Helping a Little Horned Girl

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It has been a week...since the catastrophe happened, and the truth is revealed. Ever since the light has been exposed because of this incident, Union Academy has been shamed by the civilians for their lies having killed so many of their loved ones. And because of what they have done...they have became one of the most hated and disgusting people in history. Of course, the Headmasters don't mind, as they knew that the lies was wrong, and hoped that there was something that stopped it, which worked. James Ironwood also knew, and even though he decides to distance himself from Union, he is still friends with the Headmasters, as they already told him about this problem before the incident began. So they can still come to Atlas whenever they desire to.

The Bullies on the one hand...they are not doing so well. Because since the truth has been exposed, they had gained in extremely bad reputation for getting people killed with their lies, and when the truth of their deception has been exposed, the other students, in which the rest had believed their lies, lost not only their faith in them, but also what kindness they had to them. And because of this, they subjected them to the same harassment that they had done to Ink, except a bit more worse than him. Unlike with Ink, though, it is completely justified with what they are doing. And because of their will take an extremely long time for them to give Union back their reputation again, and to help the children with what they had to go through. Needless to say, things are not doing very well for them.

As for Ink, the Shinobi, Team CVFY, and some of the heroes, who are Momo, Uraraka, and Izuku...they are doing very well, and have become considered true heroes, due to the fact that they actually were honest with their skills, although that is in the case of the Shinobi, CVFY, and the Heroes themselves. In the case of Ink, it is because of the fact that he is doing everything in his power to fix the damage that had been done, that he has become the most trusted and famous of all the real heroes. But all of Ink's friends didn't mind, and in fact, are very proud of him for doing what he is doing right now. But this didn't make Ink feel any better than before. In fact, he felt worse. Not because of the praise which he is getting. He is actually felling honored by it. It is because of the fact that, in Ink's mind...his prayer lead to this mess. Even though he prayed for the truth to come out, it came out in a way that not even he wanted to happen. He didn't mean to make a prayer that took away the lives of people. He made a prayer for someone to see the truth and reveal it to the whole world. But this is even worse than what the Bullies have done when they lie. And because of this...Ink felt responsible for what had happened, and resolved to fix this. He fixed most of the city by himself, with the Shinobi helping civilians to the hospitals, which are the ones that are not damaged/destroyed. He doesn't want anyone to help him, thinking it's his responsibility alone.

But Ink has been pushing himself to the utter limit, as he tries whatever he can to try and fix the city that had been severely damaged by the attack. It even got to the point that he had to stop using the emotion vials to make it easier to do the job of repairing the damaged area of the city that everyone lives in. Needless to say, his family...meaning Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys...they were getting worried for him. But there is a bright side to it all. And it is a bright side that Ink had found.

In the ruins of the city...

Ink walks through what had remained of a part of the city on one of the sides. In fact...this is the second to last part that has now been rebuilt as of yet. Ink, with the help of some rebuilding workers, had been able to help fix the city a bit more faster by using his paint to repair some of the pieces of the buildings that no longer seem to fit, until they can find a better replacement for such buildings.

He is still not using his vials, as he needs to remove his emotions in order to do the job at fixing and repairing this sort of thing properly. Otherwise, he'll end up getting tired from having to overwork himself. The feeling of being tired may have become an articulate feeling from Ink, but this is still a feeling regardless. And when he is feeling that, he can work on fixing and rebuilding structures effectively. Because of that, his pupils are gone, and his irises shrunk a little bit, yet are still a little visible, due to the black outline that is surrounding the iris.

Ink looks around, and sees a bunch of buildings taken down, because of the attack. He can't feel anything from this, and in fact, he does not feel, due to not using the Emotion Vials. Had he used the vials when this is happening, he would have felt great sadness at what he is seeing before his very eyes. But as he went by...he hears the shuffling of feet from next to him.


Ink spoke out, as he than turns to see someone coming from some of the rubble that was once a building.

He walks to the location of the building...and he was someone inside of it. A girl...with a horn on the right side of her forehead.

The girl also is wearing a dirty dress, and has bandages on her arms and legs. Obviously, this kid seems to have been suffering before the incident had occurred. Behind a mask that resembles the beak of a bird, and 2 arms underneath the rubble, each wearing brown gloves.

Ink got curious...and he took a emotion vial...a green one, and drank it, before putting back into his sash, and goes to the girl, allowing him to regain his emotions, and this time...he has a look of worry now present on his face. Before speaking up to her.

"Hey, you okay, kid?"

The kid looks at Eri, and collapsed as she tries to reach out to him. Her horn began to glow a bright yellow color suddenly


Ink looked horrified, as he bent down and picked her up, before he used the Black Paint to move fast towards the house he is living in.

Ink kept on moving to where his house is, as he wants Alphys to try and take a look at the kid that is being hurt in his arms.


"Man...what happened, Sans?"

Papyrus spoke out, as they look at the girl that is before them, and is now awake.

"That's what I want to know. Hey, kid."

The young girl looks up at Ink, as he than spoke out.

"Mind telling me your name?"

The girl looked down for a little bit, before she spoke out.


The way she sounded so broke and...small. Ink felt a bit unease, as a kid should not act like this. He than crouched down to the kid, and spoke out to the kid.

"Eri...what happened to you? A child should not be out in the open, and live like ther, and you are...still alive.

Eri looked a bit uneasy...before speaking out.

"I...I was trying to escape."

Ink looked he than spoke out.

"Escape? What in the world were you escaping from, Eri? Is it that man that is under that large piece of rock?"

Eri looked and nodded, scared. Undyne looking confused, spoke out.

"Who was that person?"

Eri she spoke out.

"That man...he calls himself Kai. He...has used me. For whatever he has. I was treated I was a tool for him. He has used my blood to make something removes something...he called it...a Quirk, I think?"

Ink's eyes widened at her, as Eri continued her explanation.

"He has used my nearly my whole life...and the reason I was because I was trying to escape. Kai...he tried to grab me...but he became under the rock...and now I don't know what to do!"

Eri said, as she hugged herself, while unable to speak anymore further. This experienced she was's so...traumatizing.

The memory of her treatment by Overhaul's made her tear up a little bit at what she had to feel at that point.

Needless to say, Ink feels bad for the poor girl. And he wants to find a way to help her with what she has right now. He puts a hand in his chin, before he spoke out.

"I have an idea. Eri..."

Eri looked at Ink, as he than spoke out to her.

"How about I take you someplace that can make you feel better by tomorrow, hm? Would it make you feel better when we go there

Eri sniffled a little bit, as she than spoke out.


Ink nodded, and spoke out.

"Yes. Of course. I'm confident that it will make you feel better. So do not worry."

He than rubbed her head, though Eri feels a little bit uncomfortable by this.

"Wh-Where are you taking her?"

Alphys spoke out to Ink, who than turns around and smiled at Alphys.

"Can't tell you. It's that special."

Next Day...

Ink is now outside. The city is mostly normal...but some people are still very sad and disbelieved at what happened from before. They found not believe that their own heroes, at least most of them...would betray them in a disgusting way.

Ink sighed, as he knows that it is going to take a long time for the real heroes to regain the trust of the civilians. But since Ink helped the people...he gained their trust. He just hopes that it does not get ruined when he does something that is just so, so much wrong.

"I...I'm here, Ink."

Ink turns around and sees Eri, now in much better clothing.

Ink looks at her and smiled at the sight of this girl in proper wear.

"It looks nice on you, Eri."

This made Eri surprised, and looks a little bit unsure about what Ink had said to her.

"I'm also here, brother!"

Ink looks to see his brother, Papyrus, arriving, and needless to say, he looks very happy to hang out with Ink and Eri, wanting to be with his brother after sink has spent his time trying to fix the city.

Ink sighed, as he rubbed his face for a bit. He told Papyrus that he does not need his help, and that he can manage this sort of situation on his own. But Papyrus, being a persistent and a very worrisome brother, still decides to come.

" that we're all here...should we go?"

Papyrus and Eri nodded, as they than go to the direction of some kind...and when they got there...the place they went to is a festival of some sort. Ink sighed happily, as he spoke out.

"Come on, Eri. Just try it. Even one thing can make you feel better."

Eri looked abut unsure...but she does anyway. Papyrus pats Ink on the back, as he spoke out.

"Right, Sans. Very right if you to say!"

Ink smiled, as they than go to the festival.

They went inside...and did a bunch of activities, and it was very fun for everyone. But Eri...she is having trouble smiling. Due to not being able to smil, she cannot move her mouth like that. But Ink is not here to give up. So he kept trying and trying...until they made it to a concert.

Of course...everyone is here at the concert...and these are the people that had gone through the incident that had happened back that week ago. And that is when Ink has an idea.


Papyrus looks at Ink, as he than spoke out.

"I think I know of a way to make Eri smile. So that stage...I'm gonna be on it, and song can help her smile."

Papyrus nodded and smiled.

"Good. I'll help her see you."

Ink smirked, before he than decides to go to the stage, and spoke out to the guy responsible for the concert's beginning to start.

"Excuse me?"

The guy turned...and he actually recognized Ink.

"Oh, Ink. What are you doing here?"

Ink smiled, as he spoke out.

"I was wondering if I can sign up for the stage. Figure it would make the audience feel better if I sing something for them."

The guy was surprised at that, but nodded and smiled at Ink, as he spoke out.

"Well...maybe the audience deserve some smiles after all that has happened."

Ink smiled and nodded. And he is shown to have a next turn. The concert had been done 3 times in a day. But none of the civilians smiled, even after all that the musicians have done. It made them relieved, but only temporarily. So having his turn.

" is now your turn. Make the people here smile."

Ink looks at the guy and smiled at the man, and spoke out.

"I will...and I think I know the right lyrics that will become music to their ears."

He than grabs the microphone, and than Ink than goes up to the stage of the concert. This made everyone become shocked, as they point fingers at the artist.

"Is this him?"

"Is this the one that protected the city with his friends?"

"It is...and he had helped repair the city. He's a real hero at heart."

"Man. Seeing him in person seems like a very good thing to see. Wish I could just be as great.

Everyone than looked, as Ink spoke out.

"Hello...everyone. You all know me, Ink. And I know you are very surprised that I am on stage. But...there is a reason why."

Ink breaths deeply, before speaking.

"I know that these times have been tough for you all, after what had happened 8 days ago. So I made this song...I made it for all of you, as message for you all to hear, and I hope that...they can lift your spirits from the incident that had happened. So...enjoy what I am about to be singing to you."

The crowd looked at each other, but than nodded, wanting to hear what it is that Ink is gonna sing. Ink sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Here we go."

After that...the song started.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It starts with a voice sing 'waaaaooooh,' about a few times at the beginning. Ink looks nervous, but he is doing this for the citizens, and more import with...for the kid the is recently fond with today.

This is an anthem for the homesick, for the beaten,
The lost, the broke, the defeated.
A song for the heartsick, for the standbys,
Living life in the shadow of a goodbye.

Do you remember when we learned how to fly?
We'd play make-believe; we were young and had time on our side.
You're stuck on the ground,
Got lost, can't be found.
Just remember that you're still alive.

The crowed quickly became interested, as Eri watched, with Ink singing the next part, his voice now louder than before.

I'll carry you home.
No, you're not alone.
Keep marching on,
This is worth fighting for,
You know we've all got battle scars.

You've had enough,
But just don't give up.
Stick to your guns,
You are worth fighting for.
You know we've all got battle scars.
Keep marching on.

The crowd than began to realize something about what Ink is saying through the song, while Eri feels her mouth moving to do something, but does not know what is. And the truth is...they all have battle scars...because they had gotten involved in the incident. And yet, they were in a battle for their lives, as well as the lives of those that were so close to them. The people that they loved.

This is a call to the soldiers, the fighters,
The young, the innocent, and righteous.
We've got a little room to grow.
Better days are near,
Hope is so much stronger than fear.

The some of the members of the crowd remembers of some of the real heroes that had fought for them. Remembering how they saved their lives at the end of it all, and helped them so that they could live to see another day, and not the ones that had lied to them from the start of all of this.

So if you jump, kid, don't be scared to fall.
We'll be kings and queens in this dream, all for one, one for all.
You can light up the dark,
There's a fire in your heart,
Burning brighter than ever before.

I'll carry you home.
No, you're not alone.
Keep marching on,
This is worth fighting for,
You know we've all got battle scars.

You've had enough,
But just don't give up.
Stick to your guns,
You are worth fighting for.
You know we've all got battle scars.
Keep marching on.

And now...the next to last part is about to begin, the crowd listens intently to what it is that Ink is going to say to all of them.

On and on, like we're living on a broken record.
Hope is strong, but misery's a little quicker.
Sit, and we wait, and we drown there,
Thinking, "Why bother playing when it's unfair?"

They say life's a waste, I say they lack belief.
They tell me luck will travel, I tell 'em that's why I've got feet.
Left, right, left, right,
Moving along to the pulse of a heartbeat.

This could be the last chance you have to fly.
Do you like the ground? Want it to pass you by?
Man, you had it all when you were just a kid.
(Ink points finger at crowd)
Do you even remember who you were back then?

The crowd did remember that they had a bunch of things that they wanted, a bunch of stuff that they all had, with it now being ripped away from them in their arms by the lies of the false heroes. Than, Ink says this part, as a form of encouragement to the crowd that is standing before the one true hero.

What do you want in life? Will you be twice as strong?
What would you sacrifice? What are you waiting on?
Don't stop, march on.

And now...the last part will be said with all of Ink's might, for them all to here.

'This last part...please hear this, Eri.'

I'll carry you home.
No, you're not alone.
Keep marching on,
This is worth fighting for,
You know we've all got battle scars!

You've had enough,
But just don't give up.
Stick to your guns,
You are worth fighting for.
You know we've all got battle scars.
Keep marching on!

He said that next part, as he pumped his fist in the air, and everyone did the same thing, while they also screamed, as Ink gave them a song that they all had wanted. Papyrus smiled, and than he looked at Eri. And to his immense surprise, which is in a very positive looking manner...Eri is now smiling very widely, her arms raised up, as her hair waved in the wind that's now blowing.

Needless to say...Papyrus is now just as happy as Ink is...when he noticed Eri finally smiling very fully.

' really have outdone yourself once again. You made someone like Eri smile. I am very proud of you for what you've done."

Papyrus thought to himself, as he sees Eri finally smile for the very first time of her whole life. Clearly...Ink is now a hero to, not just the civilians...but to the they see him regaining their dreams as heroes once again. And Ink does not even realize how this message is being sent to the children, and how much of a powerful meaning that it has behind what he is singing. Soulless or not...Ink, he is a purely...genuine hero.

Keep marching on!


Ink gets out of the festival that he is in. And needless to say, he is feeling very proud of himself for what he has done. He is now able to help Eri with what she had to go through, and is now getting ready to smoke even more than she did. No other words can describe how extremely joyful Ink is acting right now.


Ink looks to see Eri running towards him with a happy expression on her face, her arms reaching out to grab onto him.

Ink smiled and extended his arms for her. And when she reached him, and leapt onto Ink and Ink hugged her, as he spun around for a bit, before settling down. Ink smiled, as he can feel Eri being so happy to see him right now. Eri also feels she is now experiencing pure happiness for the very first time. She has never felt this before, and it is the best thing ever, to finally smile brightly.

"Heheheh. I guess based on that reaction, you're now feeling better, aren't you, Eri?"

Eri looks up at Ink and smiled brightly. And needless to say, her smile is shown to be very, very cute.

"It did. Thank you, Ink!"

Eri said to Ink, which made his heart...if he had one...feel warm at what she said. Ink than looked up for a bit, as he realized something that he had forgotten.

"I almost forgot. I bought something for you."

Eri looked confused, as Ink grabbed something from his back, and showed it.


It was a Candy Apple. Eri is was surprised, as she spoke out.


Ink nodded, as Eri took it from his hands...and while hesitant, began to eat it. Ink smiled wider, as she watched as Eri took her first bite. Than...she began the smile wider.

"It's even sweeter, Ink!"

Ink smiled down at Eri, seeing that she is now beginning to make a recovery of what she had experienced. Ink nearly felt like he is going to cry of his own happiness, but he didn't. And he is glad that this did not happen.

"Hey, you're Ink, right?"

Ink turns around to see another kid, this one a boy.

"Yeah, and you are?"


Ink raised an eyebrow at Kota, as he than spoke out.

"So...what do you want with me? From the way your expression really do not like heroes."

Kota sighed, and spoke out.

"Well...I did...and those liars did make it worse. But...hearing your song like that, and seeing what you have done for the other made me realize that being a hero is supposed to be about helping other people. And Izuku, he once helped me by risking his life to save me. So I...I want to say...thank you for...showing that to me, Ink. Or at least...remind me of why they are existing."

Ink was surprised, but smiled and spoke out to him.

" don't need thank me, Kota. I did it because it is the right thing to do. And besides...I also wanted to give the citizens a message that they should remember by. A reminder that they are not alone in this, and that there is always someone to help them through this mess. Besides...if you were to grow'd do this."

Kota nodded and smiled a bit. He than ran back to his relative, but not before waving goodbye at Ink. Ink waved his hand back, as Eri grabbed his hand.

"Ready to head back home, Eri?"

Eri nodded her head, a smile on her face.

"Yes. Going home is good."

Ink smiled, as he than held her hand gently.

"Let's go than. Come on, Paps."

Papyrus than spoke out.

"I'm coming."

Ink smiled, as he, Eri, and Papyrus, then head back to the house together. It made their day very special, as now, Ink will have another person to be with him, and one that will keep him company. And perhaps...he will find more and more to help, as time goes on. One thing's certain. Ink is no longer alone.

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