After the date

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A paint portal opened in the street where Sara and Ink had first met each other, when they fought against the people that had tried to kidnap and so something bad to Sara. Than, out of complete nowhere, Sara jumped out of the Paint Portal first, as she landed on the ground, and thankfully, she did not break any of her bones during the jump that she had done. Than, Ink jumped out of the portal last, as the paint or two fell down to the ground. Ink landed on his feet and his left hand, as he looked at the ground, before he than stood up from the ground, and looked around. Ink sighed, as he cannot believe what had just happened. Those 4...that team had to show up out of nowhere, and try to ruin the date that he had set up for Sara. It is seriously making him extremely angry for what they have done, as he wants to punch something just for the sake of making sure that they all pay for what they have done to him. This was seriously a bad time for them to come to Ink from the good time that he was having. And even worse is that they have the nerve to try and gain his forgiveness, after all that they had done to him. He won't forgive those people that hurt him and he never will. He would rather die than forgive them.

But he calms himself, as he than stood up from the ground, and he looked around the area he's in for a bit, before he than spoke out.

"That was a little too close for my taste."

Ink than looks up at Sara, before He has a look of surprise on his face, as he remembered the fact that Sara Bloodlily, she was somehow able to make clones, or rather, paint copies of the original RWBY. This is a technique that not even he is able to do. He than spoke out to the artist that is next to him.

"How did you manage to even pull that off?"

Sara Bloodlily smiled at Ink, as she than spoke out to him.

"I was able to observe their fighting styles just long enough for me to came up with these 4 techniques that I have just done. It was not easy, because of the fact that my head was underneath some stuff, but I was able to observe them just long enough to develop these moves, regardless of what had just happened."

Ink looks at Sara Bloodlily and smiled to her.

"I see. Well, that was very clever of you to do that, Sara. It really was. I don't think that not even I a, capable of doing something such as this."

Sara smiled at Ink, as Ink looked at Sara in the eyes. And she isn't even trying to be beautiful, despite the fact that the seduction worked very well on her end. He still feel like he is in a trance, as he looked up at Sara, as she than spoke out to Ink.

"There is one thing I would like to know of something, Ink...and I am very curious to know, even though what I say might be a personal matter to you."

Ink looks at Sara, confused with what she meant, but than, he immediately remembered the fact that when he was facing off against RWBY, he talked about some of the bad stuff that they have done, as well as calling them out on the agony that bright to him while during the fight. Ink sighed, as he was very afraid that this was going to come to this point, but he persisted, and he than spoke out to Sara Bloodlily, who was looking down at him with a rather curious expression on her face.

"Let me is about what I had just said to the 4 girls that I was fighting from before, right, Sara?"

Sara looks down at Ink again and nodded her head, as Ink sighed at that, due to hoping that he would never have to talk about it to Sara. But he knows that, since Sara Bloodlily heard about what he had said to the Team that had hurt him, he knows that this would likely be what happens when he runs open his mouth. But now, he knows that he cannot turn back now. And he had learned from cannot hide things forever, and the truth will be revealed, regardless if you are alive or not. The truth will come out in the open, no matter how great you hide it. So he feels like he needs to tell her the truth for what he had meant in those word that he had said to the team that had victimized him from back at Union Academy. He looks up at Sara Bloodlily, unhappily, as he than spoke out to her with a serious expression now present on his face.

"I want to know something. What is it that they have done to you. I've only heard a few examples, but I want to know, what else have they done to you?"

Ink sighed, and spoke out in an unhappy tone of voice.

"Sara...I am going to be honest with you. They are not the only ones that that had done something bad to me. In fact...they are just the few examples of the real amount of people that had done something bad to me."

Sara looks down at Ink, knowing that he is not very happy, as she than spoke out to him in a calm voice.

"Do you mind if you can talk about it to me. I'll listen to whatever it is that you are able to say to me"

Sara looks up at Sara, as she than spoke out to her.

"You sure you want to know? After all, you won't like what had happened to me, and you might get extremely mad about this situation."

Sara Bloodlily nodded her head at Ink, as she than continues to speak out to him in her usual tone of voice.

"I do want to know. Because I am concerned of what it is that they have done to you. And I need to know what it is that they have done to you."

Ink looked a bit uneasy at Sara Bloodlily, but than he sighed, as he than spoke out to her, feeling uncomfortable about this, but at the same time, he knows that he cannot hide the truth from her, as she wants to know about what it is that Ink had said. After a little minute of thinking, he looks up at Sara and spoke out to her.

"Okay. I'll tell you what it is that I had meant to those 4. But be warned, you are going to get pretty mad at what I am about to say."

Sara looks at Ink and nodded her head, understanding what Ink is saying to her, as she understands what he meant. He than looks at Ink and spoke out.

"Please, tell me everything."

Ink nodded with a rather hesitant expression, before he spoke out to her.

"i'll tell you everything."

He than took a deep breath, and he than spoke out to himself.

"Here I go...I guess."

Ink than began his explanation to his date, Sara Bloodlily, about the terrible stuff that he had to go through in Union Academy, how he was seen as weak by his peers, and of how he had been treated by the people that had done nothing more than to try and agonize him as much as possible, all for the sake of their sick, twisted amusement towards Ink. Sara's expression does not change one bit, but Ink could tell that there is an emotion that is building up inside of Sara, and it is not good. Although, Ink does nit mention the part where he had made a prayer, which had likely been the cause of all of this stuff to happen from before. After he explained everything to Sara as much as he can, he than spoke out to Sara Bloodlily.

"And that...that is all the stuff that I can tell you, Sara."

Sara than looks down at the ground, as she clenched her fist, clearly not happy with what Ink had just said. Ink gawked, as she than spoke out.

"Honestly...I am actually not surprised at this."

She than looked at a statue of Union Academy, and they all have the people that had harmed Ink on them.

"Hurting you and treating you poorly is bad enough back in Union Academy. But to lie to everyone about what they had done, while also getting them is another thing to do. So I'm going to be giving everything a favor by doing this."

She summoned the Brush of the Demiurge, she trapped onto the red paint that is in the palette, before she than shouted out at the top of her lungs. And thus time, unlike before, her shout has a bit more aggression and anger inside of her voice than back than, when she faced off against those lecherous creeps from back than.

"Color of Magic—Fire Red of Brilliant Blaze!"

She than swung red paint at the statue, as the statue is than hit by the red paint, which now turned into something that is now as hot as magma. Heatwaves began to generate from the paint, as the statue began to start melting from the immense heat that is now being generated. Sara than demanifested the Brush of the Demiurge from her hand, but is still not happy with what she had just been told, and what he had just heard from Ink. And speaking if Ink, he puts a hand inside of Sara Bloodlily's hand, as he than spoke out to her.

"You know, if it makes you feel better, I was able to get my revenge of the Gremory team in the most painful way that I could think of. They both had to get back to Union and be punished from their actions pretty badly."

Sara looks down at Ink and she smiled a little but, before she spoke out.

"Yes. I guess that does make me feel better. But...still...what happened to did not deserve this sort of treatment. No one deserves this sort of treatment like that. They are supposedly to be protecting those that are unable to defend themselves from anything that might hurt them. Instead, they ended up becoming the hurting to the innocent lives. And even worse, they had gotten then killed. I'm just very glad that they gotten what they had deserved for what they have done to you."

Ink smiled, as he closed his eyes for a little bit, before speaking out to her.

"Well, at least you were never like those people. That's the good thing. Actually, that sounds a little to mild for me. It is the best thing for me to hear from you."

Sara smiled at Ink, as she tightened her grip on Ink, before he and Sara then began to walk to a random direction. But Sara has other ideas, as she smirked at herself. And before Ink even realizes what was about to happen, Ink was than lifted off of the ground, before he is than pinned to a wall of the nearest building. He than looks forward, and sees Sara was the one that is picking him up and pinned him to the wall.

"Umm...Sara? What are you-"

But Sara puts a hand in Ink's mouth, as she than spoke out."

"Shhhhhh...don't speak, okay?"

Ink looked confused at Sara, not to mention nervous, as she than draws her face closer.

"Let me have this moment."

Before  Ink even realizes what was about to happen, suddenly, Sara's lips touched Ink's lips, as they both began to kiss. Ink was caught completely off guard by what has just happened right now. But Ink doesn't care, in fact, he'd say that he is enjoying what he is feeling right now. Ink closed his eyes, and Sara Bloodlily kisses into Ink a little bit deeper than before, as she puts Ink's hand over where her heart is at. Ink felt embarrassed...but he did not let that bother him. To him...this is a happy moment that not even Ink could resist. He just wishes that he can feel happiness in a genuine way...and nit the artificial way. But is happiness, regardless if it is artificial or not. So Ink will have a chance to enjoy it, while it still lasts for him in the precious moments that he is inside of right now.


It has been an hour, and Ink is now back at his house. Ink smiled for a little bit, as he is now on his bed, while looking uo at the ceiling. He could not believe that he has the luck of being able to get such a girl that is as beautiful as Sara Bloodlily, who is also an artist like Ink. It is as though fate has decided to give him a new chance and fit him with someone that is just like Ink himself. He has no other words to describe just how extremely happy that he is right now. Ink sighed happily...only to discover that there is no happiness in his voice. He stood up from the ground, as he than looks down at himself, and discovered that he is beginning to lose his emotions. Not wanting to lose the, now, he took out a vial, and began to drink it, as the liquid went down his throat, and get's absorbed into his body. When he finished, he wipes it off of his face.

"Phew. That was too close. Clearly don't want anyone else to see me like this. That would make a bad impression on those that I care about. Shame that I needed to get rid if my soul all just fir the sake of getting me and my friends, even my bro, out of here."

Ink said, as he looked down at himself, and he touched his chest, clearly feeling the emotions that is inside of him...but he could not feel his own soul, due to having to get rid of it. He feels incredibly unhappy with this fact, having to get rid of his soul from a situation that did not need to happen. In fact, he does not know why the creators decide to abandon the world that he and the others live inside of. But still had to happen. He just wished that he did not need to sacrifice his emotions in the process of doing all of that.

He than looked down at himself, until he than heard a knock on the door, before he spoke out.

"It's opened. Come on in."

The door than opened, and in came Eri, who looked very happy to see that Ink is back, and is still his usual self. She ran up towards to Inj and jumped into the air, before he hugs him.

"You're back, big brother!"

Eri squealed out to Ink with happiness in her voice. Ink smiled, as he than rubbed her head with his hand.

"You bet that I am. Glad that you are still okay and being your usual cheerful self. Everyone need some hat sort of cheerfulness from you."

Eri smiled a little bit wider at Ink, as she than tightened her hug at Ink, with Ink hugging Eri back, and he did it in a very comfortable manner for Eri to have. Needless to say, he cannot describe just how happy he is with Eri right now. Being next to her and Sara Bloodlily, it made Ink feel a little but strange. It feels as though Ink is somehow getting a soul of his own, even though he had gotten rid of it. But nevertheless, the feeling that he is now making right now, it is such a great experience for him. And to him, it is an experience that he will forever cherish, even at the end of time. And he hopes that someday, he can genuinely mean it for being able to cherish Eri's confronting presence.

Ink than grabbed Eri by the side, and lifted her up into the air. Eri smiled, as she began to giggle extremely happily of being picked up in the air. Ink than spun around, as Eri laughed at the feeling of being spun around as well. No words can describe just how happy Eri is right now. How happy she is at having someone as nice as Ink in her life. Being the one that had to help her from when she is reaching her darkest hour. Being there and having been able to cheer her up when she has lost the ability to smile. Of course, Ink did not tell her about his inability to feel genuine emotions, because he felt like it would break her badly. Which is why he is keeping it secret until he feels comfortable enough to tell her, or when he feels like she deserves to know the truth of what has been going on with her. But for now, he is going to keep this part of him a secret, just for the sake of Eri's happiness. As Ink continues to spin Eri around, what he didn't notice, is Papyrus and Rishia Ivyred peaking out through the door, as they saw this unfolding. Papyrus smiled, as Rishia put her hands together, as she than spoke out to him in a rather quiet voice.

"Fueeee...they both look so happy together."

Papyrus smiled at that, as he than spoke out.

"They really do. Sans always does whatever he can to help cheer people up, no matter what happens to him. I don't know why he needs to do it, but he feels sort of obligated to the job. Honestly, I wish I can be able to make other people happy as well. But it looks like doing that is Ink's job. Well, I guess that we are bith glad that we get to have someone that knows how to make us bith happy in our lives, right?"

Rishia nodded, as she than held her heart with one of her hands.

"Fueeee...seeing him this happy in this is making my body feel hot."

Rishua spoke out, as a blush is than formed onto her face. Papyrus smiled, as he than resumed watching his older brother continue to lift and spin Eri around in such a playful manner. Clearly...Ink is a true hero.

At the Dinner Table...

It is now dinner time, as they all began to eat and talk to each other about a bunch of stuff. And clearly, while the stuff that they talk about is not interesting, it is still a normal thing, regardless.

But as they continued to talk to each other, a news report began to play on their Television, as Ink and Eri listen to the report.

"Just this morning, there have been sighting of some unidentified species that had came in and help the citizens of some of the cities of Japan, but no one knows where they have came from.

Eri puts down what she was drinking, as she was looking a little bit confused at what the News report had said.

"What do they mean by that?"

Eri spoke out, as a look of confusion is now present on her face. Ink looks at the television, as the news continued with their explanation.

"Just this week, some of the citizens have caught sight of some people that resemble humans, but have no genetic resemblance to humans. Through some of the blood that had been collected in a fight that had happened, a blood that belonged to one of the humanoid creature, it is shown to being very unique of its own, with no connection to humans in anyway. In fact, they do not have any relation to angels and devils and all of the other creatures that exist in this world. Meaning that they did not come from Remnant or anywhere else."

This made Ink very curious, as he thought to himself.

"So what are they...aliens? if I start to get ready for what I am about to do next."

Ink was about to stand up, but Eri tugged on his scarf, as she than spoke out.

"You are going to be okay, if you try and find them, right, Big Brother?"

Eri spoke out to Ink, who smiled at Eri, while Papyrus and the others are too distracted from paying attention to Ink. Clearly, Eri had a good idea on what Ink is thinking, as Ink than spoke out to Eri.

"Of course I'll be okay, Eri. I'm not going to investigate this sort of matter without a plan or protection. I'm ready to go and find those people. And if these people try to attack, than well...heh...let's say that they'll be having a bad time. But don't worry. I won't go to far. Besides...I highly doubt that they'll attack anyway."

Eri looked confused, as she spoke out.

"Why do you think that?"

Ink than spoke out.

"The news only talked about those mysterious things running, and that is it. They never mentioned anything about them attacking. Doesn't it seem strange that they do not attack what they're supposed to attack?"

Eri looks down for a bit and nodded her head a little bit. Ink sighed, as he hugged Eri.

"I'll be fine, Eri. Do not worry a single bit. I'm not gonna leave you forever. I'll come back. Okay?"

Eri looks up at Ink and nuzzled into his chest a little bit more and spoke out.


Ink sighed.

"Haaaa...good. Was worried that it would make you worried."

Ink and Eri separate from each other for a little bit, as Ink than rubbed on Eri's horn. Eri does not know why, but for a strange reason Ink rubbing his fingers on her horn seems to have a very strange calming effect on her, even though it's supposed to do nothing more than use her powers. But nevertheless, she is not complaining...if she even knows how to complain. In fact, she is very happy that Ink is always there to reassure to her, whenever she's feeling down. She's very proud to have Ink had the big brother, and she'll never stop being very proud.

Happy Halloween to those that have read this Wattpad Story.

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