bright blue wings erupted from Tsukiumi, and they are very beautiful. They match her very elemental power she used and her nature. Her very no longer feels hot. It is it far more cooler than before, and yet, it feels so right.

Tsukiumi could feel Dream Sans and his the Golden Apple that is within his body. The Golden Apple within his very body, the Golden Apple that has taken the place of the soul when he had eaten it back at his home, it made Tsukiumi felt so good, so happy, so comfortable, emotions that she is never so used to feeling. And more importantly, she felt his love. And it is a love that it's so pure and bright, at the most powerful form of it that she has never felt before. His very essence lacks any form of hatred, making his bond with Tsukiumi extremely strong.

Issei immediately comes back, and needless to say, he is not happy for what had just happened, as he than shouted out at the the top of his lungs, as he than spoke out loud.


Tsukiumi huffed at Issei, as she than shouted out to him.

"Well, yond is too lacking valor for thee!!"

This made Issei very angry, as he than charged at Dream Sans, and attempted to attack him, only for Tsukiumi to make a wall of water, and block the attack. And this time, her attacks are much more stronger than before. And before Issei realizes what was about to happen, Ink Sans came out of complete nowhere, and fired an Ink Blaster, along with Akitsu, who than launched a bunch of icicles at Issei, piercing his armor, as Ink Sans, who is than extremely panicked, than spoke out to Dream Sans.

"Dream!! Now is your chance, bring him down!!!"

Dream Sans nodded, as he than extended his arm out, and began to gather as many positive emotions as he can in order to land the finishing blow, along with Tsukiumi.

Dream Sans, using the positivity around him, combined the positive energies around him in order to make an arrow for his bow.

Dream Sans glares, as he aimed his arrow at Issei Hyoudou, who looks down at Dream Sans in immense shock. Tsukiumi held out her hand, as she spoke out.

"By the water of this pledge, my Ashikabi's soul is purified!!!"

She opens her eyes, as they shined blue for a little bit, before shouting out

"Tide Flowing Jewel!!"

A large tidal wave erupted out of nowhere and it crashed down on top of Issei. And at the exact same time,

Dream Sans released his arrow of Positivity, as it than shot at the Dragon Emperor at very, very fast speed. Issei can only looked with very wide eyes of pure horror, as he realizes what was about to happen next.

The instant that the Golden Arrow struck at the chest of the Red Dragon Emperor, a powerful explosion of Positive Energy erupted from where Issei is. So powerful and strong that brightness of the explosion made the whole areas blinding. Dream Sans, however, still kept his eyes opened, and watched as the glowing of the Positivity Explosion began to die down, as he waits to see if Issei is still conscious or not. After all, he has to be ready, just in case Issei survived.

Dream and Tsukiumi looked down, and saw that Issei is on the ground, and he is barely able to move, but he is in fact still alive, as his body began to smoke and sizzle a little bit from the power of Dream Sans' magic, which seems to be similar to holy magic in a way. But Ink Sans spoke out.

"Let's head back to my place before Issei's Master decides to come and attack us."

Ink Sans made a portal, and both he and Akitsu jumped in, as Tsukiumi and Dream looked at each other, and Dream Sans extended his hand out, and Tsukiumi blushed a little bit,

but she took it and spoke out.

"How very kind of thee."

Dream Sans smiled widely, and both Tsukiumi and Dream jumped onto the portal without hesitation, and the paint portal closed, just as Rias teleported to retrieve her beloved pawn. It seems that Rias is now far more stressed than ever, but Ink and Dream don't care. In fact, to Ink Sans, Issei had gotten what he had deserved for what he has done, and thinks that what he had been is a fitting form of immense pain.

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