Rescuing Someone Captured

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Ink is shown to be watching the news back at his house, with Eri sleeping inside of his room, peacefully. Ink is now sitting down to see the news, as he needs to save people. And no, this is not because he wants to be famous, it is because he cares deeply for other people. And more importantly of all...while it may seem cruel in a way, he does not want to give the false heroes a chance to reclaim their reputation, especially after they had gotten so many people killed for what they have done, using their lies to get them killed. So now...he is watching to see what is happening.

"Just recently...a family of nobles have been killed and have their home burned down, with the only survivor, a daughter, having been taken by the ones that attacked her family, and is-"

Ink turns off the T.V, gets up from the bed, and spoke out to himself.

"Well...time to go."

Ink spoke out, as he than decides to get outside. But before he does that. He needs to get his Paintbrush, which he had named as Broomy. Very odd name to make, but it is one that fits it.

Ink sighed, as he went to his room, and opened the door, as slowly and carefully as he could. He looks, and sees Eri, asleep on a bed that he had gotten for her to rest right on top of.

Ink, seeing that Eri is sound asleep, tries his best to not wake her up. Her hair is spread out by a bunch, and her horn has shrunken a little bit. Normally, this would be when she uses way to much power. But in this case, it is because she has no use of it for her to use on anyone.

Ink and the others were able to decide what Eri's power is capable of, and needless to say, even Ink felt a little worried about what she can do. Even though he is a being made from paint and all of that, it is likely that there is some stuff about him that can be considered to be 'alive' in a way. Which is why he is helping Eri control her power of 'Rewind.' They were able to use other living beings on her to use. First, they used bugs, than on trees, than on some animals. And through the bigger stuff that she used her power on, she is gaining more and more control over the power that she has. And needless to say, it is making Ink feel much more safer, now that Eri is getting more and more in control of what she is capable of doing. But Ink can't think of that for now. He can't think about how well she is doing with her control over the power she has. Ink needs to think about saving the captured girl.

Ink stood on his toes, and began to slowly and surely creep behind her and away from her, so she does not interrupt what is most likely a perfect nap that she has.

Eri looked very cute in her sleep, since this is likely the first time in so long that she had a goodnight sleep. And Ink knows better than to wake her up. So calmly and carefully...she was able to reach the Paintbrush. He grabbed it, and was about to take it off...but than saw that there is a violin...which belonged to Ink. Ink's eyes widened, and he smacked himself in the head, softly, as he spoke out.

"Why did I suddenly forget that I had put my violin there? Now I am going to have an even harder time trying to get that girl out of here before the false heroes get there."

Ink than teleported in front of the Paintbrush. But before he grabs and takes it, he slowly grabbed the violin, and teleported to the other side of the wall, which is away from Eri. He than teleported again, and grabbed his paintbrush, before he than teleports out of the room, and began to close the door behind Eri. But not before he spoke out to her.

"Sweet Dreams, Eri."

Ink spoke out, as he closed the door behind Eri. Unaware to Ink, though, Eri smiled, meaning that she heard Ink say that to him, and it is making. Her smile widely.

With Ink, he began to get down the stairs, and began to go to the front door. Ink sighed, as he can't believe he had wasted a bunch of time on something this ridiculous, with the mistake that he had made. that this is past, he is able to get on to the point, and get there girl out of the direction that she is in.

He finally reached to the front door, and he turned the knob, and opened the door, although a little bit slowly, as he does not want to make a lot of noises from what he is doing. Thankfully, he opened it enough to get through, and he closed the door very gently.

He grips his Paintbrush as tightly as he could, and he smiled worn confidence at getting the girl out of this torment she is in, before looking at his Paintbrush.

"Let's get to it."

Ink spoke out to his Paintbrush, as he than turned into Black Paint, as he than followed the men that had taken the family's daughter. Thankfully...he was able to know the location, thanks to the news talking about it. So he should be able to track down the girl and the people taking her captive in a jiffy. With his greatest hopes, the heroes have not arrived at the girl before he arrives there.


"So this is where you live at, huh?"

Ink spoke out, as he saw the house. The house looks like it is a mansion of sorts that a wealthy man would take. But Ink knows better. Inside, it may look like a typical mansion, but there is something inside of it that makes things a little bit scary. Something that not even Ink can be sure about. But regardless of this feeling, he needs to get inside and try to rescue the girl that's been captured.

"Too bad you won't keep that place permanently."

Ink spoke out, as he than leapt up into the air, and goes into liquid form, to try and sneak past the guards, who are using their many trucks to get the crates they need from the places they've stolen.

He went past a bunch of the guards, and he looks behind a bush to see that they are using crates for something. It is likely filled with weapons and all of that. Well...too bad that the very weapons that they had stolen...they are not going to be of much use in what he is going to do to them.

Ink than snuck into the truck that has the crates, and he use brown paint to turn into an exact copy and size of the crates that have been taken. Ink squeezed and curled up into a ball as much as he can. As that happened, 2 voices.

"What did we miss one?"

"Did anyone count the crates right?"

Ink remained silent, as he kept still inside of the crate that he has made. Than, the first voice spoke out again.

"I think we should throw it inside with the others, just to be safe?"

Silence, until the 2nd voice spoke out.


They then grabbed the crate that Ink is in, and luckily, the space is too small for Ink to be bouncing around. So getting inside would be a breeze. Ink than felt the truck moving, and he looked through a hole of sorts, to see that he is going downwards, likely someplace underground.

Turning into his liquid form, he got out of the crate, and was able to spot a hallway beside the truck that is still moving. When Ink got out and saw the hallway...Ink has his mouth open agape, as he than spoke other to himself.

"I really need a map of this place."

The whole place he is in, it is like a maze of some sort. There is simply no other way to describe this. The hallway that are connected in each other, they gave their own dead ends, and their own twists and turns. it is so amazing that something this large can be existing in a place such as this. And this thing needs to go down. But first off...he needs to find the girl. He than looked around...and he saw hat there is an air vent. He snapped his fingers, as he than began to try and open it...but then widened his eyes in realization, as he remembered that he can go into his black paint form in order to get inside of the vents.

"Why is it that I was born with such a short memory? I will never know. I just know that I am bad and born with such a thing like this."

Ink than melts down and turns into his Black Paint form, and later reforms himself, after he was able to fit and get all parts of himself in...with no parts remaining from behind and above ground. Ink sighs, as he began to crawl inside of the vents, so that he can find the girl. But just in case he gets lost, or if he finds something that is very interesting, he will use different colored paints that are as thin as strings. Similar to the time when a certain hero used string in the labyrinth, where the Minotaur resides in.

He starts with a piece of red string. He uses it to crawl through the vents as much as he could to try and find it. Thankfully, he is using a red-tipped paintbrush that instantly hardens, and Ink uses it, until he came across a split direction, and an opening in the vent, through the frame. Ink looks into it, and spoke out.

"Well, seems like the plot is thickening."

Ink looks and see some hat there are a bunch of weapons inside of this place. Most of them are composed of bombs. But there are also guns and other times of weapons inside of this place. Ink than spoke out.

"Time to switch to a different paint."

Ink than stopped using the red paint, and switched to the blue paint, as he began to choose witch direction that he as to go to. Ink than turns around for a little bit, looking in the different directions that is beside him, before he spoke out.

"Guess I have to do it by random chance. Hopefully...what I am choosing will be the right one."

Ink than turns to the left, as, for some unknown reason, he has a weird feeling that he has to go there. He goes to the left, and than goes to the right, and than keeps going forward, until he looks through another vent frame. He sees a man, sleeping on his desk, having papers underneath his arms. Changing to his paint form, he than slipped himself out of the vent, and than slowly, but carefully, get's the paper out of the man's arms. Ink hesitates at couple of times, due to the man look like like he was going to wake up, but eventually, he was able to get the paper, and slipped into the vent, as he read about what the paper is all about.

"What in the..."

Ink spoke out, as he looked at the paper. It was a series of plans and instructions. The plan is to take over Unioj Academy as the highest power and rule the city that everyone is in. And they captured the girl, because she has strong magic to help her increase the power of their weapons. Ink snarled, as he than spoke out to himself.

"All more of the reason to try and get her out of there."

Ink said. But as he said that...he heard something. It sounds like...a sobbing of sorts. Maybe from a girl.

"Is it coming from who I think it is?"

Ink turns to the direction of the direction of where the sound is coming from. Ink clenched his fist, as he than spoke out.

"It's gotta be."

Ink than used a green paintbrush, as he than goes to the direction of where the sound of crying is coming from, and Ink crawls there as fast as he could, and as he did...the crying seems to grow even louder and clearer than it did before. It is obvious that this is where the girl is at. He than goes to the end of the vent, and where the sound is most clear than it has ever been. The frame is on the floor. But Ink does not have to worry, as he can turn to liquid form, and rose out of the Vent, and saw the room.

It looked like a worn down old bedroom of sorts, used by prisoners in the old times, but the person that was in there is what got his attention.

It was a girl, seemingly a year older than him, likely at the age of 17. She has green hair tied into twin braids. She has lighter green eyes, and is about 5 feet tall, as she is basically taller than Ink. Her eyes looked red and slightly puffy, likely from having to cry at the loss of what she had endured. Her home, her family, they have both been ripped away  from her life. Ink than spoke out to her.

"Hey, you okay over there?"

The girl than jumped and saw Ink. She looked a little worried, as Ink spoke out to her.

"Where are my manners. My name is Ink. I'm here to get out of this place."

This caught the girl's attention, as she looked down disbelived at Ink, before she spoke out.


Ink nodded with a warm smile on his face.

"Really. I'll get out of there alive. You'll be safe with me."

The girl than started crying, though Ink knows that this out more out of relief than being immensely sad. Ink than held out his hand, as he spoke out.

"Do you mind telling me your name, miss?"

The girl sniffed, as she than extended her hand out to touch Ink's own hand, and spoke out, while also trying all that she can to try and hold back the tears that is coming down her face a little bit.

"R-Rishia (sniff)...Ivyred."

The girl named Rishia said, as she took Ink's hand. Ink gripped it tightly, as he spoke out.

"Come on. Let's get out of here."

Ink said with a smile on his face. Ink sniffed and wiped her tears, though they are still coming down. Ink than was able to open the door, and spoke out.

"Before we go, I need to collect some evidence for the officers to arrest this guy. Than, blow this place, and finally, you'll never have to worry about him coming to capture you again."

Rishia nodded her head, since this person is the one chance she has at getting out of the situation that she is in right now. Ink than made a paint on a wall, and shove down he evidence to the police station, as well as the location of the area that Rishua is in, and then made a key to open the door, and spoke out.

"Come on, follow me."

Ink could sense the red paint, and he knows where to locate the weapons room. And luckily, he has the paint that can make himself and Rishia invisible. He took out some white paint, which became transparent, and Ink gripped Rishia's hand tightly, as the paint fell on top of them.

"Fueeeee!! Wh-What is this, Ink?"

Rishia spoke out, as Ink spoke back to her.

"Some invisibility paint that I had made. It'll prevent us from getting caught when we're out in the opening. So don't worry. They won't find us that easily."

Rishia held both of her hands to Ink's right hand, as they continued to walk towards the weapons room, which Ink was able to locate. And as they went past the rooms, Rishia became a nervous wreck, as sweat is beginning to form and go down her face. But luckily for them, they made it to the weapon room. Ink than began to mess with a machine that controls all of the bombs simultaneously, as he spoke out.

"Alright, I activated the bombs. We've got to get out of here."

He spoke out, as they got out of the room they were in. But unfortunately for Ink, the whole underground place has a sprinkler system that activated everyone with even a small bit of fire present. And one if the bombs that Ink is beginning to detonate. It states to release some smoke. And needless to say...when that happened, as soon as they are about to go turn to a corner, the sprinkler systems activated, and Ink immediately begins to realize what was going to happen next.

"Uh oh. The invisible paint's coming off. Now is the best time to leave."


Rishia squealed out, as Rishia and Ink immediately ran as fast as they could. They had to avoid getting caught, but unfortunately for Rishia, one of the guards saw her foot, and spoke out.

"Hey,me here do you think that you are going?!"

Needless to say, Rishia is in the rush of her life, as she ran a bit more faster, as Ink tried to run faster as well. But as they began to turn to a corner, one of the guards noticed them, thing only for a split second, as Ink and Rishua immediately jumped away. But it still compelled the guard to go and check it out. Than Ink tries to go into the other direction, but the other guard that noticed them from before is already going to them. Which means one thing for Rushia, they are both trapped.

"Fueee...we're both cornered!

Rishia spoke on a scared tone, and believes that her one way ticket out of here is now no longer an option to choose from. But Ink spoke out to Rishia, confidently.

"Not for long."

Using his powers and his very large paintbrush, Ink than transport Rishia and Himself out of the area that they're in. But before he submerged himself and Rishia into the paint completely...Ink pulled out a bomb from his coat, in order to blow up this area of the house that these corrupted men are in.

As the guards turn and shot the bomb with their gun...they realized that they had made a bug mistake.

"...oh no."

Thr guard said, as the bomb began to blow at the exact same time as the other bombs, getting ready to blow up the whole mansion down to the ground.

Outside, the police are waiting, a whole squad of them, and the mansion blew up with immense force, and then, a bunch of the men filed into the air, including the leader, as they fell on top of the ground, the police points their guns at them all, as the chief spoke out to them.

"Freeze. You are under arrest for attempted terrorism and the murder of a girl's parents. You are coming with all of us!"

The men raised their hands into the air, as the police cuffed them. With Ink and Rishia, they least out of a large pond, and there clothes got wet from where they came out of.

"Fueee...this is so terrible."

Ink nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Yeah. But at least we're out of there."

Rishia nodded, but she looked depressed, as she spoke out.

"But I have nothing. My parents are dead. My home is burned down, and now, I have nothing! Fueeeeee! I lost everything!!"

Rishia sadly cried out, as newly formed tears came down her face, as Ink was a little sad that she lost them. But than he spoke out.

"His about I take you with me than?"

This made Rishia look at Ink, confused and sad, as Ink than spoke out to her.

"I can bring you with me, to my home. You may have lost something important to you, but I can bring you something that, while not the same, can still be something that can help you. Come with me, to my home. You'll be safe where I live in."

This made Rishia well up new tears, as she than spoke out to Ink.

"'re allowing me a new home?"

Ink nodded with a smile.

"One you'll be safe in. One where you won't have to be hurt again, Rishia."

This made Rishia cry out, but with some form of happiness inside of her voice this time, instead of a depressing voice from before.

"Fueeee!! Thank you!! Thank you!!"

Ink smiled, as he rubbed the top of her head, in an effort to comfort her, seeing how relieved Rishia Ivyred is right before him.

"You don't need to thank me, Rishia. Just be happy that you get to have a new chance in this life of yours."

Rishia nodded, and this time, she has a smile on her face. And it is a smile that is filled with relief this time.


Rishia made that sound again. Seems like a habit. But it was a rather cute habit to make, regardless.

Ink took out a handkerchief, and gave it to Rishia, which she used to remove the tears from her face. Rishia, she now gets a new chance to finally have renew her life. She may have lost something back from before, and she will not forget it. But with the person before her helping her...she feels happy...and she also feels a new alien emotion she does not recognize. Ink smiled, as he extended his hand to her.

"Come on. Let's go to where and my family live at."

Rishia sniffed, but smiled, and took his hand to go with Ink. Ink smiled, as he gripped his hand tightly, yet gently, as they went to a direction of where Ink will make a portal to his house. But before they could go.

"Hey, you bastard!"

This made Ink stop, as he than spoke out to himself.

"Oh for the love of..."

Ink turns around to see someone he hates rushing towards his direction, before he spoke out to himself.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

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