King of the Multiverse

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King Multiverse sat onto his throne, as he looks at the foolish devils that had dare try to take away his servant, the God of Creation, from him. Of course, it wouldn't work, due to the King of the Multiverse's power being far to great for them to take Ink away so easily. But the fact that they had tried to take him and tried to force him and his Sekirei into his peerage is enraging to the King himself. Of course, King Multiverse cares little for Ink and the others, as he simply tolerates them, but the fact that they had tried to take one of the most important servants that he has is an outage. And the King of the Multiverse will not stand for pests such as Rias Gremory for doing this to him. Ink Sans, the God of Creation, he still has an important role to play in keeping the Multiverse alive, and he will not tolerate the Devils continuing to try and enslave Ink Sans all for the sake of their own selfish amusement. While King Multiverse is selfish, it is because of how necessary it is for him to be so, in order to keep Ink Sans and Error Sans in line, and to make sure that all of the Multiverse is preserved, and does not get out of control.

Rias and the others looked, and they are horrified at what they are seeing before their very eyes. This person, even though he looks similar to Ink, is far taller than him, and not to mention the fact that he has ginormous power. They thought that Ophis is extremely powerful, they thought that Ophis and Great Red are the strongest beings that they have ever encountered. But King Multiverse, is on a whole new level. So much that...Rias and her peerage are genuinely afraid of what he will do to them next. But her arrogance, she than spoke out to King Multiverse.

"So, you are the one that already has Ink, and has been the one controlling him. The one that controls this weakling."

But King Multiverse than spoke out.

"Of course, escape for the fact that he is much stronger than all of you, and he is only weak against the likes of me. All of you devils barely even make me think of you as valuable. Instead, all of you having me thinking that all of you are so pathetic and weak to even be controlled by me. But Ink, however, is, which is why I will not allow you to take him away from me this easily, Rias Gremory, for I still have use for him on some jobs that I still need for him to do."

Rias than spoke out to King Multiverse.

"Than I will just defeat you so that I will have Ink Sans at my side, and so that I can torment him!!"

But the King of the Multiverse seems amused, as he began to laugh at arias Gremory at what she has said to him.

"Me, being defeated by a filthy devil such as you? Hahahahahahahaha. Gremory, you filthy bat, that is the most pathetic joke that you can think of, as you and your peerage can never beat me, for I am one of the strongest gods in all of existence, and the one that can command the other gods. You and your species are simply one of the weakest that I have ever seen. If you want to live to see another day..."

He stands up, and his left eye flares brighter, as he than shouted out towards them.


The voice was so loud that it really was controlling, like he is able to try and command them with just his mere voice alone, even though his voice has no power of its own. This made Rias Gremory scared of what King Multiverse would do to them, and even Issei is quaking a little bit at his feet, as his legs buckled up and he shook. In fact, all of the peerage members are shaking in their feet at the tone of the Kong of the Multiverse, due to how powerful his voice is. But Rias Gremory was still stubborn and arrogant at the King of the Multiverse, as she than spoke out to him, in her usual arrogant tone.

"I...I don't care how powerful you are!!! You will not stop me from getting what I want!! I will get Ink to be a part of my peerage, no matter what it takes to make sure that he is brought to me."

Issei than took the turn to speak out.

"Yeah!! We will take that weakling from you whether you like it or not!!!"

But the King of the Multiverse smiled sinisterly, as he than spoke out.

"Well...your funeral than. But he warned, I will not be defeated easily by filthy devils such as you.

Ink than stepped away from the Gremory clan, as well as Akitsu, as she hugs her master as close as she could to herself. Even though she is glad that her own master is already saved, she began to worry at what the King of the Multiverse would do, if he is going to fight. Of course, the King of the Multiverse would not care of what Akitsu does, as she is simply very weak against the might of the ruler of all of the Alternate Universes that exist out there. But is concerning for her. Ink Sans than took out one of his Emotion Vials, and began to drink then all one at a time, until he is finished with all of them, and than, he is back to his usual self. The self that is pretending to have emotions.


Ink Sans looks up at Akitsu, as she than spoke out to him.

"Why did this...King Multiverse say that you...are his right hand?"

Ink looks he was afraid she would ask a question such as this. But he than sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Because of the fact that I am bound to him, and he controls me. You see, sometime ago, King Multiverse came out of complete nowhere, and declared himself the ruler of all of the Alternate Universes, and demands that every his bows before him. Of course, I didn't bow, and instead, I tried to fight him, only for me to lose very easily against him, due to the fact that he is one of the top strongest beings in all of existence. So strong in fact, that even me and Error are not strong enough to beat him, even if he had decided to join in and try to help me fight against King Multiverse himself. And because of this, in order for me to make sure that I am alive, I am forced to read an oath of his, that will make me be controlled by him. In fact, I am someone that he needed a lot on my job, along with Error. Because of this, because of how foolish my actions were, I had now became a servant of the King of the Multiverse, without realizing of what I was getting myself into. And the problem with being with him, is that, King Multiverse, he is not a kind person. He may seek kind at first, but in reality, he is cold and remorseless, as he will not give up his power, and instead, will keep his power, no matter what. And when you are in his presence, it is not because she likes you or anything. It is simply because of the fact that he is simply here to tolerate your presence, and nothing else. Basically, working and bonding with the King of the Multiverse would be the last thing that you would want to do."

Akitsu looked down, and she felt very furious. Even Ink Sans felt her fury inside of her mind. She was so furious that Akitsu wanted to attack the King of the Multiverse.

She wants to attack him for the fact that she had enslaved Ink Sans, and makes sure that he screams on the ground in agony by piercing him with a lot of icicles that she can form from thin air,

or even better her, freeze his entire body in order to make sure that he does not move a single muscle ever again.

But based on the fact of what Ink has said to her, King Multiverse is one of the strongest beings in all of existence, and fighting against him would be suicidal for even her. And as much as she would love to give King Multiverse a reality check of some kind, Akitsu restrains herself, so she does not do something that would seem to be foolish in nature, and make sure that she is alive, so that she can be with Ink Sans, her master. After all, she wants to be alive, so that she can be with him for the rest of her life, and not leave his side. Ink Sans sensed her feeling, and even though his emotions are artificial, and is simply pretending to have a soul, he can feel all the love and care that she has for him, and needless to say, it is making him very happy. He is just glad to have such a very loyal Sekirei such as her, and he couldn't ask for anything else. Akitsu and Ink Sans grabbed each other's hands, as they than watch at what the King of the Multiverse is going to do to Rias Gremory and her Peerage.

King Multiverse, he began to walk down towards the foolish devils that have decided to try and fight against him. His hands behind his back his back, as he spoke out to them.

"All of you have made the big mistake in challenging me. I will make sure that you are taught a lesson in trying to fight against a power that is far higher above your station."

Rias Gremory stepped back, as they are a little bit afraid of having to fight against the King of the Multiverse, but she needs Ink so much that she spoke out.

"Fighting against higher powers? We have done this many times, and we always came out on top, you won't be so different."

Issei nodded, as he than spoke out to the King of the Multiverse, arrogantly.

"Yeah, you won't be so different at all from what we have faced in our lives. You be beaten, just like those that that we have defeated before us!"

But the King of the Multiverse simply smiled, as he than spoke out to Rias Gremory and her peerage, with a tone of confidence and arrogance in his own voice, much more arrogant than her, yet, much more powerful than Rias Gremory and her peerage combined.

" are mistaken we. I am much more different compared to the higher powers that you have faced. Much, much more different, and unlike me, they were not a true king such as me, a true ruler. You, on the other hand, will not stand a single chance against the likes of me, Rias Gremory, for you will be defeated by me, and me alone, along with the rest of your peerage."

King Multiverse than is now behind the peerage, as he than spoke out.

"And I am here to make a demonstration towards all of you. Right here..."

Suddenly, the King's Blasters appeared behind King Multiverse, as he than spoke out.

"Right now."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He than fired the King's Blasters, and tried to strike at the group. Rias and her group were able to get out of the way, and engaged in combat against the King of the Multiverse. Rias and the others looked down, as they saw him, looking up, waiting to see what they will do next.

Rias has sweat coming down from her head. This King Multiverse is extremely strong, way too strong for even herself to realize. But than, Issei than spoke out.

"Hey, Rias. How about I can take a crack at this pathetic king!"

Rias looks down, and smiled, as Issei has his Boosted Gear out.

Rias smiled, as she hugged his head, before she than spoke out to him.

"Good luck, Issei!"

Issei smiled at Rias, before he than went forward towards King Multiverse, who than looks down at him, before he than spoke out to the Possessor of the Red Dragon Emperor.

"So, the Red Dragon Emperor wants to face me. Well, I say that this will be such a pathetic fight, yet a briefly interesting one."

But Issei spoke out to the King of the Multiverse.

"You don't talk to me like that you asshole!! I have fight against Ink and lived to se another day!! You won't be so different compared him!!"

But the King of the Multiverse chuckled a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"Oh this will be so different, you little peasant. For you are not near my power. You may have seen powerful gods, but none are as powerful as me. And you will grovel before my power."

Issei snarled, as he than activated his Balance Breaker, Scale Mail, before he than spoke out to the King of the Multiverse.

"Don't fuck with me, dipshit!!!"

He than charges at full speed towards the King of the Multiverse, and attempted to land a powerful punch at him, only for King Multiverse to grab his fist, and all without effort. He simply looks down, as Issei tried to boost his power to the fullest, only for that to not be effective, due to the fact that he is barely even feeling it. There is m out even a pressure on his arm. Clearly, King Multiverse is not impressed with what he is seeing before his very eyes, nor is he impressed with how powerful Issei is. In fact, compared to Ink, Issei is less stronger than him, and this makes him unworthy to make Issei Hyoudou, the Possessor of the Red Dragon Emperor, his new puppet. He than pushed him back, before running full speed at him, and punching him in the gut, which made Issei cough out blood, before being launched backwards very fast. But Issei held his ground, as he than spoke out to King Multiverse.

"Looks like I am going to need a little bit more power on my part!!"

Issei than stood up, as he than activated a powerful transformation that he had gained, called Cardinal Crimson Promotion.

And to him, he feels like he can now pack a way more powerful punch against the King of the Multiverse enough to finally be able to outclass himself.

He charged fast towards the King of the Multiverse, and reeled his fist back, in order to make sure that the punch hits him. But the King of the Multiverse seems barely amused at this, as he held his hand out, and was able to catch his fist. Although this time, he was actually pushed back by an inch, due to how powerful the force of the punch is now.

The King of the Multiverse continues to hold onto Iseei's fist, as he than pushed him back, before he than charged at him, and unleashed a powerful punch, only for Issei to dodge it and tried to attack the King of the Multiverse form behind. But then, the King of the Multiverse avoided the attack, and is now facing in front of Issei, as King Multiverse smiled wickedly at Issei Hyoudou, as he than began to fire off the King's Blasters once again.

But not wanting to be outdone, Issei than used his wings to aim and fired an attack at the King's Blasters.

"Fang Blaster Booster!!"

Both of the attacks clashed against each other. They began to push and try to overpower each other with all of their might, all so that they can try to win against one of the other. Issei tried to boost his power a bunch of times, as he tries to overpower the King's Blasters of the King of the Multiverse. But the King of the Multiverse than summoned more of the King's Blasters behind him, as he than was able to overpower the Fang Blaster Booster. This made Issei shocked, as he than became consumed by the magical attack of the King's Blaster, and it caused him immense and unbearable agony



Rias shouted, as Issei became consumed by the powerful attack of the King of the Multiverse. But Issei refuses to stay down, as he than stood up, and looked at the King of the Multiverse, who gawked his head at Issei Hyoudou, before he than spoke out to him.

"You are tenacious and stubborn, I shall give you that. But that is all you can get from me, as you are defeated by the King of all existence. Chains of Judgement."

The King of the Multiverse than summoned Red Chains out of nowhere, as he than aimed than at Issei, who than tried to jump back. But the thing is, one of his legs got caught by one of the red chains, and it began to dragon his health, causing him pain, and making him feel weak. Issei than fired a Dragon Shot at the chains, and flies out of the way, as he than prepares to boost his power, but the King of the Multiverse smiled, as he than spoke out to the Red Dragon Emperor.

"Not so fast, Red Dragon Pawn."

The King of the Multiverse than fired his blue strings at Issei Hyoudou, and just Issei was able to finish boosting, and fire his Longinus Smasher, the Blue Chains wrapped around him, and began to drain his magic from him. Needless to say, it's not good for him. He felt his magic began to be depleted and restricted as the chains held onto him, and Ddraig's voice spoke out from the armor.

"Longinus, SMASHER!!!!"

A powerful red beam came out of his chest and fired at the King of the Multiverse, as the king fired the King's Blasters at the Longinus Smasher. And unfortunately for Issei, because of the fact that the Blue Chains has siphoned the strength of his magic from him, which included the Boosted Power of his magic, the Longinus Smahser became too weakened to hold its ground against the King's Blaster, as they than had became overpowered and was able to hit Issei, causing insane damage to him. And it did more than just cause insane damage. It knocked Issei out cold, as he had felt extreme amounts of agony from the blast of the King's Blaster. When that happened, after the smoke began to clear up, everyone looked down, and saw that Issei is now on the floor, covered in blood, as he is now unconscious from the attack.


Rias shouted out, as the King of the Multiverse than chuckled a little bit at what he had just done.

"Hehehehehehehehehe. All that power, it had to be wasted on a pathetic little child. Even Ink Sans is far more responsible with his powers, despite being younger."

Rias than clenched her fist, as she flies down towards the ground. Her hands clenched tightly, her powers beginning to flare, as she thanstepped forward towards the King of the Multiverse, before she than spoke out to him with anger present in her voice.


But the King of the Multiverse chuckled, as he than spoke out.

" will try and make me pay, Devil."

Rias than smirked, as the others than landed beside Rias, with Rossweiss using her magic to try and heal Issei as much as she can, as Rias than spoke out.

"Oh, I do intend to make sure that you pay, King. Because with my peerage with me, you will be defeated by me, and you will give Ink to me."

But the King of the Multiverse simply has a smile present on his face, as he looked amused at the sight that is before his very eyes. He than spoke out to her.

"But would it matter? No. It would not. It does not matter this many of you are present, it doesn't matter how strong you Devils may seem, as you are nothing compared to the King of all the Gods that I can command at my own disposal. All of you, every last one of you, will all tremble before my power, and you will now by my hands."

Rias smirked, as he than spoke out.

"We shall see about that. Xenovia!"

Xenovia than charged forward at King Multiverse, as she began to swing and strike with the Durandal. But the King of the Multiverse dodged the attacks that she is trying to do to King Multiverse himself. But the King Multiverse dodged the attacks, and he than sidestepped out of the way, as Kiba came out of complete nowhere, and tried to use the Sword of the Betrayer to decapitate King Multiverse.

Xenovia and Kiba went into a stance, as they both readies their swords at the King of the Multiverse, before they both charged at him. But the King of the Multiverse was barely impressed, and as soon as they got close to King Multiverse, he than grabbed them by the hands extremely tightly, and does not let go. This caught them all by surprise, as they than try to get his hands off of their wrists, but the King of the Multiverse is far stronger than he looks. He than threw them into the pillars, which knocked them all unconscious at the immense agony that they feel. He than turns around and spoke out.

"Well? Who else are you going to send in to try and defeat me, Rias Gremory?"

This made Rias sweat in fear, as she saw how easily he dispatched Kiba and Xenovia. But she still remains stubborn, as she than spoke out.

"I won't let you tarnish my name!! Koneko!!"

Koneko than charges at King Multiverse, and launched a bunch of Senjutsu balls at King Multiverse. But the King was hardly impressed, as he simply swatted them away with his barehands, and deflect them into Kiba and Xenovia, before he than spoke out.

"Pathetic. If that is the best that you can do, than clearly you do not understand and comprehend the mighty power that I alone possess."

This made Keno scared, as the King of the Multiverse than instantly went in front of her, and spoke out to her.

"It is my turn now."

He than launched a powerful punch at Koneko, and the white-haired Nekoshou raised her arms to try and block the attack. Big mistake, as King Multiverse than broke her arms in a single punch, before sending her into a pillar with that very same punch, and knocking her out.

Next, it was Rossweiss' turn, as she than used every single magic that she can think of, in order to try and harm the King of the Multiverse. But the problem with that attack is, King Multiverse simply shrugged it off, and even worse, is that while that happened, Gasper used his Forbidden Balor View in order to try and hurt King Multiverse,

only for that attempt to fail, as King Multiverse is simply way to strong to be effected by the Time Stopping powers. Of course, this is also because of an ability of his, called Denial, which has the power to cancel out. Rossweiss tried this again, although the attack was weakened, but the King of the Multiverse simply summoned a wormhole and sends the attack through it, and fired it right back at Rossweiss, which struck her very badly, and knocked the Valkyrie out cold.

Both Akeno and Rias than tried to use their strongest strikes at King Multiverse, but the King simply used his King's Blasters, as he was able to cancel out and overpower the attacks, as he than went in front of them, before striking at them. Akeno got hit, and only Rias dodged the attack, before she than spoke out to him.

"Take this and die!!!"

She than fired her attack called Extinguished Star, which made a sphere that is acting like a black hole, in hopes of sucking the King of the Multiverse into it and destroying him. But the King of the Multiverse simply responds at this foolish attempt, by using a King's Blaster onto it, and it was able to destroy the attack, as Rias looked in shock at what had just happened.

"B-But...that was my strongest attack!! That is impossible to do such as thing!!!"

But the King of the Multiverse laughed, as he than stepped towards her, while also stepping over the unconscious bodies of her friends, while Gasper stepped back, afraid of this King of the Multiverse and his powers, as he than spoke out to Rias.

"Hahahahaha...I already told you, Rias Gremory. I am far different and far beyond the power that you cannot even hope to ever comprehend. I am beyond whatever power that you have, whatever strength that you possess. Beyond whatever strategy and whatever experience that you may have. No matter what you do, what you try, I am far beyond your power, far beyond whatever might that you possess. You are weak before me, you always have been, and you always will be. You can never defeat me this easily. In fact, I was not even taking this fight seriously. I was simply toying with you, all of you, with nothing more than a mere fraction of my might.

Than then stomped on Iseei's right hand, which snapped his arm badly, but Issei is too unconscious to scream in agony. Rias was scared, as King Multiverse spoke out.

"You will not take Ink from me like this, Gremory, because I am the only one that can command him, and even if you did try to force the pawn piece of yours into him, it will not work, as my power will not allow such an errand fool like you take that belongs to me. In other words, all that you have been fighting for, all that you have been trying to fight for, it has been for nothing, all for nothing, this whole time."

This made Rias scared, as he than points his finger up into the air, and summoned the King's Blaster, and spoke out.

"I am allowing you to leave, but only this one time. And if you dare try and come back for Ink Sans, might right-hand servant, I will make sure, that I am the last being that you will ever see."

Rias, fearing for her life and the lives of her peerage, immediately made a magic circle beneath herself and her peerage members, as they got out of here. King Multiverse's sighed, as he than turns to Ink Sans and Akitsu, who became defensive and summoned her icicles, in case she must fight him. But the King Multiverse, not wanting to have to deal with another fight, simply raised his fingers, and spoke out.

"You are free to go, Ink."

He snapped his fingers, as Ink grabbed onto Akitsu, and before the both of them realized what was going to happen, the 2 of them are then teleporte back to the Remnant that both Ink and Akitsu reside in, and are now in front of the house. This caught the both of them off guard, though Akitsu remained cold and impassive. Still, the power that the King of the Multiverse demonstrated, she thought Ink Sans was strong, but the fight that was demonstrated before her was insane. And as Ink Sans had said to her, he is even stronger than him, so much that he became a servant of his by force, due to his power, in order to stay alive, and the King Multiverse only used a small amount of his power in the fight against Rias' peerage. It made her very scared.

But Ink Sans grabbed her hand tightly, and comforted her, as she spoke out.


Akitsu looks down at Ink, as Ink than spoke out to her.

"C'mon. Let go back inside the house. Okay?"

Akitsu looked down at him, as she still cannot get the thought of King Multiverse out of her head, before she nodded her head at him, and they both began to walk towards the front of the house. But still, she began to wander something that is inside of her mind.

'If this...King Multiverse is stronger than...master...and master's bound to does he is influence extend? Could it...extend to me...since I am bonded to beloved master?"

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