Meeting with the spawns

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Ink is shown to be outside, as he is walking along with his Sekirei...and Rishia, as they began to go into Union City. The reason that they are going into Union is because they are going grocery shopping. And no, it is not because that they are in low on food within the fridge or anything. It is for something special, something that it today, and both Eri and Kusano are with them. The reason it was is November 25th. It is the year and the day of Thanksgiving. Because of this, Ink wants to get the turkey and the other sort of stuff that Ink would get for the usual Thanksgiving holiday. He just hopes that he can pull it off and get it at the store.

And luckily, with his Sekirei helping him, he is going to have one heck of a breeze, as this would mean 2 things. One, he would have more help and a much faster time getting the ingredients that he needs. And 2, he would have protection against any of his bullies at Union, and he would not worry a single bit about getting attacked. Also, his brother, Papyrus, is also here. So that sort of makes the job easier for Ink.

Ink Papyrus seems to be happy, as he than spoke out.

"It is just such a great time to be with you, Sans, especially with my sister-in-laws! I never had the chance to get out and have a nice friendly walk with you all!"

The Sekirei looked at Papyrus with a smile on their faces, as Ink smiled, as he has never seen them outside and having fun with each other before. Clearly, it is a very happy thing for Papyrus to do. Ink than feels his hands being tugged by something, and he looks down to see Eri and Kusano looking up at him. Ink smiled at the 2 of them, as he spoke out.

"You excited for your first Thanksgiving, you both?"

Kusano and Eri nodded their heads tadpole, as they both smiled and spoke out to Ink.

"We are, Bug Brother, and we cannot wait to do it with you!"

Ink chuckled, as he rubs his hands onto their hands, ruffling their hair a bit, which made the 2 of them giggle.

"I'm happy we get to do it together as well. It ain't the first time for me, but it is the first time doing it with more than just my brother and friends!"

Kusano and Eri smiled wider, as they both than hugged at Ink's body, as Ink picked the up and hugged them as well, as they kept on waking. Eri and Kusano feel happy, as they are caught into the embrace of their big adoptive brother

Shi looked around, a little bit nervous of what she is in right now, and clearly, she has no idea how many people are in this city. She also is very nervous, as she has no idea how people think of her, or what they'll think of doing to her.

She decided to get a little bit more behind and closer to Ink, as she is very nervous of all the people around her, and in order to make sure that she feels much more secure and safe. She may have weapons, but she is not much of a violent person, nor does she have a heart to fight against people. Luckily, she is not the only one, as Kuno and Rishia are also with her. Even though they are shy, they have found some sort of companionship within each other.

" will be alright, Shi. You have Ink and me and Rishia."

Kuno spoke out, as Rishia nodded.

"Fueee...yes. As long as we are with each other and with Ink, than we would all be fine just as we are right now."

Shi looks at both Rishia and Kuno, unable to be sure what to say about this. But Shi smiled, as she and the other 2 stuck much closer than ever, as Shi than spoke out to them both.

"Th...Thank you both for...being there for's so kind of you both to do it for me."

Kuno and Rishia smiled as well, and it seems that they both are far more closer than even anyone else could imagine.

As Ink smiled a little bit at the 2 Sekirei behind him, as well as Rishia...Ink than sensed something, a familiar presence.


Ink said, as he stopped his tracks, and his Sekirei watched as they did the same.

"What's wrong, Ink? Is there something on your mind?"

Ink than spoke out to Benitsubasa.

"More like I'm sensing someone familiar."

Ink than turns his head to the direction of where he is sensing it. He than goes to that direction, and the Sekirei looked confused at what it is that Ink is doing right now.

"Umm...Papyrus. Is your brother like that on occasion?"

Benitsubasa said, and Papyrus spoke out to her.

"No, not really. In fact, he only acts like that in only one circumstance. I think we should go to him, just in case it is what I think it is."

The Sekirei shrugged at each other, and then than start to run to where Ink is heading. They kept on running and running, and after a little bit, they saw Ink who's stopped, looking shocked at something. The Sekirei were confused, until they also decided to look up, and they were shocked at what they were seeing before them. So much that even they have no idea if their eyes are tricking them or not.

Before Ink, are 2 people, and one of them is made of paint, while the other resembles Error Sans, due to his face, and the fact that there are Errors all over his body. The Sekirei are shocked, as there are 2 lookalikes of Ink before him.  Just what in the world are these 2. But as if they are wondering for an Answer, Ink than shouted out their names, unexpectedly.

"Paperjam, Gradient!!"

Ink shouted out. The 2 of them looked and saw Ink, and they are both extremely happy.

"Father Ink!!!"

"F-Father I-Ink!!!"

They both shouted, as they leapt up and hugged Ink, as Ink hugged back. Clearly, he is very happy to see his kids, especially since it had been months since they had both seen each other, even though...they are also a year old.

Benitsubasa and the others looked surprised, as Benitsubasa spoke out.

"Ink, why did these 2 call you father?"

Ink looks at Benitsubasa and smacked his head, a she did not tell them about these 2.

"Oh...right, These 2 are named Paperjam and Gradient. is obvious why they call me father...because he is mine and Error's spawns."

The instants that he said they, Benitsubasa suddenly exploded in shock, as she shouted out.


This made Ink jump a little bit at the tone of voice that Benitsubasa is using on him. But he sighed, as he than spoke out to her.

No, no. It is not what it looks like...nor is it what you are thinking! None of us...we did 'that' business. In fact...we made them on accident."

Oriha looked confused, and spoke out.

"What do you mean?"

Ink than spoke out.

"Error and I made them through the aftermath of your fight. My paint and Error's strings combined to make them. Though...Paperjam takes my side more, due to being mostly made of pair, and Gradient has more of an Error body, due to being and having a much more physical body. But Error, he despised them, due to thinking as abominations. So I had to take it upon myself to try and raise them. This also includes protecting them from Error, who despises them so much that, if he ever sees them in the Anti-Void, he'll kill them."

This had made the Sekirei feel bad for Ink and his kids, but at the same time, they felt their hearts feel warm, as they heard they Ink had to take care of them and love them, when Error rejected their existences from their birth in their time of fighting.

Yashima looks down at both Paperjam and Gradient, as she than spoke out to them.

"How old are they?"

Paperjam spoke out.

"I'm a younger than my brother. My brother, Gradient, is the oldest child, since he was born first. He was born on March 5th. As for me, I was born on October 1st. But as for how old we are...we, you can say that we're both 1 year old. Basically...yeah."

Everyone was surprised. The fact that they are this young, and her, managed to take the shape of teenagers, even though they are just much taller than Eri, and they are also able to speak English perfectly, is just incredible. This is something that they have never seen happen before in their whole lives.

"Also, you've never introduced them to us, Father Ink! Who are they?!"

Ink looked surprised and smacked his head, feeling a little bit stupid at not introducing them, before he spoke out to them.

"Oh, right. These are Sekirei. They are Benitsubasa, Yashima, Oriha, Kaho, Kuno, Shi, Akitsu, and the one holding my hand here is Kusano. The one with the horn is not a Sekirei, her name is Eri."

Paperjam and Gradient smiled and greeted them.



Gradient and Paperjam than noticed they see what seems to be the Sekirei's cores being bonded to Ink.

"U-Um-Umm...f-fath-father-father Ink...w-w-why do they l-oo-look so con-connect-connected to you? This is-is-is not normal, y'know."

Ink Sans looked a little bit nervous, but he still acted truthful towards them.

"They are winged, when I kissed them, which made them connected to me. In their sort of means as like an act of...marriage."

The moment he said that, Gradient went in front of Ink and spoke out with an excited voice.

"Real-Really?! Really?! We-W-We have step-step-stepmothers??!!!"

Ink was about to answer, but than, Benitsubasa smiled and spoke out.

"That's right, you have stepmothers. Including even me, Benitsubasa!"


Ink said in a panicked tone, as he is unsure how to deal with this situation, but Paperjam couldn't hold his excitement and exploded as well.

"This is amazing!!! I always wanted to have a mother, let alone multiple mothers!!!"

Ink Sans was shocked, before he smacked his face, as he spoke out to Benitsubasa.

"Nice job, Benitsubasa, now you had just made this whole thing worse than before!!"

Ink was now distressed at what she did, as he could not believe it. He never thought that he can feel this frustrated in his life, nor would he feel this embarrassed in his life! Why in the world would Benitsubasa do this to him?! What it trying to make him suffer for the fact that he had kids before Benitsubasa and the others could do their thing with Ink? If that is the correct answer, than clearly, it just be a correct one, because Benitsubasa is mischievously and mockingly grinning in a way. But regardless, he does not only feel annoyed by what Benitsubasa has done. In fact, he feels another thing, when it involves both Gradient and Paperjam.

Ink Sans smiled, as he looked down at Paperjam and Gradient, as they were both very happy to see that they have stepmothers, especially since all of parents them are going to be family to them. Clearly, they had always wanted to know at what it is like to have a mother, and now, they get to have multiple mothers to have, and each of them are very good to them. Benitsubasa seems to like Paperjam the most, though, because his personality is similar to Benitsubasa's.

Paperjam and Gradient smiled at each other, as they get to be with one of their fathers for a holiday that they have yet to try out. that they will finally get to have a very special chance.


Ink and the others are now walking out of a grocery shop, with a bunch of bags in their hands. Ink is holding a couple of bags, Benitsubasa and Yashima are holding a lot. Guess their physical strength makes them more than enough to try and carry as much of them as possible. Well...hopefully they can go back to the house in piece and quiet, and without having to get into an incident that will force everyone here to fight against some stuff.

"I think we got everything that we need for what we need to cook."

Kaho spoke out, as Ink nodded, and looks and see that everyone else has everything needed.

"Yeah, I think so as well. Now we just need to-"


This made Ink raise his head up, and looks angry, as he spoke out.

"And I thought we would be able to go back to the house without anyone I hate having to come to me."

Ink turns around, and sure enough, it was team RWBY again, and needless to say, the Sekirei would feel his anger. It is obvious that they are people that had done bad stuff to him. Ink than grabbed onto the bags, put them in a portal, and as soon as he is done, he than spoke out to Team RWBY in anger.

"I thought that I was done with you 4!! Why can't you take the hint and leave me alone!!"

Eri looked very nervous, as they saw the ones that hurt Ink coming in towards her big brother, and it is not a good sign. Oriha looked confused at this, as she than turns to Ink for answers.

"Do you know them, Ink~?"

Oriha spoke out, as Ink nodded.

"Yeah, they are friends of those devils that you had fought when you had found me, along with Benitsubasa."

Benitsubasa clenched her fist, and spoke out, angrily.

"You don't say, huh! Than I guess we can just beat them down without having to worry about holding back against spilling their blood out!"

Ruby, not wanting to get blocked and denied the chance to gain Ink's forgiveness, charged in and tried to use her Pedal Burst to try and grab him. But a plant than grew very fast and wrap its branches around Ruby, and stopped her.

"What the?!!"

Ruby shouted, as she looks to see Kusano, looking very upset of what Ruby had tried to do, and knowing that they are people that are not good at all.

"Hey, leave my Big Brother alone, you meanies!!"

Kusano shouted out at the ones that had hurt Ink back when he was in Union Academy. She flung Ruby back, and made her crash into Blake, sending her off of her feet as well.


Yang shouted, as Ink than spoke out.

"You know what, Yang?! I am getting tired of having to repeat myself over and over and over!! I am going to say this for the last time!! Leave me alone!!! I am not going to forgive you for all the times you hurt me, and I never will!! So for the final time, back off!!"

Ink is clearly loosing his patience, as Yang snarled out, and spoke out.

"You are going to come with us, wether you like it or not!!!"

Yang than launched herself at Ink's direction, but Paperjam immediately made an Ink shield and Yang ends up hitting it. It was a flexible shield, as it than sends her back like a spring.

"Let-Let us take this one, F-F-Father!"

Gradient said, as both Paperjam and Gradient stepped forward and prepare to fight against them

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gradient and Paperjam went in front of Ink, and got out their stuff out, and gets ready to fight against the ones that had caused their father this much suffering on their lives. While Paperjam is terrible at offense, at defense, he is very capable of that. Gradient is kind of the reverse of Paperjam. He does possess some level of defense, but not to the same extent as Ink and Paperjam. He does possess a level of good offense that is comparable to to his father, Ink. He just hopes that it will pay off for Paperjam and himself. Besides, he wouldn't mind trying to get involved into another fight, especially to those that hurt Ink.

Ruby tried to fire bullets at Crescent Rose, along with Blake firing bullets and Yang doing the same. But Paperjam made a shield to protect himself and Gradient from the bullets, and Gradient launched Green Digital Bones at the Huntresses, as Weiss than made glyph that protected her group. But than, Gradient suddenly appeared behind and punched Weiss in the back, hurting her spine, but not breaking it.

Gradient appeared next to Paperjam, as Yang than shouted out.

"Hey!! That is not fair, little brats!!!"

Gradient stuck his tongues out at the bullies, as a way to mock them for how terrible they are at fighting, and that is really starting to enrage Yang, as she than charged at Gradient, and attempt to attack him. But Paperjam got in the way and was able to stop the blow from occurring, by making a shield of ink and paint. Not that it didn't help matters, since Paperjam got hit and was sent flying.


Ink shouted.


Benitsubasa screamed. Before acting incredibly enraged, and charges at Yang Xiao Long, in order to make sure that she pays hurting Paperjam.

"Take this one on for size!!"

Benitsubasa reeled her fist back, and launched it at Yang, punching her gut, and sending her flying back.

"How do you like that, Cow?!"

Gradient than charged forward, and swung his digital pen, launching sharp digital green bones at Blake. She was able to dodge them, but than, Kaho appeared in front of Blake, and swung her Naginata at Blake, sending her back by the force of the swing. But Blake is still not giving up, as she than tries to charge forward, but Kaho unleashed a powerful kick in the gut, causing Blake to spit out blood, and to her her gut, as she fell onto the floor on her knees. Clearly, their power has increased alright. And it is going to increase more with what Benitsubasa is going to do next.

Gradient was about to run forward, but Yashima puts her hand on his shoulder, as Gradient spoke out.

"What-What are you doing, Mother-Mother Yash-ashima?!"

Yashima looks down at Gradient and spoke out.

"Let me and Oriha handle it from here."

Yashima than ran forward, and jumped up in the air, and tried to hit Ruby, who avoided the attack. Yashima looks at Ruby with a stern glare, clearly not happy that people from Ink's life hurt him. Well, now it is time that she gets to return the favor by hurting them.

Yashima swings her hammer at Ruby, as Ruby than steps out of the way to try and avoid getting hit by it. She leapt up in the air, and she spun around, and she tries to slice at Yashima. But Yashima jumped back, and was able to avoid getting hit by the scythe.

Ruby gripped Crescent Rose tightly, as she prepares to attack and fight against the ones that are defending Ink. She fired bullet rounds at Yashima...only for Yashima to speak out to Ruby.

"These bullets are very annoying. Time to put you down for the count."

Yashima than swung her hammer, and Ruby was forced to get out of the way. Unfortunately, this time, she got hit, but by the last person that she expected. She got hit by Kuno, who used her Sonic Scream to send Ruby flying away. And this time, the scream was much more powerful and potent. So much that Ruby lost a chunk of her aura, and crashed into a building.

Oriha snarled at Weiss, as she shouted out at the Ice Queen.

"You are going to pay for what you have done to my Ashikabi~!!!"

Even though she is still singing in this sing song voice of hers, she is in fact very enraged with what Weiss and the others have done. So now it is Oriha's then to make sure that they feel pain themselves. And it will be the worst one that she can think of for Weiss.

Oriha than swung her Metal Gears at Weiss, in an attempt to try and bring her down. Weiss used whatever Glyphs that she have in an effort to try and defend against the strikes that Oriha is dishing out to her. But Oriha shows no mercy, and eventually, she was able to get past the glyphs, and strike at her as much as she could, before Weiss finally ran out of Aura. The same thing applies to Blake, after a beating with Kaho.

With Benitsubasa and Yang, the blonde brawler tries to attack and strike at Benitsubasa. But the thing is, Yang has a brawler fighting style of sorts. While Benitsubasa is a martial artist. Benitsubasa was able to attack and defend and counterattack against Yang, and while she did get hit by bullets, those barely did anything more than annoy her greatly. Benitsubasa than punched Yang into the air and stepped on her stomach when she fell down, making her spit out blood, grabbed her by the neck, and through her into a wall. But Yang took enough of a beating to activate her semblance, in a last ditch effort to try and bring down Benitsubasa.


Benitsubasa glared, and spoke out.


Ink and Benitsubasa looked at each other and nodded, as Benitsubasa kissed Ink in the lips, and her wings spread out, as Benitsubasa is ready to boost her power with the help of Ink. She is goin got make sure that the blonde brawler pays for what she had done to Ink, for hurting Ink, and for hurting little Paperjam.

"By the palms of my vow, the Ashikabi's doubts will be battered!"

Benitsubasa shouted, as she activates her Norito.

Benitsubasa and Yang stared at each other for several moment, before eventually...they both launched at each other, and attempt to try and bring the other down.



Benitsubasa and Yang than launched and charged at each other, and each have a bunch of attacks to use. They punched, strikes, and hit, and each hit made powerful shockwave that breaks the ground. But when they both reeled their fist back, and punched...only one landed the critical blow.

Benitsubasa finally ended the fight...with one single gut punch, which was strong enough to finally knock Yang unconscious, due to the pain being so unbearable now. Should have taken the hint and left Ink alone, and never hit Paperjam.

Benitsubasa and the others looked down, and saw that Team RWBY are not getting up.

" least that is taken care of. Let's go back home and cook that Thanksgiving dinner."

Ink swung his paintbrush and made a portal back home.

"Oh, right!!"

Benitsubasa shouted, as the others than went into the ports as fast as they could, until they all went through it.

Ink and everyone else: Happy Thanksgiving!!

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