The Protector of Creation vs The Beast of Destruction

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Ink smiled, as he stretched his arms from sleeping soundly. Clearly, he was happy that his downs, Paperjam and Gradient were able to visit him for the Thanksgiving dinner along with their Sekirei Stepmothers, and their uncle Papyrus, who was also present with the others. Clearly, it had been a very good day for him and his Sekirei, especially when they had first met their stepsons. Ink could help but feel happy for them, as Ink could see that they do not have th be alone anymore, as they now have some family members to finally look up to, when it involves the spawns.

Ink looks out the window, as he sees the sun come out, and he than looks down at himself, as he spoke out to himself, in a reassuring tone.

"Maybe a walk outside can make me feel happier. After all, the sky is simply cloudy. It is not rainy and all of that, so...what could go wrong? A Lightning Storm?"

Ink chuckled at himself, clearly thinking that a lightning storm in the time of November would be ridiculous. But nevertheless, Ink gets up, and gets dressed. He puts on his shoes, than he puts on his pants, than he puts on the shirt and the vest before he wraps the jacket around his waist. Ink smiled, but realizes that he is missing something. His Paintbrush. Ink looks around for it, and saw what that it is leaning against the wall as it always has been.

Ink got out his Paintbrush, and puts it on his back, as he began to look around at himself to see if there is anymore clothing that he needs to give to himself, just in case he's missing something to wear. When he sees that there's nothing else, he spoke out.

"Well, I guess that this is all that I need. Time to get out."

Ink said to himself, as he than began to walk out the door, and closed it from behind. Ink smiled, as he than made a portal with his paint, and entered it, as the portal closed from behind Ink.

As that happened...Ink went out of the other side, and smiled, as he looks around to see the city that he is in right now. It is a city that he always liked. He than began to go around, to try and see what types of art exists in the city...and...


Ink stopped at the sudden he than turned around to see who it is that has made such a sound in the first place. And needles so to say, on his immensely frustration and disbelief, it was a creature that Ink had hoped to never face all on his own.

Ink glared angrily, as he cannot believe his luck at what he is seeing before his very eyes. The Trihexa, of all the thing that had to attack, had somehow came out of their seal, and began to go on a rampage on Union City alone. And even worse, is that Union Academy, they are fighting against it, but so far, they are not doing so great against the might of this creature. It also does not help the fact that some of his friends are facing off against the Trihexa, and they are at a very severe disadvantage in fighting it.

All-Might leapt up into the air, and punched it with his strongest attack, but all this did was annoy the Trihexa very badly. Trihexa than swiped his arm at All-Might, but Sirzechs made a portal behind him, and got him into it, before the Trihexa could have a hand to kill him. Issei, in his Red Dragon Balance Breaker form, leapt up into the air, flies, and struck.

"Take this on for size, dipshit!!"

Issei than fired a Dragon Shot at full power, and while this was able to damage the Trihexa in a way, this did very little to stop it. Instead, the Trihexa just regenerated, and swatted Issei like he is nothing more than a little gnat. Clearly, Issei, in spite of being the not strong enough against the Trihexa. But he is so arrogant, stubborn, and stupid, that he does not know how to give up. He charges back in again, and unleashes another Dragon Shot at it, as the beam of demonic boosted energy burned into the entity's body, causing the Trihexa immense agony. Unfortunately, though, this also serves to enrage and irritate the Trihexa to no end, as it than made its attack on Issei. Issei was able to get out of the way, but unfortunately, this did not stop the Trihexa from smacking at him, which sends him down to the ground.

Sirzechs goes into the air, and fires a blast of destruction at the Trihexa, with Rias being with her brother, doing the same thing. The combined Powers of Destruction were able to destroy a bunch of the Trihexa's body parts, but they simply regenerated, and then struck back with a flame breath. Sirzechs and Rias made a defensive circle to protect themselves, but this did very little, as the power and the yield of the fireball was so powerful that it shattered the magic circle with a powerful explosion, sending them both back.

Ink shrugged, though he does feel bad for Sirzechs, due to being a Headmaster that had tried to help him with his situation, but cannot do anything, due to the words of someone holding him and the others back. At least they are on good terms, even after all this.

Team RWBY, on the other hand, are not as lucky, as they are having immense trouble dealing damage to the Trihexa, as their weapons seems to only annoy it at best, and have no real way or damaging it. Guess in spite of all the boasting that these false heroes have done, it is still not enough to make the work that we get had made real. And instead, it just made them look immense stupid in the process. Yang got hit by a smack of the Trihexa. She used her Burn Semblance, and while she was able to damage it, she's now seriously weakened. The Trihexa took the time to smack Yang away, sending her crashing into a building, destroying the last of her aura, and knocking her unconscious.

Deku, Uraraka CVFY, and some of the other friends of Ink are having some good progress, but even that is not enough for them to be able to defeat the Trihexa, let alone stand  alone chance against it's extremely powerful might. Needless to say, Ink is not happy that they are having immense trouble.

Team Hanzo have the worst treatment, due to the fact that, in spite of their training and their power, at the end of the day, they're still human, even if their strength is at peak level.

2 of Team Hanzo's members got knocked back by a fireball's explosion, and Ink had to make arms of paint in order to stop them from getting out of the city from the power of the yielding explosion. Those 2 members are none other than Yagyuu and Ikaruga, who Ink has a good relationship with.

"Yagyuu, Ikaruga! Are you both okay?"

Ink said, as he puts them down after he lowered his paint hands. Yagyuu and Ikaruga got on their feet, as Yagyuu spoke out to Ink.

"We are, thank you, Ink."

Ikaruga nodded, as she spoke out to him.

"It's a good catch, Ink."

Ink nodded, enforce he turns onto the Trihexa, and looks up at it, as he is ready to fight against it. And needless to say, he hates that he needs to fight off against the creature that is none other than the Beast of the Apocalypse.

"How did this thing even get out in the first place? Did someone let it out?"

Yagyuu nodded, as she spoke out.

"Apparently, Rizevim Lucifer, Vali's Grandfather, released it by getting himself killed, and now thanks to that stupid devil, the Trihexa escaped, and has already caused a lot of damage to some mythological worlds."

Ink looked deadpanned, before he smacked his head, as he spoke out to them.

"I begin to wonder if this Rizevim is even aware of the fact that he'll be killing his own kind as well. Because if he is, than clearly, he is much more nihilistic than he looked."

Ink pinched his nose, as he clearly had no idea with what Rizevim was thinking in doing something like that. As he did, he felt someone hug him from behind, and needless to say, he has a good idea on who it is, as the person in question spoke out in a voice and tone that only he can recognize.

"Ahhh, Ink. It's nice to see that you are back!"

Ink nodded, as he spoke out.

"And nice to see that you are still alive, Katsuragi. And hopefully we're still alive once this is all over."

Katsuragi smiled, as she lets go of Ink, and Ink takes out his paintbrush, before he runs towards it at full speed, with an intent to try and bring it down as much as he can. He is not sure if he can really defeat it, as Ink is a creator, and his role is to never destroy anything. But perhaps he can bring it to Error, and see if he can make an attempt at destroying this monstrosity.

The Trihexa notices Ink, and spits out a fireball at him. But Ink, not wanting to get hit by this, swung his paintbrush and the fireball hit sit, destroying the wall, but sparing Ink from getting hit himself.

The Trihexa, a little surprised by what he did, than decides to try and attack Ink again. But Ink than made a paint portal, that the fireball goes through, before another one appears from behind the Trihexa, and hits it, making the Trihexa roar in pain.

"Woo, Ink you go!!"

Katsuragi shouted, as she pumped her fist in the air, happy that Ink is now being able to show that he can combat against the Trihexa. Ink than jumps up into the air, and fired a bunch of large Ink Bones at the Trihexa, which made it howl in pain. But the Trihexa took notice of Ink, and tried to strike at him. But Ink immediately avoids the attack, and lands on a building, which the Trihexa almost hits to. But Ink immediately jumps into the air, and lands on another building. Ink narrowed his eyes, as he gripped his Paintbrush tightly, and gets ready to fight against it with all he has. Even though he cannot really kill it, due to being a creator, that won't stop him from trying to fight off against it in order to protect the version of Remnant that he lives on.

Ink looks, as the Trihexa than launched a fireball at Ink, and Ink was preparing to make another wall in order to defend against it. But before the fireball could have a chance to attack Ink, a blue blast of energy appeared out of complete nowhere, sending the Fireball somewhere else, and exploded off into the distance. Ink was caught by surprise, but than, his surprise went away, as he recognized where that blue blast came from. As that person was none other than Benitsubasa, who had arrived.

Benitsubasa ran to where Ink is at, as she spoke out, shocked at what she is seeing.

"What the fuck is that?"

Ink spoke out to Benitsubasa.

"That the Trihexa."

Benitsubasa looked at it, and she looks a bit revolted at that thing. She has never seen anything as monstrous as this, and yet, this is the first time that she is seeing the Trihexa in person. She does not know why, but she knows that this thing is making Ink worry, and she than spoke out to him.

"Think this thing is not match for you?"

Ink spoke back.

"More like...not sure if I can really beat this thing, and this is because of how fast it can regenerate, which I have no knowledge on how to take down because of it. Not as powerful of a destroyer as Error, no. But certainly doesn't stop it from being that dangerous. Not that it will stop me from fighting against this massive thing!"

Benitsubasa scoffed, as she spoke out.

"Well, than I guess I'll have to join in as well."

Ink spoke out.

"Be careful, this thing is no pushover."

Benitsubasa got into a stance, and spoke out.

"I can take it, Ink. I'm not afraid of it."

Benitsubasa jumped, before shouting with all her might.

"Extreme Quake!!!"

She punched the ground, and the fissure directed itself at the Trihexa, as since it is the size of a location, it should not be that much big of a deal...right? Wrong. The Trihexa did topple a little bit, but it did not fall down, and instead, stood up, as Benitsubasa positions her hands, and a blue pink sphere began to generate from them, as she shouted out.


She fired the pink blast of energy at the Trihexa. But the Trihexa was not amused, as it than launched an even stronger fireball, and this time, it briefly overpowers the Shredder technique, before it than exploded, making a powerful shockwave that skidded Benitsubasa back.

Benitsubasa closed her eyes a little bit as she skidded back from the power of the shockwave. But when she looked back at the Trihexa again, she saw that it was still standing up, and no worse for wear whatsoever. Benitsubasa then used her Shredder Technique on the Trihexa, and all that did was remake it regenerate again, and made it even more pissed off than it had been already

Benitsubasa was shocked, as she cannot believe what just happened. She had fired a Shredder attack at Trihexa, and it regenerated it like it was nothing!! Just what in the world is it made of? It is than that Benitsubasa realize that Ink was not joking about the entity, and the fact that it is going to be a lot more tougher than it looked. She should have listened to his warnings. And now, now she is going to be in serious trouble defeating it.

"Oh shit."

Benitsubasa said, now feeling very uneasy, and unsure of what to do, as Ink really wasn't joking when he said that it was not going to be easy to defeat when it regenerates the damage that it takes. The Trihexa prepares to attack Benitsubasa, but Ink appeared in front of her, and made a bunch of walls, as the fireball hit, going through all of them, but the walls were able to leave both Benitsubasa and Ink unharmed by the Trihexa's attempting attack.

Ink looks at Benitsubasa, and spoke out to her.

"You okay?"

Benitsubasa nodded.

"Yeah, I am. You weren't joking that it was not gonna be easy to beat it down! How does it even regenerate the way it does?"

Ink shrugged, as he spoke out.

"Even I have no idea. It just the way it is."

Benitsubasa was not happy with the answer, as she looks at the Trihexa, which than fired a fireball at the 2 of them. Ink and Benitsubasa jumped in the air, and the fireball hit the pavement, and took down a couple buildings along the way.

Benitsubasa looked down in shock. The Trihexa's power is insane. How is it that they kept it contained?

"What the fuck is this shit?! How do you even contain something like this?!"

Ink spoke out.

" the past, it was locked away by using so many layers of seals, but this was by an extremely powerful person, and the act of making these seals severely weakened him to the point where he is vulnerable to death. Now that the person is gone, and the seals are no longer available, there is only one plan that I can think of."

Benitsubasa looks at Ink, and spoke out.

"What's that?"

Ink looks up at Benitsubasa and spoke out.

"Have Error fight against it. He is able to destroy it with effort, even though the rest of us can't. I may be as powerful as Error, but my powers are based on being able to create stuff. Error's powers, on the other hand, is based on needing to destroy anything he desires. So he is a perfect person to use in order to destroy it."

Benitsubasa than spoke out.

"Can you make a portal big enough to even fit through?!"

Ink nodded.

"I can. Though first I need to throw him up into the air, which will take some concentration to do. And in order for me to do my thing, we need to incapacitate it for a temporary amount of time."

Benitsubasa snarled, as she cannot believe that they are now going to have to be forced to do this. But as Benitsubasa looked angry and is ready to slaughter anything, the Trihexa's 4 arms split into 8 more arms, and the Trihexa began to try and grab onto Ink and Benitsubasa. But before it can do that, an Icicle from above came out of complete nowhere, and stabbed them into the arms of the Trihexa.


The Trihexa roared in pain, as it than stumbled backwards and landed on its back. Benitsubasa shouted Ink look see Akitsu arrive.

Akitsu landed on the ground, as she came to check and see if Ink's okay.

"Ahh...Master...are you...hurt?"

Akitsu said, as she looked and see if Ink has been injured. But Ink shook his head and spoke out.

"No, I'm fine. Thank's Akitsu."

Akitsu smiled at Ink, as she is happy that Ink is okay, but than frowned again, as a familiar roar appeared from behind Akitsu. She turns around, to see that the Trihexa is now getting back on its feet, and began to roar with all 7 heads roaring with rage. Clearly, Akitsu manage to kiss it off even more than ever. Ink puts his hands on his Paintbrush, and points it at Trihexa, before speaking out.

"Be Careful, Akitsu. This is something you should not take lightly."

Akitsu nodded, as she spoke out.


Akitsu than leapt up into the air, as Benitsubasa than jumped to the ground, and shouted out.


She punched the ground with all of her might, and a fissure opened up, going towards the Trihexa, in an attempt to hurt it. This did not hurt it, but it did made it topple down to the ground, and this time, it gave Akitsu enough time to fire her Icicle Snow Storm at the Trihexa, along with Ink, who fired sharp Ink Bones at Trihexa, in hopes of being able to try and weaken the beast.

Unfortunately, they did not succeed in doing that. Instead, all they succeeded in is making it even madder. It began to attack with its heads, as it began to bite at everything around it. Akitsu and Ink jumped back, as the Trihexa stood up, and then launched fireballs in a bunch of directions. Not as strong as the fireball it tried to use on Benitsubasa, but it is still powerful in a way. Ink leapt sand jumped back a bunch of times, and even made a bunch of walls to try and defend against the Fireballs.

Most missed Akitsu, except for one about to strike. But luckily, Akitsu was ready to take on the fireball, as she has something that can defend against that thing.

Akitsu than made a wall of ice to defend against the fire blast that the Trihexa had done. The wall was destroyed, but so was the fireball, and Akitsu remained unharmed. But Akitsu was not done just yet. The beast than looked at Akitsu, and began the charge at her, with an intent to make sure that she dies for attacking it. But Akitsu, not wanting to get killed because she wants to be by her master's side, has a way gets out of the way, and avoid getting munched down and killled by the Trihexa.

In the next instant, Akitsu made an explosion of Ice once she had gotten close enough to the Trihexa, which did sort of damage it a little, the Trihexa shrieks, as it was caught by surprise, but saw that Akitsu was nowhere in sight. Akitsu jumped over Trihexa, and one of the heads noticed her, but it was too late for Trihexa to react to the danger, because before the Trihexa could recover, as Akitsu landed on the ground again,

This time, she attacks with a different approach. She used her Icicle Snow Storm on various parts of the Trihexa, and caused it immense agony. Needless to say, the Trihexa is not having a very good time really get now, and is in fact having a very tough one.

But the Trihexa does not plan on giving up, as it than tried to land its first on Akitsu, but Benitsubasa prevented that, but unleashing her attack.


A pink blast of energy came out of nowhere, and struck the Trihexa's arm, amputating it. This made the Trihexa roar in pain, as its arm is then sent flying, and landed on the ground, before it could even have a chance to hit Akitsu. It did, however, hit the building that she was on, and she immediately jumped off of the building she is on, and landed on another besides Benitsubasa. Now, it was Ink's turn, and he is not going to hold back on it.

Ink than fired a bunch of sharp paint bones at it, as it tried all that it can to try and attack Ink. But Ink kept on getting out of the way, and eventually, it lead to him to try and attack it with an Ink Blaster. It fired compressed Ink at the Trihexa, who than responded by launching its most powerful fireball at it. The Ink Blaster and the Fireball clashed with each other for several moments, before the Fireball exploded. But Ink, without hesitation, went through the debris, and went through to the other side, as ie than launched a bunch of black paint slashes, which struck the Trihexa, and caused it pain. But the Trihexa got more annoyed at the strikes than it was able to hurt it, as it than tried to fireball Ink to death. But Ink turned into his paint form, and landed onto the ground, with Ink looking very frustrated even more at every single minute. 

"What does it take to bring it down?! Seriously, it shouldn't be this tough for us to weaken it!!"

Ink said, beginning to feel angry and afraid by the minute. Angry that the Trihexa is still going, and afraid that he might fail the planet's existence and it will be destroyed by it. But how can they weaken it? As Ink looked down, a voice spoke out.


Ink turns around, and was surprised to see Kuno, though she does look like she had been going through a war of some sort.

"K-Kuno? What are you doing here?! You're gonna get killed!"

Ink said, out of concern for her. But Kuno than spoke out.

"Ink...I have a technique that can allow us to weaken this thing. But...I need you...I need my Norito."

Ink was surprised, as Kuno than got close to Ink, and presssed her lips on his own...and a bright light began to emerge from her back.

"By the song of my pact, my Ashikabi's path will be illuminated."

Kuno said, as her wings spread, and she looks at the Trihexa. Kuno...she takes a deep breath, before...she began singing. And needless to say, Ink was caught by surprise at what Kuno is doing.

Her is just simply beyond beautiful. Only a genuine goddess could rival her in a match of songs...and yet, Kuno's is simply just enough to make anyone get entrenched by it.

The song that Kuno has is very, very beautiful. And sure is so beautiful...that even the Trihexa is feeling it. It is beginning to stop...and than...beginning wobble a little bit, as the sound of Kuno's voice, as it heard the pretty song of the Sekirei that is singing it to sleep.

No one can deny how beautiful the song is, especially since if what it is doing to the Trihexa of all the things she is singing it to. The Trihexa's body began to feel droopy, as it began to sway. And...after what seems to have been a than collapsed and fell it's body knocked down a bunch of the buildings it's near.

Kuno's song was about to end, but Ink does not want to know what will happen when she ends it. So he than stops her.

"Okay, Kuno. That's can stop."

Kuno than stops, and seems to be looking like she is concerned about her throat, as she feels like her throat is going to be spitting out blood real soon. Ink, though, he has no time to check on Kuno, as he than rushed forward made a large puddle of paint, which than manifested into many hands, and all of them grabbed onto the Trihexa. Ink then grabbed the Trihexa, and flung it into the air, before appearing above it, and making a large portal to the Anti-Void, so Error can destroy it. Ink than teleported back to the ground, and he goes to Kuno, in order to check if she is alright.

" okay?"

Ink said, as he checked to see if she is alright. After a minute...Kuno nodded...but has a small river of blood coming out of her mouth. Clearly, that move did something to her throat in a way that he does not easily get. But...Ink sighed, before he made a smile on his he wiped the blood off of her mouth, and spoke out to her.

" least...the crisis is over. Is anyone else...o...kay?"

Ink said...but when he looked around...he saw that...the heroes, the devils, the huntsmen, and the shinobi...they all went to sleep. Benitsubasa and Akitsu from above...although Benitsubasa looks like she is struggling to stay awake...Akitsu barely had an expression, but Ink could easily tell that she is just as effected as Benitsubasa, as her eyes look like they are half-closed, but are still awake to try and move around.

Ink was a bit nervous, as he spoke out.

"Ummm...Let's go back home, shall we?"

Ink than used his Paintbrush, and made a portal back home, as the Sekirei jumped in...and they're gone.

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