Date with Sara

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Ink is still inside of the Doodle Sphere, as he looked at the time on his phone. Just a few minutes even more, and than he is going to meet up with his new date. He is a little bit nervous of having to do this, as he has never done a date like this before. But no matter what...he is going to do it. He may be an experienced painter at a date such as what he is going to do with Sara Bloodlily, but he is going to do it no matter what happens to Ink himself. He is going to make sure that Sara becomes happy on the date that they'll have. He gripped his large paintbrush onto his back, as he than spoke out.

"Well...Sara, I hope you'll like this location I have chosen."

Ink looks at the picture of the museum that is in his hand, as he smiled, thinking of the fun times that he will have with Sara inside the museum. But...he than looks down below at the Doodle Sphere, which has no actual ground beneath it, going down endlessly and endlessly, with no ground at all. He looks unhappy for pan unknown reason, as he than spoke out to himself about the date that he is going to.

"In all honesty about this, though, I am a little bit worried about this date that I am going to. What if I mess up. What if some,thing goes wrong in the date t I am going to with Sara? What if...what if..."

He than looks down at his hand, his right eye becoming a dark blue tear rip, and his left eye turning into a cyan color in the shape of a hexagon, before he clenched his fist at the thought, as he than spoke out to himself.

"No. It won't happen like that. Get a hold of yourself, Ink. This is not who you are and this is not who you are meant to be. You are not supped to be afraid or worried. You can do this. You can make this a successful date. And if something does get in the way of the date that we will both have, than you can deal with this without any problem at all. After all, if you can protect the Alternate Universes a bunch of times, than there is no reason for you to not accomplish this task."

Ink than turns around as he than spoke out to himself again, while staring into the horizon of the Doodle Sphere.

"Although...I think that I'm gonna bring Broomie with me just in case some, unwanted visitors, decide to try and attack me and my date."

A small smile appears on his face, as he grips his hand into his large Paintbrush, as he is ready to take it with him just in case he gets some unwanted visitors from someone that dares try to attack him. Especially to those that had hurt Gun back at Union Academy itself.

With Sara Bloodlily...

Sara Bloodlily is now in her outfit that she will be using for this date that she'll be doing with Ink, who she seems to find as a very cute small guy.

Needless to say, Sara is actually a little excited about this, as she is about to go with an artist like her. Her hair is clean, she is wearing clothes that are likely suitable for the date, and she is ready to go out with Ink. But...there is also another reason that she wants to go out with Ink. And it is not simply because he is an artist like Sara.

You see...Sara has heard of Ink, and he seen what he looks like. His powers, his charm and humorous childish behavior, she had found this qualities very cute. But there is also the fact that...she wants his help on something. But she doesn't want to talk about it for now. Because the 2nd most important thing that she wants from Ink, she'll talk about it with Ink. She'll talk about what she wants from Ink the most at another time. For now...she is going to wait it out.

But the last reason she wants to go wth that...she noticed something about his voice that does not seem right. Even though he looks and acts and even speaks genuinely happy, she noticed that they do not seem genuine for some reason, and Ink does not realize that, even though it sounds so real. Just what is up with Ink? Well, she does not want to barge into a sensitive topic that Ink might not want to discuss about. For now, she is going to have some fun with Ink while it lasts. And hopefully, the date that the both of them will have will be worth it for the both of them to go out at.

As she walks around that Ink decided to meet at, she looks around, and she than found him, wearing the coat like it is used normally, and has his hands inside of the pockets of his coat, as if he is still waiting for Sara to show up.

"I'm here, Ink. I said that I'd be on time."

Sara said, as Ink smiled and spoke out.

"And you did. I am very happy that you had arrived, just as I had hoped, Sara."

Sara smiled back at Ink, as Ink smiled a bit wider back at her.

"So...shall we go?"

Ink spoke back at her, as he niter routed the silence between himself and Sara Bloodlily, as he cannot wait to see all the stuff inside of the art museum. In all hinesty, he never had a chane to go to an art museum before in the past. He had spent much of his time protecting the Alternatr Universes, and yet he never had a single chance in his whole entire life to go to an art museum in the Alternate Universe that he has taken residence in. So going to an art museum is going to be an interesting experience for him, though...he does not know if it will be a new experience for Sara Bloodlily, as he does not know if she had ever been to an art museum before in her entire life.

Speaking of which, Sara Bloodlily smiled, as she held hands with Ink and spoke out.

"Yes. Let's go."

Ink smirked, as he tighten his grip on her hand a little but, but not to the point of breaking her hand accidentally. And lucky thing for Ink, is that he has taken a whole batch of Emotion Vials to be able to feel human emotions throughout the date that they will be having. So he does not have to worry about suddenly becoming emotionless during the date. He'll be acting like his usual self in no time flat. And than, the both of them began to walk away, as they go to the art museum that they had chosen to go to.

But unaware to Ink, what he did not know, is that there is a group of 4 people stalking him. Normally, he would sense then without trouble, and he would have exposed their locations to kick them away. But because he is focusing so much on Sara Bloodlily, he did not realize that he is being followed. And the people that have been following him are not good people, and are here to do something that Ink will refuse to let happen. But fortunately for Ink and his whole entire like...he will not have to do this alone. Because now, now he has Sara Bloodlily with him by his side, and will help him, no matter what.

The 4 people team looked at each other and nodded at each other, as they slipped out of sight, unseen by anyone. And needles to say...Ink is not going to be happy with who it is that will come and ruin his date.


Ink and Sara had a very fun time at the museum. They had gotten to see all kinds of interesting pieces of art at the museum, they had seen stuff such as portraits from both the ancient times and from the modern times, meaning the times of today. They even see statues and structures that had been made famously, and needless to say, Ink was filled with immense fascination of what he had seen. He is so happy with all of this, but there is some forms of art that did weird him out a little bit. But Sara does not change an expression for a bit, did the exception of interest on some of the art pieces. they are outside, as they are walking off to a random direction of sorts.

"Well...that was a great time, was it not, Ink?"

Sara spoke out to Ink as Ink has his arms behind his head, and a smile is present on his face, which looks very cute in Sara's eyes.

"Yep, it is. It is a very great place to go to. all honesty, I have never been tim no ar museum before in my life. So this is a first time for me to do it."

This caught Sara Bloodlily's attention, as she than spoke out to him.

"What do you mean you never went to an Art Museum before, Ink?"

Ink than looks at Sara Bloodlily, as he than spoke out to her.

"I have been extremely busy with some extremely important stuff, and deal with some dangerous situations that prevented from going to an Art Museum. So this is a first for me to go to an art museum in my whole life."

Sara was a little but surprised at what he said, but than the expression changed to understanding as she spoke out to Ink.

"I see..."

Sara than turned her head to the side...and than began to smile mysteriously, as she than spoke out to him.

"Do you mind if I can ask you a favor?"

Ink turned to Sara, and he was a little nervous at what Sara is thinking, due to the expression on her face, as he spoke out.

"Umm...what is it, if I may ask?"

Sara smiled, as she puts a hand on his chin, and lifts him up into the air, while also pinning Ink against a wall that is beside him. Ink blushed at the sudden action that Sara is doing to him, as a blush formed on both of their faces.

Needles to say, this made Sara look a little more beautiful in a dangerous way, as her beauty even made Ink scared.

"Would you mind if you can be my model for a picture that I want to make? After do look like art material in my eyes."

Sara spoke out, as she stares at Ink in the eyes. And Ink's eyes suddenly changed to the shape of a sweatshop with a light blue color at the left eye, and a heart on the right eye, as the color turned pink. And yet, in site of the way he has the shape on his eyes, his face is sweating and his mouth began it quiver a little bit by the request.

Needless to say, Ink is getting more and more nervous as time is going on with the way she is looking at him. But as time passed...his eyes became entrenched and losing focus of his consciousness, as he stares into Sara Bloodlily's eyes. It is like Sara is controlling him with her eyes, and Ink is now finding it impossible to resist the temptation to even say no to Sara Bloodlily, who is his date. Sara seems to realize this, as she smiled a little but wider at Ink, and this beauty that she has is making Ink lose control of himself more and more and more. But as he was about to say something...suddenly...Ink turns to the right, and he has a concerned expression on his face. Sara noticed of this, and spoke out to Ink.

"Is there something wrong, Ink?"

Sara spoke out with a concerned expression now present on her face. Ink nodded, as he spoke out to her.

"Yea. Someone's coming...and they are not people you should meet, Sara."

He than snappped is head back to her quickly, as he than spoke out to Sara.

"Quick, hide. I'm gonna take care of these people."

Sara nodded, as she dropped Ink down, and hit behind something. Ink took out his paintbrush, and held it in his hand, as he hears a voice spoke out to him.


Ink turns around to the source of the sound, and he had come face-to-face with the team that he hates the most. It was none other than Team RWBY.

"You 4 again? What are you trying to do now? Try to beat me down again? Well if you are here for that, than you have another thing coming."

Ink said, as he takes out his paintbrush from his back, and gets ready to attack the team that had tormented him for such a long time. Needless to say, Ink is not going to be willingness of let them to hurt him again. In Union Academy...he had to deal with a bunch of people, and Team RWBY was a group of such people. Ruby, Weiss, and Blake, they would use him to practice their blades on him, which would leave him severely injured as a result of what they have done to him. And Yang would use him like a punching back for her to knock down and agonize fir such a very long time. Well...too bad for them that he is not going to be as forgiving that they made him to be, since now he has an immense hate towards the team for tormenting him back at the Academy.

"Ink, please hear us out!"

Ruby said, as Ink simply spoke out.

"No. I'm not here to listen to anything that you all have to say."

This made Yang extremely ticked off, as she than shouted out to him.

"Hey, don't you dare speak to my sister, you bas-AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!"

Ink responded to the blonde brawler by summoning a sharp ink bone and pierced Yang in the stomach with it. Needless to say, the Team was shocked that Ink was now being violent towards them, as he has never done that to them before. They looked at Ink, as he spoke out towards Team RWBY.

"Oh shut up. I am not here to listen, and all talk to much."

He than grips his paintbrush tightly in his hand, as he than spoke out to them.

"All you want from me is to listen to my screams and cries of agony. I have not forgotten the fact that you all treated my like trash, using me like I am such a punching bag for all of you to agonize and knock down, not to mention lying about the stuff that I have never done back then. You all got me in trouble, all just to prove your superiority about what it means to be a so-called hero. Well, his heroic if you to lie about it all."

He tighten his grip even more, as he than spoke out in a menacing way.

" am going to return the making you 4 pay for what you have done to me back then."

He than swung his paintbrush and unleashed a slash of paint at the team. RWBY tried to get out of the way, and Ink ended up punching Weiss into it, as she reacted way to slow, and the fact that she is not much of a person of durability. She got hit, and was sent flying into a wall after getting hit by the slash of paint that Ink had straight uo unleashed onto the team that had abused him.

"Ink, please. Stop. I don't want to fight you. We don't want to fight you!"

Blake shouted out, as she held her hands out at Ink, who than turned around and spoke out to the cat Faunus.

"Yeesh. Now you are suddenly begging for me not to attack you, when you and the others have no problem attacking me for being weak? Man, you all are just straight up horrible, especially with how hypocritical you all are."

Blake flinched, as Ink than jumped forward, and punched her in the face, sending her flying before Blake could ever have a chance to react. She landed onto the ground, as she than spoke out to him.

"Ink, please, I'm sorry-AAGGHHH!!!"

Ink screamed in pain, as Ink stomped onto her hand.

"Oh shut up. I have no time for your false remorse."

Yang shouted out.

"He could you do that, Ink?! She said she was sorry to you! Just accept the apology from all of us and be done with, you little bastard!"

But Ink suddenly punched Yang into the gut, and made her spat out blood, as she was than grabbed by the hair, and thrown to a building.

"You honestly think that I am going to believe your lies? Well than..."

Ink looks down and smiled.

"Bring it on then!"

Ink said, as he gets ready for a fight against Team RWBY at his fullest, who had tormented him back at the academy. And this time, he is not going to be holding back, nor will he be pulling on his very own punches. And unfortunately for Team RWBY, they know that he is not going to be forgiving to them as they were expecting.

Ink than raised his hand out, and summoned some Ink Blasters to his side, as they both got ready to fire.


Ink said as he waved his hand, before the Ink Blasters fired at Team RWBY, striking them badly. Weiss tried to put up a shield of ice to try and defend against the paint blast. But unfortunately, the wall broke and she is forced to move aside, along with the others. Not letting them recover any further, Ink decides to launch another attack at Team RWBY, Ashe grabs onto a small paintbrush to attack with.

"Eat this one!"

Ink shouted, as he than swung his paintbrush and launched light blue paint at the group, which turned into ice, and hits both Ruby and Yang. Weiss was able to protect Blake by summoning her ice shield. But even that broke. But unluckily for Ink, Weiss and Blake are still perfectly fine.

Weiss and Blake attack Ink, as Ink jumped back to the and attack them. Ink than jumped into the air and swung his large paintbrush to fire 3 black paint slashes at them, but they got out of the way, and Blake appeared over Ink, before swinging Gambol Shroud on top of Ink. But Ink blocked the attack, but this did not stop Weiss from attacking and perching from behind.

Weiss than swung her rapier, and Ink is sent flying down to the ground as a result. But he is still in good enough condition to fight, in spite of the stab wound that he had gained because of that Schnee. Weiss than landed on the ground before Ink, as she spoke out.

"Ink, give up. I don't want to hurt you!"

Ink than spoke back.

"That's pathetic of you to say that, considering that you liked to use me as a pin cushion for your weapon to stab me with!"

Weiss flinches, and looks sad, before getting punched into the gut, as she coughed up blood. Blake tried to shoot Ink to incapacitate him, but Ink grabbed her arm and twisted it badly, almost breaking it. And just them, Ruby lands down on the ground, and gripped Crescent Rose into her hands, while she than goes into combat against Ink. Ink gripped Broomie on his hand, and clashes against Crescent Rose.

He blocked, defended, and counter attacked against Ruby and the blades of Crescent Rose, before he than starts launching Sharp Ink Bones at Ruby in order to try and pierce her, in which Ruby uses the sniper mode of Crescent Rose, and fired an explosive round and attacked them, destroying the sharp bones. Ink looked, and saw Yang about to attack Ink in the air, her fist positioned to attack, while speaking out to the artist she's attacking.

"Accept our apologies for once and quit whining, Ink!!"

She fired a punch at Ink, but than...something happened that not even Yang expected.

"Color of Magic—Gunmetal Gray of Rigid Steel!"

Suddenly, grey paint coated Ink, and when Yang punched Ink...his body is now extremely hard.


Yang cried in agony,as her fist is now broken. She landed on the ground, as she held her hand, whine Ink crashed onto the pavement, making the ground crack. Ink was shocked, and he turns around to see Sara Bloodlily, with the Brush of the Demiurge in her hands.

"Sara! What are you doing?"

Ink shouted out, as Sara looked at Team RWBY. The RWBY looked, as they seem Sara Bloodlily coming towards them. Although her expression looks indifferent...she has a noticeable stain of anger inside of her eyes, while staring at RWBY. Yang snarled at Sara, unhappy that someone decided to get in the way, as she than shouted out.

"Get out of the way, you bitch! We're not letting stand in between us and-"

But Sara is not having any of it, as she than spoke out to them, as she calls out on her new techniques that she had made.

"Purple Caricature - Red Riding Hood, Ruby Rose!
Purple Caricature - Ice Princess, Weiss Schnee!
Purple Caricature - Black Cat, Blake Belladonna!
Purple Caricature - Blonde Brawler, Yang Xiao Long!"

Sara said, as she launched red, white, black and yellow paint into the air very fast, and the paint turned into copies of Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. The 4 copies of Team RWBY are ready to attack the very same people that they are copied from by the one that made them. Even Ruby and Blake were a little bit uneasy, as they tried readying to fight back.

"You are not getting your hands on my date."

Sara spoke out, as she commanded the copies to attack RWBY. And needless to say, Team RWBY is now having immense trouble keeping up with the copies, as they can literally do the same thing that they can. Sara smiled at Ink, as she spoke out.

"That was very impressive of you, Ink. The way that you had fought against them. It was such a beautiful scene to make right there."

"Well, you know me, Sara. I am always ready to create what I need to create in order to deal with those 4 idiotic mishaps."

Sara smiled, as Ink smiled back with a rainbow blush. Sara smiled, as Ink than made a portal.

"Let's get of here before Team RUDY decides to come and get the both of us, huh?"

Sara smiled and nodded, as both Sara and Ink entered the portal, which than closed behind them, while Team RWBY is left to deal with their artistic doppelgängers, which are distracting them from reaching to their goals.

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