Not So Good Encounter

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Ink sighed, as he then held his head with one of his hands. Been a day since Akitsu has been brought in, and things have been...interesting...putting it mildly. Kuno and Kusano are surprised that Ink had managed to get another Sekirei react to react to him. The thing is, though, Akitsu is one of the older Sekirei, stronger than both Kuno and Kusano. Of course, that is sort of an understatement, as Kuno and Kusano are not that strong, as they are more support types than fighting types. interesting thing that occurred, is that Kuno and Kusano's powers, along with Akitsu's, they had increased exponentially. Of course, Akitsu was always stronger compared to the other 2. But now, the strength and power of Akitsu's ice manipulation has increased much more than it had been from before. Seems like his connection with his Sekirei had made all 3 of them stronger. But Kuno and Kusano are still nowhere near as strong as Akitsu, who is still stronger than the both of them. And Ink's emotions, they are now lasting for 7 hours and 30 minutes. Seems like with every Sekirei that he wings, his emotions last longer and longer than ever before. This is beneficial, as he does not need to rely on his Emotion Vials all that much anymore. Now, he can use it less and less, while his Emotions last longer than before. Clearly, this is a true benefit for him.

And for Akitsu's behavior towards is very unique, in comparison to the other Sekirei that Ink had been able to wings these past few days. Unlike Kuno, who simply calls Ink by his name, and unlike Kusano, who calls Ink, Big Brother, just like Eri, Akitsu calls Ink her master. The reason why is unknown, but Ink assumes that this is the way she can express her love towards Ink. And the thing is...Akitsu is more than just living Ink, she is loyal to him. And normally, that would be the case for other people such as Rishia and Kuno and Kusano...but Akitsu's way of loyalty. Unlike the other 3, her loyalty is unmatched. She is pure, undyingly loyal. Not once does she obey an order that Ink would make, and always follows it without question, and follows him whenever he goes, which is feeling good for Ink, though it makes him uncomfortable in some places, such as when it involves the Doodle Sphere. Akitsu has no knowledge of this place due to having never visited it beside Ink when she's near him. And Ink prefers that she does not find out about it, due to the secret that this place holds inside.

Right now, Ink is standing against the rail of the upper deck of the house that he is on. Yes, the house had an upper desk for him to have. He looks around to see the trees around him, to see the birds flying above him and the house that he is in. Ink sighed, as he leaned his head against his hand, with his hand acting as the cushion for his paint-stained cheek. He looks around, and smiled as nature flies surround his very presence. Ink smiled, as he can feel the air around him. But he became surprised, as a pair of limbs wrapped around Ink and pulled him towards a certain Sekirei of his.


Akitsu spoke, as she looks down at Ink, tilting her head, lovingly. Ink looks up and smiled.

"Hello, Akitsu."

Akitsu than hugged Ink tightly, as Ink nuzzled the back of his head into Akitsu, making Akitsu smile a tiny bit at the gesture that Ink is doing. Even if he has his head in a rather, embarrassing position...with Akitsu really likes. It feels good for her.

"NYEH!!! SANS!!!"

Papyrus shouted out, as Akitsu and Ink look at the direction of Papyrus' voice. Akitsu and Ink than walked to where Papyrus is at, and he seems to be unhappy about something.

"What's wrong, Papyrus?"

Ink said, as Papyrus spoke out to Ink.


Ink looks inside, and sure enough, they had ran out of food. Ink than spoke out.

"Don't worry, Pap, I'll get us some new food. I'll go to a grocery store and by is some more."


Papyrus shouted out, as Ink nodded his head, rapidly.

"Of course. Besides, I have enough money for the whole fridge. Just hope that I don't overdo it."

As Ink said that, Kusano tugged on Ink's jacket, and he looks to see Kusano, looking up at him. While both are short, Ink is still taller than Kusano, and is still an inch shorter compared to Kuno.

"Big brother? Can I join you to shopping also?"

Ink looks at Kusano, and spoke out to her.

"You sure you want to, Kusano? I mean, I hope that being in the outside world does not stress you badly."

Kusano than shook her head with a smile on her face.

"As long as I am with Big Brother, I won't be unhappy when I am outside."

Ink was surprised, as he than looks down, before speaking out.

"Well...if you want to come, than please help me with this, okay?"

Ink than hands her a piece of paper, that shows the stuff that Ink needs to get at shopping.

Kusano nodded her head, understanding, as Akitsu held Ink's hand, showing that she wants to go along with Ink also. Ink tighten his grip on Akitsu's hand in return, showing that he will allow Akitsu to come along with him. Needless to say, Papyrus looks very happy with this thing.


Ink shrugged, as he than spoke out to Rishia and Kuno.

"What about you both, Rishia, Kuno? Do you want to help me with shopping?"

Rishia and Kuno than spoke out to Ink.

"Fueeeeee...we really wish we could come along..."

"But the 2 of us needs to make sure that Eri won't be hurt."

Ink was surprised, but he nodded his head, as he spoke out to the both of them.

"Well...suit yourselves. And besides, I think you both are doing good with making sure that Eri's okay."

Kuno and Rishia smiled at what Ink had said to the both of them. Ink than sighed, happy with this, as he than spoke out to the Sekirei coming with him.

"Let's go, Akitsu, Kusano."

Akitsu and Kusano than spoke out.

"Alright, Big Brother!"

"Ahh...yes, Master..."

Ink smiled, as he waved Papyrus goodbye, and all 3 of them went out to try and buy more food for Papyrus and the fridge that is empty.


Well...Ink was able to find just enough food for the fridge in just half an hour. Needless to say, it was very nice to be walking with his Sekirei. They were able to buy what they needed, and even Kusano seemed happy for all 3 of them, Akitsu and Ink, for the fact that they had went shopping.

"Wow, this is fun! I really want to try this again, sometime!"

Kusano spoke out, as Ink smiled at her, before rubbing her head.

"Well...if this happens again, we will."

Kusano giggled, as Akitsu held onto Ink's hand, and Ink tightened her grip onto Akitsu's hand as well, as they went back home. But as they they are preparing to go back and find their home...another female voice spoke out, and one that Ink really hates.


Ink turned around, and gout his Paintbrush out, if it is who he thinks it is.

And he is right. Rias and her peerage, minus Issei, Asia, Gasper, and Xenovia...have now appeared. So now it is Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba.

"Aaaahhh...great. As if my day was not going to go so bad! Why're you four here?!"

He spoke out, as he than gripped his paintbrush tightly, as he glared at Rias and her remaining peerage that Ink is seeing before her very eyes.

"Ahhh...Master...who are they?"

Akitsu spoke out, as Ink spoke out.

"People who agonized me way to long, as well as people that wants to enslave me."

Akitsu froze (no pun intended) at what Ink has said, as Rias spoke out.

"Ink! I demand that you hand over those 2 to me right this instant!!"

Rias grinned, feeling that he can take them by force, and make Ink suffer for it. But Ink simply laughed, as he than spoke out to the Gremory Devil.

"Hate to break it to you, Rias, but that will not be possible for you to try and take them, even if you attempted to bring them in."

This made Rias confused, as she than shouted out.

"Why not?!"

Ink grinned, as he spoke.

"They're bonded to me. And because of that, you cannot take them. They are bonded and connected to my very soul, and that is it. You can try, Rias, but in the end, you will fail."

Rias snarled, as she than smiled menacingly.

"Than I guess we'll just have to make sure that they are severed from your soul!!!"

She than fired a Power of Destruction at Ink, and Ink prepares to defend, when suddenly, a wall of Ice appeared in front of Ink, and the Power of Destruction obliterated it. This caught Rias by surprise, as Akitsu stepped forward, and looks at Rias, but the way she looks is not a happy one, and is an enraged glare.

Clearly, because of what Ink had said, all Rias had managed to do, is enraged Akitsu more than she imagined. Even Akitsu herself is never this enraged, and her, here she is, filled with much more anger than thought possible.

" honestly think...believe...that you can get away with it...trying to attack and enslave my master against his well as agonize him...all you are now giving me a reason to make will pay, on the behalf of my master...for I will make sure...that you pay for what you have done to him. That promise...I plan on keeping."

The way she spoke out to the Gremory Peerage, it sounded so chilling, and yet, so calm. A rage as cold as the icy tundra, yet with a level headed tone, Rias is now going to face the wrath of Ink's strongest Sekirei, as here, she is going to make sure that the Devils pay for what they have done to her master, before she even got here, starting now.

All around Akitsu...icicles began to form around her, as they levitate in the air, as Akitsu's glare does not stop, with her staring at the ones that had agonized Ink for gods know how long it must have been. Kiba crouched down and charged at Akitsu with a flame sword, but Ink, putting his groceries into a paint portal, gets his Paintbrush out, and blocked the attack, preventing Kiba for having the possibility of trying to hurt his Sekirei.

"You want her, Kiba, than you're gonna have to fight me for the sake of it!"

Ink than pushed Kiba back, as he skidded on the ground. Rias snarled, as Ink than spoke out.

"Akitsu...the white haired girl and the one with the black hair, take on them, and be careful. I'll take on Rias and Kiba."

Akitsu nodded, understanding her Ashikabi's command, as she focused her attention on Koneko Toujou and Akeno Himejima.

Akitsu than used her power to fire Icicles at Koneko, who she has decided to fight against, as well as fighting Akeno, both devils simultaneously. Koneko and Akeno avoided the attack, but that is because Akitsu wanted this to happen. Because now, she can focus on the weaker one, Koneko. The little Nekoshou attacked and tried to punch Akitsu. But Akitsu always counters with ice walls, fired an icicle at Koneko's knee, causing pain, before Akitsu froze her entire body. Now she can focus her attention on Akeno, the Priestress of Lightning. Speaking of which, Holy Lightning is crackling in her hands. Akeno has a sadictic smirk on her face, as she cannot wait to make Akitsu scream in agony, while Akitsu simply stares back at Akeno, ready to avenge her master for all the torment that he had to suffer through.

"Oh my, make it amusing for me~!"

Akeno spoke out, as she points her finger, and fired Holy Lightning at Akitsu, who than jumped out of the way to avoid getting hit by the electricity . Akitsu than points her own finger, and icicles began to fire at Akeno, and this time, Akeno had to defend. But this barely did anything, as some of the icicles were able to get past the defenses, and were able to pierce Akeno in the shoulder and leg. This caused nearly unbearable pain to the Fallen Angel Hybrid, as she than look so at Akitsu, as she is now standing on top of a lamp post, with barely an expression on her face. Akitsu than points her finger down, and icicles began to rain down to the and skewer Akeno like Shish Kabob. This time, Akeno made a defense circle in order to protect herself, and she than looks back to see Akitsu now in front of her, an Ice Ball glowing...until it exploded into a reverse cold bomb, which made Akeno's body agonized to the icy cold temperatures that she had been exposed to. But than, Akeno fired a ball of lightning at Akitsu, in hopes of shocking her. But to her dismay, Akitsu fired an ice ball, and clashed with Akeno's lightning ball, causing a very powerful explosion, blinding the both of them. Still, that does not mean that they are going to give up easily. They are going to keep on fighting for the sake of the ones that they are loyal to, Akeno for Rias, and Akitsu, for Ink. The loyal mistresses of Creation and Destruction, fighting against each other.

With Ink, he has been able to subdue Kiba by making chains around his body, which prevents him from moving any further. Kiba had nearly tried to grab Kusano, but Ink was able to put a stop to it before he can go anymore further. And Kusano, the Green Girl, is now on Ink's back, as she wrapped her limbs around his rot so and shoulders as tightly as she could, in order to keep herself on Ink and not fall. Ink begins to look annoyed, as he stares at Rias, who than decides to make her attack on Ink, as she fired a Blast of destructive demonic energy at Ink. But Ink returns the favor, by firing a large blotch of paint at Rias, and the 2 attacks collided, cancelling each other out. Rias looked annoyed, as she tries to fly and grab at Ink. But Ink simply was able to avoid her attack without issue, since he does not want to get Kusano attacked by this greedy devil.

He than swung his paintbrush at Rias, and a large black slash attacked her, as Rias than used her Power of Destructuin to destroy the black slash of paint, and fired them at Ink. But Ink swung his paintbrush, and made a large wall of paint, making it become destroyed instead of Ink and Kusano being destroyed. Ink than fired Ink homes at Rias, who than flies up into the air as fast as she could, in an effort to avoid getting hit by the Soulless Artist. She than made a portal magic circle to try and grab Kusano, but Ink saw it and got away from it. Ink than clenched his fist tightly, as he than made a large sphere of paint, which than turned into a cannonball. It fired at Rias at an extremely fast speed, and Rias tried to make a protective shield in order to defend against it. But the ball was extremely strong, as it began to break through the shield, and Rias had to teleport out of the way, as the cannonball hit a building. This made Ink irritated, but than realizes where she is about to appear. Ink immediately jumps out of the way, as Rias teleported behind Ink, while Ink jumped away from the Crimson-Haired Princess of Ruin.

The wall of paint is now gone, and Ink looks very, very annoyed, as no matter what he does, Rias cannot take the hint and get off of his back. No matter what he does, Rias will never take the hint, even it if is clear to her right in front of her face. Well, it is about time it becomes clear to Rias, and the way that Ink will do it, it is going to be a very, very harsh way to do it. And thus time, Ink...he will not hold back on how brutal he will be when he is finished with the Gremory Devil, since she is to stubborn to stop with whatever it is that she is doing to him.

Ink looks at Rias with an irritated glare on his face, as he than spoke out to her with exasperation present in his tone.

"How long will it take for you to give up, Rias? I had beaten you once, and this is when we were both going all out. Now, I have other people with me, fighting against your peerage, and you still want to keep going to me? I will never understand you."

Rias snarled, as she than spoke out to Ink.

"That's the thing, Ink. I had never taught myself to stop trying in taking you. I am going to lake sure I take them from you, and you will become my servant, no matter what it takes to bring you to my services."

Ink snarled, but than, he smirked, as he than spoke out to the Heiress of Gremory.

"So that's it...huh? Heheheh...I had been painfully patient with you fir quite a long time, Rias. I had tried whatever I had could to make sure that you would get the hint, and to leave me alone. But it seems that no matter what I is never enough. Fine than...if you won't listen to me, and leave me alone..."

Ink took out the red bottle, and drank it, as he than activated his rage power up, in order to make sure that Rias will take the hint.

"...I'll force you to take the hint. And this time, you are going to see it clearly, and force yourself to withdraw. I don't care how much pain I need to give to you, you will obey me this time."

Rias smirked menacingly, as she than attempted to fire a Power of Destruction at him. But the thing is...someone spoke out.

"You...You won't..."

Rias looks down at Kusano, who is holding her hand, and she than began to speak again, but this time, in full sentences.

"You won't get my hands...on my BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!"

Kusano screamed out the last part, as her powers began to effect the plants around them. The plants began to grow rapidly, as they ensnared the frozen Koneko, who is now being melted by the sun, Kiba, who is now trapped in the ice, but the plants somehow manage to break them. And than, the plants began to wrap around Rias and Akeno without warning, and they began to tighten their grip on them, which caused the 4 Devils immense pain, even though this is plants from small pots.

Kusano's eyes glowed green, as she used his power over plants to try and protect Ink from the enemy attacking. She will not let them hurt her big brother, and she never will let them do it. She is going to protect Ink, no matter what happens. Ink, however, not wanting Kusano to kill them, puts a hand on her shoulder, and spoke out to the Sekirei of Plants, in his attempt to try and calm her down.

"Kusano, don't do it! You're better than this!!"

This finally made Kusano stop, and she turns around, a distressed look on her face, worried of what Ink will say. But thankfully, she does not have to Ink than hugged her and comforted her.

"It's okay, Kusano. It's okay."

Kusano smiled as tears came down, and she than hugged Ink as tightly as she could. Akitsu looks up, and spoke out to Ink and Kusano.

"They are coming back."

Ink and Kusano look up to see the 4 Devils return with a vengeance, and needless to say, they are not amused at all.

"Ghhh...I have had enough of this! Kiba, attack Ink now!!!"

Kiba nodded, as he than disappeared, and reappeared in front of Ink. Ink got his Paintbrush in his hands, and reappeared in front of Kusano, ready to attack and protect Kusano, as Kiba tried to attack with the blade. But before he has a chance to attack...something else got in the Knight's way.


A bladed gear, which is floating in the air, spun and clashed with Kiba's Sword Birth, and sends him back, Rias and Ink were shocked, as than, 2 female voices spoke out. Both of them sounded light-toned, but one of the voices sounded gruff, and the other spoke in a Sing Song voice.

"It seems we have arrived to the right time, did we~?"

One of them spoke out, the Sing Song-like tone. The other, which is gruff, spoke as well.

"Yeah, and with thise people attacking our soon-to-be Ashikabi! let's give them a taste of their own medicine, and mess them up!!"

Ink, Kusano, and Akitsu turned around to see 2 Sekirei...and it looks like things are about to get very interesting for Ink and his own small group of Sekirei.

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