Reuniting with Another Spawn

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Ink smiles at Sara Bloodlily, who had visited him once again. And clearly, he always had an interest in her ever since the date that they both had. After all, it is sort of fitting to see and be with Sara Bloodlily, as like Ink, she can use her art for creation inside of a battle that she'd be on.

"Oh, hey, Sara. I didn't think they you would show up. How did you even find me, anyway?"

Sara looks down at Ink and spoke out to him.

"I manage to get a friend of mine to find where your location is. Because of that, I was able to find you if where you are at right now."

Ink looks at Sara, a little bit spooked out, as he than spoke out to Sara.

"Okay, that is a little bit scary for you to say that. You know what I mean, Sara? It alarmist sounds like you are stalking me."

Sara just shrugged, as she spoke it.

"Maybe. But the thing is, I really wanted to meet you for something. A small favor that i what you to do for me."

Ink looks at Sara Bloodlily, and spoke out to her.

"And what is that?"

Ink seems to be very interested in what it is that Sara Bloodlily wants from him. It is not often that he had given a favor by anyone of this Earth, and her, Sara, his own girlfriend, is asking for a favor of what she want on her side. Well, Ink does seem to be a little bit curious, so he than looks up at Sara Bloodlily, and listens to what it is that she wants from from him. After all, if it is a personal thing that is important to her, than he should listen. Besides, what is it that can go wrong?

Sara Bloodlily than looks down at the ground, and began to speak out to Ink, when a female voice spoke out.

"Oh...and who might this person be?"

The voice than spoken out is none other than Asuka, who is also looking at Sara Bloodlily.

It seems that no one noticed her until now. And the moment that Asuka noticed, they all than turned their heads to see the other Artist. Ink smacked his head, as he than spoke out to them.

"Oh, I forgot. You all have not met her. This is Sara Bloodlily, and she is actually kinda similar to me in what she does."

This made everyone confused, as Jaune spoke out.

"What do you mean?"

Ink smacked his head again, as he spoke out to him.

"I mean that, like me, she can use art and paint in combat, just like I do. Though she does it with something else. She does not use a large paintbrush, just like I do. No, she uses a smaller brush with a palette. But her way of doing art is very unique, and can do some stuff that not even I myself can do."

'Even though it is something that not even Sara Bloodlily can also do herself.'

Ink thought to himself, as Sara Bloodlily stepped forward and spoke out to Ink's friends.

"It is nice to see you. It seems that Ink was right about you all being friends with him...except for you all, who are kore than that to him."

Sara Bloodlily spoke and regarded to the Sekirei. Ink told her in a conversation on his phone about the Sekirei, and Sara does not seem to mind it, as she knows that Ink was not expecting for that to happen, and is simply caught in a sudden situation. And she actually hopes that she treats the Sekirei well, since they are now in his care. But as Sara regarded them, Katusragi went up from behind Sara, and spoke out.

" is nice to meet you as well, Sara. I'm Katusragi. Come here."

And as soon as Katsuragi spoke what out to Sara Bloodlily, the female artist Gasper, as she felt a strange uncomfortable sensation of someone grabbing her in the upper torso. It made her create a hitched breath, as she than tried the best that she can make the words come out of her mouth, due to what she is feeling.

"A-Ahh! W-What are you doing?"

Sara spoke out, as Katusragi began to do...something with Sara Bloodlily. But everyone turns around, and spoke out to Katsuragi.

"Oh no. Not again with what you are doing, Katsuragi. And also, Sara Bloodlily has very weak bones in her body. So do not dare try and shape them without you even realizing what's gonna happen!"

Ink shouted out, as he hopes to avoid having Sara Bloodlily's body from being broke. Katusragi looks at Ink and spoke out to him.

"Oh. Don't worry! I won't break any of her bones inside of her body. Besides, I just want to have some fun with her."

Ink sighed, as he than pinched his nose, clearly very annoyed with what it is that Katsuragi is doing to Sara. But there is nothing he can do, as this is just Katsuragi's behavior, and there is nothing that he can do to try and change it. Luckily, Sara told her about Katusragi, and luckily is not going to blame him for this.

"For the love of..."

Ink pinched his nose, as he really is getting annoyed at the fact that she had to do this to Sara Bloodlily, especially since this is the very first time that both bloodies met. Well, he just hopes that they can still be friends after what Katsuragi is now doing. After all, this is just a part of who Katsuragi is as a person. Her list is somehow able to rival Issei's in a way. As least she is not a very terrible person as him. And that is the only good part about Katsuragi that he could appreciate, and would continue to appreciate it.

But as he looked down, he than saw a blue color from a Blueprint used to construct stuff, such as buildings. Ink only knows what is going to happen next right now.

"Uh oh. Woah!!!"

Ink than fell down into the blue puddle, as he is then sent somewhere else. Whenever it is that he is going to, it is going to be someplace that might be familiar to him. And besides, he already has a good idea of where he is going to.

The opening of the portal appeared in the air, as he than landed on the snow. And as he did...a voice spoke out.


Ink looks up, and saw who it was that transported him.

This is Ink's youngest child, Blueprint, who's other parent is none other than the Sans of Underswap. Blueprint's birth is very unique, as he was born from a drawing, and the magic of Ink Sans and Underswap Sans infused within the drawing, which brought Blueprint too life, and lead to his creation. Of course, this happened all on accident, when Underswap Sans accidentally dropped the paint onto the picture of Blueprint, and when that paint infused with the magic of Underswap Sans and the magic of Ink Sans, is than that it had lead to the creation of the young spawn that he now has.

When he appeared, Ink was surprised, along with Underswap Sans, as they were not expecting for him to be made. But when he was made, Ink decides to give the name, Blueprint, to the baby. The reason why is that Ink had the power to create stuff, and Underswap Sans likes to puzzles and follows the instructions. Plus, Blueprint also has a blue color that is similar to that of the blueprint color that is used for following the rules of places.

Blueprint's personality is actually a pretty sweet one at this sort of fact. He is very shy and kind to propel, although he can embarrass himself when he meets new people, and this is no thanks to his social anxiety. But once a person becomes a friend with him, he can be far more happier and can treat someone kindly. And needless to say, anyone that is Blueprint's friend are someone her is very close to his heart.

His power is a little similar compared to Ink, but it also has a difference with the way that it is functioned. His powers are, more instructional, to put it simply. The functions of his power gave Blueprint's name, because of the fact that he needs a 'blueprint' in order to bring his artwork to life. And it needs to be done perfectly. If it is not done perfectly, than the creation will never be brought to life. But Blueprint, being also a child of Underswap Sans, can also use bone attacks and blue magic, and learning from Papyrus, manage to manifest his own Gaster Blasters, as well as being able to manipulate it far more effectively than before. Only downside is that it can make the soul drain a bit more than the rest of his attacks.

And speaking is Soul, unlike Ink himself, Blueprint has been given an artificial soul by the Underswap version of Undyne, and with the idea of an artificial soul made by Ink himself...who he himself wishes he could, but he highly doubts that it will work out for him, even if he were to take it. Besides, his Emotion Vials that are on his sash, they are enough for the protector of the Alternate Universes. Thanks to that, he has the power to feel every single emotion without thence of the emotion vials, which Ink has to constantly use in order to feel other emotions. But the problem with Blueprint is that the supply of the soul is in a way, limited, when he used magic. And if he too much, he will empty his artificial soul, and like Ink, Blueprint will become nothing more than an empty husk, and will need some more magic in order to regain the soul that he had lost. Lucky thing, though, Ink was able to get some help from some other artists, along with his sons, and together, they were able to make an entirely new soul. This soul can now be recharged, but only takes a whole hour to complete it. Ink still has yet to make a soul that can recharge faster than before. But until than, there is nothing that he can do about it, but wait until they can find a soul that can recharge more faster than before.

When it comes to the relationship with Ink and Swap Sans, his 2 parents, he gets along with them extremely well. As he is raised by Underswap more than Ink, he has far more morality than Ink himself had back then, where he simply cared more about the AUs themselves than he cared about the people, but in spite of that, even back than did Ink kept on being loved by Blueprint, as to him, he is still considered a parent in the eyes of Blueprint, in spite of how he sees other people. And than, when it comes to his other siblings. He gets along with them very well.

Her gets along with Gradient and Paperjam, as these 2 are the eldest siblings of his, in spite of them being created months ago. But than again, time is not very consistent, and has been shown to be rather awkward in a way. But nonetheless, he still gets along with them immensely. But the closest that he gets along with, is another child of Underswap Sans, but is also the child of Error. His name, is Bluescreen Sans.

Bluescreen is just as friendly as Underswap Sans, and he can be a bit confusing to understand, due to the fact that, unlike the other spawns, the other accident children, Bluescreen has an ability to speak in a language version of Binary Code. Because of this, only people such as Ink, Error, and some of the other spawns that Ink and Error made, can understand what it is that Bluescreen is saying. But once they understand what he is saying, it does not become that much of an issue, and conversations with him can be a pleasant thing, and it is as easy as speaking in a language that you are easily able to speak native in. But the thing about Bluescreen, and an important part about him, is that only Ink, Error, and their spawns are the only one that is allowed to make any physical contact with this dangerous spawn, or at least, anyone more powerful than this young spawn. Why is physical contact important, in which it makes this spawn dangerous? It's simple, actually. Bluescreen had this thing that he is covered in called the Bluescreen Virus. If an individual touches Bluescreen in anyway, they  will then be instantly be infected with the blue screen virus, and the instant that they are infected, the individual will than 'freeze' or 'crash' and become lost to time, And after some time has past, they will die.

Bluescreen even has his own blasters called the Bluescreen Blasters, and they work the exact same way as a normal blaster, except for the fact that it will infect people with the Bluescreen virus if they were to get hit by the infectious Gaster Blaster. He also has a very powerful scream that makes him say 'I don't want this' and when he says this, it will lead to resulting in a super sonic scream that can or will destroy an AU. And this sort of thing has happened on a number of occasions, and all of these occasions that happened were pretty serious in a way. Sometimes it was because of the fact that the alternate universe was too dangerous to live, though this was when Error placed him there on occasion. Or when someone tried to kidnap and weaponize him for their own benefits, which only resulted in their own Alternate Universe home getting destroyed by the very thing that they had tried to weaponize. Needless to say, it was a very embarrassing situation for them. And it is even more embarrassing by the fact that they had tried to weaponize a spawn of Ink, who is actually a pacifist and peaceful person.

That is right. Bluescreen is a pacifist, which it inherited from Swap Sans. He appreciates life and people, and tries the best he can to make sure that he does not accidentally kill people with his powers, and he can only hug only some people that are powerful enough to complete resist the Bluescreen Virus. Even Error, surprisingly, has a soft spot for Bluescreen, though this is because of his powers, due to the fact that they can kill people, which Bluescreen does not want to do, and even hates killing people. All he wants is to touch people without killing them. And luckily, Ink, Dream, and some of the other Out-Codes are powerful enough to resist the Bluescreen Virus that infect their systems. And this made Bluescreen happy, as this means that he can touch people without killing then, and he gets to make more friends in the process. Needless to say, it is a very happy time for Bluescreen to make new and more friends in this way.

But there is this one sad part about Bluescreen's life that Ink really does regret. When Bluescreen was born, and his powers have been discovered, Error, Underswap Papyrus, and Ink had to make a private discussion, and all of them agreed that Underswap Sans must not know of this spawn. The reason is that if Underswap knows of it and hugs this spawn, than it will kill him. And because of this, Bluescreen and Underswap do not know of each other's existence, and Bluescreen does not know that Ink is simply his stepfather, and not his true, biological father. It may be a bad choice to do, but it is the safest way to make sure that Underswap does not get killed by his own spawn on accident, especially in moments when he needs to comfort the child if Bluescreen ever gets very stressed.

But Bluescreen does not care, and loves Ink like a dad regardless. And even Ink cares deeply about Bluescreen a lot, as he tries to make sure that he is okay. And Bluescreen and Blueprint, even though they are half-brothers, they can get along swimmingly well, and treat each other as if they are full blood-related siblings. There is nothing else to say about this.

But enough rambling, back to the this moment. Blueprint and Ink looks at each other, as Ink smiled, before speaking out to him.

"Hey, Blueprint. Didn't expect for you to transport me here. Did you miss me so much just to bring me back?"

Blueprint nodded, as he than ran up to Ink, and jumped up to hug him. Ink smiled, as he than does the same back. As he did, a voice than spoke out.

"Oh! Ink! I didn't expect to see you have came back!!"

Ink looks up, and saw that it was simply Underswap Sans.

Ink smiled, as he spoke out.

"Oh, hey, Blueberry. Yeah. It seems that little ol' Blueprint here really wants to see me again after what must have been a very long time for him without me being around."

Swap Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"Mwehehehehehe!! It seems that the heroic dad Ink has returned for our sweet little boy!"

Ink smiled, as he spoke out.

"Yes, he has."

He than looks down at Blueprint and rubbed his head, ruffling his white hair for a little bit, before he spoke out, quietly.

"Yes he has."

Ink than looks back up at Ink, as he than spoke out.

"Think we can talk more inside?"

Underswap Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.

"But of course. Too the house of ours, Ink!! Mwehehehehe!"

Ink smiled, as he Carrie's Blueprint, and both Ink and Blueprint got to the house, as Ink ran fast in his feet, in order to go to the house that Underswap is now running off to at quick speeds.

Inside of the house...

Well...everything is still the same when Ink came inside of the house. There is a sock on the floor, the TV is on to show Hapstablook episodes, as he is busy performing and singing some stuff. With Ink, Underswap Sans, and Blueprint, they are all inside of the kitchen, as they ate here. Underswap and Ink are conversating with each other, as they spoke out some of the stuff that had happened inside of the respective universes that they both live in.

Blueprint is on the ground, as he is trying to draw some stuff, and thanks to his scarf, he was able to make some stuff, including a doll of his very own design and making. And needless to say, it is a very impressive one. Looks like the creative mind that Ink has is able to be inherited inside of Blueprint. And luckily for Blueprint, he is able to have a good memory compared to Ink, thanks to inheriting the intelligence of Underswap. And now, he has made a Rubix Cube of his own design, as he than made it appear from his scarf, and made it physically and functionally what it is.

With Ink and Underswap, they are at the table, as Ink are the Tacos. Whine most people would not like it, due to the fact that they are actually bad, not helping with Underswap Alphys' training, Ink was able to eat them without any discomfort, due to having an iron stomach inside of his body.

"And Papyrus still did his usual stuff, which is very annoying! He keeps sleeping at his station, instead of waiting for an intruder to come! Seriously, how immature can he be!! I really need to reach him some maturity someday!"

Underswap Sans spoke out, as he felt very pouty at the fact that Underswap Papyrus, his own older brother, kept acting immature and not acting at the age his should be, due to his immense laziness. Ink smiled, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, least he does have some responsibilities, right? I mean, he may be lazy, but he might be able to have done something, right?"

Underswap smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Oh, yes. Of course he did. He was able to train Blueprint with what he is doing, and taught him some new tricks along the way. And that is the one thing I am very proud of him on!"

Ink chuckled, as he than spoke out to him.

"Hehehehehehe. Yeah. It really is good."

Ink looks down at the table, as he than spoke out.

"You know...Blueberry...I've been wondering...maybe..."

Ink was trying to say something, but he cannot get the words out, as Underswap looked confused, but than Ink spoke out what it is that he is trying to say.

"Maybe we can bring back the Star Sanses again, along with Dream, you know, just like the old times, before it disbanded."

Underswap smiled, as he spoke out.

"Oh, yes! Of course! I wound really like to relive those times again!! Especially since we went into the Alternate Universe filled with Raining Tacos!!!"

Ink chuckled, as he than spoke out.

"Hehehehehehehe. I have not forgotten that one, Blueberry!!"

Ink than looks down, as he than spoke out.

" would be good to do that again...ever since that...incident."

Ink sighed, as he rubbed the back of his head. Due to an incident that was king of serious, it forced Dream, Ink, and Swap to disband the Star Sanses, just to prevent any more catastrophes from occurring, even though Ink wants to relive those times with Swap and Dream again.

"Hey, Don't worry about that, Ink! We will bring it back again, someday! We just need to wait until the time is right! And after that, the Star Sanses will be back in action!"

Swap Sans said, as he then held his shoulder. Ink looks down at it, and smiled, as he than spoke out.

"You're right. I should hang on to it. Thank you, Swap. It really means a lot to me. And maybe Gradient, Palette Roller, and perhaps even Blueprint can become Star Sanses 2.0 when they grow up!"

"Oh absolutely!"

Swap and Ink smiled at each other, as they can imagine the spawns of Ink becoming the new successors of the Star Sanses team. Needless to say, it would be very nice to relive that thing again, and for their successors to do this for their parents. But Ink than stood up, and spoke out.

" was fun and all, but I really need to go back to my world, and it is a little bit importer, as someone I know of asked me for a favor. But I'll be back to see you and Blueprint soon."

Blueprint looks up at Ink and spoke out.



"Well, have fun, Ink. And good luck with that favor you were told to do!"

Swap Sans said, as Ink nodded, as he than spoke out to him.

"I will!"

Ink than ran forward, and made a portal, before he jumps up into the air, and goes back to his universe. He hopes that his friends are doing okay, and Sara is finally free from Katsuragi's grasp. After all, he's annoyed is that Katsuragi is doing is very embarrassing, especially to his human girlfriend.

But Ink has one thing in mind. He really does want to bring back the Star Sanses, just to be happy like the old time again.

Perhaps that time will come...and this time...the Star Sanses...won't disband anymore.

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