Protectors vs Destoryer

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A black puddle formed onto the ground, and out came Abyss, Ink and his Sekirei, as they were able to escape from the Anti-Void. Benitsubasa, Oriha, Kaho, and Akitsu look around, and see that they are inside of the Doodle Sphere,

and they felt rather curious of the dimension that they are inside of right now, as Benitsubasa spoke out.

"Man, that is insane! Error was so not like any enemy that I have fought! What an asshole!"

Oriha than looks at Ink, and spoke out.

"Ink~! What do we do~?! We can't just wait until Error finds us~!"

Kaho looks at Ink, and Abyss looks down, before he snapped his fingers.

"Ink, I got an idea. But it is gonna be a wild and risky move."

Ink looks at Abyss, and spoke out.

"What's that idea?"

Abyss puts a hand on his shoulder, and began to whisper something in his ear. Ink nodded a bit, and he looked a little unease of whatever Abyss is saying...but he agrees, and spoke out.

"Okay...I don't like it. But it is the best option that we all can have."

Abyss nodded, as he than spoke out

"Good, and get ready, because he is gonna come again."

The moment he said that, Abyss, Ink, and his Sekirei turned around and saw a glitchy portal beginning to open again. And than, a familiar figure arrived, with the strings ready to be deployed from his eyes to strike at them.

Error had found them...and it is not good here. Clearly, he does not know when to give up already. His scarf waved in the winds, as Error smiled in order to hide how extremely upset and enraged he is right now.

"Did-Did-Did you think that I wouldn't no-notice, that you-you would come here-ere-ere, Ink?! You are going-oing to pay-ay for what you have done to my Anti-Void!"

Error than extended his right hand, and blue strings came out and shot towards Ink, who got ensnared in it.

"What the, oh come on!!!"

Ink shouted, as he is thrown away by the blue strings and crashed into a floating island. But Ink is not dead, as he returned with a vengeance, and struck at Error with his Paintbrush.

Ink than reached to his sash, grabbed onto the red one, again, popped the top of the vial off, and began to use this old trick of becoming aggressive again.

Ink drank the red paint again, as his eye turned red, as he is ready to pummel Error once again. Error recovered, but when he did, Ink attacked with a blinding rage that had empowered him, as he struck and attacked repeatedly, as he swung his Paintbrush as hard as he could. But despite his rage being blinding, he is on control of himself and does not act like a mindless animal hunting for prey. Ink than uppercut Error, and leapt up into the air, as he kicked Error, and send him crashing into another island that is floating also. Error recovered, as Benitsubasa than suddenly attacked and struck Error at the head, sending him flying away, as Ink charged at him and kicked him in the head. Akitsu fired icicles at Error, which pierced him in the back, and Oriha tried to launch her Metal Gears at Error to dice him to small pieces. But Error reacted fast and was able to intercept the gears with his red bones. But Kaho was still here, and kicked Error, before stabbing him in the stomach, and through him a little far away. But as Error stopped, Abyss came from behind, and tried to attack with the Abyss Chain, but Error was able to avoid it without issue.

Abyss and Error than began to attack with Gaster Blasters, strings, Abyss Shards, everything that they have at their disposal in order to defeat each other in combat. Abyss even fired some Miniature looking blaster with holes at the bottom, as Error than shouted out.

"This-This time-ime...YOU DIE!!!!"

Error shouted, as he tries to ensnare Abyss into the Blue Strings, but Abyss was able to turn his scarves into wings to avoid getting hit. As that happened, Ink reappeared in front of Error, and kicked him as hard as he could, before he went up from behind Error, swung his paintbrush, and sends Error through the portal in the form of the purple paint that he had made with his paintbrush. Ink than jumped in, and the Sekirei realizes what they must do. Benitsubasa, Oriha, Akitsu, and Kaho went through the portal as fast as they could. Abyss just simply flied into the portal, and the portal is now no longer being able to be used.

In Ink's Remnant...

A purple puddle of paint appeared on the ground, and before anyone realizes what could happen...if they are indeed paying attention, of course, Error flied out of the ground, and landed onto the pavement. Abyss, Ink, and his Sekirei, all jumped out and landed down onto the ground, while facing Error.

"So...this is what your Remnant looks like, huh?"

Abyss whispered to Ink, as Ink spoke back.

"'s not really my Remnant. Just the one that I had decided to live in. My version of it is just a blank white space, with nothing inside of it. Purely nothing."

Abyss looks at Ink, and he seemed a bit sympathetic, but cannot think about it now, as he and Ink turned back to Error, who is beginning to stand up from the ground.


Error began to laugh...and everyone began to take a step back from that. And a good thing as well...because as soon as Error began to attack...he went ham and began the try whatever he can to kill them by going all out.

Clearly, Error has lost his mind. But thankfully, Abyss made a wall of crystal which protected the group from being pierced and blasted by Error. Benitsubasa and Kaho looked a bit unease, Oriha looked scared, and Akitsu still had her blank face.

"Man, this son of a bitch does not hold back now does he?!"

Benitsubasa spoke out, as Ink spoke back.

"Nope, he does not. Than again, though..."

He gripped his Paintbrush, and spoke out to her.

"Neither do I dare hold back in a fight against Error Sans."

Ink than leapt up into the air, and began to charge in towards the AU Destroyer.

Ink and Error than resumed combat against each other again. And needless to say, neither of them are holding back against each other. It is as though the god of creation and god of destruction are determining the fates of the Alternate Universe while they fight in the middle of this Earth that Ink lives on top of. But luckily, he is not going to be here to do it alone, because this time, he has his Sekirei to help him aid him in this fight at Error, and the fact that he is now having a new friend in the form of Abyss Sans, who is said to be even worse than Ink, in terms of being very annoying and being very difficult to beat, and not to mention having creations that are much more harder to break than Ink's, as when it came to Ink, Error could destroy it with very little difficult. But for Abyss, his creations to nearly a whole hour.

Speaking of him, Abyss tried to fire his Gaster Abyss Blaster at Error in an effort to bring him down. But Error avoided it, as he than spoke out in a psychotic tone.


Error grabbed onto one of his blasters with his strings, and swung it, as the laser moved and tried to attack Abyss. Abyss than does the same with his Abyss Chain wrapping around the Gaster Abyss Blaster, but they didn't manage to hit the other. Error than landed on the ground, and fired another blaster at Abyss, but Abyss retaliated back at Error by firing his Gaster Abyss Blaster in return in order to combat Error's Blaster.

Abyss and Error held at each other for quite a bit, until Abyss fired a Crystal Bone at the blue strings, and unlike last time, where Error was still floating, even with the strings severed, Error fell down to the ground this time, and the concentration of his Error Blaster was weakened enough that the Gaster Abyss Blaster overpowered the Error Blaster, exploding it and sending Error back by the power of the explosion. Error groaned, as he stood up, but as he did, a shadow from above was fast. And Error quickly looked up, just in time to see that Kaho is in the air, ready to attack her.

"Take this one for size!!"

Kaho shouted, as she swung her Naginata at Error, who than dodged the attack. Error than tried to fire and attack at Kaho with his red bones, but Kaho avoided them and blocked them. He than attacked with his Blue Strings in an effort to control her. But Kaho used her Naginata to slice and cut through them just as she had done before back in the Anti-Void. This made Error annoyed, as than, Benitsubasa attacked and punched Error in the face, sending him back a little bit. Error than fired an Error Blaster, but Benitsubasa dodged the attack. Error than summoned Red Bones from the ground, and they are all coming towards her, but Benitsubasa has another idea for this, as she than used Extreme Quake to make a miniature fissure to stop the bones. Benitsubasa looks up, as she sees that Error is about to fire his Blue Strings again. Benitsubasa, not wasting time, leaps up, and tries to do whatever she can to avoid getting caught and ensnared by them. Problem of them manages to latch onto her, and Error yanked with as much force as he can muster, as he than slammed her back down to the ground with a loud crash. A lamppost fell down, and the glass from the lightbulb crashed as well, breaking into countless pieces. Error sighed, as he thought that she was down. But he thought to soon, as the debris all over began to scatter and spread, and Error looks, as Benitsubasa is up still, and needless to say, Error made a pretty big mistake.

Benitsubasa glared, as energy began to course through her body. Her anger becoming greater, as she cannot seem to bring Error down, no matter what she does. Why is it that he won't stay down!! Than again, only Ink has been able to bring him down and Abyss likely is able to do the same, but that is because they are on a whole new level compared to the 2 of them. Now though, she does not care about bringing him down. No anymore. She just now wants to give out and dish out as much pain at Error as much as she could for using an attack like that on her.

Benitsubasa than clenched her fist, as purple energy began to generate from her right fist. She than shouted out at the top of her lungs.


Error rushed forward, but she than fired a purple blast of energy. Error, not wanting to take the rush, fired his Error Blaster. When both the Error Blaster and the Shredder met, Shredder somehow made being pushed a bit more slower than when she used Pulverizer. But it still did not change the fact that her energy blast is getting pushed. But as Error focuses his attention in Benitsubasa, he than got stabbed and sliced at the same time.


Error cried out in pain, and he looks behind him to see that it was Oriha and Akitsu that had hit him, as Error glared, he spoke out.

"Y-Y-You Bo-o-oth!!!"

He than attempts to attack...but his concentration was gone, and got blasted by Shredder when it overpowered Error's Blaster. And the pain that Error had now felt is immense. It is not as bad as Ink's or Abyss' blast, but it is still very painful nonetheless. Though it is not any unspeakable pain, thankfully.

But this does not mean that Error is dead from that attack. Because after the Shredder attack finished...Error than stood up from the ground, and he looked a bit more pissed off than before. Error spoke out.


Error than summoned a whole legion of Error Gaster Blasters and began to fire them all over the place, and everyone began to take cover, as they try to avoid getting hit by the Blasters.



Everyone did all that they could to avoid getting attacked by the Error Gaster Blasters. But it seems that Error is going full ballistic on them, as he wants to make absolutely sure that none of them get o it alive.

Abyss and Ink landed on the ground, as they prepare to fire their Gaster Blasters at Error, and Benitsubasa appeared next to Ink, with her right hand getting ready to attack with the Shredder technique once again.

Purple energy began to generate into her palm, as Abyss and Ink stared. Error turns their attention to them, and shouted out.


He fired the Error Blasters at the 3 of them, as they also fired their energy attacks at Error and his blasters. Their attacks combined, as they than clashed with the Error Gaster Blasters, pushing against each other with all of their might. Error stood his ground, as he glared at Abyss, Ink, and Benitsubasa, as he is doing everything that he can to try and bring them down. Benitsubasa, Ink, and Abyss feel the same thing, and they are going to make absolutely sure that Error goes down first. And each of them are not going to stop until Error is finally brought down.

But unfortunately...for the 4 of them...they pushed way to hard, as the 2 4 beams exploded.


This created a powerful explosion that sends all 4 of them back. Abyss, Ink, and Benitsubasa crashed into a building behind them, whine Error was simply launched back into a car, which than exploded very violently.


Abyss and Ink groaned, as they got out of the building, and Benitsubasa got out as well, as she spoke out.

"Seriously!! What does it take for us to bring Error down??!!!"

Benitsubasa is getting extremely irritated, as she cannot believe that Error is still refusing to go down, even with the odds being stacked against his way. And Error...he just came out from the ground, again.

Benitsubasa has a menacing grin now present, making some of Ink's Sekirei, minus Akitsu, unnerved, as she spoke out to Error in a rather low, yet very cruel tone of voice.

"Perhaps you don't mind if I can rip off your head? That would sound fun, right?"

But Error had a different response, as he spoke out with a rather unnerving grin of his own.

"H-H-How about I-I-I-I-I-I rip your-our eyeballs-balls out of your face-ace, and make you-you m-m-munch of them?"

Obvious, Error can think of far more gruesome threats than what Beitsubasa can do, and it is really kissing her of, as Benitsubasa than clenched her fist very tightly, as she spoke out.

"Oh your are gonna regret saying that!!"

Benitsubasa clenched her fist, and spoke out.


She than punches the ground with all of her might, as a vertical fissure began to form and directs itself towards Error Sans. But Error Sans smirked, as he than jumped up into the air. But this is what Benitsubasa wanted, as she than leapt up, punched in the chin, and through him into the fissure.

But Error is not going to let that happen to him this easily, as he than teleported above Benitsubasa, in an effort to try and blast her. But Benitsubasa than used her enhanced physicality to unleash a powerful clap that made a powerful shockwave, sending her back down to the ground, while also disorientating Error's vision and hearing a little bit. But Error is not going to give up and let Benitsubasa win in this fight.

Error landed on the ground, and smirked, as he than used his things to grab onto some steel support for a building that was about to be constructed, and through it at Benitsubasa, who than clenched her fist, and punched through it with all of her might. The steel snapped in half like a twig, as the 2 halves crashed and scraped the pavement. Benitsubasa and Error stared at each other in the eyes, as Benitsubasa than rushed forward, and punched the ground. Error dodge out of the way before her fist could connect, and Benitsubasa turned around and swiped her hand to grab Error by the scarves. Error tried to dodge, but he still was grabbed there, as Benitsubasa through Error into another building. Error busts out of it, and Error ran full speed towards Benitsubasa, as he fired Red Bones at her. But Benitsubasa leapt out of the way, and this time, it is Oriha's turn to take this fight against Error. And needless to say, she is very eager to make sure that Error pays for attacking Ink and hurting him the way that he did.

"So-So...your-our turn huh-uh-uh?! Well than...BE DESTROYED!!!"

Error shouted, as he fired his Blasters at Oriha, who got onto one of her flying metal gears, and went up into the air. Error looks up, and sees Oriha extending her hand out, as the Metal Gears launched themselves at Error. But Error fired his Red Bones at Oriha's Metal Gears, and they are knocked back by the power and strength of the gears. Oriha glared, as she looks down at Error, very annoyed that he can be this powerful against all of them, even with help. But as that happened...Ink stood up, and seemed to have recovered fast, as he spoke out to Error...

"You are not going to take them down this easily, Error."

Error looks behind himself, and saw Ink...but there is something wrong. His irises are now white with black pupils, looking somewhat normal, and even more strange...through the Sekirei's connection with Ink, they could feel something inside of him. His Emotions...they are beginning to fade.

Ink glared at Error as he clenched his fist, and Error spoke out to Ink.

"Oh-Oh...s-s-so you're b-ba-back in act-ction once again, huh? Hahahahahah!!! Well than...TIME TO DIE!!!"

Error than fired his Blue Strings at Ink, who prepares to use his Paintbrush to defend defend against them. But before he could...


Even with the little emotions that Ink could feel...he can at least feel one emotion, surprise, as he did not know what had happened. He looks up...and saw that there is someone in front of him...but not someone that he knows.

"What in be world?"

Abyss said, as the female with the pigtails and blue eyes had somehow been okay from the sudden attack, and had protected Ink. How did that even happen?


Error spoke out, as even he has no idea what just happened. Ink looks down at the ground, and saw the strings sliced to bits. How in the world did that girl get here...and more did she cut the strings being launched at Ink? But Ink than noticed something on the girl's back...a bird symbol...with a yin-yang symbol beneath it. It didn't take long for Ink to realize what this could mean. This girl that is before is none other than a Sekirei.


The girl began to blush, as she took her attention to Ink, and only Ink. It didn't take long for Ink to realize what is about to happen.

"Oh boy. Paps is gonna explode once I get back to him."

Ink spoke out, before he is a tackled by the Sekirei, and than...bright white wings, similar to an angel's, bloomed from her nape, as the Sekirei than spoke out to Ink, her new Ashikabi.

" yours forever..."

Error covered his eyes, as the bright light is too much for his shortsighted vision. But Abyss was surprised at this, as he did not expect for this to happen. Than, he looked at the other Sekirei, and began to realize that they also have bird symbols as well.

"Are they not human at all? So no quirk and semblance of any kind. Not even a Sacred Gear?"

Abyss looks forward, and spoke out.

"If so...what even are they?"

The moment Ink winged the Sekirei...Shi...he felt his emotions be recharged. The Tine just barely changed in anyway. It is still just about 8 hours. Error looked back at the Sekirei that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and spoke out.

"So-So you-ou wan-wanna-na die-die to, fine th-tha-than...DIE."

Error than fired more Blue Strings, in an attempt to attack Shi. But Shi than did something that is very unexpected, not even Ink realized what was going to happen.

Shi somehow had blades hidden underneath her very long sleeves. Looks like she wanted to make them hidden just in case she needed to surprise the ones that she's targeting. But even though that is the case, that does not make her an assassin, as Ink could tell that...she is way to kind and shy to have assassin mentality.

And it explains how she was able to cut through them, as she than began to slice and react to the strings as fast as she could, so that her Ashikabi could be protected. Needless to say, this made Error annoyed. But he gets even more annoyed, once Kaho decides to jump into the fray.

Kaho spins her Naginata, as Kaho, along with Shi, began to slice and cut through them without any difficulty whatsoever. Ink smiled, as Ink than leapt up into the air, and swung his Paintbrush at Error, in an attempt to bring him down. But Error got out of the way, as Ink than ran full speed at Error, and punched him in the face, sending Error back a little bit, and hurting his head a little. Error stood up, and looks at Ink, before Abyss and Akitsu than came out of nowhere, and tried to fire Abyss Shards and ice at Error in an attempt to pierce him with them. Error, was able to react and had dodge the attack, and tried to fire Blue Strings at the 2 of them. But Akitsu pulls out an ice shield between her hands, and enlarged it just enough to block the strings and prevent them from reaching out to her. In the meantime, Abyss fired Abyss Shards at Error in an attempt to pierce him again, and Ink tries to fire sharp Paint Bones at Error as well, as both the Sharp projectiles comes in full speed towards Error. But Error than made a wall of Red Bones, and was able to defend against them for a little bit, before being forced to jump away, as the Abyss Shards breached the wall, and went through it. Error landed on the ground, and looked at Ink, as he spoke out.

"I-I-I do not-it ca-are how many people you-sen-you send in your fight to help-he-elp you!! You will die, along with the many Alternate Universes that you are so desperate to try and protect for so long!! I will make sure the you watch ad you see that all of your efforts will be for nothing!!!"

Error was getting even more angrier by the second. And Ink smiled, as he than spoke out to Error in a very menacing tone of his own.

"Perhaps...but I can make sure you having a certain someone come to you."

Ink than swung his Paintbrush above in the middle, and before Error realizes what is about to happen...someone fell down from the paint portal that Ink had made...which than dissipated. When Error got a good look at the person in question...well...he realizes just how screwed that he is.

"Oh no-no-no."

Error said, recognize what this is. It is Fatal Error, who he accidentally created when he attempted to try and kill Geno, and her failed, due to the Determination he has, in combination with being inside of the Save Screen, which prevented his death. When Fatal Error turned to see Error...he was not happy,

"Error Error Error Error Error!! I have found you found you found you found you!!!"

Fatal Error spoke out, in what seems to be a combination of many glitched voices, and the fact that he is so eager to kill Error for what he had done to him in the past, means that he is ready to come back at Error with a vengeance for what he had done to him. Error stepped back, but knows he cannot step away from this one, as it is going to chase him no matter what. So...without any hesitation, Error and Fatal Error began to fight against each other.

The problem is...Fatal Error is m stronger than Error Sans, due to having Determination, and having abilities that not even Error Sans himself possesses. But the only good thing about Error, is that unlike Fatal Error, who has lost his mind, Error is a bit more sane and focused on combat, not that he sane-sane, but rather sane enough to not have lost his mind.

Fatal Error than launched Fatal Bones at Error, who fired his Red Bones at Fatal's. He they than fired Fatal Blasters and Error Blasters at each other, and finally...

Error and Fatal Error attacked with strings, as they tug at each other in order to beat each other, before Error makes a portal to the Anti-Void...and they both fell in, so that their battle can continue somewhere else where they can deal with each other. The portal is than closed up, and it looks as though nothing happened.

Abyss stepped forward...and spoke out, since nobody said a word.

"Well...that's one problem take care of. But now...I gotta head back."

Abyss extended his arm out, and a blue portal opened, as Ink spoke out.

"Do you think we'll meet again someday, Abyss?"

Abyss looks at Ink and smirked.

"Well...since I saw the Doodle Sphere long enough...I can come to ya. So no worries. See ya, Ink."

Ink waved his hand goodbye, as Abyss went through the portal, and it closed up, as Abyss returned to the Remnant he lives in. But Ink knows...they'll reunite again.

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