Ice Maiden

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Ink Sans sighed, as he rubbed his temples for a little bit from yesterday's event. It has been quiet a couple of days since he had winged Kusano, the Sekirei that had the power to control all forms of plants. Ink, due to this, was able to give zero a playmate of sorts, and so far, both Eri and Kusano are doing very well together. Both Eri and Kusano are very kind to each other, and they each are both Ink's adoptive sisters, though Kusano loves him more than that in a way.

Because of this, Eri and Kusano are able to treat each other like they are both sisters, and they even have fun with each other, given time. They both play games, they both hang out with Imk as much as they can, they are bith like 2 peas in a pod that refuses to separate themselves from each other. However, Ink feels like that Kusano may not be that well protected, due to what could go on from outside. So to fix this problem that Kusano found have, he manage to find a potted plant, and bought it for Kusano to have, so that she can use her powers at anyplace and at anytime. And that way, so she won't be defenseless, and she can have something that she can use in order to protect herself in the whim. And needless to say, Kusano seems to be enjoying the gift that she has.

Of course...maybe giving Kusano that potted plant was not such a good idea. In fact, this may have been the worst idea that Ink has made, because of the fact that she can control and manipulate the plants. And this really made Ink a little bit embarrassed about this idea. Thankfully, though, Eri is able to make absolutely that the plant does not go out of control, and dos not damage the house by using her rewind power. And unlike last time, she's now trained enough to being able to stop using the power of her quirk anytime possible. But in spite of thie, Ink does not want to lose Kusano, due to her being a child, and the fact that she is bonded to him, means that she is now depending on Ink for her safety, and for the sake of her happiness, as well as her life.

Kuno and Rishia are also very willing to have Kusano in their lives. Even though Rishia is a little jealous, due to Kuno and Kusano being able to express their love, in the case of Kusano, Rishia likes her, due to only being a little child. And because of this, she has a very strong desire to take care of her and help her as much as she can. Kusano also seems to have a fondness for both Kuno and Rishia Ivyred, due to seeing them both as her older sisters, which the bith of them do not mind.

Ink sighed, as he sees both Kusano and Eri have fun, as they run around and play tag, and needless to say, Ink felt very proud of himself. Ink did more than get another sister for Eri. She also made a companion and a friend for to play with. And needless to say, Ink felt very happy for himself. Of what he had just done. There are no other words that can describe just how much Ink is feeling towards the 2 young girls.

One thing that Ink was able to take notice on, is the effect Kusano's winging had in him when Ink had bonded with her. When Kusano winged Ink, just like with Kuno, his emotions now last much more longer than before. Now it lasts 7 hours and 15 minutes. Basically, like Kuno, Kusano's winging extended the time limit once again. This means that Ink can continue to use the Emotion Vials less and less. And needless to say, it made Ink rather happy. And also...a little bit strange. He does not know how to describe this feeling that is inside of him. He does not know why, but he feel some Ike's here I s me thing for filling up the area that his soul was once placed in. Could the nucleus of these Sekirei be effecting his emotions in a way, allowing them to last longer? Ink wouldn't be surprised if that is the case, because somehow, he can also sense how both Kuno and Kusano, how the both of them are feeling towards Ink, and how Ink can feel towards the 2 Sekirei that he had winged.

Speaking of Kuno, she is showing it be walking behind Ink and is now next to him, before she sits down beside him. Clearly, she really does want to be with him a lot. Kuno than gripped his shirt, and pulled him in, as Ink, to his surprise, rests his head onto Kuno's shoulder. He was surprised, and even Kuno is surprised at herself for what she had just did. But Kuno does not mind. In fact, she is happy at what she is doing, as she blushed at Ink simply being in contact with her. Nothing can change what she is thinking about him. In the way that Kuno sees it, Ink is come one that will always be precious to her, and always will be a person that she will forever love, no matter what people say, no matter what they do, her love towards Ink is eternal. She will love Ink until the end of time.

"These 2...Kusano and Eri, you made them both so happy by giving them each other. You should be very proud of yourself, Ink. In fact, to me, and to Kusano, you will always be someone that we can both look up to. And always be someone that we will forever love until the end of everything around us."

Kuno said, as she hugged Ink closer to her than ever before. This caught Ink by surprise, as he was not expecting that to come from one of his timid Sekirei. But Ink does not mind it, in fact, he feels way more than that.

Needless to say, this embarrasses Ink to no end, but he does not mind it. In fact, being praised like this in such a way, it really warms his body up just a little bit. And more made his chest feel warm. It also made Kuno smile at her Ashikabi, due to how he is willing to take care of the 2 of them, and how he will make sure that they both gain the happiness that they both truly deserve. As Ink looked back up, he sees that Kusano and Eri are looking at him, and are very happy to see that he is watching the both of them play outside and have immense fun.

Kusano and Eri smiled happily, as they can feel their excitement burn through their bodies, and into their very minds. They than rushed at Ink, who than stood up from the ground, and extended his arms, as they both jumped and hugged him, and Ink spun around for a bit. Kuno barely missed their feet, luckily. He than sets them down, as Kusano and Eri continued to hug him, happy that their big brother is here to watch over them.

"How are you 2 doing? Are you both having fun?"

Ink said, as Kusano and Eri nodded.

"We did!"

Ink chuckled, as he rubbed his hands on top of their heads. Eri and Kusano a,lied and closed their eyes, as they like the feeling of their heads rubbed by their older, adoptive brother. Nothing else can describe what the both of them are feeling now.

Ink smiled, as he sees Kusano and Eri having fun together. Clearly, he is very proud at what he has accomplished, and he only wished he can make the most of it much more happier for the 2 little children. Clearly, he has taken the role of their protector successfully, as we'll a small wings able to give them the happiness that they never thought that they would be able to get in god knows how long. But regardless, he is happy for the both of them, no matter what it is that people are saying to him.

Ink than stood up, as he smiled at the 2 of them.

"Well, I have got to do something important from where I am going to. So you both continue to have fun with each other, okay?"

Kusano and Eri looked at Ink and smiled, as they both spoke.

"Okay, Big Brother."

Ink smiled and nodded.

"Good, and both of you, please be on your best behavior. I'll catch you both later."

Ink than made a portal onto the floor of the house, and jumped onto it, as he began doing something that is supposed to be very important for him now. And it is something that is involved inside of the Doodle Sphere.

Inside of the Doodle Sphere...

Ink is now inside of the Doodle Sphere again, and this time, he is reading the script of what would happen to the Alternate Universes. He looks through the different pages, as he than spoke out to himself.

"Okay, so let's see here. Underfell Frisk's pacifist run is complete, and Frisk freed everyone from thr underground. Papyrus from Underswap is battling against Character in the genocide run and owning them over and over, though Chara is likely going to beat him soon. The Classic version of Sans is doing very well at the surface. The Soul Time Trio (composed of Geno Sans, Color Sans, and Seraphim Sans) are battling against the human in the void. Man, so many things are happening all at once. It is just crazy. I always like to be in the Doodle Sphere. It is so nice, makes me not as alone as I thought, just like when it involves my loved ones back at home."

Ink said,as he floated inside of the Doodle Sphere, as he is always has a tendency to float inside of his dimension, liking the weightlessness that he is feelings now. He never has a chance to relish on it this much, even though he had a bunch of times. But everytime he goes into the Dodle Sphere and floats, it is all just like a first time for him to float into the air and do his usual hobbies. Although, he does take the job at reading the scrips of the AUs very carefully and slowly, as he needs to know the fate of each Universe carefully and not in the wrong way that it can happen. Besides, he is always interested to know what is happening inside of the AUs from the Doodle Sphere. And he is the only one that is able to know the fates of the Alternate Universes from inside of the pages that he has.

Ink than continues to read on the pages that is in the sheets of paper that he has inside of his hands.

"Storyshift Chara has now given humans a second chance. Altertale Sans and Toriel are having fun with each other at making puns. The Murder Time Quartet (composed of Murder Sans, Killer Sans, Horror Sans, and Insanity Sans) is having a bunch of successes against the human that is before them. Outertale Sans is having the same circumstances as Classic Sans, having the freedom that he and the other monsters have always wanted. I swear, what is happening from each and every single one of the worlds is just an insane thing."

He than looks at another script...but it is not a script at all. It was a paper...of an X on it. Ink looks at it, and has a sad look on his face.


Ink said, as he puts his hand on the piece of mapper with the X on it, with the rest of the paper being blank, signaling that Cross Sans is the only one that is still alive, along with his brother, Cross Chara. Ink looks down sadly at the piece of paper, and puts it back along with the other AUs that is gathered around and floating. He than makes the scrips of the Alternate Universes disappear, as he is now in an unhappy mood. He needs to do something that can get this feeling off sadness off of his chest, due to having seen what has happened to his friend, Cross. He has an idea, as he looked around the area that he is now in.

Ink than decides to have some fun inside of the Doodle Sphere, as he splatters Ink and Paint all over the whole dimension he's in. He caused so much coloring to splatter all over the place, and is able to make a whole bunch of objects, that they seem to be, like, limitless. He has no idea how many stuff he has made. But, at this point, he does not care,mad he is caring too much with what he is creating rights now. And he created so many stuff, that he was able to forget the sadness that has appeared inside of his chest. He gasped in exhaustion with what he had just done, if he can be considered exhaustion, most likely in happiness and in excitement, at the amount of stuff that he has made inside of the realm that he is in. He smiles very happily at all the item that he has made. Creation has always given him a feeling of happiness, whenever he is filled with emotions inside his mind with the Emotion Vials.

Ink than looks at the phone to see the time, so he than spoke out.

"Oh. It's now 3:00 P.M. Better get back with the others before they start to worry too much about me."

Ink spoke out, as he used his Paintbursh to make another portal, and go inside of it in order to see them again. Besides, Eri and Kusano would be very happy to see him again. Which would make Ink happy as well.


Ink is now inside of his room, as he is sleeping on his bed. He is lying on his back, as he can feel the bodies of Eri, Kusano, and Kuno on top of his body. Kusano and Eri hugged Ink's body as much as they can to get him from as much sides as possible. Kuno, on the other hand, somehow manage to get underneath Ink, and hugged him from behind. Having Ink being felt onto her chest, it feels like such a comfortable experience for Kuno. It feels as though Ink is a Teddy Bear for her to hug all day. Nothing else can change what she can say to him.

Ink, he is sleeping, as he rests and waits for a new day to come. But as he sleeping inside of his bed...he is going to be in one heck of a night. Because all of a sudden...inside of his dream, he is going to have one heck of an unexpected visitor.


Ink...he was very fast asleep for god knows how long at night. All he knows is that it has been quite a long time. But...for some reason...he feels cold. He does not know why. He knows that this cold...or feels like he is being covered by snow, even though he was inside the covers of his bed. Just what in the world is happening to him this time? And more importantly of all...where is he right now?

"Come on, eyes. Open up. Do not close down on me."

Ink spoke out to himse, as he than slowly opened his eyes...and the moment that he had opened them, he than saw snow coming down at his line of sight.

He than stood up, and began to look around at where he is at right now. He is apparently in some type of snowy embodiment, almost like an Arctic of some sort, except possibly more colder. He looks around, and saw that it is a place that is simply made of snow. No ice, except from the snowflakes themselves, no mountains, no anything. It is just snow. He looks up above to see the sky. When he was in the dream that involved Kusano, the Doodle Sphere would be in the sky. But now, instead of that, it is clouds that is now in the sky this time. Fitting, since snow comes down from the sky and not from a clear sky.

"Must be a Sekirei related to ice or something. But what Sekirei will I be seeing this time?"

Ink spoke out, as he began to look around the dream that he is in now. It is so...strange. What type of Sekirei would make snow, or ice for that matter? Well, he is going to need to look around naked no order to find out. Ink began to walk across the landscape that he inside of right now, as he traverses through the cold, crunchy snow. Clearly, even though it is a dream of some sort, it is still very cold to feel. But as he goes through the land, he can feel something...rumbling behind him. He turns around, and he saw an avalanche coming down.

"Oh shoot!"

Ink shouted, as he than turned into black paint and got out of the way. Ink watches from above, as the Avalanche missed him, and it continues to go down, like it is a wave of water from an outskirts of land. Ink held his head, as he felt relived that he was able to get out of the way. He looks, as his left eye changed to the color and shape of a random snowflake, as he than spoke out to himself.

"Phew. That was way to close."

Ink began to look around at where he is at, and saw hat he is on a hill of some sort. He has no idea where he is at right now, because he is trying to see if there is a Sekirei trying to make contact with him. He looks around, and than walks around the dream that he is in as he tries to find out of the Sekirei that is contacting him. That is if the person that is contacting him is a Sekirei.

But as he began to walk away, the hill that he is standing on began to crumble, and Ink watched as he began to fall back to the ground.


Ink shouted, as he lands on his back, hurt.


Ink began to slowly stand up, as he began to look around. But as he turns behind him, he saw that antihero Avalanche has arrived to try and bury him underneath the tons of snow that is about to crash down on top of him. Ink than grips his large paintbrush, as he than prepares to strike at it. As there is no higher ground to go to, it looks like he is gonna have to stop it on his own. After all, Ink is not here to run, he is here to fight against anything that would dare to try and hurt him badly.

But as Ink was looking at the Avalanche, what he does not know, is that there is someone coming from behind him. It was a silhouette from the string blizzard, but it was female in shape. The female held out her hand, and as Ink was ready, a large wall of ice appeared right in front of him, and the Avalanche crashed into the wall, cracking the ice a little bit, but it did very little to break it. Ink was caught by surprise, as he did not expect for that to happen. But as he looked at the ice wall that had appeared out of nowhere...


A female voice was heard from behind, and Ink turned around to see the silhouette from the blizzard. Ink looks, as the blizzard died down, and Ink could finally see the appearance of the one that has approached him.

A brown-haired lady suddenly appeared, standing at 5'6 with a white outfit that reveals most of her upper body and has chains attached to keep them in place, appeared to Ink in his dreams. It didn't take long for Ink to realize who this is.

"'re a Sekirei."

The woman looked down at Ink, and spoke out.

"'re an...Ashikabi?"

Ink looks up and nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, I am. I guess this must mean you're reacting to me, huh?"

The lady looks down at Ink, as she spoke out.

"Ah...You...I feel something for you. are my Ashikabi. I...I am Akitsu..."

Akitsu said, as she spoke out to Ink. A blush is shown on her face. It is obvious that the reacting part of Akitsu is manifesting at her face. Her face is ready, as she is blushing. Ink smiled, as she looks up at Akitsu. And he than spoke out his name to Akitsu, his soon to be Sekirei.

"Akitsu...I am Ink."

Akitsu looks down at Ink, as she than spoke out to him.

"Ink...Master. I will be with you soon. I will find you, so we can be united together. I shall find you, no matter what."

Ink was shocked, but smiled, as Akitsu puts a hand on Ink's cheek. Her touch feels cold, but in a good way, as Ink spoke out.

"And I will do the same for you, Akitsu. I will find you, and I will let your fate be fulfilled. I will be your Ashikabi, who you want to have."

Akitsu smiled a small, yet genuine one. Than, a blizzard began to happen, with the dream beginning to end, and Akitsu frowned again, but smiled again, as Ink spoke out.

"Don't worry a bit...Akitsu...

...I will find you."

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