Winging Akitsu

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The sound of running was heard, as Ink is now outside, with his paintbrush now being held in his hand once again. Ink, he is looking outside, looking very frantic. Apparently, he is trying to do all that he can to try and find the Sekirei that has contacted Ink inside of his dreams. It is one that can manipulate ice, named Akitsu. Of course, unlike last time, where he had to get someone, his Sekirei, Kuno, to help him with this, this time is different. This time, he is going to find Akitsu on his own, as he is confident that he can locate her somewhere. Of course, it is not going to be easy, since he is not able to her, due to the fact that the location too place in an Arctic of sorts, and not a city of sorts. But regardless, he is going to try and find her, no matter what it takes for him to do so.

Ink than leapt up into the air, and turned into his paint form, as he began to go up the walls of a building. He looks up, as he tries to go to the top ground of a building. But that was not enough for him. He than changed back to his paint form again, and tries to go to the tallest building, in order to get a better view of the surrounding area that Ink is in right now. Ink than kept on searching and searching for the tallest building in the city to use as higher ground, before he was able to spot one. He than goes to it, and began to go up the building as much as possible. After a little while, he finally reached, and he finally landed not o the ground. The wind blows, and his scarf waves at the wind that is blowing on it. He than looks up, as he than began to stand up straight, as he looked at the city that is before his very eyes.

The city below him, it is very beautiful. More beautiful go than any city that exists on this version of Remnant. Of course, they cannot match any other city in the Multiverse, which Ink is very well aware of, as in the Doodle Sphere, he has seen much more beautiful than that. But this city can match the most beautiful cities that are made in this version of Remnant. And that is all that he can say for Union City. Ink smiled, as he blinked his eyes, the left eye is now an orange triangle, and the right eye is now a red hexagon. He stares at the city that is before him, as he than spoken out to himself.

"Smaller than the Multiverse, and yet, still has beauty. It is amazing how much stuff can be created everywhere in just this one small version of Remnant. It is such an amazing experience to see."

Ink said, as he smiled and looked everywhere at the place that he is in now. He than sat down onto the ground, as he than continued to look at the city that is in front of him. Or rather, the city that is around him. There is simply no way of talking about this. It is big, sure. But even than, it is so big that even Ink has no idea where Akitsu is at right now. He may be able to find her, but considering that he prefers to be on Remnant in person than go to the Doodle Sphere, he simply just can't go to the Doodle Sphere, otherwise, Akitsu is never going to be able to find where Ink is, if he straight up disappears from the map. He needs to stay inside of the city, so that she can find him. So by staying on Remannt this version of Remant, and not in any other and the Doodle Sphere, he can allow Akitsu to try and find him. And inside his mind,mInk hopes that the connection that they both ga e will make it easier for Akitsu to try and find Ink inside of this large city.

Ink sighed, as he than stood up from the ground. He than spoke out to himself, as he clearly should not waste any sort of time watching the view that is before him. He than looks at his scarf, and the name, Akitsu, is on the scarf. He wrote it, so that he can be able to remember her name. He hates that he has such a terrible memory, being born like that, but there is nothing that he can do. After all, it was the fault of the one that had created him in the first place, for abandoning his world, as well as Ink himself and his brother and his friends inside of a blank white void. How he hates to be alone, how he hates a void that is of a white color. Wel, he does not mind the color on clothing and his hair, sure. But he does mind it when it involves a location of some kind, or a pocket dimension. He clenched his fist at the thought of it, but he does not let it get to his head, as he has much more pressing problems to deal with right now. He cannot deal with his personal past right now, as that is the past. He needs to focus on the 'now' that is happening to him at this very moment.

Ink sighed, as he looked at his Paintbursh, as he than looks back at the city that is shown before his eyes.

He than spoke out to himself.

"Akitsu. I'm going to come and find you."

Ink than steps back, and prepares to try and find her. But unfortunately, this moment was interrupted by an unwelcome guest in his time to search for the Sekirei of ice.

"Hey, you little bastard!"

Ink turns around, and he saw first that is covered in red, scaly armor, as it nearly attacked his face. Ink raised his paintbrush, and defended, as he was launched off of his feet, and used his powers to fly back down towards the ground, without a scratch. Ink stood up from his crouching position, as he looked up to see who it is that has attacked Ink. Above, a large degree rumored person came down, and crashed onto the ground, creating a very powerful shockwave in front of Ink. Ink than covered his face with his arms, as he protected his face from the debris that it's trying to get in his eyes. When he looked, the debris cleared away, and the attacker was revealed before the Guardian of the Alternate Universes.

Ink sighed, as he puts his hands on his face, and he spoke out to the Red Dragon Emperor.

"You clear have not learned from last time, haven't you? I beat you once before with someone helping me, and now here you are trying to make an attack on me right now, without any of your friends helping you."

But Issei was not here to take criticism to heart, as he than shouted at the Artist who has no Soul inside of him at all.

"Shut your mouth up, you weakling! You had humiliated Rias and made her get in trouble. I am going to make sure that you pay for what you have done to her!"

But Ink than spoke back to Issei, as he is clearly not in the mood to hear his words during his petty anger issues right now, as he than spoke back.

"Issei, you and Rias did this to yourselves. I was not the one that had to start that right, you did. I gave you both a chance to walk away. In fact, I should say that the person you should be angry at is with yourself. After all, you wanted to fought me and always liked to hurt me in the first place, acting the same way as the villains do. And you have already gotten yourself in trouble through lying to the whole city. So all the events that have happened, please the struggles that you had to go through, the bad reputation that you had to be given, it was all by your hands, and your hands alone. While I...I have it be the one, to fix the mess that you and your friends have made. And you are, making even more messes that I have to fix, due to the damage that you are now causing."

This finally pushed Issei to the edge, as he shouted out to Ink.


Issei than launched himself at Ink, as he than tried to attack him and hopefully snap his neck to kill him.

But Ink was not going to allow that to happen, as he than avoided the attack from Issei by changing into his black paint form to avoid getting hurt badly. He than changed back to his physical form, and began to attack by launching sharp paint bones at Issei Hyoudou. And unlike all forms of paint, these ones were able to pierce into the Scale Mail armor of Issei's Balance Breaker Form. Seems like beating Ink is not going to be as simple as he would expect. This caused Issei immense pain, as he than landed on the ground, and got extremely hurt by the very painful crashing of his body, due to the thrusters on his back being damaged by the other paint bones that Ink had shot at him. Issei than struggled to get up from the ground, as Ink landed onto the ground with his 2 feet. Ink looks very unimpressed, as he than spoke out to the Red Dragon Emperor.

Ink glared at the Red Dragon Emperor, it rather as he would like to call Issei, the Lustful Dragon Emperor, due to his very disgusting habits at what he does to the females. Ink swears that if Issei tries to wind Akitsu, by the time he finds her, he is going to shove his Paintbrush up Issei's ass. And the way that he will do it is going to be extremely painful for the Red Dragon Emperor, as the Paintbrush that Ink carries, despite the way it looks, is much more powerful than it lets on, and is not made out of the normal wood used in normal paintbrushes. He glared at Issei, as he than spoke out to the Red Dragon Emperor, with disgust present in his voice, directing at the Red Dragon Emperor himself.

"I already have something busy to deal with, you failure of a Dragon Emperor, and they do not involve you. Stay out of my way, and I will bring you back to Rias without anybseriousninjures left inside of you."

Ink is making it very clear that he will not hold his power back against Issei, as well as the da,age that he will cause to him, if the Red Dragon Emperor continues to push him. He already has an important thing to take care of, and he is now here to let Issei get in the way of what he is trying to take care of right now. But of course, the Red Dragon Emperor, he is not here to listen. He is here to make sure that Ink pays for what he has done to Rias, as he than stood up from the pavement that he landed on, and spoke out to Ink.

"N...Not yet. I am not going to give uo just yet, you little piece of shit!"

Issei than turned around, the eyes of his balance breaker glowing green, as he than shouted out to Ink, with arrogance and define ace in his voice.

"I will not and will never stop at making sure that you pay for what you have done to Rias, weakling! I am the strongest member of Union academy, while you are just the weakest one in the academy!"

Ink than simply spoke out to him.

"Strongest, yet the most disgraceful distasteful, and disgusting member of Union Academy ever brought in. How you are allowed inside of the academy, I will never know. What I do making sure this you pay for what you have done to me. And more importantly, you are already forsaken and disowned by the city. Your had lied to so many people and had gotten so many innocents killed. Women, Children, Families, Friends, because of you, that is forever broken. So tell this to me, Perverted Dragon Emperor. How many people to you intend to lead t your deaths, and in what way? Will it by your pervision, or will it be by the lies that you have told everyone? Why don't we ask them what they think of you now."

This made Isseei extremely pissed off, as he than shouted out at Ink.


Is seeing than boosted his power and raised his hand, a sphere than formed in between his fingers, as Issei shouted out.


Issei than punched the sphere, as it rushed at Ink, getting ready to incinerate him. But Ink was not impressed, as he than swung his arm, and slashed the Paintbrush in the air, as he made a wall of paint to block the attack.

The Dragon Shot blast was able to hit the wall of paint, but it did not damage it a single bit. Issei snarled, as his thrusters have regenerated and repaired itself. They are now ready to activate and launch Issei at the wall of paint. He crouched down, and goes full power, as he rushes and flies at the wall of paint that Ink has put up. He than charged his form to the Rook Form, and made the Arms and the Torso of the Balance Breaker much more tougher, largely, and stonger than ever before, as he than punched it with all of his might.

This finaly made the wall splatter, but Ink was now nowhere in sight. Where did he go? Than, a sound was heard from behind the Red Dragon Emperor, and Issei looked behind him to see a large head the resembles the skull of a dragon, but it is black and is made of paint. Issei's eyes widened, as he than looked down to see Ink behind him a playful smirk is in his face, as the Ink Blaster fired, sending Issei very far away. Ink than spoke out to himself.

"This will give me some time to continue my search. I do not have all day."

Ink than leapt up in the air, and began to go to whatever part of the city that he can go to. He jumped on top of roof to roof of every apartment, every building, and he still has no successes at finding Akitsu. But as he kept on trying to find the Sekirei of Ice...he than felt something. A familiar feeling of cold, as if in a blizzard in an Arctic...just like the one for the dream. Ink must b getting closer and closer to finding Akitsu. He can feel it. So he immediately tries to keep on finding Akitsu as fast as he can. Problem is, though, he is than attacked once again by Issei, who somehow managed to find him.

"I'm not done just yet, you weak bitch!!"

He than tried to strike Ink to the ground by punching and striking at Ink in the head, with in his Welsh Dragonic Form, in order to use the power of his punch to try and break the Paintbrush that Ink is using as his weapon against Issei.

But Ink, he was able to react and and block the punch with his Paintbrush. While this does send him downwards, Ink than made a portal to go into. This briefly sends him to the Doodle Sphere, before he than goes out of it, and back into Remannt again. Needless to say, the Red Dragon Emperor is not too happy with that, as he sees that Ink is still as fine as he always has been.

Well, looks like he is going to need more power than before. And more importantly, wants to make sure that Ink pays for his humiliation on the behalf of his master, Rias Gremory. Besides, he still wants to go at it with his beautiful Crimson Haired Princess of Ruin, who Ink does not see, to think so otherwise. In fact, for Ink he is going to make eyes that Issei and Rias suffer another humiliating defeat much more worse than before. Ink looks at Issei, who snarled angrily at Ink, as he than charged at him. Ink immediately gets ready to attack. He dies not care if he is not as strong as Issei, he dies not care about if he is eager and not as skilled compared to Issei, he cares very little about that. All he cares about, is making sure he does not get in the way, and that Issei is beaten down on the behalf of the ones that had been killed by the lies of his friends, and of the people that he has teamed up with. Ink glares as he gets ready to attack, when suddenly, out of utterly, completely nowhere...


A large thick wall of ice shards appeared in front of Issei, as he ended up crashing through it. While he was tough, that sudden thing did hurt him, as he is than sent hurt in the ground a bunch of times, with Ink being able to get out of the way. Ink was caught by surprise at what he had seen happen. But than...he feels this familiar sensation in his chest. The feeling of being cold. Inside of a blizzard. And did not take Ink long to realize who it is that has summoned this wall of ice.


Ink than looks up at the building...and sure enough...Akitsu was here, and she was looking straight at Ink. And she still looks the same, even in real life.

Ink smiled happily, as he sees that she is as able to find him, after all this time. Hopefully, Issei does not get in the way of what Akitsu is going to do. Akitsu looks at Ink with her flat grey, yet beautiful eyes full of life. Akitsu than jumped and landed on the ground, right in front of Ink, and walks up to him. Her beautiful frame shows before Ink, as she spoke out one word.

"Ah...I have found you...Master..."

Akitsu said, as she bends down, cups Ink by the cheeks, and pressed her lips against Ink's, as the process of winging starts to happen. Issei than held his head, as he turns around, only to see Akitsu's body glowing, as the process has been complete.

Akitsu...has now been winged. And her wings, they are very different compared to Kusano and Kuno's wings. They resemble birds the most, compared to them other 2 Sekirei that Ink had winged. Akitsu blushed, as she stood up, and looks at Issei, and he has a lecherous face present. But Akitsu was not amused. In fact, she looked way more disgusted, as Issei than spoke to the Sekirei.

"Hey, pretty lady! Why are you even with this weakling? Join me, and I will-"

But Akitsu does not like what Issei had said to Ink, as she than fired an icicle at Issei, stabbing him in the shoulder in a very, very painful way.

"Ahhh!!! What the fuck was that for?!"

"You shall not insult my master."

Akitsu spoke out to Issei in a low tone of voice. This caught Issei by surprise and disbelief, as he spoke out.

"What do you mean by, 'Master'? How is he your master?! He is a weakling! A weakling!"

But Akitsu spoke back to Issei, in her usual monotone voice to him.

"The only one that I see is weak if you. Icicle Snow Storm."

Akitsu calls her attack, as she fires the icicles at Issei.

Needless to say, the Icicles are extremely sharp, and not even the Balance Breaker could protect against them. Issei ended up getting stabbed by them, and it made him cry out in agony, but he is still defiant and stubborn to give up.

"You aren't getting away from me!"

He than launched himself at Akitsu, who than moved out of the way, and made an ice wall to protect both herself and Ink. This made Issei ricochet back, as Akitsu than spoke out to Issei.

"Ice Needles."

Suddenly...Ice Spikes erupted from the ground, and rammed into Issei, stabbing them in various parts of his body, and causing him to spit up blood. But the wounds did not hit at any place that can incapacitate him, and Akitsu looks down at him, very unimpressed with what she is seeing before her eyes.

"Is that the best that you can do? You can take on my master? And get, not against me?"

She spoke out, as she looks at Issei in the eyes. Issei stood up, as he spoke out.

"Come on, lady! What is so wrong with being with me and ditching him?! I'm way more better than him!"

But Akitsu was not impressed with the response, as she spoke out.

"You are not fit for me. You are disgusting in my eyes. My master...he vowed that he would fulfill my destiny to be with him. He vowed that he will find me, and that our fates will be complete, and it is. My soul, my is forever bound to his very being, and I will continue to love my master, even when it is past the end."

Akitsu than crossed her arms together, as she spoke out her Norito.

"By the Cold Frost of my promise, my Ashikabi's doubts, shall be frozen."

She stares at Issei with cold, wrathful eyes, at the enemy of her Master, as she than spoke out.

"Ice Erosion."

Ice began to form around the Ice Sekirei, as she is ready to use her most powerful attack. Suddenly...a massive explosion of ice appeared around Akitsu, as she attacked Issei with them. Issei could feel his entire body freeze, as the power of Ice Erosion agonized Issei. It was beyond painful. But than, Ink appeared, and spoke out.

"Time to send you back where you belong!"

Ink than bats Issei out of here, and into a portal made of paint, which Issei went through. Looks like Issei is gonna be humiliated once again.

Ink lands on the ground, and he turns to face Akitsu, who is looking down at Ink with an impassive face. But Ink could tell she is happy.

"Ready to come home with me?"

Akitsu nodded.


Ink nodded, as he than grabbed Akitsu by the hand, and paint began to gather around the 2 of them in a twister of sorts. After what appeared to be a minute, the twister slowed down and disappeared, and from where Akitsu and Ink stood, the 2 of them are not gone, as if they vanished. Vanished back to Ink's home, that is. Ink, and Akitsu...they are both now finally together.

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