Another Artist

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Ink is now at his own stuff, as he is mixing his own business. It has been a long time since Rishia is now living inside of his home, and needless to say, she is getting pretty well with everyone. Everyone treats her very greatly and in a friendly manner, and this made Rishia very happy that these people accepted her presence without any form of question or hesitance on their part. And this is even more great for Eri, who Rishia gets to hang out with, and both Rishia and Eri, they are doing very great with each other, and treat each other like they are sisters, even though that is a bit strange, as Rishia has magic at her side, and Eri, on the other hand, has a quirk to help her existence. But regardless of this strange thing, Ink does not care. In fact, he is very happy with the fact that Rishia now gets to have people that can care for her, and for her life.

Speaking of Eri, she manage for recover from whatever trauma that this Kai person had done to her, and she is now a much more cheerful child than she had ever was in the past. And because of this, she would often call Ink, big brother, due to the fact that he was the one that had found her. Ink was very touched by this, and because of that, allowed her to call him that. Though a subconscious unsure if the feelings are genuine on his side, due to the fact that his emotions are artificial and are not genuine feelings. But regardless, as long as the keeps on taking the Emotion Vials, he'll keep on caring for the well-being of Eri and of what will happen to her life. And as long as she is happy...than Ink will be happy as well...even though the happiness that he has is a fake form, which is, again...only used when he uses the Emotion Vials that's on his sash.

Also, Sirzechs was able to inform Ink about calling out on Rias and somewhat punishing her for her actions. Although what the punishment is is unknown, but Ink could tell that they might not be happy for a while. Sirzechs questions about the girl, and Ink told Sirzechs her name, and when Ink did tell her name to Sirzechs, the Lucifer Satan was actually quite familiar with Rishia and her family. Apparently, Rishia Ivyred was a daughter of a noble family of sorts. Unlike most Noble families, Rishia's were more of a humble type, and are very friendly people. Sirzechs was admittedly friends with the father, but was saddened that he had died inside of that fire that had happened by the people that attacked them. He than said that he is going to the prison where the attackers are so that he can punish them himself for attacking a dear old friend of his, who he cares about deeply. When Rishia came in, and got herself involved in the phone call with Sirzechs, she and Sirzechs had a friendly talk, and Sirzechs admits how sorry he is for what happens to her parents. But Rishia does not blame him, and they are both now in completely good terms.

Right now, Ink is going out for a walk of some sort, as he has his paintbrush on his back, just in case he needs to use it while he is out in the open. It is a pleasant experience, as he can feel the wind and the fresh air around him, as well as the whole beautiful scenery that is before his very eyes.

"Heh. Best day to go and walk out. I wonder what I should do today.

Ink spoke to himself, as he continues to walk. But as he did...unbeknownst to him, someone is looking at him, and they seem to have an interest in him. And without Ink's knowledge of what is gonna happen, they began to follow him to wherever Ink is deciding to go to. 

As Ink continues to go forward...he has a thought on his mind. How did Rias even know where Rishia was at with him.

"Could she have somehow sensed her magic? Maybe. But why in the world would she even need her when she already has enough people to have by her side?"

Ink than shook his head, as he spoke out.

"Likely just a lust for more power. But even will she even reincarnate the both of us, even though she ran out of pieces. Besides...I am way to powerful to be reincarnated, and the piece will just come out of me. Even worse, is that I lack a soul, which the Evil Piece needs."

Ink said, as he thought of the evil pieces that are used to reincarnate any being into a reincarnated Devil.

Ink still continues to walk, as he than is in the middle of a road. But as he did...he than sensed a presence that is behind him. He stopped, before he spoke out.

"Alright...I know someone is here. Come on out aid show yourself."

He than turns to the direction of where the person is hiding at, and he waits for them to show up. Then...a sound of footsteps was heard, and Ink looks to see that there is a figure coming from the alleyway. Not sure if that person is friend or foe...Ink get's ready to bring out his Paintbrush. But when the figure's shown before his eyes...Ink looked terribly confused at what he's now seeing.

It was a girl...and she's the one following him. Ink blinks his eyes at the girl before him, they changed color and shape, as he looks at the strange female that is before his very eyes.

"And who might you be?"

Ink spoke out at the person that had appeared before him, and needless to say, Ink could not help but keep his eyes on the girl. The blonde girl with the paint on her hair looks at Ink, before speaking.

"You must be Ink...correct?"

Ink was caught by surprise. But than again, everyone's heard of him.

"Yep, that's me."

The lady stepped forward and stood in front of him, and surprisingly...the girl, in spite of her thin frame, is a lot taller than Ink, though it is also because of Ink's short stature. The girl has blonde fair with paint on some of her hair, and is wearing an apron, that is also covered in paint, and Ink's head could only reach the torso, and his head is in the position of...yeah. Best not say that out loud. Ink than looks up at the female before him and spoke out.

"A fellow artist, I see? Not often I get to see people such as you."

The girl smiled, as she spoke out to Ink, with a happy tone on hurt voice.

" you get to have a chance to meet someone such as me. And I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sara Bloodlily."

Ink smiled as he extended his hand out to her.

"Nice to meet'cha."

Sara smiled widely, as she grabbed and shook Ink's small hand. And that is when Ink could feel how fragile her hand is. Her bones aren't strong. They were weak and brittle. Looks like she just have been born with Brittle Bone Disease or something else such as that disease. Ink than too kind it a pencil, and wrote 'Sara Bloodlily' on his scarf, so that he will be able to remember the name of this mysterious girl in front of her. He than stops writing and look so up at Sara Bloodlily.

She than looks and observes Ink , as he took a look at his clothing, and grabbed onto parts of them.

"What are you doing?"

Ink spoke out, as he wonders what is Sara doing to him. But Sara does not listen, and she continues to try and observe the clothing that he is wearing. When she finished looking at the clothing that he has, Sara made a flirtatious smile, and spoke out.

"For someone your size, you're pretty cute, Ink."

This made Ink blush at what Sara said to him, which is not what he was expecting. But his blush is rainbow colored instead of being a normal red color.

"R-Really? I'm not that cute."

Ink spoke out, as he rubbed the back of his head, with a rainbow blush now on his face. Sara Bloodlily smiled, as she than spoke out.

" you look even more cuter than you did before, Ink."

Ink than puts his hand on his face and shook his head, but still smiles with the form of flattery. But regardless, he is at least to meet an artist just like him.

"Oh gods."

Ink said, as he put his hands on his face, clearly embarrassed about what he had just heard her say, as he shook his head in order to try and get rid of the blush that has form onto his face. Sara smiled, as she was able to make Ink blush in a rather cute way. Sara was about to say something to Ink...when a voice suddenly spoke out.

"Well look right here, everyone! Someone that we can take for us to have!"

Ink and Sara stopped smiling and looked around to see that someone has decided to arrive and ruin the fun. The person that a person, a group of people has decided to arrive, and needless to say, these people spell bad news. They are all resembling thugs of sorts, but they have much more dangerous weapons than the average thug, and all of their attention seems to be on Sara Bloodlily. And it looks like Sara Bloodlily is very annoyed at these people, meaning that she has had encountered with them before. She rolled her eyes in a very annoyed manner, before she than spoke out in a very irritated time of voice.

"Oh great, it's these disgusting people, again."

Ink than looks at Sara, as he than spoke out.

"You encounter those strange guys before?"

Sara nodded, so she spoke out.

"I have, and it was not a pleasant experience from me to have."

She turns around, and than spoke out to herself.

"Especially not wuth what they tried to do to me."

She than turns around and spoke out to the people that have arrived.

"Why is it that you cannot take the hint and leave me alone? I have told you before that I am not interested, and here you are, still trying to take me with whatever messed up plan you have for me."

But one if them, who is supposedly the leader, than spoke out to Sara in a rather disgusting tone of voice.

"I told you before, lady. I am not going to stop until I take you with me. And you do noting get a choice in the matter!"

The man a smiled, as another voice spoke out, directed at him.

"how about the choice of being able to kick you in the hind!"

Before the man could ask who said that and turns to look at who it was that had spoke out, he is than suddenly punched in the face extremely hard, cracking his nose a little Butkus, but did not snap it. But this did not stop the nose from bleeding very badly. The man was launched back off of his feet and had landed on the ground very, very hard, and his goons checked on him to see if he is okay. The man looked up to see who it was that had attacked him from before, and he than saw that it was Ink who had punched him in the nose, and in his hand, he has his Paintbrush out, and he looked very unhappy with the man, as he tried to attack a new friend that he is trying to make right now. The man snarled angrily, as he spoke out.

"You! How dare you get in the prize of my-"

But Ink rebukes what the man said, as he than spoke back to him.

"Prize? Do you see all women as a prize that you can take, pal? If so, than you must have gotten a very messed up mind inside of your head, because clearly, you need to check yourself inside if a mirror of sorts."

The man snarled, as he snapped his fingers, and he goons came together, as he spoke out.

"You don't give her to me, than you will die!"

But Ink simply laughed, as he spoke out to the punks.

"Do you honestly think you can get past me? If you, than you are way more foolish and idiotic than even I can imagine."

Ink turns around to Sara Bloodlily, before speaking out to her.

"Hey, Sara. If you can't fight, than I suggest you get out of this situation and run away from this thing."

But Sara than spoke out to Ink.

"Who says that I a, backing down from this fight, Ink?"

Ink looked confused, as he is unsure what and how Sara is going to do in this fight? After all, she does not have any weapons to help herself against this amount, especially since she has brittle bone disease. But Ink thought to soon on what he thinks of Sara getting into a fight, because than, Sara positioned her arms, and than spoke out something.

"Create: Brush of the Demiurge."

Suddenly, paint began to appear out of nowhere, and gathered into her hand, before making what seems to be a paintbrush and a palette.

Ink was suddenly completely off guard by what he had just seen Sara do, as Sara than spoke out to Ink in a rather confident tone of voice to him

"I'm going to be joining this fight to. Color of Magic-Fire Red of Brilliant Blaze!!"

Sara later shouted out, as she swung red paint at one of the enemies trying to attack. Ink was caught by surprise of the fact that she had done a similar move when he uses the small paintbrushes. But it looks like the paint enlarged itself to a degree that it is now a somewhat of a large pond of sorts. The bad guys are now being very careful with what they are dealing with, as they now realize that this girl is not going to be trifled with easily. And based on their reactions, they have not seen her do that before.

"Okay, now that is cool. I can do the same thing, without saying the attack."

Ink spoke out, as he stepped in front of Sara, and points his paintbrush at the goons that are ready to try and take the girl.

" ready to dunk those fools down, Sara?"

Ink spoke out, as he took out his large paintbrush, as he gets ready to fight off against the bad people. Sara nodded, as she grips her Brush of the Demiurge very tightly.

"Of course I am ready, Ink. I never said that I was not prepared to not bring my brush into the fight."

Ink pulls out is normal-sized brushes, and gets ready to attack the creeps that are trying to take Sara away.

"Than let's get to the point."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He than swung his paintbrushes, and fired sharp ink bones at the goons. They tried to shoot them in the air, but they failed to get all of them, and only managed to get some of them, as they are pierced by the bones, which are surprisingly very painful, as that was able to pierced the skin and made the blood leak out of their bodies. Looks like that the fight against the 2 artists, in the eyes of the lecherous goons, it looks like it is not going to be that much of an easy fight as they thought. They than immediate became a bit weary, as Ink than charged at them, and got ready to attack them as badly as he can towards them.

Sara Bloodlily than used her powers over paint, though her way of doing it is way different compared to Ink's. Ink can use paintbrushes without needing to use a palette to cover the brushes with Ink, and simply makes it with his magic. But Sara Bloodlily, in the other hand, she needs to use the palette in order to attack. But this does not seem to effect her in a bad way. In fact, she seem to be very skilled at it, and it does not effect her physicality that way. She than looks before her, and see one of the goons about to attack her. But Sara was ready, as she took out a silver paint onto her paintbrush, as she than spoke out loud.

"Color of Magic—Gunmetal Gray of Rigid Steel!"

Than, she used this paint on her left arm, and the paint instantly spreads all over the left arm, and than to the rest of the body, and it now looks like that her physical form, it is as though it has turned into steel. The goon tried to cut her with the sword, but the sword shattered upon impact with Sara's body, which knocked the goon back, as he lands on the ground right onto his back, and it looks like that trying to defeat her is not going to be that much of an easy challenge than the goon thinks. Sara than turns around, as the Rigid Steel on her body began to drip off of her body. Another one tried to run at her, but she has anothe trick up her sleeve. She than puts the brush into the white paint of her palette, as she than spoke out loud, using another technique.

"Color of Magic—Silk White of Steady Guidance!"

She than made a path of white paint onto the ground, and went out of sight. The goon followed the path, but than got trapped by...something. But than, he got knocked out by a punch that is courtesy of Ink, as he grips his large paintbrush and began to attack as much as he can. Ink leapt up into the air, and launched 3 slashes of black paint at the goons, hunch have rot this me pretty bad fly,can, to did not hurt them lethally. He just hunted the to the point that they are now unconscious. He than launched yellow paint into the air. The yellow paint turned into non-lethal bullets, and fired at the goons in the head, knocking them out and giving them some bad brain injuries. Ink than blocked a sword with a paintbrush, as he than kicked the guy back, while he has a chain wrapping around the around a paintbrush. Ink looks at a direction and saw that a goon with a chain is the one that did it, as he spoke out.

"I'll take that large paintbrush and shove it up your ass!"

But Ink than spoke out.

"The paintbrush is too large for you to shove it up my butt. And besides, you'll only make me sit on it."

Ink than pulls onto the chain with all of his might, and the goon was launched off of his feet, as Ink spun around with the paintbrush in his hand, as the goon hit a bunch of stuff, such as the trees on one end, and than hits a building on the other. This made the goon let go of the chain, as Ink than swung his Paintbrush to make a shield tat protected him from the bullets. Ink than launched into the air and fired Ink Bones at the goo, stabbing him in the legs and in the arms, incapacitating him. He than landed on the ground, as he kicked another goon in the face. He than swung his paintbrush with all of his might, and made arms come out of the paint, as well as hands. They grabbed onto a handful of the goon, and he through them as far away as he could, hopefully to the direction of a prison.

Ink than lands next to Sara, as he spoke out.

"This is rediculous. I can't seem to catch a break. I could trap them all in chains so that they can stop moving, but I need them to be off balance for me to do my thing."

Sara smiled, as she spoke out to Ink.

"Than it seem that you are in luck, because I have something that can take them off balance.

Ink looks, as Sara puts her brush on the yellow paint, as she than shoute out at the top of her lungs.

"Color of Magic—Bright Yellow of Flash!"

She than swung yellow paint into the air, and than sudden flash of light appears out of complete nowhere. The goons covered their eyes, as Ink jumped into their and, and splashed purple paint onto the rest of them, before he snapped his fingers, and the purple paint turned into chains, trapping all of the members, and preventing them from getting out. The effects of the yellow paint magic was able to end, and Ink landed onto the ground, as he sees that all of them are now restrained and onto the ground, unable to get up.


Ink said with a smile on his face. As soon s Ink said that, a police car came out of nowhere, and the cops got out of them, as one of the police officers spoke out.

"So that is where they have been located at all thus time. I always wondered where they were."

Ink than spoke out to the police man.

"You know these people?"

The police men nodded, as one of them than spoke out.

"We do, unfortunately. They have been evading us for a long time and did a large number of terrible crimes. But now that you were able to capture them, we'll be bringing them back to prison, and this time, they will not be getting out of what they are going to be out into."

They than took the gang members, and brought them into the police cars, before they drove off without a second to lose. Ink sighed, as he turns around to look at Sara directly.

"Glad that is over. Well...I gotta go. My brother is going to get worried if I do not get back on time."

Ink said, as he began to walk away. But as he did, Sara spoke out.

" you mind if I can ask you something?"

Ink stopped and turns around to look at Sara, before he spoke out.

"What is it that you want to ask, Sara?"

Sara made a cute smile, as she than spoke out to him.

"Do you mind if we get to hang out someday. Just the 2 of us?"

This made Ink freeze for a bit...before...

Ink barfs up black paint, and in his excitement, he spoke out.

"Hang out? You really wanna hang out with me someday, like a date of sorts? Of course I will! I'd be glad to do it for you!"

Sara smiled, as she sees the childish reaction from Ink, as she hands a piece of paper to him, and Ink looks to see numbers. Sara's number. Taking out his phone, he types the number in, and presses it, as Sara's begins to ring, which she shuts off.

"There, now you can call me whenever you want."

Ink said, as Sara giggled, which sounded cute.

"I can't wait for us to go out together. Goodbye, Ink."

Sara said, as she than spoke out.

"Color of Magic—Aqua Blue of Water Surface."

She scattered blue paint onto the floor, and jumped into it, as she vanished. Looks like she must have went back home. Ink smiled, as he than swung his large paintbrush, and goes into the portal, which than vanished. This is the most exciting moment of Ink's entire life. And this is one that Ink will likely never forget.

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