Ink's Friends meet the Sekirei

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Ink was now outside the next day. But it is not because that he wants to walk, or any of the things that he usually does. No, it is more than that. It is because he's waiting for some people to arrive here. Ink is walking with his Sekirei, along with Rishia Ivyred, as they than ran into some very familiar faces that had decided to visit them.

"So...Ink, what are we doing?"

Benitsubasa spoke out, as Ink spoke back to Benitsubasa.

"Oh, we're gonna meet some old friends of mine. And trust me, I think you will like some of them of your own."

Kaho looked curious, as she spoke out to her Ashikabi.

"Where are they?"

This caught his attention, as he than began to look around for them.

"I actually...don't know. They are usually on time to see you guys. They are never this late."

Ink began looking all over the place, as he than spoke to himself

"Are they sidetracked by something?"

As Ink looked around, a voice spoke out.

"Ink! You're here!!"

Ink turns around, and he gets hit in the gut.


Ink than lands on his back, and he looks to see that it was none other than Asuka, who had decide to come in and hug-tackle him. Ink smiled, as he spoke out.

"Ow...nice to see you as well, Asuka. Nice to see you as well."

Ink than stood up, as Hibari does the same, as Kaho than spoke out.

"Ink, who is this?"

Ink than looks at Kaho and spoke out.

"Oh, this is my friend, Asuka. Asuka, this is my friend, Kaho."

Asuka stood up, and extended her hand out, as she spoke out.

"It's nice to meet someone who is with Ink."

Kaho was surprised, but smiled, as she than shook her hand with the Shinobi and one of the members of Team Hanzo. Surprisingly, Asuka is only an inch shorter compared to Kaho, who is about 5'2.

"So, what is your relationship with Ink?"

Asuka smiled, as she spoke out.

"He's a very great friend, although he did get hurt by people a bunch of times, but I always try to be there and protect him from people that want to hurt him for no apparent reason."

Kaho was a bit surprised again, but she the smiled, as she than spoke out to her.

"Really? Well, let me say that I am very happy that there are people that are willing to do anything for Ink."

But in all fairness, Kaho knows that in her heart, her relationship with Ink runs deeper than that. She can see it. Asuka loves Ink, but she guesses that she does not want to say it, because it wound be embarrassing. won't matter, as Kaho will not mind that one some of the humans will be here to act friendly and love Ink deeply.

But as that happened, some more of Ink's friends, such as Jaune and Pyrrha, Momo and the rest of Team Hanzo have arrived, and they seem very happy to see them.

"Wow. Can't believe that you have this many girls with you. That is a very shocking thing here, Ink."

Jaune said, as Pyrrha nodded, and spoke out.

"Yes. That is a surprise. How did you even find them, Ink?"

Ink looks and spoke out.

"You do not want to know."

And so...when the group meets Ink's Sekirei, as well as Rishia, they than began to start a conversation with each other, and start to get to know each other very well when they first began to talk to each other.

Akitsu, Kaho, and Asuka than began to get acquainted with each other. And needless to say, it seems that they are getting along very well almost instantly. And Akitsu reminds Asuka of Yumi, due to the fact that, like her, she has a stoic expression on her face, and also has Ice Powers like her. But on with the talking.

"So...let me get this straight..."

Kaho said, as she than spoke out to Asuka.

"You say that you are a Shinobi, along with the rest of your other friends?"

Asuka nodded, and spoke out.

"Yep. Me and my group met Ink when we were supposed to be finding something bad. And Ink was the one that beat us to it. So when we both met and greeted each other, we became fast friends in the end of the day. And he is very nice. He always entertains us with what we can do, with how he uses his powers powers and all that kind of stuff. He is the best person that I have met."

Kaho smiled, at seeing that he had also manage to make other people happy, as she than spoke out.

"Well...maybe if we can meet again, I think i would like to have you as my sparring partner."

Asuka smiled, as she than spoke out.

"That would be great, especially from someone that came from outer space!"

Kaho and Akitsu, along with the other Sekirei, told them of what they really are, and needless to say, they are happy to make friends with a group of aliens not born from Earth, but from someplace else. And needless to say, they are willing to be quick friends from them.

Asuka smiled, but than turns to Akitsu, as Kaho spoke out.

"What about you, Akitsu. What do you think of our friend, Asuka?"

Akitsu looked down at Asuka, as she than spoke out.

"Ahh...she is...very kind. Very kind to my master. I have other words."

Asuka smiled, and spoke out.

"Thanks for telling me that. And...too be remind me of a friendly rival of mine."

Akitsu tilt her head, as Asuka spoke out.

"She's a Shinobi, like me, but like you, she can control ice as well. Your personalities are even similar to each other as well."

Akitsu seemed interested, as she spoke out.

"Ahh...I guess she would have...been a very great friend to me."

Akitsu spoke out, as she really wants to see this Yumi person. If it is true what Asuka says, than Akitsu really wants a chance to try and meet Yumi.

Hibari and Velvet all than began to strike a conversation with Kuno and Shi, which are Sekirei they speak to are very, very shy. Rishia is also shy, but she also manages to get along with them quite well, and have a very nice conversation with them. And the thing is, Velvet Scarlatina is also shy as well, and thanks to that, was able to get very along and will with Shi, Kuno, and Rishia, which allowed the 2 sides to speak to each other quickly and friendly, and with no sort of trouble being down to either side.

"So, you both are Aliens from space?!! Eeeeeeehhh!!! I always wanted to make friends with one!!"

Hibari squealed, as she seems to be very excited. She always wanted to make friends with an alien as a little kid, and now that the Sekirei before them are here, she now gets to have a chance in the form of Shi and Kuno, who are both winged by Ink himself. Kuno and Shi felt touched, as they touched their hearts, and a small smile began to form on their mouths.

"Really? You don't mind us? You want us to be friends with you?"

Hibari nodded, as she then spoke out.

"Of course I do! Why wouldn't I want to be friends with you both, as well as the others?!"

This made Kuno and Shi smile wider, feeling relieved that they get to be friends with Hibari. But than again Hibari is known as being one of the most kindhearted of the bunch. In fact, she would just do whatever it takes to be friends anybody that she sees before her.

"Wow...this is the greatest time of our lives, right, Shi?"

Kuno said, as Shi nodded her head, as a smile is shown on her face.

"Y-Yes. It is a most excellent time of our lives. I can't believe that we are making friends with a human."

Hibari smiled at that, as clearly, they have only had Ink with them, and they love him. But with the fact that they are making friends with a normal human, well, more like making friends with a Shinobi, but still a human, but they are still very happy that they are now able to make a friend, especially one that's extremely friendly.

With Rishia and Velvet, they also began to make a conversation with each other.

"So...Ink had saved you from getting imprisoned by a people that had taken everything from you?"

Rishia nodded, as she spoke out.

"Fueeee...yes. He did. I feel like I owed my life to him for giving me a second chance at my life again. I am just so happy and indent to what he had done for me back than."

Velvet smiled, as she spoke out.

"Well...that's Ink for you. He is always there to help people, even if it means at the risk of his own life."

Rishia smiled, as she blushed at what Velvet said to her. Clearly, it meant something to her that many people would in a way understand.

Back with Ink, he is looking at the fact that both sides of his friends, and his Sekirei are talking and being friendly with each other. Well...most of them. Katsuragi and Benitsubasa, are having some for flu rivalry of sorts, and Benitsubasa is doing...something to Katsuragi, that would normally be her thing. Looks like she is getting payback at Katsuragi for whatever she did to her. Ink chuckled a little bit, as he sees how much of a friendly thing is happening, which is what he likes seeing.

Ink chuckled at the scene with Katsuragi and Benitsubasa, clearing seeing it as funny. But than, he turns around, and a portal with positive energy is shown behind him. Everyone took notice of this, and Ink immediately realized what this thing is.

"What's that?"

Jaune said, as Ink turns around and spoke out.

"Oh. That is a friend of mine. He wants to see me. Well, you all have fun with each other. Because I need to have a little talk with an old friend."

Ink walks into the portal and waves, as everyone else waved back, and Ink entered the portal, which closed as soon as he crossed over.

Ink sighed, as he held his forehead, and as he did, a voice spoke out to him, and one that he is expecting to hear.

"Father Ink!!"

Ink looks to see where the source of the voice are from, and sure enough, it is who he had been expecting to see when he had entered. And needless to say, he is actually very happy that this is someone who has decided to visit him along with the person that he is now had started visiting.

"Oh, hey Palette Roller."

Ink said, as Palette Roller became very happy when he saw Ink has now seen him. This is another spawn that he has made on accident, and is the youngest of the sparks by 5 moths, due to being born on July 26th. Basically, younger than Gradient, who is born. Basically, younger than Gradient, who is born on March 5th. But not by Error did he make the spawn. No, it is by someone else, and one that is friendly with Ink since the very beginning.


Ink looks up, and sees that the other person has arrived to see him, and needless to say, Ink is very happy that an old friend of his has arrived to.

"Dream, you're here as well!"

Ink said, as Dream smiled.

"Indeed I am! Nice to see you as well, Ink!"

Dream said to Ink, as Ink smiled back at Dream. Dream and Ink shook hands, as they are able to greet each other normally. Dream, just like ink, is the protector of the Alternate Universes that exist out there. He is empowered by the positive emotions of anything and anyone, as long as they are happy and great. But the problem is that, unlike Ink, he cannot enter an AU easily that is dark and sad, and because of this, mist require Ink's help to get in, as he is able to get inside without issue. Dream, like some of the other Out-Code Sanses, is well aware of Ink's lack of a soul. But sense he is still using the Emotion Vials to try and feel any sort of emotions that can still be inside of him, he still appreciates Ink. And than, Palette Roller came along, and Ink was not ready to handle this at first, but he still took the job anyway, along with Dream. And thankfully, Palette Roller's existence actually manage to improve each other's relationship. And needless to say, Ink is actually happy that Palette Roller is born, because now, thanks to him, along with Dream, he can now act the way he is right now, being selfless and caring towards others, no longer seeing them as characters in a story, even when his emotions are no longer inside him.

Palette Roller, on the other hand, goes up close to Ink and hugged his second father, as Ink smiled and hugged his youngest half-child, as this one always brings joy to Ink whenever he sees him. It is something that he would always cherish, no matter how much time has passed between them both. He's happy seeing Palette Roller.

"I'm so happy to see you again, daddy Ink!"

Ink smiled warmly at him, as he pets his youngest child in the head, as he spoke out.

"Nice to see you as well, Palette Roller."

Palette Roller giggled happily, as Ink smiled at him, before he than stood up, and walks up to Dream, and spoke out to him.

"So, Dream. It's not often that you are calling me this suddenly. What is it that have made you decide to call me? Is it important, or is it very exciting?!"

Ink than raised his voice in excitement, as his eyes turned to stares, though both of his eyes are separate color, except for the pupils, which are still a blue color. Dream smiled at Ink, as he sees that he is acting just like his usual self.

"Heh. Typical Ink. You always get excited, especially when it involves the concept of creation. However..."

Dream began, but than lowered his head, and looked a little bit unhappy for some reason, and Ink than spoke out to Dream.

"Is there something wrong, Dream? You don't usually act this sad, unless it involves, you know who. Is it about Nightmare, your younger brother?"

Nightmare Sans is the younger twin brother of Dream that exists in the Multiverse, and is an entity known as the Guardian of Negativity. Nightmare is one of the most Evil Sanses out there, due to desiring from spread chaos and anarchy to the whole Multiverse, and wants to make sure that everyone lives as miserable as possible, so that it can fuel his power as much as it possibly. However, Nightmare, surprisingly, he is also one of the most tragic Sanses out there as well. Now you might be wondering right now, what is it that had made Nightmare Sans such a tragic person. Well...his story is a rather tragic past that people would usually not believe it.

Originally, Nightmare is a very kind Sans, and is one of the most kindest Sanses out there, so much that originally, he literally has no idea on how to make a backbone to other people. He and his brother had existed in order to help create the stability and balance of emotions.

However, there was a problem in Nightmare's life. He had been discriminated and agonized by people, because of the fact that he is born from Negativity, and people accused him of being evil, even though it is not in his nature. But even though he gets hurt, he does not hate them, and tries not to worry Dream, and even lies at how he has gotten those injuries. Because of this, Nightmare, in a desperate attempt to try and believe that he is a good person, tries to do noble acts, which ultimately lead to try and a eat one of the Golden Apples. But unfortunately, it came to nought, as the Golden Apple became corrupted, along with the rest of the tree, and everyone began to blame Nightmare, while also ignoring the fact that they had pushed him to this point. And because of this, they tried to attack him. Whether to torture him or simply kill him, they went to him, and Dream tried to stop them and reason with them. But having enough of Nightmare's presence, they refused to listen and went to make a beeline towards him. But Nightmare, in a moment of fear and desperation to live on, are a black apple, and when he turned him into the being that he is known to be as to this very day.

When he first transformed, he attacked people, and he then returned the favor to the ones that tortured and agonized him into killing them, and everyone around Nightmare ran in fear, as they are now frightened at what has happened to Nightmare. Dream made an attempt to try and reason with Nightmare, to try and stop him and make him into the person he once was, but it was all useless, as Nightmare does not want to listen, and instead, is so focused on his pain, that he is going to do anything to try and make everyone feel it. They fought, but Dream lost the battle, and Nightmare won. Nightmare than took down the tree, and fled the universe that he was living inside of, in order to spread his influence even further. And everyone in that universe that Nightmare is in, has no one but themselves to blame, as they had made this monster, due to how cruel and agonizing they were. Thankfully, Dream has escaped as well, and because of this, combatted his brother Time and Time again throughout the Multiverse, in order to make sure that he can bring him back to who he once was in the past, his once kind brother resurfacing again.

But enough rambling. Back with Dream, he looks up and nodded his head at Ink, meaning that yes, it is about Nightmare, and spoke out.

"Yes, it is about him."

Ink sighed, as he than spoke out to Dream.

"What has he done this time?"

Dream looks down, and spoke out to Ink, very exasperated.

"Well...he and your rival, Error, they both had enough of the both of us getting in the way. Tired of us preventing them from doing what they want to do to the Multiverse. And...apparently, they had a plan to get someone to spy on us and make sure that we get to suffer in their hands, so that we can feel pain of our duties as the protector of the AUs failing. And the same time Palette Roller was made, they had made a spawn of their own to combat us."

Dream snapped his fingers, and spawn was revealed before Dream, in the form of an image.

Needless to say, Ink was very surprised at what he is seeing, as he than spoke out to Dream in a very surprised tone of voice.

"Who in the world is that?"

Dream looks up, and spoke out to Ink.

"That is called Radier. The spawn of Nightmare and Error. He is very powerful, but not as powerful as his parents, thankfully. He believed the words of his parents in believing that we are the bad people, and they are the good people. He is not bad, he is just misunderstood."

Palette Roller was surprised, as Ink than spoke out to Dream.

"So in other words, he is the cousin of Palette Roller, huh? But not a very good cousin to be with, considering that he is very loyal to his parents, and no one else. Such, parents of the year award for the both of them."

Ink was very sarcastic with Nightmare and Error, at the fact that they had lied to a child, before he than spoke out to Dream.

"Is there anything that I can do for you, Dream? Since Error is involved in the problem, I think I should join in so that you do not have to do this alone. After all, I want to make sure that Error does not go out of line with this Radier spawn."

Dream sighed, as he pinched his nose, as he than spoke out.

"You are always such a very kind person, Ink. Even I have no idea how, even with all the flaws that you have, you still care about me this much."

Ink pouts, as he spoke out to Dream.

"Wow, Dream. That is very harsh for even you to say. You know that, right?"

Dream blushed a bit, due to being called harsh, with really embarrassed him. He did not mean it be harsh, as Ink spoke out.

"But...seriously. What do we do about this Radier?"

Dream looks at Ink, and he spoke out to him.

"Well...if you find him and run into him, or you realize that he is spying on us, than...just simply incapacitate him. After all, he is just a child that is misunderstands the both of us."

Ink looks down, as he spoke out.

"Okay. Incapacitate, and sends them back to Nightmare and Error. Nothing more."

After that, Ink goes back, along with Palette Roller, and when he did, Ink's friends are gone, and only his Sekirei are here. Guess they had enough fun for one day. And when the Sekirei are introduced to Palette Roller, they are easily adored by him due to how cute he is.

They had fun with him to, with Palette Roller joining in as well. The positive emotions of everyone around him is making him stronger, due to the fact that he is a spawn of Dream, and Ink smiled at how his kid is having fun with his stepmothers.  But as they had fun...a voice spoke out to Ink.

"Hello, Ink. Did you miss me?"

Ink was surprised, as he than turned around to see who it is that had spoke to him. He was shocked at first, but than, a smile stretched across his face at who he is now seeing before him.

"Oh, hello, Sara...nice to see you again."

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