Ink's Prayer

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Ink walks for a bit, with Hibari next to him, as they are both walking to Ink's house.

It was nice, to walk next to one of the kindest person to ever be with him. In fact, it is nice to be with the single kindest and innocent friend that Ink had in his life. It was so great that...the feeling of happiness that he has almost felt so real and not an articulate form of happiness.

"Isn't a nice afternoon to walk outside, Ink?"

Hibari spoke out to Ink, as she skipped beside the artist, with Ink nodding, smiling.

"Yeah, it is, Hibari. It was nice of you."

Hibari smiled brightly. As Ink began to look around. Unfortunately...he than frowned at what he is seeing before his eyes.

For you see...the people that had hurt him are not just very bad people that discriminate against the weak. They are also people that lied. They had made up believable stories that the civilians believed that it had made them very famous, and because of that...they ended up making a large mess. There are action figures of them, there games based on them...there are a lot of stuff that they had done, and needless to say, not been the appearances of buildings are safe from this thing. Some of the buildings even have the faces of the bullies on them, and needless to say, it is getting very disgusting, more and more for Ink as time continues.

Ink shook his head, as he than tries the best he could to try and ignore it. But because it is everywhere at once, it is getting more and more annoying by the passing minute. He puts his hand on his head, as he tries to pretend that this thing he is seeing is not there. But the problem is that it is impossible to not look at it, especially with something that is everywhere. How is it that Ink has not exploded with so much immense frustration and rage, he will never know. Thankfully, Hibari grabbed onto one of his hands, and was able to calm him down. It made Ink nearly smile at that, as Hibari really knows how to make him feel a lot more better.

"Heh. Thank you, Hibari. I really needed that."

Ink spoke out to the pink-haired girl with the odd-looking eyes that she has. How she is even born with these, Ink will never know. But at least he gets to have a buddy that had unique eyes like he does, along with his brother, Papyrus. They should all be called the odd-eyes crew, his so that they name could sound in such a very cool way.

Hibari smiled at Ink, as she than spoke out to him.

"For you, Ink. Anything. are not the only one feeling unhappy with what you are seeing. All of us, your friends and I...we also feel very upset with what we are seeing before us. But don't worry a single thing, Ink...because the truth will be revealed, and the people that had hurt you, that had lied to the civilians, they are going down once the truth is revealed, and you can finally be free."

Hibari and Ink smiled at each other, as their unnatural-looking eyes stared into each other in a very loving way. Ink than turns back forward, and saw his house up ahead.

"Well...there it is. My house. Thanks for the walk, Hibari. I really needed that, especially after what had just happened."

Hibari smiled, as she than leaned in and kissed Ink in the cheek. This made him embarrassed, as Hibari smiled at Ink.

"What? You think only Asuka is allowed to kiss you there?"

Ink pulled his scarf over his head and puts it I've rid face so that Hibari does not see it. Hibari giggled, as she spoke out.

"Goodbye Ink."

Through the scarf, Ink muffled back to Hibari.

"See ya later...Hibari."

Hibari than skipped back to her home, as Ink than puts the scarf off of his head, and he goes to his house.

When Ink, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys went to this universe, they landed inside of a house that had been abandoned, due to unknown reason of some kind. But Ink, wanting a home being made here, worked with all 3 of the people he cared about to fix the house and modify it so that it can fit them. When he and the other stayed in this version of Remnant...there was apparently something strange about it. had a version of the citizens if Remnant with a different appearance and a different set of clothing. The people in there also have a somewhat different personality that varies. Though in this case, Ink was able to make friends with some of the other people of Union, who acted just like their original counterparts.

Speaking of Union, the academy was able to make contact with Ink when he stopped a villain from attacking a bunch of people. He was able to fight and defeat the villains using his weak level of power, but with a creative mind that was able to restrain them until the police eventually came. And also...along the way...he encountered the people of Union, and the meeting between them gone on as well no one have ever expected. He agrees to join in, but was not prepared for what was about to happen to him when he arrived at the Academy for Heroes. And apparently...there was a rule that involved the famous people in that they cannot be attacked by other, lesser students. Otherwise, it would have a serious consequence on them. And the Headmasters didn't make it. Whoever did really wanted to make them suffer for what they have been trying to mold the people into what they are supposed to be. Because of this, the Headmasters sadly lament that they are unable to do anything about it, otherwise, Union is gonna be taken by whoever it is that had threatened them. In fact, they have no idea what to do. It's like they are trapped in a box of sorts, and one that has a single cornered that they cannot get out or get past. But Ink doesn't hold a grudge on the headmasters. He holds the grudge on the one who had made this rule, and to the bullies that had tormented him. The fact that they call themselves heroes, after everything that they have done, after all the messed up stuff that they had done, they do not deserve to be called by such a title.

They are supposed to be heroes. They are meant to protect civilians because their lives are very important. While they did save them, as they were able to do their job, at the end of it, they did it all to become famous, and that is it. They likely also don't care about the lives of the humans that they have saved. They did it so that they can continue to praise them. It made Ink very disgusted at this. Even without a soul, he would not approve of this. He hates what they have done, and hates how they have treated this saving the civilian for fame stuff in their minds. And even more worse, the heroes tested the weak heroes like they are trash, and have no real concern for what happens to them. They even abuse them to make it seem for sport. Well...Ink is going for show them what happens when he does not hold himself back.  

But for now...he has to deal with his own stuff, and he cannot simply barge at where they are likely at, as it will make the situation worse. He needs to analyze the situation at the fullest detail, so that he knows that one wrong move could lead to a really massive disaster of sorts for him. He sighed, as he picked his nose, but there is nothing that he can do. For is time to rest at the home that he is living in. He took out the keys, and twisted them inside of the keyhole, and entered the home that he is living in.

"I'm home."

Ink spoke out, as a voice than spoke out.

"Sans! You're back!!"

Ink looks at the direction of where the voice came from, and sees his brother, Papyrus coming to him, and he seems to be very happy of the fact that Ink has returned back to the house, safe and sound.

Papyrus lifts Ink in the air hugged him, as he is glad that he is not severely injured and not killed. Of course, Papyrus is very well aware of the situation that Ink is in, when he saw how the students treated Ink, even though he did nothing wrong to any of them. He was just there being kind to everyone present. He complained to the headmasters about this, and they are well aware of what they are doing, but the best they can do is make sure that they can lessen the damage, and hope that Ink gets some friends that will protect him throughout the academy year, and they are powerless to do the person that had made this rule will take away Union Academy from them, although they are not sure how they will take it away. They are not sure if they will take it away by either destroying it, or by taking it over for themself and use his position to make his own messed up rules. This made Papyrus extremely upset that his brother is going to be forced to be put in this sort of mess. But Ink than comforts his brother, claiming that he will let himself go down this easily, and he is going to make sure that the bullies pay for what they have done. He also reveals of the lies that they have made, but needs to find a way to reveal the lie to the public without making it look like Ink is faking it. It is not going to be easy, but they are still going to fo whether it takes to make sure that this insanity stops. Papyrus smiled at Ink, and decides to try and help out Ink with this mess, in hopes that they bullies pay for what they have done. They just need to do it in the right circumstances and right conditions.

"Yeah, I'm okay, Pap. Thanks to Asuka and the others."

Ink spoke out, as he is now at his house that they have bought in the Universe that they lived in. Papyrus signed, as he than patted his brother on the back.

"That is good, brother. I am just glad that nothing bad happened to you. After all, even though you are the older brother, it is my job as the younger brother to make sure the you get what you need, and to aid you in what situation you're in."

Ink smiled, as he than hugged his younger brother, before speaking out.

"How a good brother to one you are...I don't think I'll ever know. But I don't care, because you, Undyne, and Alphys...have been with me since this whole thing started. And I am very, very grateful."

Papyrus hugs his older brother back, as they both liked each other's company. They than separated from each other, as Ink than spoke out.

"By the way...where is Undyne and Alphys."

Papyrus smiled, as he spoke out to Ink.

"I'm glad you ask, Sans! Both Undyne and Alphys have been able to get jobs of their own! Undyne is now working as a police officer so that the villains have a hard time getting away. And Alphys I working as a scientist. I also got a job to, and it is...NYEH!!!"

Papyrus suddenly shouted, as he than realized something.

"I'm almost going to be late for my job! Sorry, Sans, but I need to go to my job! And, just in case some unwanted visitors come to the house..."

Papyrus than pressed onto a button on the air pen, in order to do something that Ink knows what will happen next.

"Oh god. Please don't tell me this is what I think this is"

Ink spoke out. His brother normally used the air pen for combat, though mainly as a defensive weapon than an offensive weapon. But in mundane tasks, such as protecting the house...there is only one use that he has of using the air pen. And it is one of the very few things that he really dislikes his own brother doing frequently.

Papyrus than used the air pen, as multicolored paint shot out of the pen itself, and onto the floor of the house everyone is living in. Suddenly...something began to rise out of the paint, and out comes a few faceless heads with a single eye, as skulls are shown to be attached to several necks. Their are wearing what seems to be a sort of battle armor, a red scarf, sneakers, and there is an eye at the ribcage, with the entity having a single arm.

Papyrus summoned the Papalgamate, in order to use him as a guard of the house. During the time that they were inside of the version of Remnant they were in, Papyrus, Ink, Undyne, and Alphys had been out into a very, very disgusting situation that made them merge with their counterparts, which changed them into horrible monstrous version of themselves. Thankfully, they were able to get rid of the problem, but the merged fork of Papyrus, the Papalgamate, can somehow still be summoned, even though that thing should not continue to exist. And it is, standing in front of Papyurs and Ink. Needless to say, Ink always feels a bit queasy and a bit disgusted at the sight of the fused Papyrus monstrosity. In fact, Papalgamate looked a bit more worse than what it is now.

And needless to say, even though Ink has a short-term memory, this is the one thing that he will not forget. Though, admittedly...Ink's situation was no better. In fact, the fused being of every Sans in the multiverse was even worse.

It makes the Papalgamate look cute for even trying to be a scary thing. Ink shuddered at the sight of the Papalgamate, as he than spoke out to Papyrus.

"'ve really got to stop that. You do know how much this thing scares me, right?"

Ink spoke out to Papyrus, who than rubbed the back of his head.

"Hehehehe...sorry, brother. I know how much that this thing scares you. But I need someone that can protect the house while I'm gone. So, sorry about that, Sans."

Sans smacked his hand against his face, as he than spoke out.

"Okay...I'm beginning to wonder if you still have some form of mentality inside your brain after all that had happened form before, Paps."

Papyrus shrugged with a sweatshop, before speaking out.

"I'll see you later, Sans!! And Papalgamate, protect the house!"

Papyrus than ran as fast as he could to wherever job he is going to. And needless to say, Ink is very disappointed that he had to be in the company of the Papalgamate. This has got to be one of the most disgusting and one of the most horrific moments of his entire life right now.


Ink is now in his room. Thankfully...the Papalgamate is at the front door, and is constantly observing it so no intruders could get inside of the house. Well...okay, maybe not just the front door, but every entrance that is on the house at the lower floor. is unlikely that something is gonna crash from upstairs.

Ink was on his bed, as he is making a picture of sorts. The picture shows of himself and all of his friends back from Union. The people that he gives a single damn about. Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, they are also included on the photo that Ink has made for this thing. He was able to finish drawing the picture that he had made, and looks at it underneath the bright light of the full moon of the sky. Ink smiled, as he was able to finish his masterpiece. He honestly had no regrets coming to Union, since he gets to meet friends, in order to not be so alone anymore. He just wished he could have done better, and not burden his friends into always trying to help him. Maybe he should stop holding back on his power and start to use his full power, once he gets the chance to attack the people that had caused him so much pain and suffering for such a long time.

He than got up from the bed, and makes sure not to make too much noise, and than...stares down at the floor he is in. It had a black soft floor onto the ground, as Ink had designed it to be. He is just happy that he can finally gain a new chance at having something in his life...but not like this. He clenched one of his fists that is free of any object, as he cannot stop thinking of the people that had hurt him so much so many times. He cannot stop thinking about them. Even though he had a short term memory, even he cannot forget the cruelty that had been done to him. How he wants to make them pay for what they have done to him, he will stop at nothing to make sure that this does indeed happen. But unfortunately...he cannot do that for now. And for now...he has to let things go on as they always have.

Ink sighed...before he goes onto his knees...and enters the Doodle Sphere.

Ink looks around in the Doodle Sphere, as he sees what is around him, the papers of the different AUs, as he than sighed, before he goes up and floats to the doodle section, where the stuff that he has made, the art that he has placed there. He placed his newly created art piece next to the others, and than goes onto one of the areas of the dimension, before he than starts to get onto his knees, even though there is not ground that he is on, and intertwined his hands together, and goes into what seems to be a prayer type of stance. And than...Ink had finally spoke out.

"Too anyone...that hears this...the world I live is constantly covered in lies. A world where the Heroes are filled with greed and a crave for fame, and lied to the world of what they are really are. I cannot let this happen anymore. The truth has to come out. To anyone that hears this...please...please answer this prayer. anyone that hears this prayer...I need your the civilians what is truly under the surface that they are looking at. Please show the civilians...

...the light."

Next Day...

Ink is now walking on the outskirts of Union City. His brown scarf are blown by the wind, as the scarf waved and rippled by the wind's very strong force. He holds his large paintbrush in his hand, as he stares at a large tree. In all honesty. He is here to try and practice his powers on the tree, so that he can make something new. Ink clenched his fist, before putting the large paintbrush on his back, take out some smaller paintbrushes, each tipped with a red color, and began to fire them into the air, before they all went back down. But the paint than changed into something else. The red paint began to grow hotter, eventually turning itself into hot magma. They fell down onto the tree, which than ignited. Ink, now putting up some more brushes, which are blue tipped, fired them into the air, and they turned into water. They water than went down onto the burning tree, and doused the fire out. Smoke came out from where the fire was. Ink looks down at himself, as takes out the large paintbrush off of his back. He looks down at it, and than held onto it as tightly as he could, before he than swung the large paintbrush at an extremely fast speed, which than summoned a wall of black paint, and it was very great in the use of defense. Ink smiled, as he than swung his paintbrush again, but that time, with cyan paint. The paint fell down to the ground, and onto the grass...which freezes it. So basically...his cyan paint turned into a liquid that has the power to freeze anything it comes into contact with. Ink smiled, as he pumped his fist.

"Nice. Now I can show those false heroes what happens when you mess with the wrong guy."

Ink spoke out to himself. As he did that...suddenly...he felt the ground shake...and he looks to see that Union smoking. It is under attack.

"Oh shoot. I gotta get there fast."

Ink than ran for a little bit, before he turned into black paint, and began to go towards the city as fast as he can. He hopes that he doesn't arrive too late.

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