Another Day

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Ink cried out, as he is launched into a wall that is behind him. This made the wall crack a bit, as he stood up from the ground, shakily. Ink began to stand up from the ground, as black paint began to leak out of his head. His eyes began to shake a little bit, as he looks up at the cause of his condition. He was attacked by none other than Issei, the Red Dragon, Bakugou, Koneko, Rias, and a bunch of others. Even Team RWBY has joined in.

"Man, what a weakling!"

Bakugou shouted out, as Issei smirked at Ink, before he spoke out to him.

"Hah! I'm the only in that gets the ladies around here, midget!"

Rias than spoke out to Ink.

"How you are here? I will never know. But it was a mistake for you to come here."

But as she said they, Ink began to stand up, and they looked to see him stand on his own 2 feet,

Ink stood up, and even though he is injured...does not let it get in the way, and spoke out to them.

"Guess I'm determined to prove myself, despite being weak. Maybe I don't care what other people say to me, or what they think. Perhaps I still keep on going because I want to. And I highly doubt that is something they you care even capable of matching against."

Yang than snarled out.

"Well, too bad for you we plan to crush that determination of yours, shorty!! You do not deserve to be a hero!"

Weiss Schnee than took the turn.

"Heck, I highly doubt that even your determination is going to get you this far, considering the pathetic level of strength that you have."

Ink smirked, as he spoke out.

"So beating down on a weak person counts as being a 'hero?' Even though it is the hero's job to do whether it takes for the weak to get out of danger unharmed?"

This made Yang and Weiss snarl with rage at what Ink had just said to them, and was about to yell back at him, But Ink just simply teleports to his next classroom, Professor Port's, as this is the only classroom in that he can escape from the people that had tormented him for a bit, as well as a class that has some of his friends inside of it so that he can still be fine. He than took out some paint that matches his skin color, and painted it across the wounds, which somehow healed them. Thanks to that, it looked as though the wounds have completely disappeared from his head in the first place. And that is the one good thing about his powers. He sighs, as his friends entered the classroom, and he simply looks at professor port, as he prepares to listen to whether he has to say. Ink just hopes that he himself does not sleep on the job again. After all, he had slept in classroom, and had to force himself back up in order to listen to his lecture, or rather, his story. But in all honesty, Ink does not care about it. Because as long as he gets to stay away from those bullies, he is completely fine.

In Professor Goodwitch's class...

Ink was shown to be watching the fight between some of the students fighting each other. Here, it was between a couple of students that are rivals to each other. Ink smiled, as he enjoys the fight that is happening before his eyes. He is very interested, as he sees one of the sides of the fight winning. And luckily...right now, he is now sitting in a spot in where the bullies can't hurt him. However, he is also put in a spot in which he is hoping they with random chance that he does not get picked to fight against one of the people that had hurt him throughout the school year. But unfortunately...his luck ran out, and he ended up getting picked to fight against one of the tormentors.

"Mr. Ink!"

Glynda Goodwitch spoke out, as Ink spoke out.

"Yes, Professor Goodwitch?!"

Goodwitch sighed, as she knows that she is going to hate telling him about this fight happening.

"As this is the last round, the opponent you are fighting against will be none other than Issei Hyoudou."

Issei smiled, as this means that he can beat Ink down to a messy pulp. Ink was shocked...but he simply made an expression of dull surprise, as he than spoke out.

"Oh, are you serious?"

Ink blinks his eyes, which changed color as shape, before he than closed his eyes, as he knows that the inevitable is going to happen, before he than spoke out to Professor Glynda Goodwitch.

"Well, you asked for it, Professor."

Ink sighed, as he than gripped his large paintbrush from behind his back, and get's ready to fight off against Issei, who is one of the people that had tormented him throughout the whole school year.

Issei smirked, as he cracked his knuckles for a bit, before he than spoke it to Ink.

"I have been waiting for a long time for this, to make sure you see who deserves the ladies inside of this academy, little bitch."

Issei than charged at Ink, who than used his powers to get outta the way. Issei than attempted to punch Ink. But Ink simply jumped over the Red Dragon Emperor, and smacks him back with his Paintbrush, knocking him elsewhere. And this is when Issei is not using his Balance Breaker. So it is not surprising that Issei would get hurt by the paintbrush. But this made Issei even enraged, as he than stood up, and charged at him!!

"Hold still, you little bitch, so that I can make you break!!!"

Issei extended his Boosted Gear to try and reach Ink in hopes that he can reel Ink back, painfully. Ink ducked down, and kicks Issei in the face, knocking him into a wall very far. Surprisingly, for a guy his size, he is very strong. Ink than swung his paintbrush, and purple paint came out of it, as Issei is than splattered with purple paint.

"Gah!! You little shit!! I'm gonna make you pay for that!!!"

Issei reached out to Ink, as he tries to attack him, but Ink simply smiled, as his raised his right hand up, his middle finger and thumb touch each other in a snapping position, and before Issei realizes what was about to happen, Ink's trap had activated.

Ink snapped his fingers, and the pink paint turned to chains, which than bound the Red Dragon Emperor in his position. Needles to say, Issei is not very happy in this situation, that he is trapped inside of the pink chains by a person that he has tormented for so long.

"What in the?! How is this possible?!"

Issei shouted out, as he struggles to get out of the chaos  that he's entangled inside of now. But the paint had become harder, almost as strong as metal, but tougher than the metal that usually makes up the chains. Everyone could not believe their eyes, as they saw that Issei is having a hard time dealing with Ink. It should not be possible. Ink is supposed to be the weakest student there. So how is it that he is giving Issei immense trouble.

"What the hell?!"

"How is Ink doing all of this?!"

"There's no way! Ink's supposed to be the weakest student yet!! He can't be able to go toe-to-toe against the Red Dragon Emperor!"

Many of the students are shocked at this, as they have not expected Ink to do this. Ink smiled, as Issei than struggled against his trap more. But eventually, he had enough.

"You know what?! Screw making you suffer, I'm gonna give you so much pain that you won't forget!!!"

Issei raised his head in the air, and shouted out with all his might.

"Balance Breaker!!"

Than, a powerful pillar of flames erupted from Issei, and Ink leapt back from it, as he saw the chains melt off with Issei standing up. When the flames died down, Issei is now covered in a red armor with green spheres. He clenched his fist, as he looked down at Ink, rage present on his face, even though it can't be seen!"

"Dragon Shot!!!"

Issei shouted, as he punched an energy sphere that had manifested out of nowhere, and launched it at Ink. But Ink simply spun and bats the attack back. He than launched Sharp Ink Bones from the small brushes he has between his fingers, and Issei had to raise his arms in order to defend against them. He than rushed at Ink and tried to punch the ground, and hopefully crush Ink underneath his fist, but Ink simply leapt over him, and Issei ended up punching the ground with Ink not underneath his fist. Issei looks up, as Ink fell down from the sky, he landed on the ground with immense grace.

He looks at Issei, his eyes changed with red, and a fifteen shape of sorts. Needless to say, Ink is pissed, and he is going to make sure he does not give Issei what he wants.

Issei than charged at Ink, as he than tried to get out of the way. He turned into black paint, and slipped out of the way, as he was able to avoid getting hit. But as he avoided it, suddenly...Issei appeared from behind, and Ink, with barely anytime left, used his large paintbrush to block the punch that was about to be launched in his direction. Ink was sent flying off of his feet, but he than splattered black paint onto a wall, and went inside of the paint splatter.


"Where did he go?!"

Some of the students looked around to try and see where he is, and Issei was confused. Than, he was suddenly struck from behind by a powerful swing of a large object, which sends him flying into a wall. Issei looked, and saw that Ink re-emerges, and he looks a bit sadistic in a way, in spite of the innocent appearance that he has. Issei snarled, as he than charged at him, as Ink than leapt up into the air, and avoided getting struck by the red dragon emperor. He than landed on the ground, and he smiled, whine he sees Issei beginning to tire himself out from trying to attack Ink this much. Clearly, whatever it is that Ink is doing, it is working on Issei. The Red Dragon Emperor then turns to Ink, and without any hesitation, charged at him. But before he coins get close enough, a shield came out of nowhere...but it is not Ink's. It was a hard light shield of sorts.

"It seems like we're out of time. Nice job, Ink. A big improvement on your skills."

Ink smiled and bowed.

"Thank you, Professor Goodwitch. I did all I could."

Glynda nodded, but had a slightly sad look on her face. Clearly, she knows what Ink is going through, but there is nothing that she can do for him, due to some rules restricting her from directly helping him.

"Alright are dismissed, and prepare to go to the next one."


Ink was beginning to walk away from the professor's classroom that he was in. Thankfully, he was able to dodge long enough for the bell to ring, and Issei was unable to hit a single strike onto his body, painlessly.

But as he continued to walk away...he than sensed someone coming from behind, and he immediately jumps away, as he nearly got hit by a scythe. He than took out his Paintbrush, and parries the strikes of the scythe for a bit, before he jumped back. He than prepares to fight off against whoever it is that attacked, before...

"Hey, leave him alone!!"

A female voice spoke out to the bullies, and Ink turns to see a friend of his. Asuka.

Needless to say, Ink was very happy to see her, since she was one of the more than a few people that had been kind to him. She did not care about if people are weak or not, as at the end of the day, they are still people with a future that is ahead of them. Ink began to stand up a little bit, as he used some white paint to heal the injuries he has. Needless to say, Ink feels a bit safe around Asuka. The person that had attacked Ink, turns out to be the leader of team RWBY, Ruby Rose, and needless to say, she is annoyed the fact that Asuka is here.

Ruby steps in front of Asuka, as she than sneered out to her

"Get out of the way, Asuka!! I am here to pummel this loser! Not you!!"

Asuka than gripped her swords tightly, and spoke out.

"You are going to pummel him outside of Combat Class. If you are going to do that, do it in there, otherwise, you will end up getting yourself in trouble."

Of course...there is another reason Ink does not want to fight that often towards the people that caused him grief. Team RWBY, Rias Gremory's peerage, Bakugou, and the people that had targeted and harassed Ink...they are very famous people, and the fact that if Ink attacked Ruby, he id going to get in more worse trouble than Ruby herself, who would likely be scott free. So Asuka is making sure that Ink is defended and is not forced to come and fight off against Ruby. Ink stares at Asuka and Ruby, wondering of what it is that is going to happen next. He just hopes that luck is on his side this time.

"This weakling has humiliated Issei in the fight. There is no way that I am going to let him get away with it!"

Ruby shouted, with Asuka speaking back.

"Well, this time, you're going to have to shove it! And if you do not stop, I will report to the teacher about this behavior. If you want to keep your popularity that you have, stop what you are doing right now, and deal with it."

Ruby was shocked, but than sneered, before lowering her weapons. She than glared at Ink, who simply gave out a confused stare, with disgusted Ruby very, very greatly. She than turns around and walks away with a Huff, as Ink puts a hand on his chest, as he tries to slow down his heartbeat...if he even has an actual heart inside of his body. What was way to close for comfort.

Unfortunately...he felt a little too relieved way to soon, because without Ink realizing it...someone was behind him and ready to strike him at the head. But thankfully, Asuka saw the person, and immediately got in the way, before the person in question could land a hit on Ink's head. Needless to say, Ink was not expecting for that to happen. He than turns around to see what it was that Asuka was defending him from...and saw a version Cat Faunus he hates.

Asuka than grabbed Blake by the wrist, and tightened it, as she than spoke out.

"And what do you think you're doing, Blake? So you honestly think that I am going to allow you to hurt him behind his back?!"

Blake snarled, as she hissed back at Asuka.

"Why would you defend him? He is just a weak nobody! He does not deserve to be a hero!"

Asuka than shouted back.

"The weak nobody the you refer to is my friend, Blake, and he has a much bigger heart than you could ever have. And here I thou if you would fight against the discrimination. I never thought you would become part of the discrimination."

Blake snarled at what Asuka said, but says nothing else, as she yanks her hand away from Asuka, and walks away. Ink sidesteps out of the way, as he watches Blake go away, clearly unhappy with how things turned out.

Ink sighed, as he than spoke out to the ninja friend that he has.

"Thanks, Asuka. I thought I was literally going to bite the dust there."

Asuka smiled, as she then turns around, and grabbed one of his hands with both of her delicate ones, as she smiled brightly.

"I'm just so glad that you're okay, Ink. Come on. Let's walk together so that they do not hurt you anymore. Okay?"

And not the only one that is kind to him and is friends with him.

Momo, Uraraka, and Izuku...they are also friends with him, although Momo is much more closer to him and interacts with Ink much more compared to the other 2 friends mentioned. The reason he is much more closer to Momo than to the because that, like Ink, her powers are based on creation, although the way that they create stuff is differ compared to each other. Ink simply needs to use his magical paint to try and make something that he desires from his large paintbrush and the smaller paintbrushes. Momo simply uses her own body to create the stuff that she desires. The only downside to that, is that she needs to expose her skin so that the creations can come out properly.

Yumi and Hibari are also friendly. Of course, the other members of Team Hanzo are friendly, but Hibari and Yumi are more closer to Ink than the others, with only Asuka can match just how close she is to Ink. The reason that Ink is closer to Hibari, is because some of their personality-traits are similar to one another, with one if them being about easily getting excited. But why he is closer to Yumi...that is an awkward thing, since there is nothing similar about Ink and Yumi. But regardless, she is still very kind to Ink, along with Hibari and Asuka.

And of course, there is Coco and Velvet. Coco became friends with Ink when he used his artistic skills to make a fabulous and wonderful piece of clothing, which made them both instant friends. Velvet was able to be friends with him when he sent Cardin through the window with a paint punch, and he sense began to protect her. Because of those 2 things that he is extremely friendly with them both.

Ink he looks around the whole building that they are inside of, the whole academy, that they are inside of, as he than spoke out.

"This is supposed to be an academy that is meant to protect the weak, the helpless, to train people to become better than what they think they are. But so far, all it is doing is getting people to be famous and hurt the weak and helpless people. What in the world is wrong with those people."

Asuka sighed, as she than held his hand.

"Even I don't know, Ink. But remember, you still have me and the others.vwe are with you, no matter what happens."

Ink looks up at Asuka and smiled.

"Thanks, Asuka."

Asuka bends her knees and hugged Ink, as Ink hugged her back. They remained like this for a minute, and than...a voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Would Ink come to the headmaster's office?"

Asuka looks at Ink and spoke out.

"This is your cue."

Ink nodded and smiled, as Asuka kissed his cheek and runs away, much to Ink's embarrassment and flattery. But Ink shook these feelings away, as he than ran to where the office of the headmasters of Union Academy are at. He just hopes that he does not arrive at the office at a late time, because that would be bad.

Inside of Headmaster's office...

Ink is now sitting in front of the headmasters, as they looked at Ink with an impressed expression on their face.

"I must say, Mr.Ink. You did well back in combat class."

Ozpin spoke out, as Sirzechs nodded his head.

"In spite of being only able to use paint with magic, you were able to stand your ground against the Red Dragon Emperor very well...even though no one has won the fight, due to the timer running out, and the bell having to ring."

Ink sighed, as he spoke out to the Headmasters.

"Maybe...but that does not change the situation that I am in. I am still getting hurt by people still."

Nezu nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Perhaps. And I thought we had taught the students to be better than this. But on the bright side, you are not alone in this."

Kiriya nodded, as he than spoke out to Ink.

"Indeed. You made a bunch of friends that have followed our ideals perfectly. Such as Hanzo's granddaughter, Asuka, 2 members of CVFY, some of the heroes, you manage to make sure you are not alone in what you are in now. You should be proud, Ink."

Ink looks down, as he spoke out.

"I wish I was..."

He fiddled with his fingers for a bit, as he than spoke out to them.

"You don't mind if I can have some alone time, back I can release myself of this stress of what I am going into now?"

Ozpin shook his head, before he spoke to Ink.

"Not at all. After all, you have been through a lot throughout the entire academy years, Mr. Ink."

Ink smiled, as he spoke out.

"Thank you.. I just hope that things can change when I get back. Hopefully for the better of everyone."

Sirzechs closed his eyes and nodded his head.

"l hope for the exact same thing., Ink. I hope for this as well."

Ink smiled, as he then turns around toward the door, and began to walk out of the door. Even though the days that he has been through are rough...he reminds himself that...he is not alone here.

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