A Harsh Truth

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Back at Union Academy...the people that had hurt and agonized Ink are in a room of their own. And needless to say, they are grossly enjoying themselves with what they have done. In what they are in, they are in rooms for what is akin to famous people, as they have their own servants doing whatever the bullies wanted them to do. And needless to say, it is enjoyable. With Ink being weaker then them, they get to have whatever they want, whatever they desire. To them, Ink is far to weak to match this level of popularity, this level of fame. This desire for recognition that they have all be obtaining, succeeded.

They have a servant fanning them, as the rest on a chair of sorts, while they are also fed by them. Ruby Rose is smiling, as this is what she wanted.

'This is great to be famous, to have people praise over me. This is what being a hero should be. And with that loser out of the way do a while, me and the others will keep on growing popular!'

Ruby smiled wider, as she than stood up from the chair, and began to walk out of the fame room.

This what she had always wanted. Fame, Glory, along with her sister and friends. It means that they are liked by the citizens. Like, why would they have any reason to hate all of them?

As she walks out of the room, she is met with Yang and the others.

(Still has organic right arm)

"Hey, Ruby! It's nice to see you are still here!"

Ruby smiled, as Weiss than spoke out.

"Yes, and the good thing is that the loser is not here!"

Blake nodded, as she than spoke out.

"That weakling does not deserve to be in Union Academy, and he has brought nothing but shame to it. Well...at least we can have a break from him for a while."

Than, Issei came, and spoke out.

"So, the little bastard's gone, huh? That's good. That means he won't get in the way of the ladies!"

This made Team RWBY look unamused, but as they looked like that, the alarms suddenly went off.

"What the, an attack already?"

Ruby spoke out, as Yang spoke out.

"Doesn't matter. Whatever it is, let's have some fun!"

Yang smirked, as she cracked her knuckles. Team RWBY and Rias Grenory's peerage went to the location of where the direction of the attack is coming from, and when the arrived there, Ruby spoke out.

"What good will an enemy do to us? We're famous heroes! They won't stop us, right?"

Yang smiled, as she spoke out.

"Right. And too bad the weakling is going to fall behind, as he'll never reach our level of fame!"

Ruby smiled, as Blake spoke out.

"Wait...I see something."

Koneko spoke out.

"I see it to...right there."

Rias and Weiss than looked at the direction of where they are seeing the thing...that is there. And what they saw...was shocking.

"What the...is this real?"

Kiba spoke out, as Akeno spoke out.

"No...there shouldn't be this many!"

Everyone was shocked at what is before them. Rushing towards the city at fast speed...were a stampede of Megoliaths, Stray Devils, and some Villaidn riding onto the large Grimm. Everyone nodded as shocked.

"What the..."

Ruby spoke out, as she is actually scared. Yang than spoke out.

"I got this!"

She than launched herself at the Megoliath. But than...one of the villains made a powerful shield that stopped the punch, and before Yang realizes what was about to happen, she was then suddenly knocked back. Ruby and Rias than shouted out.

"Don't let them get to the city!"

Everyone than immediately went into action, and they tried whatever they could to bring down this large stampede. But to their immense shock, the Grimm and the Villains are working together, and even more insane, is that the Stray Devils are much more powerful than the average ones.

"They're way to strong!!"

Blake spoke out, as Weiss than spoke out.

"This is nothing! We've taken on worse than this-AAAAAGHHHH!!!"

Weiss cried out in agony, as she is whacked away by the Megoliath's Grimm trunk.

"They're gonna reach the city!"

Xenovia shouted out, as Ruby looked in horror of what is about to happen next.


And unfortunately...in spite of their boasting...they were not powerful enough to stand against a stampede of Grimm, Stray Devils, and Villains simultaneously. The civilians...they got caught in the crossfire...and they are now the victims of the lies of Union's most famous students. And the lies...are the ones that got them all killed. But there is one...and only one person...that has the power that he needs to get them all out of there.

With Ink...

Ink landed onto the ground, as he looked around to see what is happening now. He could not believe his eyes at what he is seeing, and sees what is going on. The city...it has been attacked by a large wave of Devils, Grimm, and Villains. His bullies, who lied about being strong due to their false stories, are getting overpowered very badly. And ironically, the ones that he is friends with...the Hanzo Team, Team CVFY, and Izuku, Uraraka, and Momo, they are standing a chance against them. But Ink...he could not believe what is going on. This...this is not what he wanted to happen. Not what he expected to happen. Why in the world did this happen so very suddenly. So many people...are getting killed left and right. And even the children are not safe from this.

Ink than remembered something from last night...as he clenched his fist and unclenches it, before he then slowly looks at his hand...and a water suddenly dropped onto his palm...as shock and sadness became consumed into the mind of Ink...due to realizing something connected than this situation.

"Is this...because of me?"

Ink spoke out, as tears began to well up inside of Ink's eyes. While his emotions may have been artificial, due to him only using the Emotion Vials to pretend that he has a soul, it is still feelings regardless, and artificial it may have been, it is still enough for them to make Ink cry in immense horror and regret at what he is seeing right now. Ink could not believe what is now happening. He than looks, and sees the destruction that has happened around him, as the large swarm of villains and Grimm and stray devils overrun the city. Clenching his fist, he grabbed onto his very Large Paintbrush, and spoke out to himself, very urgently.

"I...I've got to stop this. This was not how my prayer was supposed to be!"

Ink shouted out, as he than charged at the forces of evil that dare attack the city.

"The prayer I had made...it was supposed to show them the truth. It was supposed to be of a person discovering the truth and leaking it out to the public. But doing it like this...this is not what I wanted to happen. I never wanted anyone to die!! No...I need to fix this. If this is my doing...than I need to fix what I have made. I need to stop this prayer of mine from continuing!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ink spoke out, as he jumped into the fight. This was not how things were supposed to go. He did what he did because he wanted to show the citizens the truth so that they would not be hurt by the lies. But for the truth being shown to actually start killing them...it is not what he had wanted. He ran forward, and spoke out to himself.

"It can't hold back on what I am capable of. This time...it is time to get to the point of it all. It is time...to use the full night of what I have so that I can save everyone."

Ink than gripped his paintbrush, and swung it with all of his might. The black paint came out of the large paintbrush, and sliced through the Devils and Grimm like a hot knife through butter. He than manipulated the paint to create large hands to grab the villains and throw them to a police station. Hopefully the police can do something about this.

He than looks around, and decides to go to Asuka and her team first. After all, even though they are the most skilled, they are not strong compared to the others, such as the Huntsman and the Heroes. So, without any hesitation, he attacks the Grimm and the Stray Devils that are attacking them, and sliced them into pieces.

"You girls okay?!"

Ink spoke out, as Asuka looked happy at Ink.

"Ink! You're here!"

Ink smiled, but than someone hugged him into an embarrassing position. And it was none other than Katsuragi.

"So glad you decide to come cutie! I always wanted to see you in action such as this!"

Ink blushed, but still looked up at Katsuragi, and spoke out.

"Well, if you let me go, you get to see me in action even more than you had seen."

Katsuragi smiled, as Ink than charged forward and attacks the new Grimm that have appeared.

"You go, Ink!"

Hibari shouted out, as Ink began to attack the Grimm in the area, and slammed them into a bunch of stray devils, which killed all of them. But the job was not done, as more and more kept on coming. Ink than turned into a liquefied black paint to move as fast as he could, and try to help Izuku and Uravity.

Uravity used Gravity Plus to lift one of the Villains into the air, and slammed them into the ground with enough force to knock them out.

Using his Full Cowling technique, Izuku enhanced his power to an immense edrgeee, and gets ready to kill the Grimm and the Stray Devils. Though being a hero means that you don't kill people, that applies to the humans. To the devils and the Grimm...they are the exception to this no-killing rule.

Ink landed next to them, and spoke out.

"You guys need help?"

Uravity smiled, and spoke out.

"Ink! You're here!"

Izuku nodded his head.

"Yeah, a little help here would be nice for us, Ink!"

Ink nodded, as he began to use his powers to try and take down as much of the Grimm and Stray Devils as possible. And needless to say, it has become an extremely difficult challenge for the Grimm, due to how powerful their opponents are. And all 3 of them...they are proving themselves difficult for the Grimm to kill.

Izuku was able to kick a bunch of the villains unconscious, using a small percent of the Full Cowling technique. He than did an uppercut on a Grimm with a larger bit of Full Cowlong, and was able to blow the Grimm to messy bits.

Uravity charged, and lifted herself into the air, as she dodged an attack from a Grimm, before lifting a bunch of the Grimm into the air, and all of them went down to the ground, in order to kill their buddies, while also killing them elves during Uravity's attack, Meteor Storm.

Ink jumped over a Grimm and slammed his Paintbrush on top of their head, before kicking on in the air as fast as he could, before being force to try and void one of the other Grimm from killing him.

Ink than turns into Black Paint, as he well as able to get out of the way of the Grimm. Then, he unleash a slash of red sickly green paint at the Grimm...which turned out to be acid. The acid melted the Grimm's bodies, as they began to melt from the paint that had suddenly became a danger to them.


Ink turns to Izuku, who than spoke out.

"We can do the rest from here! right now, you gotta help Coco and Velvet!"

Ink nodded.

"On it!"

He than turned to Black Paint again in order to find out where Coco and Velvet are at, in hopes that it is not too late to try and find out where they are at right now.

Thankfully, he hears the familiar sound of a Gatling gun, and he goes to find the location of where the Gatling gun is located at. When he did...he jumped into the air, and fired some sharp Ink Bones at the Grimm, before he landed on the ground. He turns and sees that Coco and Velvet are the ones that were fighting them.

"Thank the Gods that you are both okay!"

Ink said In a tone of voice that is filled with nothing but relief.

"Well...thanks to you, we are."

Velvet spoke out, as Ink spoke out to them.

"Wait. Where are the others?"

Coco than spoke out.

"You mean Fox and Yatsuhashi? They are somewhere else, dealing with another part of the city."

Another Grimm came out of nowhere and tried to attack Coco, but Coco parried it's attack and kicked it into the air, before she stomped on its head, killing it. Coco than snapped her head back up, as she has reminded herself of the 2 teammates, both echo are male.

"Speaking of which, we should go back to them and see if they are in need to help!"

Ink nodded.

"Good idea to say that, because I am going to take the rest from here."

Coco and Velvet nodded at Ink, as they than ran to try and see if the 2 members of their team are still okay. Ink sighed, before taking out a red vial, and faced the Grimm...before he popped off the top, and drank it. And needless to say...the Grimm were not prepared for what was going to happen to Ink, as the red paint leaked from his mouth.

Ink smiled with rage, as his eyes turned into a menacing red. The emotion vial for this one...it is rage itself. And Ink is going to use this rage to slaughter the Grimm and the Stray Devils present. No matter what happens...Ink is going to make sure that they all pay for attacking the city. But he is not simply enraged at the Grimm for destroying the city. No, it is more than that. He is enraged at the false heroes for the lies that they have made, which led to this point. But more importantly of all...he is enraged at himself...for making the prayer that is supposed to reveal the truth to the civilians. And now, the civilians are going to be killed because of this honorable prayer that he has made. So now, he is going to have to fix his own mistake.

Gripping the Paintbrush, he charges at the Grimm at immense speed, and attacks with such ferocity and strength that Ink had not shown to do before. Looks like the emotion vials has increased his physical prowess to a very abnormal degree. One of the Grimm tried to attack Ink from behind, but Ink simply grabbed it from before, and tore it apart with his barehands. Ink has never been shown to act this ruthless before in his life, but thanks to the Emotion Vial, he is.

A Grimm nearly attacked him, but Ink got out of the way, and his coat unwrapped and fell off of his waist.

Thankfully, Ink caught it, and wore it like it is a normal jacket.

Ink extended his hand, and fired Ink Bones from it, which pierced a bunch of the Grimm, killing them in the process.

He than used his Large Paintbrush to kill a bunch of the Grimm that is in the area at such a fast and violent pace. Needless to say, the Grimm were not ready to deal with someone as strong as Ink. He is even stronger than the combined power of Rias' Peerage.

The Grimm, sensing Ink's rage, appeared to try and kill him, but the rage inside of Ink is so powerful that when he used his magical paint, he decimated all of the Grimm that attacked the city. And he was not even near some of them. He used his paint from very, very far away. And it was not just the Grimm that were killed...but the Stray Devils as well. Eventually...it is only the villains that remained to fight...and unfortunate for them...they are all completely defeated, since the other heroes back at a Union...the situation became nearly impossible to take control...but when Ink got rid of the Strays Devils and the Grimm...it became manageable...and Ink was able to trap the villains in the purple chains that he still uses. But even though they won the fight...that did not stop the sudden attack...from destroying everyone's lives.

The City is now in ruins...now filled with people that are agonized. Many of them have gotten crushed under some of the rubble beneath the buildings, and some got attacked by the Grimm, Stray Devils, and Villains...and some were in fact killed by them. And those that did survive...are badly affected. By this. The heroes were supposed to protect them. The most famous ones...they were supposed to be strong enough to protect them. Just what was it that went so wrong?


The Civilians are all gathered in front of the gates of Union, and needless to say, they are very disbelieved at what happened. They could not believe what had just happened to them. They could never believe it, and yet...they do believe it after seeing the destruction that had happened around here. And because of this, the civilians that are still alive...in a small group, went to Union in order to gain some answers as to why this whole thing suddenly failed on top of them, and why the heroes were not strong enough to protect all of them from this.

"Union?! What gives?! Why did these famous heroes suddenly fail on top of us?!"

A civilian shouted out, as a mother holding onto her crying kid, than spoke out.

"So many people have been killed. So many people have been injured, Union! What happened?! Why did something go so horribly wrong here?!"

Everyone began to shout out, and Ruby looked around, the stress of seeing the civilians act so shocked, disappointed and angry, they are becoming way to much for Ruby's mind. She looked and saw a child on the ground, holding onto a shattered action figure of her, and another kid is shown to be hugging his father's leg, as the father was bent down and trying to hug  the kid, and while it was difficult due to the crowd being gathered so much in one spot, he succeeded, and than picks him up from the ground, so that he can continue to comfort his child. Ruby than looked down at the ground next to an shocked adult...and sees an action figure of herself...but it was broken and stomped to pieces, as a bunch of people ran over it. Ruby's eyes widened...and unable to take it anymore...she finally decide to admit at the top of her lungs.


This mad everyone stop, as Ruby, unable to hold it anymore, shouted out.


Silence...at first...until a male voice spoke out.

"You lied...you lied?!! HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Everyone turned to see a man in his mid-20s with messy brown hair, a scratch on his left cheek, a black eye, and a cut lip, as he shouted out.

"How could to do this to us?! How could you lie to us, about everything that you have done?! Because if you, we have lost so many people. We have lost friends, families, we might have even lost children!! I even lost my sister in this attack we were involved in!!!!!!!! You are heroes!! You are supposed to protect us from this!! You are not supposed to lie to us about what you have done!! You all should die for what you have done to all of us, for taking everyone away!!!"

Everyone began to protest and agree on the same thing, as the bullies looked horrified, that the citizens that they had lied to, that they had 'protected', for so long...are now going to return the favor by killing them, for taking away the people that they had loved so deeply. Clearly, they are not ready for the fact that they will make an enemy out of the civilians that they had became the heroes...except that they are now no longer heroes to the civilians. They are the real villains for their lies having taken away so many of their loved ones. But just as they are going to attack them...

"That is enough."

A voice spoke out, and everyone turned to see Ink coming towards them. His face looking very angry and disappointed at the sight that he is seeing.

His irises are now pure white, yet are still shown, as he than spoke out.

"I know you're upset civilians, but this is not going to change anything, what you are about to do."

One of the civilians looked at Ink like he is crazy, as he than spoke out.

"What do you mean, won't change anything?! These false heroes lied and betrayed us! Many of our friends and families died by their lies!! There are friends who won't come back, there are families that are ruined forever!!! And you are saying that we should let them all go?!"

Ink than spoke back in a heartbeat.

"I know what they did, that I am very well aware of what they have done and the consequences, but killing them is not going to change what happened. It won't bring the city back to its proper self, and revive the dead people, as well as the people that you love very deeply. And besides...isn't that you fault for listening to them and believing their lies, when you should have seen the truth for yourself? And if that is the case...won't that mean that you all are also responsible for your loved one's deaths?"

This made the civilians freeze, before looking down guilty, as Ink sighed. It is obvious that they also played a hand in their deaths, even if it was indirect and they didn't know about what would happen. He than spoke out to them.

"Now then...instead of shouting out death threats and trying to kill them, how about cleaning up this mess that has been made, and try to fix the city?"

The civilians looked at Ink, and Ink smiled. But than looks at the bullies with a glare,

angered that their deceptions had made this situation, before turning away, with Asuka and her friends, Deku and his friends, and Team CVFY following their little artist friend. Other adults, seemingly the parents of the bullies that lied, looked like they are about to follow, and Ink immediately stopped them.

"I think it's best you stay here. I don't think...they accept...y'know..."

They looked sad, as Ink dashed back to the civilians, as he helped try to clean the mess up.

"Man. I knew you heroes were bad. But this is a new level of worse. The fact that you had lied to all of us and gotten so many people hurt and killed...what in the world is wrong with all of you.

Kota spoke out with newly present anger and disgust in his voice, as Millicas spoke out sadly.

"Why do our heroes, have to be false idols that lie to us? That have to hide their darkest natures from us to hurt us all? I thought you all cared about all of us for our lives. Not for praise."

A random kid looked like he was about to cry, as he than spoke out.

"I looked up to you people. I trusted you. And now...this is what happens. I trusted all of you."

This made the bullies extremely heartbroken, as they realized the consequence of what they have done. They did more than just hurt the trust of the civilians. They utterly damaged the dreams of being a hero inside the minds of children, as well as having taken some of their families away. And they realized this way too late. So now...all of them have to pay the consequence for what they have done this time. And not even the teachers are willing to look at what they have just let happened, as they looked down at the ground, unable to face their greatest shame, which is the damaged city that is before them, due to letting the lies of the students cause this big disaster.

With Ink, he has his paintbrush ready, he glared down at the ground...but it was more on the fact that he is glaring at himself.

'All because of a honorable prayer. I prayed for the truth...and it got people killed. Men...women...children. So many people got killed. Is this prayer...

...my fault?'

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