An Old Rival and a New Friend

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Ink sighed, as he is now outside, with 4 of his Sekirei, which are Kaho, Akitsu, Oriha, and Benitsubasa. 2 days after that happened, after he had winged both Yashima and Kaho in one day, he began to improve in the time limit of the emotion vials again, though not that much. Now when he winged the 2 of them, each of them extended the time limit to 5, and all together, they become 10. Before Kaho and Yashima, it was 7 hours and 50 minutes. So basically...the time limit is now extended to 8 hours, which is an hour longer than the previous time limit before the Sekirei, which used to be 7 hours at best. But nevertheless, he was able to bring them back home...and Papyrus was very annoyed that he had to create a 2nd new room for Yashima, who came out of nowhere. But it didn't matter to Ink, as there is something that is very important to Ink, and this is about the person with the Blue Strings. Ink has a very huge feeling that it is who he thinks it is, but he is unsure if he can do that without help this time, since he will have no idea where he will be.

So he bright Benitsubasa, Kaho, Oriha, and Akitsu to help them, since they are both very skilled, strong, and versatile in who he believes it would be.

"Ink, do you honestly believe that this person is going to come out and attack? I mean...we haven't seen what he can do yet."

Kaho spoke out, as Ink spoke back.

"If it is who I think it is, than he will probably attack out of nowhere. After all...he is a very slippery one when it comes to attacking and evading my presence."

"Well...than I might as well make sure that we give him a good ass-kicking once I get my hands on him!"

Ink than spoke out.

"I wouldn't underestimate him if I were you, Benitsubasa. That person is much more stronger than you realize."

Benitsubasa looks confused at Ink, as Oriha spoke out in her usual sing song voice.

"What do you mean by that~?"

Ink turns around and was about to speak...but than realized something.

"Wait a minute..."

Suddenly, something came out from the shadows, and Ink lifted his paintbrush and something wrapped around the handle. It was blue strings, and ones Ink recognized.

"Found you."

Ink said, as he yanked on the strings, and someone came falling down out of nowhere. The Sekirei and Ink turn to see who it is...only to see someone that they were not expecting.

The person was all black, blue, yellow, and red... ht the face is shocking. It resembles Ink's perfectly. But the most notable aspect of this person...are the Errors that are all over and floating around his body.


Error smiled, as he stood up from the hound he is on, as he looked at Ink, as well as Oriha, Kaho, Benitsubasa, and Akitsu. Benitsubasa looks shocked, as Benitsubasa spoke out.

"Ink...his looks like your face!"

Ink nodded, as he spoke out.

"I know that. Both me and Error have faced each other a number of times. And speaking of that, Error! Why have you decided to come to the Earth that I have lived in?! Don't you have anything else better to do back in the Anti-Void?!"

Error smiled, as he spoke out.

"Why-Why-Why d-d-don't you-ou-you fight against me and f-f-f-find out?"

He even sounds like Ink, but has a deeper voice, as well as being a little...choppy.

Error pulls the strings out from where his eyes are at, as he gets ready to fire them at Ink, as well as at his Sekirei, who are with him. Ink gripped his Paintbrush, as he gears ready for a fight against his rival, Error.

"Okay, that is a little freaky!"

Benitsubasa spoke out, as Kaho and Oriha looked horrified and disgusted at that. Akitsu had no expression on her face, but Ink could tell that she is just as unsettled as the others are.

"So...between you and me again, huh?"

Error smiled, as he spoke out.

"Of-Of course-ourse-ourse..."

Error than firmed a Gaster Blaster above him, as Ink swung his Paintbrush and made a wall of black paint. Error fired at it, and it hits the wall, before it exploded. Thankfully, though, the attack finished as soon as it destroyed the wall. Error than fired Ink Bones at Error, but to the shock of the Sekirei, Error fired Red Bones at the Ink Bones, as the 2 attacked clashed against each other. Clearly, Error is seriously something else.

Ink and Error than began to combat against each other, as Ink does everything that he can to out Error in his place. But Error is not going to stop at making sure that Ink's efforts for everyone are simply helpless hopes, and nothing more.

Ink swung his Paintbrush, but Error dodged and summoned Red Bones from the ground, as Ink stood on top of the tallest of the Red Bones that were shot out. Error than jumped into the air, and tried to shoot the red bones at Ink, but before they found make contact, Kaho came out of complete nowhere, and used her Naginata to defend her Ashikabi.

"What the, Kaho?! What are you doing?!"

Kaho landed onto the second tallest red bone, as she spoke out.

"It's not just is the best of us, who want to fight with you."

Ink looks and saw that his other Sekirei are ready to fight, as they are in a type of battle stance of their own. It seems that they have absolutely no intention of backing down, in spite of the fact that there is literally someone that has the power to kill them. But nevertheless...

Kaho gripped her Naginata, as Ink spoke out.

"If you girls are planning to fight against Error, than I need to warn you, be careful about his blue strings."

Benitsubasa spoke out to Ink.

"Why should we worried about some measly little strings?!"

Ink than spoke out.

"If he ensures you, he can control you like a literal puppet on strings."

Benitsubasa froze, and spoke out.


Ink and the others than turn to Error, as he spoke out to them.

"I-I-I do not ca-ar-re about how many of you are gonna fight me! Let's get-et this over w-w-with!!"

Error said, sounding very annoyed. Benitsubasa smiled, as she than steps forward, and extended her fingers out, and gestures him to come at her.

"Come on, Error! Show me what you can do!"

Error turned to Benitsubasa, as he than spoke out.

"As-s you w-w-wish-sh."

Error than attacked with Red Bones, but Benitsubasa than used her physical strength to attack the bones. Benitsubasa smirked, as she spoke out to Error.

"Really, that is all?"

Error, however, smirked, as he spoke out.


Suddenly, an Error Gaster Blaster manifested and began to charge. Not wasting time, Benitsubasa than prepares her Pulverizer technique. As soon as the Error Gaster Blaster fired, Benitsubasa fired her Pulverizer technique at the blaster in an attempt o overpower it. But to Benitsubasa's shock, the Error Blaster began to overpower the Pulverizer, and Benitsubasa was forced to jump in the air. But the thing is, Error hoped for that to happen, and used to opportunity to try and ensnare her. Thankfully, though, Oriha stepped in and saved her, by cutting the strings. But this did not stop Error from getting close and punching Benitsubasa. And believe it or not, Error's punch actually hurts worse than Benitsubasa's own punch, as Error is actually stronger compared to the Sekirei. But Oriha decided to attack Error next.

She fired and attacked with her Metal Gears as they prepare to fire and attack at Error. Error than lifts his hand up, and red bones appeared in the air. Error than points his arm at Oriha, and Oriha points her arm at Error, as the Metal Gears and the Red Bones clashed against each other. Another was getting close and tried to attack at Error. But Error did something that is completely unexpected to Oriha. Error used his Blue Strings to grab onto the hole of the gear, and swung it back at the one using it.

"Wait, What~?!"

Oriha was shocked, as the Metal Gear came flying back to her, and she looks and saw it land on the ground next to her.

Clearly, Oriha was not expecting that for happen. Error somehow used his strings to grab onto the Metal Gears she has, and flung them away from him, even though the gears are very sharp for them to grab onto. Looks like she had underestimated the power of Error. And she's gonna see just how powerful he really is.

"S-S-Seriously-ly-ly, that is all youyouyou can d-d-do against me-me?"

Error said, as he does not sound very impressed with what Oriha had tried doing.

"This is so unreal! How can he be so strong?!"

Benitsubasa spoke out, in utter disbelief, as Ink than spoke back to Benitsubasa.

"Error...he is created to have the power to destroy stuff. He is the opposite of me, as I have the power to create. Because of miss, and our different belief, Error and I have clashed and fought against each other multiple times, with me or him winning. It is a fight that refuses to end between the bone of us."

Benitsubasa was surprised at what he said. They were made to combat against each other's own ideals? How is that supposed to make sense. Ink than turns around, and charges forward to attack Error. But Error was hoping for that to happen, as he was able to trap Ink in a blue net.

"Huh? Hey!"

Ink shouted, as Error spoke out to Ink.

"Now-now I have gotcha."

But thankfully, that net did not stay for long, as someone decides to cut Ink free from this trap.

"Let my Ashikabi go, Error~!"

Oriha shouted, as she swung her arm, and a Metal Gear came out of nowhere and sliced the strings that are holding Ink, as Ink fell back down to the ground, a little bit in agony, but is still fine. Clearly, Ink really wasn't expecting for that to suddenly happen, but he's still grateful for being free from the strings.

"Thanks, Oriha."

Ink said in a strained tone, as Oriha smiled. But Akitsu...she is not as happy. For what Error did, this made her feel something else for what he tried doing against Ink.

This made Akitsu a little bit angry, as she than summoned icicles to try and attack Error for attacking Ink. Although she has no idea just how power Error is, she does not care about how strong he is. All she cares about, is to make sure that Error pays for hurting her dear Ashikabi.

She than fired them at command, and Error was forced to defend himself against them. But the thing is...some of them still managed to hit Error and pierce his buddy, which gave him a lot of agony. Error looked down at his body, as he sees the icicles piercing his body all over the place, and he gripped them tightly to pull them out. Akitsu than used her Ice Needless, but Error responds with the Red Bones, as the needles and the bones clashed against teach others, and stopped in the middle. Akitsu jumped, as Error tried to attack with Red Bones.

Once that happened, Kaho than takes the then turn to go into combat, as Ink goes to Error first.

Needless to say, the fight, in Kaho's is pretty insane, as she has never done a fight as intense as this before in her life. Kaho sliced and slashed at the blue strings as she swung and spun around her Naginata in her hand, as she is able to cleave away the blue strings, while Ink is on the move to attack and defend against the destroyer himself, who's trying to ensnare and trap Ink into his blue strings.

But than, Error launched a barrage of red bones at Kaho, and Kaho is forced to spin her Naginata in an effort to try and block as many of them as she can, before another red home hits the Naginata in the center, and was able to push her back a little bit from Error.

Ink and Error continue to do combat, as Error than made a portal behind himself, as Ink than tackled him. They both went into the portal...which than began to close up. Seeing this, Benitsubasa shouted out.

"Oh no you don't!!!"

Benitsubasa ran full speed, and Oriha and Akitsu both ran towards the portal as well. Kaho ran as well, as she went into the portal along with the others, as it than closed up.

At the other side...Ink, Error, and the Sekirei went through to the other the Porto's behind all 6 of them managed to close up. Error kicked Ink off of him, as Ink skidded on the ground, as everyone than looked around to see where they are at right now. It looks like a void...but it is a white void instead of the usual type of black.

"What the...what the hell is this?"

Benitsubasa spoke out, as Ink than spoke back.

"The Anti-Void. Error's home."

Everyone than turns to Error, as Error than looks around, and spoke out.

" see-seems-s you anomalies managed to follow us here, even though you all are weaker than me, minus Ink. Fine-Fine-Fine than...this place, the shall be your grave to rest in!!"

Error than unleashed the blue strings out of his eyes, and prepares to make sure that they are used ti being down the Sekirei that had followed him to the Anti-Void.

Ink Sans than ran forward, and tried to attack Error, but Error defends using his Red Bones, and when Ink was knocked back, Error had than suddenly grabbed and ensnared Ink Sans in his blue strings, and before anyone realizes what was about to happen, Ink was launched upwards, and gone out of sight.

Kaho was getting a little bit exhausted, as this is something that Kaho has felt like before. She had fought the red dragon emperor, and he was tough all on his own. But Error is at a whole new level. He is much more tougher than the wielder of the Boosted Gear, and he is not even trying to hold back! He is going all out on them. Well...Kaho cannot afford to hold back as well, as Error is simply too tough to fight all on her own. Her other fellow Sekirei, on the other hand, they will be the ones that will help her and Ink in order to defeat Error, who is the enemy of Ink.

Kaho charged at Error, and began to use her Naginata to cut and slice through Error's strings, as he fired them at her. She than kicked Error in the face, which sends him back a little bit, before he stopped. But before Error could have a chance at attacking Kaho again, Benitsubasa came out of complete nowhere and struck Error in the head, before than jumped over Error, grabbed him by the scarf, strangled him with said scarf, and through him very far away. Akitsu than made a wall of ice, in which Error crashed into it, and he got hurt in the process. Error stood up, as Oriha than launched her Metal Gears quickly.

Error than summoned a wall of red bones in front of him and made them as durable as he could, as the Metal Gears did all that they could to try and break through. Error glared at the Sekirei, as he is starting to get annoyed with them. But it won't matter to Error anyway. Once they are dealt with, he will deal with Ink last, and than, Ink will realize what it means to be hopeless in this situation.

Speaking of Ink...


Ink groaned, as he held his head, having a little bit of a headache for that attack that had just happened. Error sure knows how to pack one heck of a punch, even if he wasn't even attempting to do that. How in the world he manage to pull off a trick like that, Ink will never know. But as he groaned, a voice spoke out...and it is one that he knows.

"Ticking Time Bombs!! Ink, is that really you?!"

Ink looks up, his vision beginning to recover and clear up, and it took about a few seconds for his vision to be clear, and when he saw who it is, he was shocked at who he is seeing.

There were 2 other versions of Ink. One with fluffy scarves and another that Ink has a history with: TimeKid.

" that you?"

TimeKid nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yep, it's me again, my friend!"

Ink was shocked, as he than spoke out.

"What happened to you...and who is this?"

Ink refers to the other Sans, who is next to TimeKid. TimeKid looks at the other Sans, and spoke out to him.

"Oh, this is my new friend, Abyss! He and I have met before, and like you, he's a protector!"

Ink's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"Really...a new protector?!"

Ink sounds very excited, as Abyss looks at Ink, and spoke out.

"I've heard of you...Ink. You are a protector before me...even though you lack a soul."


Ink's expression deflated, as he holds his face.

"Well...minus that. Anyways, do you need help getting out?"

Abyss looks and nodded at Ink.

"Yeah, sure thing. And besides..."

Abyss smiled a sinister smile, as he than spoke out to Ink.

"I'm going to cut Error down to the bone."

Ink was surprised, as he heard a pun, before he began to laugh, and spoke out.

"Okay, that's a good one, Abyss! Really! Especially in the middle of a situation like this!"

Abyss smirked, as he really likes it when someone appreciates his pun, and when they are also a version of him. Ink sighed happily at that, as he than took out his Paintbrush and spoke out.

" who wants to go first?"

Back with the other Sekirei...

All 4 of the Sekirei are having some serious trouble with Error. Error is constantly avoiding the attacks as much as he could, and is doing nothing but jumping, sliding away, and all that type of stuff. It is such an annoying thing. And it is almost as though Error knows of what attack he would do next! How is it possible that he can avoid them before he can even get hit?! Well...perhaps being a destoryer does have its perks against the Sekirei, but even they have no idea how they can stand even against him.

Error looks at the Sekirei, as he than spoke out.

"Give-Give-Give it up. You cannot win against me! Only Ink-Ink-Ink-Ink-Ink has the power to stand a chance against my light. What-What makes you think you can match me?!"

Benitsubasa snarled at what Error said...when all of a sudden, a black beam of paint and an energy beam with Crystal inside fired at Error, which was able to hurt him.


Error cried in agony at the pain he felt, as a voice than spoke out to Error.

"Sorry I'm late of returning..."

Ink than landed on the ground, with a wicked grin on his face.

Error does not like it when Ink makes a grin such as this. It means that he has something figured out, or when Ink believes that he now has a chance to win against the Destroyer himself. Ink than continues to speak.

"But I had to get us some new friends to help us out against Error."

Error didn't need to ask, as he than realized something.

"Oh-OhOh n-n-no. Please don't t-tell me..."

As if on cue, a shadow appeared in the sky, as Error looked up to see TimeKid and Abyss out of their prison. And needless to say, they are not too happy with what Error had done to him both, and they are looking for some payback against Error for what he had done to the 2 of them.

Abyss smirked, as he turns to the Sekirei, and they are surprised to at Abyss has Ink's face as well.

"We'll take it from here."

Abyss said, as he and TimeKid than began to do combat against Error for capturing the 2 of them. Abyss sounds like Error, but it is not in a choppy glitched tone of voice. But in a normal one. It is still deeper compared to Ink, though. TineKid smirked, as he than manipulated tone, and began to attack Error by summoning a Time Blaster and fired it at Error. Error was able to get out of the way, as Abyss than came forward and struck Error very badly. TimeKid than looks sideways, and spoke out.

"Ticking Time Bombs!! I'm behind schedule!! Abyss, I really need to go back home, and quick!!"

Abyss nodded, as he opened a blue portal, and spoke out to TimeKid.

"Get in, than, fast!!"

TimeKid nodded, as he began to run towards the portal. But Error thinks otherwise.

"Oh N-N-No you don't!!!"

Error turns around and fired his Blue Strings at TimeKid in an effort to try and catch him. But TimeKid, this time, was ready for this, as he used his powers to get to the portal as fast as possible.

Using his time powers, TimeKid was able to avoid getting caught and ensnared by the strings that were chasing after him. He than jumped into the portal, which than closed up before the strings got in.


Error shouted in a rage, as he spoke out. He than turns around and shouted at both Ink and Abyss.

"You 2...the both-both-both of you will Pa-ay!!!"

Abyss smirked, as he fired an Abyss Shard at Error very quickly. Error avoided the attack, as Abyss spoke out.

"Well...than I guess you will have to deal with double the trouble right now, huh, Error?"

Error snarled in pure anger, as he spoke out.

"This-is-is is a-a-a n-n-night-m-m-mare...having 2 pro-protector-ectors at the s-s-same t-t-time-ime, one-ne-ne w-wor-worse than the-th-the-the oth-oth-other!"

Ink than walks next to Abyss...and Abyss looks slightly shorter than Ink, as Ink than spoke out to Abyss.

"Seems like you have history running into Error and his tantrums."

Abyss spoke out.

"On accident, and led to a fight. Got away, which is a very huge relief for me."

Abyss and Ink smirked, as they both start to go to Error.

"Than let's show him who's boss!!"

Ink shouted out loud, as he gripped his Paintbrush for him to be ready to use, as Abyss shrugged, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, let's show him what happens when he messes with the both of us and not leaves us alone for a little bit."

Error looks at Abyss and Ink, as they than charged forward. Error roared in a rage, as he than fired his Red Bones at Ink and Abyss. But Abyss than fired some crystal bones at Error's Red Ones, which easily destroyed them. He than held his hand out, and a sharp weapon with 4 blades edges in rows with a chain manifested below his hand, and Abyss flung them at Error, nicking Error in the leg and caused pain.

Akitsu saw that, and her eyes widened slightly as she saw what Abyss had just done.

Ink than jumped into the air, and swung his Paintbrush at Error, as a slash of black paint attacked Error, smashing him, and Error stood up, as he summoned an Error Blaster, and fired. But Abyss summoned his own Gaster Blaster. This one has some traits that resembles a sabertooth tiger, that being the ears and the 2 crystal teeth, as both of the blasters clashed against each other. Ink helped through, but summoning his Ink Blaster, and fired it along with the Error Blaster. Error, Ink, and Abyss kept their focus on each other, before the Blasters exploded, into a power white explosion, and everyone was forced to cover their eyes, as the explosion was very bright. But taking the initiative and advantage of the time that they have, Ink and Abyss paired together, and went next to the Sekirei, as Ink swung his Paintbrush around, and attempts to us his powers to go back to his world, end though he is not concentrating that well. But eventually, all of them went through the portal, and before the bright light was gone, Ink, Abyss, and the Sekirei went through, and are gone from sight.

When Error opened his eyes...he looked around..,but saw that no one was there. This made Error freeze...his left eye twitching very he realizes what had happened. He held his head, breathed deeply...and roared.


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