Battle against the Gremory Peerage

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Ink looks extremely ticked off at who it is that has decided to come to Ink, and needless to say, it had happened at the worst time possible time of yet. His eye twitched, as he sees so he people that he had open to never come and encounter. Especially after al that they have done to Ink in his life.

Rias Gremory and her whole entire peerage has decided to come to where Ink is at, along with the girl, Rishia, who is next to. It is lucky that he was able to find Rishia on time than Ruas Gremory and her peerage being the ones to find her. Otherwise, this would have turned unti nothing but a disaster for Rishua, as that means she would have been subjected to life as a servant to the house of Rias Gremory herself. Ink tightened his knuckles, as he looks at the devils that have decided to appear before him, before speaking out.

"You have got a lot of nerve, Gremory. After all the stuff you had done. After all the lies you had spread along with those huntsman and those false heroes."

"Hey, watch your tone to the president and shut the fuck Yo, you weak asshole!"

Issei shouted out to the artist, as Ink snapped his head and spoke out to Issei.

"Why? Because what I said is the truth, You Perverted False Dragon Emperor?"

This made Issei snarl with rage, as Rias than spoke out.

"That's enough, Issei! I'll handle it from here."

Rias than stepped forward once, and spoke out.

"Ink! I demand that you give me the girl that you have beside you, and you are coming with me!"

But Ink spoke out.

"You are not my master, Rias. And there is no way that I am giving the one I refused to you. Especially since she is already out of a bad situation before."

Rias snarled, as she tried to think of something, and she did make an idea. But Ink than spoke out to Rias, as he could tell what she is suddenly thinking, based on the expression that she is now making.

"If you think of making a wager for me to give her to you, than forget about it. There is no way that will happen, and even if I did a wager on my side, you will not hold true to your word. So why don't you just back off and go back to where you came from?"

This made Rias shocked, as she spoke out.

"How do you know that?"

Ink than spoke out.

"I could tell by the expression on your face. It is very obvious what you are planning. But guess what, Rias. I am not here to be a part of that plan that you have to me. So you can forget it and go to hell to be tortured for all that I care."

Rias snarled, as she spoke out.

"Well, you don't have a choice now do you? Neither will she when Issei gets to have her and does whatever he wants with her."

Ink clenched and unclenched his fist, with his face preparing to control it self with rage, as he turns around and looks at the girl that he has saved from before. And needless to say, her reaction was no better.

Rishia tears up, as she thinks that she is going to be taken into something worse, something as ink had been a own ro or event for of before. It is very unfair for Ink, since he had just prevented that from happening back at that mansion. And now, in such a short amount of time, it is now beginning to happen again, by the very people that he hates so much. Ink clenched his fists as tightly as he could, before he looks up with a snarl and spoke out to the red haired devil in a stern tone of voice.


Rishia looks at Ink and Rias looked shocked, as he spoke out.

"I will not let you reincarnate Rishia and use her like a slave!! She was nearly put in that position once, Rias, and I am not letting you do that to her. I won't let it happen to her again! So you can take your offer and shove it down your throat, you greedy devil! Because you'll be dunked on!"

Ink than grabbed his Paintbrush from his back, and points it at Rias, before he spoke out.

"If you want to have her in your peerage this badly, Rias, than you'll have to kill me. But the thing is...I don't plan on dying here."

Rias snarled, as she spoke out.

"So be it! Issei! Crush this weakling!"

Issei smirked, as he than spoke out.

"Heh! You're death is mine!!!"

Issei charged at Ink, in hopes that he can kill him. But as he attempted to go and attack Ink...suddenly...he suddenly is wrapped in black tendrils, and he is suspended in midair.

Rias liked confused, until she looked, and was shocked at what she is seeing. Ink has his hand out. His star-shaped eye is leaking out a rainbow mist, his left hand has paint-like aura.

"What the-what have you done you bastard?!"

Issei shouted out, as Ink than gripped his large Paintbrush extremely tightly, before he than begins to swing it like a bat.

"Wait, wait! What do you think the you're doin with-"

Before Issei could finish, Ink swung with all of his might, and Issei was sent flying as far as possible. Issei was in the air, and he went so fast into the sky that he was gone from everyone's sight. A star twinkled at where he was at, meaning that he must have gone very far away. Though not in space.


Rias spoke out, as Ink said.

"Wow, and you call him your strongest piece, and there he goes. Gone in just one swing of Broomie. If he was the strongest piece that you had in your peerage, he would not have been able to get this far from the power of my swing, and he would still be here with you. Very embarrassing for you, Rias Gremory. Very embarrassing."

This made Rias snarled with rage, as her demonic aura began to cover her body, as she than spoke out.

"You pathetic little weakling! I will not allow you to tarnish my name this easily!"

Ink was surprised at that, but than he laughs at that, as if it is the funniest joke that he had heard all day, and as if Rias has become extremely brainless and clueless of the world that is around her very eyes. This sudddnly made Rias confused and even more embarrassed, as Ink than spoke out.

"Me, tarnishing your name? Wow, Rias. Unless you have not been paying attention to the world around you instead of your servants, you must have clearly forgotten about the fact that you have done this to yourself. Because unless you have forgotten, you and your peerage, as well as the other people that have hurt me. You lied. You lied to an entire city of your deeds, and you had gotten them. And when the truth of what you people really are came out in the open, your name was already tarnished badly, which I did not have a hand on."

Though Ink looked down for a split second, as he than whispers to himself.

"At least not directly."

Ink than looks at Rias, who got even more enraged, as Ink spoke out.

"So you can deny all you want, Rias. You can deny the truth that has been shown to you clearly before your very eyes. You can keep on throwing as much blame out at me as you can do it. But in the very end of it all, everyone in the city has already seen you of who you really are beneath this false heroic facade. The truth is this. You had tarnished the name yourself, but your own hands. Your own lies, which you have made."

This made Rias explode with anger, as she shouts out.


Her demonic aura flared even more, as she shouted out to him.

"I will show you what happens when you dare talk line this to a Gremory such as me!!"

Ink than pulls out a vial, which is a red one, and than drinks up, before he puts the top back on, puts it in his sash, and spoke out to her, with red eyes glowing.

"Let's get to the point. Rishia...if you can't fight, than please. Stay out of this."

But Rishia...feeling like she owes Ink something, and not wanting to lose her chance at getting a new life that is ahead of her, and one that is in her grasp, spoke out to the artist.

"Fuee!! No! I am not letting you fight on your own! I want to help you, Ink!"

Ink was rather surprised at what the Ahh girl had said to him, as he than spoke out to Rishia Ivyred, hoping that she is not really serious about wanting to fight against them.

"You sure you want to do this, Rishia? After all, you are not a confident type of person to fight them!"

Rishia than spoke out.

"Fueeee! I know that...but you saved my life, and helped me out of this terrible place! This is the least that I can do for you!"

Ink was surprised, and spoke out.


Rishia nodded her head.

"You are giving me something that would help me through all of this. I at least owe you something in this exchange, Ink!"

Ink was surprised, as he than spoke out.

"Well...if you want to fight..."

He turns around, his paintbrush ready for action.

"Let's get to it than."

Ink than ran forward, as he begs to make his attack on the Gremory peerage, in order to make sure the they do not get Rishia. Of course, the only one that he does not want to hurt is Asia, who he does care about in a way. And he is sure that Asia feels the same way, but is unaware of his Iml is feeling towards her. She must think that Ink hates her for never being able to help him when he really needed her help.

Ink than struck at Rias, who than made a defensive magical circle to protect against the paintbrush. Despite being made of wood, it is surprisingly way more stronger and much more durable than it lets on. So much that even Rias was sent launching off of her feet when she got hit.

Rias than skidded to a stop, as she than spoke out to Ink.

"Let's see if you can be able to handle this one, you weakling!!"

Rias than fired a blast of the Power of Destruction at Ink, in hopes that it will annihilate his chance at winning this battle against her. But Ink immediately counters the Power of Destruction by making a wall of black paint to protect himself and Rishia from getting hit and likely get destroyed by the Power of Destruction.

The Power of Destruction was able to destroy the wall that Ink has made, but both Ink and Rishia, they are both still perfectly fine and not hit at all, and needless to say, Rias got a little bit irritated at what Ink had done.

"You will give that girl to me, Ink!"

Rias said, as she glares at Ink, while demanding that Ink gives Rishia and himself to her so she can turn them into sevrants she can use for her plans. But of course, for Ink, that is not going to happen. No in fact, to him, it will never happen, becusss he will make sure that this Rias wants, he will make sure enough he told to never comes to pass. Rias will not get his hands on Rishia Ivyred.

"Over my dead body!"

Ink than charged at Rias, and began the fire sharp ink bones at her, as Rias fired Blasts of destructive energy at the bones in an effort to make sure that she does not get stabbed painfully. Rias than fired a bunch of destructive energy at Ink, in hopes that it can kill him. While this would kill him, Ink is not stupid to let it get to him. In fact he is not planning to let it get to him. Ink turns into his black paint firm and began to move away from the dstructive energy as fast as he could. And needless to say, Ink is able to do an extremely efficient job at getting away from this.

He than unleashed a powerful punch at Rias, as thus made her cough blood and send her flying. He than charges at her, but Koneko gets in the way, and began to attack him.

"You won't get away with this, Ink."

Koneko spoke out to Ink, as the artist, swung his large paintbrush at Koneko, which so,alters her in purple paint. And before Koneko could do anything, Ink spoke out to her.

"I just did get away with it, fur ball."

He than snapped his fingers, and the purple paint suddenly turned into extremely tight and powerful strings, which Koneko can't get out of. In other words, he had sent her out of the game through his creativity. And needles so to say, Rias was not happy, as she's than shouted out loud to her best friend.

"Akeno! I need your help in dealing with this weakling!"

Akeno smiled, as she can't wait to help deal with immense agony to Ink. She than changed to her shrine maiden clothes in an instant, and began to use her Holy Lightning to try and bring down Ink. Akeno than fires holy lightning at Ink, as he began to dodge and evade getting hit by the Fallen Angel power of Akenk, as he than made a shield of paint to protect himself against another blast of Holy Lightning from Akeno, as she than spoke out in her sickly, soft spoken tone at Ink.

"Oh my, Ink~. Your screams of agony will become music to my ears once I can strike you with my lightning~."

Ink than jumps into the air, as he than swung his paintbrush at Akeno, before he spoke out Ina rather mocking and cruel tone of voice.

"Your death will become a game to me. I bet your momma's death must have been a game to your relative!"

Needless to say, Akeno did not like that, as she than shouted out at the top of her lungs, with rage now present in her voice.

"You will pay for that, Ink!"

She than blasts Holy Lightning at Ink, who than dodged the attack from Akeno, and slammed right into her gut as she is than knocked to the ground. Looks like Ink hit a very touchy subject into Akeno right there. Will, seems like that this seductive half fallen angel freak deserved what was coming to her. And he is going to make sure that she pays even more so than she did right now.

With Rishia, she is going up against Kiba, Rosweiss, and Xenovia. Gasper is in this, but Rishia could tell that even gasped does not want to fight against Rishia. But even though Rishia does not want to do this either, she has to if she is going to get out of this mess along with the person that had save she life, along with the person that is here to give her another chance to finally live her life.

"Give it up, miss. We don't want to hurt you."

Kiba spoke out, as he grips Sword Birth with his bare hands. And Xenovia grips Durandal, as she spoke out.

"But we will if we must bring you by force."

Rossweiss than spoke out.

"So please, don't try and fight back against us."

But Rishia, even though she is shy and fearful against those 4, she is going do keep on fighting not aagusnt them, because she still thinks that she owes Ink something for saving her life. And she is not going to let that go to waste. Rishia than extended her hands at the one that is trying to capture her, and Gasper spoke out.

"Wh-What are you doing?"

But Rishia does not answer Gasper's question as she than began to spoke out what seems to be an incantation of sorts.

"As source of they power, I order thy!!"

Rishia spoke out, as Green Magic began to gather at her palms, as she continue her magical incantation to the people that are trying to take her away.

"Decipher the laws of nature and unleash a fist of wind!"

Than a magical circle appeared underneath Kiba, Xenovia, Gasper, and Rossweiss, as she than shouted out.

"Fast wind blow!!"

Rishia shouted. And before Rossweiss, Kiba, and Xenovia could react, they were suddenly hit by an extremely powerful and  incredibly fast fist of wind, and blew all 3 of them out of the area. And they are going to the same direction as where Issei had went when Ink had struck him with his strength. Rishia than looks and turns to Asia, and from the way that it looks, she is not much of a fighting type of person.

She turns to Asia, but immediately turns away from her, as she realizes that Asia can'r really fight back, unlike Gasper, who's Sacred Gear has some way of fighting back. So she turns to Ink, as he is fighting against Akeno and Rias, and Ink eventually blocks with a paint shield, which blew up and launched Ink back.

Rishia than runs to Ink, as she helps him up, and Rias and Akeno spoke out.

"It's no use, Ink. You and your friend are going to be serving us, whether you like it or not! So be good and join me!"

Ink than stood up, as he stood up with a grunt. As he than spoke out.

"I am not here to join you, Rias. I never will! I'd rather die to join!"

He gripped his Paintbrush, and get's ready to attack. But than, Rishia extends her hands, and spoke out.

"Erste Power!"

As she said that, Ink's body began to glow green, as
Ink could feel his power increasing itself greatly. Ink was shocked, as he spoke out.

"Wow. Rishia, thanks a lot for this!"

Rishia blushed and smiled, as Ink complimented on her being able to help him with what she had just done. But Rias, on the other hand...she was not happy that the girl did this, as she also can sense the power boost that Rishia has done to Ink.

"I've had enough of you! Die!!"

Rias shouted out loud, as she and Akeno than did their most powerful strikes at Ink, in hopes of being able to bring him down and force him to kneel before her very presence. But unfortunately for the member of the house of Gremory, that was not going to happen, because now that Ink has a power boost from Rishia, he is going to make sure that this ends, once and for all.

Rias than tired to fire another Power of Destruction at Ink, with Akeno firing Holy Lightning with her best friend. But Ink was ready, as he than suddenly fired an Ink Gaster Blaster. The 3 blasts pushed against each other, as they try and push one another back. But thanks to the power boost that Ink has gained, he was able to overpower and eventually land a hit on both Rias and Akeno, agonizing them and knocking them both unconscious. Ink smiled, but he did it too soon, as a voice shouted out.

"Hey, you bastard!"

Ink turns around and blocks a punch from Issei, and needless to say, Issei was caught by surprise by that. Before Issei could say anymore to Ink, Ink than used his Paintbrush as hard as he could on the head, knocking him out.

"Well...that settles it. Thanks a lot, Rishia."

Rishia smiled brightly, as Ink than turns his head again, this time to Asia Argento, as tears began leaking out of her eyes.


Ink spoke out, as Asia than snapped her head at Ink, before speaking out.

"Y-Yes, Ink?"

Ink took a deep breath, to calm himself, before he spoke out.

"Please...take them back to Union and be truthful to the headmasters, okay?"

Asia nodded, and spoke out.

"I-I'll do so, right away!"

Ink nodded, before he spoke out.


Asia looks at Ink, as he spoke out.

"Just so you know...I'm not angry with you. Nor do I hate you for not helping me back than, when I had really needed someone to help me. Okay?"

Asia's eyes widened, but nodded and smiled happily, knowing that Ink does not blame her a single bit for what had happened from before. Asia than places her hands on the ground, and a magic circle was formed, as Asia spoke out.

"I can still visit you, right?"

Ink nodded his head.

"Yep, you still can visit me, Asia."

Asia smiled wider, as the magic circle brightened and vanished, and so were the peerage.

"Fueeeeee...I'm so, so happy!"

Rishia spoke out, as Ink chuckled a little bit, before he spoke out.

"Come on, Rishia. Time to go to your new home."

Ink than swung his paintbrush, making a portal, and than, both Rishia and Ink entered the portal. going to have a new happy life ahead of her very own eyes.

But Rias...on the other hand...not so much. In fact, because she tried to break a rule and tried to force Ink and Rishia into her ranks, it ended extremely badly for her, getting her humiliated in the process for what she had done. But Asia...she is still allowed to see Ink, as Ink never held a grudge against Asia. And besides...Asia and Rishia might get along.

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