Shinobi vs Error

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It is. A very beautiful day outside. Birds are dining, flowered are blooming, the sun is shining, many people would use the time outside to do whatever that they like to do, in order to have the greatest fun in their lives, as well as use the time that they have to keep on living in the world that people live in. But in this case, the time of day is also used, whenever a fight is involved, just like with this team.

Walking in the streets of Union Academy, is none other than Team Hanzo, a group of 5 female Shinobi, as well as the friend of Ink Sans. Team Hanzo have been friends with Ink for a very long time, and it is thanks to them that Ink was able to get through his time at Union Academy when he was bullied and hurt by his peers, who saw him as weak. He owes the group his life, and Team Hanzo, due to this act of kindness, are one of the people that is closest to Ink. And since that Ink has now gotten a good reputation, The Heroes are not doing much to try and attack him, since they will be earning more and more of the civilian's hate, especially after what they have done to the city that they were supposed to protect, and Ink is no longer needing protection, since he is now able to defend himself against anyone that is going to try and attack him.

A powerful wind blew at Asuka, and Asuka...she does not want to get involved in an embarrassment such as this. And luckily, Ink was not there to see this, otherwise it would have ended very badly for her. She felt embarrassed, and her, also relieved, when Ink wasn't present to see this...but than, she felt something. And it was something she is annoyed at happening.

"Ahh, Katusragi!!!"

Asuka shouted, as she felt Katusragi's hands touching her in places that she does not want Katusragi to touch, and it is annoying her to no end.

"Hehehehe~, come on, Asuka, you gotta admit that you love this!!"

Asuka than spoke out back.

"No, I don't like this one bit!!"

Ikaruga sighed, as Yagyuu tries the best she can into making sure that Hibari does not see this, in order to keep her innocent mind intact, and make sure that it does not get into her mind. The last thing that she needs is a Hibari that becomes just as bad as Katusragi there.

Ikaruga sighed, as she than spoke out to the perverted ninja.

"Katusragi, we are here to visit Ink, and we are not here to look like an embarrassment in front of him. We need to be on his best behavior, especially since we do not want to look like foolish Shinobi."

Katusragi pouted, as she than spoke out.

"Come on, Ink didn't mind what I was doing to him last time, Ikaruga."

Yagyū than spoke back to Katusragi.

"That is because, last time, Ink was unconscious, and has no idea what was going on, while you had to hug him there."

Yagyuu said, pointing her umbrella at the upper torso, where she hugged Ink's head in. Hibari than spoke out to Yagyū.

"Is Ink even at his home?"

Yagyū nodded, and spoke out.

"Yes, he is. Asuka said that she called Ink, who is still at his house. So we would be able to reach him after 10-"


A white blast of magical energy fired at the ground, catching everyone off-guard, as they were not expecting something like this to happen, as Asuka spoke out.

"What was that!"

Than, out of complete nowhere, blue strings than spread around and tried to ensnare the group, as the Shinobi dodged the attack, and Asuka then spoke out to the unknown attacker.

"Who's there?!!"

Asuka looked around, only to hear a voice speak out from above.


The Shinobi looked up, and saw that someone has leapt down from the sky, and his appearance was...surprising, to say the least.

This strange person resembles Ink, but he is wearing what seems to be Hobo Clothing, and is a little bit taller than him, not to mention having weird tear-like markings coming down his eyes, and the fact that he is glitching everywhere, as well as having a blue scarf with the word, ERROR, floating all over his whole body. And he does not look too friendly, as he glared dangerously at Team Hanzo, who he has nearly obliterated with his Error Blaster. Than, he began to speak to the Team in a voice similar to Ink's, but it is much more deeper than Ink's voice, not to mention the fact that it's glitched.

"S-S-So...yo-ou five must-t-t-t be Ink's friends."

This caught Team Hanzo by surprise, as they were not expecting that response from this strange person.

"H-how do you know about him?"

Hibari spoke out, as Error than spoke out to the pink-haired girl.

"H-H-He and I are bitter rivals...and I ha-a-ate him so m-m-much! So I decide-decided to do this to make him suf-uffer. And that is by kill-illing the friends that he cherishes so much!!"

Asuka was a little worried, but than, Ikaruga gripped her sword, as she than spoke out, bravely.

"If you dare even think of trying to hurt one of us, and I will unsure that you will regret it!"

This made Error surprised, as he than spoke out to Ikaruga.

"Y-Y-You are not gonna run-run-run from me?"

Asuka than gripped her swords, as she than spoke out to him.

"If you are going to try and kill us, than we will fight you while you try it!"

Yagyuu nodded, as she than spoke out to Error.

"Yeah, and if you dare lay a hand on Hibari, I will make sure that you will pay painfully with what you'll do."

Katusragi nodded, as Hibari stepped in, and all five of the Shinobi got into a fighting stance, as Error was surprised that they are going to try and fight him. But than...he spoke out.

"Im-Impressive, you do no-no-not run instead of flee. It makes me aggravated though...and it is very annoying. S-So..."

Error than grabbed his eyes with his fingers, and before Team Hanzo realizes what he is doing, he rips out some blue strings from his eyes, as the strings wrapped around his fingers.

Error smiled, as he looks at Team Hanzo, before he than spoke out to them.

"Y-Y-You are all go-go-go-go-gonna-na wish...THAT YOU HAVE NOT ENCOUNTERED SOMEONE LIKE ME."

Needless to say, Hibari looked very frightened at what Error had just did, pulling blue strings out from his eyes, like he is peeling the blue lines off of his face, as if they're skin. Not to mention the threat that he had given out to them, as if he has been so eager to kill them in what must be a few thousand years.

But than, Yagyū puts a hand on Hibari's shoulder, as she than spoke out to her.

"Don't worry, Hibari. I'll protect you."

Hibari looked at Yagyū, who smiled at her, and Hibari nodded, as she looks back at Error, and gets ready to fight him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I-I-I am going to ma-ma-make sure-ure that you re-re-regret...FIGHTING ME."

Error said, as he unleashes his strings on Team Hanzo, who are going to do whatever it takes to fight back against the Destroyer.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

But Asuka sliced the strings, and charged at Error before the others could. Error than points his finger at Asuka, and launched sharp red bones at Asuka, in an attempt to pierce her, only for that to backfire, as Asuka using her swords to slice the bones, and would even dodge some of them, in order to avoid getting stabbed, and luckily, her other friends were not pierced.

Error than fired an Error Blaster, but Asuka dodged the attack, and the blast hits a tree, before she than jumped up into the air, and spun around, as she tries to stab him in the legs, only for Error to teleport and dodged the attack, as Error launched more strings at Asuka, hoping to control and puppeteer her body. But Asuka used her skills in order to slice and cut through the strings, before she then does a technique at Error.

Asuka does a Dual Slash at Error, but using his reflexes, he was able to dodge the attack before the swords could hit him. He than tries to fire sharp red bones at Asuka, only for Asuka to slice through them without any sort of issue whatsoever. Clearly, Error is not going to have an easy time, but at the same time, Team Hanzo is not going to beat him that easily, compared to what he will do to them. But luckily, Asuka has not jumped inside of this fight alone.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ikaruga has also entered the fight, as she ran fast towards Error, as Error than launched red bones at Ikaruga, who than used her sword to block and slice through them as fast as she possibly can. And needless to say, it was difficult compared to Asuka, due to the fact that Ikaruga had trained hard, possibly harder than Asuka, and because of this, Error didn't land a single hit on Ikaruga, who was able to use her sword to defend and slice through the attack. She than leapt up into the air, and tries to slice Error, only for Error to jump back. He than ran forward, and tries to punch Ikaruga, but Ikaruga jumped back, as she than tries to slice at Error with his her sword, only for Error to block with red bones, repeatedly.

Error than fired an Error Blaster at Ikaruga, but she responds by using her technique, Oukaensen, as a bird made of blue fire is launched in order to try and counter the Error Blaster's energy blast. But the thing is, the Error Blaster is too strong, and instead of matching the Error Blaster, it ended up getting overpowered by the Error Blaster itself, and the Error Blaster nearly hits Ikaruga. But Ikaruga dodged the attack, and she vanished from sight. This made Error confused, only to realize that she teleported, and she is right behind him, as he turned around to see her.

Ikaruga uses her technique, Hien Hōsen: Mode One, and did a number of cuts on Error's body, and all of it in a split second. She sheaths her blade, and the slices exploded...but Error is now nowhere in sight. But than, Asuka spoke out.

"Ikaruga, up there!!"

Ikaruga looked up, only to see that Error is in the air, his Error Blasters than fired to the ground, as Ikaruga and Asuka dodged the attack as fast as they can, before they can get incinerated. But as that happened, Ikaruga saw a bunch of strings heading her way, as she than sliced through them, and Asuka does the same as well. But than, Error suddenly appeared in front of her, and landed a powerful punch at her stomach, as she is sent flying backwards, while Error then kicks Asuka, making her crash along with Ikaruga.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yagyū than decides to take her turn against Error, and since she is the most levelheaded along with Ikaruga, she could last a little bit longer against the Destroyer himself, just like Ikaruga. But the thing is, Error, he is going to bring that sort of expectation down.

She starts off the fight by spinning her umbrella, which made a powerful twister, as Error jumped backwards, in order to avoid getting caught in the tornado. Yagyū than ran forward, turned sides of the Umbrella into blades, and spun it around, in order to try and slice the Destroyer of AUs. But Error avoids the umbrella blades as much as he can, before he than fires sharp red bones at Yagyū, in hopes to pierce her with them, only for Yagyū to block the attack, as she than summoned a large squid above her, as she than tries to smack at Error with it, only for Error to jump back, and the squid disappeared. Error than launched a bunch of blue strings at Yagyū, only for Yagyū to take off her eyepatch, and a bunch of red tentacles came out of her right eye, and wrapped around the Blue Strings, as both string and tentacle are pulled by their respective users. Yagyū tried to hold her ground, and tries to make sure that Error does not win against her, but Error was much more stronger, as he yanked very hard, sending Yagyū off of her feet, as she than blocked the strings with her umbrella, and Error struck her by hitting her stomach with bones. Thankfully, they aren't sharp, but they still hurt like hell, as she is than launched backwards. The bones vanished, but Yagyū's unconscious. So now it's Katusragi's turn, as she than runs up to Error to attack him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Katsuragi than launched a bunch of kicks at Error, in an effort to try and hurt him. Error did get hit a few times, in the chest and once in the head, but he than catches one of her feet with his strings, and swung Katsuragi right at Ikaruga, hard. But Katusragi is not giving up this easily, as she quickly stood up, and rushes back at Error again, as she than does her Cross Panzer attack.

But Error made a bone wall, and blocked the attack, as he than jumped back, in order to prepare for his Error Blaster. As soon as Katusragi broke through the wall, she than saw an Error Blaster, as Error fired it at her very fast. But Katusragi dodged the attack, as she looked at Error.

Error than launched himself at Katsuragi, as he tries to wrap around her body with his strings, only for Katusragi to avoid it with a leap, as she than landed behind Error, and tries punching him from behind his head. But Error saw what happened, as he than wrapped strings around her arm, and sent her flying back to Hibari, who is the one member of Team Hanzo that hasn't entered the fight yet. But Katusragi's still going to keep fighting, as she attacks again.

She crouched down, and energy began to leak upwards and form around her, before she than leapt up at Error, in an effort to try and attack him. And she is in such a good range that Error, he should not be able able to react to what is about to happen, as she is able to nearly kick Error in the face, in hopes of knocking the entity out.

But Error counter with his strings, as Katusragi ended up getting her leg tangled into it, before Error than grabbed onto her soul, and spoke out.

"Perhaps-haps-haps I can-can-can make so-so-some use of you."

Error clenched his fist, and the strings activated, as Error than began to take control of Katusragi, as she than began to realize that something's wrong with her. Her body has suddenly began to move on its own. She is still conscious, she can still speak and make facial expressions, but the rest of her body is simply no longer under her control, as she than spoke out.

"Wh-What's going on?! I...I can't control myself!!"

Katusragi was panicking, as Ikaruga than realized what is happening.

"This man's strings, he is using them to control you!!"

Error chuckled, as he than spoke out to her.

"Th-That's r-r-right!! L-L-Like a puppet on-on-on strings!! And n-n-now...your fri-fri-friend, is my puppet...AND SHE WILL BE THE ONE TO FIGHT OFF AGAINST YOU ALL!!!"

Katusragi felt her body move on its own accord, as she than began to take a stance, as she raises her fist, and grounds her feet, in order to prepare to lunge.

"Don't worry, Katsu, I'll get you out of there."

Asuka said, as she puts the red scarf over her mouth and nose, as if it were a sort of mask.

"I just need to slice the strings off of you first!!!"

Asuka than rushed at Error, but Katusragi, now controlled by Error, moved to try and grab her. But Ikaruga moved in the way, as she blocked the attack, as she spoke out to Katusragi.

"Katsuragi!! You got to regain contort of yourself, fast!!"

But Katusragi than spoke back to her friend.

"I can't!! This guy is too strong for me to regain control!!!"

Error smiled, as Katusragi than kicked Ikaruga so hard that she is sent backwards. Asuka ran fast towards Error, and tries to slice him. But Error jumped backwards, as he than launched red bones at Asuka, who blocks and defends with her sword.

Katusragi was than moved in front of Asuka, as Katusragi than spoke out.

"Sorry, Asuka. But it looks like it won't be happy for you to fight me!"

Asuka than spoke out.

"Don't worry, I'll try to get you out of here!! I just...I just need to try and slice the strings off of you!! Hibari, you're up!! It's your turn to face against this guy!!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hibari felt scared for a little bit, as she feels a little bit fearful of how she is going to handle Error. But she needs to do it in order to try and prevent herself and her team from being destroyed, as they are now depending on her.

Hibari than ran to Error; and Error kind of expected for Hibari to be easily dealt with. After all, she is supposedly as thoroughly trained as the others are, right? Wrong!! Because as soon as Hibari went into physical was insane, because she was fighting like a toddler, except a lot more chaotically and unpredictable, and she even got hit by her...butt, and that is very confusing and embarrassing for Error, as he has no time to react to such a confusing fighting technique as this. Error, however, cannot let this girl get the upper hand on him.

Hibari than looked, and saw that red bones are launched from Error, as they are fired at Hibari. But Hibari got clumsy as she stepped back, as she than landed back first onto the ground. Most of the red bones missed, but one of them manage to nick Hibari in the right shoulder, which made a pretty large cut. She than looked up...and saw that Error Blaster above her, as Error than spoke out.

"Sa-at goodb-b-bye..."

Error than fired the Error Blaster, as Asuka shouted out to her friend.


Hibari closed her eyes, as she cannot see that she is about to be killed. She just cannot look at bier inevitable fate. never came. In fact...where the brightness was turning up...a shade than appeared. Hibari, a little scars of risking it...opened her eyes...and saw that a wall of paint is over Hibari, as the Error Blaster fired onto it...and the one that had made is none other than Ink.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Hibari screamed in joy, as everyone else was surprised and happy to see that Ink has arrived to save them.

Ink has finally arrived, and while he is now emotionless, he is not very pleased with Error attacking his Shinobi friends. Now he is gonna make sure that Error pays with invading his world with extremely prejudice, especially since he'll be sending a very painful message to the destroyer of AUs, whom he's rivals with. Needless to say, Error himself is not pleased that his sworn rival has decided to interfere with who he's destroying.

"Ink!! H-H-How dare-"

Than, Ink went in front of Error, and smacked Error badly, as he is than sent flying, before Ink cuts the strings, freeing Katusragi. Ikaruga went forward, and held Katusragi, as she keeps her from falling down. Ink than takes an Emotion Vial, a yellow one, as he than drank it, before he wipes the liquid from his mouth, and can feel the emotions returning to him.

"Ink, you're here!!"

Hibari said cheerfully, as Ink turned around, and smiled, happy that she is alright, mostly, and the others, they are all still very much alive. Hibari stood up and hugged Ink, though it was embarrassing, since Ink's head is now in a place that should be embarrassing to Hibari, but she is too happy to notice that, as Yagyū jumped up, and hugged Hibari, happy to see that she is still alive.

"Ink!! I'm so glad you're here!!"

Asuka said, as she hugged Ink very tightly, and Ink smiled at her. But than, she finds himself hugged by Katusragi, and she put Ink's head in a very embarrassing and air-draining spot.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're here as well!! Otherwise I wouldn't do this to you!!"

Ink mentally slapped himself in the face, due to the fact that he forgot how embarrassing Katsuragi is. But as that happened...


Rocks shot out everywhere, as everyone looked, and Katusragi lets go of Ink, who looks to see who it is that has decided to reawakened again. And it is none other than Error.

Error smiled, as he pulled out blue strings from the left eye, as he generated a very dangerous aura that means that he is gonna do whatever it takes to destroy Ink and the people that he loves so dearly.

"S-S-So, you're here, Ink. W-W-Well...that makes it all-all-all the more perfect opportunity to destroy you."

Ink scoffed, as he than spoke out to Error.

"You said that many times to me, Error, and you always fail to succeed!!"

Error smiled wider, as he than spoke back to Ink.

"W-W-Well, this-is-is time...I WILL PREVIAL!!!"

Error than shot out blue strings and his Error Blaster at Ink, who countered with his paint in order to defend against the Destroyer's attack. He used the paint in order to make something to counter the Error Blaster.

An Ink Blaster was created behind Ink, and Ink was smiling with a red target forming at the right eye, with the left eye itself being a white iris color. The Ink and Error Blasters fired at each other, as both are used up, and Ink went in front of Error, as he than punched him. Error was sent back, as Ink than leapt up into the air, and did a bunch of paint slashes at Error, who is than hit by them, before firing Red Bones at Ink.

Ink blocked with an Ink Shield, before he than made paint tendrils wrap around Error, and held him in place, as Error nearly got hit by Ink Bones, which he than blocked using the top half of his Error Blaster. He than jumped up to Error, and landed a hard kick in the nose, which broke and snapped, but then it quickly healed, as Ink became wrapped around in string.

Ink than manipulated the paint on the ground and make ink tendrils again which sliced the strings into pieces, as Ink landed on the ground, before he tried standing up. Tried, being the keyword, as Error, not wasting his time, than went forward, made a sharp red bone to pierce Ink, and spoke out.


He than tried to stab Ink...but was intercepted by a green construct blade of a sword. Error turned around, and saw who it is that had done that.

Asuka had used her power to transform into Ultimate Asuka, and now Error is going to have a hard time trying to beat Ink, especially since Asuka is now much more powerful than ever before.  She sliced her blades at Error, who jumped back, only for Asuka to appear behind Error, and was able to strike him at his back, making him stumble forward. He turned around, and tries to launch blue strings at Asuka, only for Asuka to slice through them. She than cuts and strikes at Error a bunch of times, before unleashing a powerful kick at the jaw, sending him upwards, as Ink than appeared above, and spoke out.


He than swung his paintbrush, and made a large paint portal, which Error went through.

In the Anti-Void...

Error is shown to be falling from the paint portal that Ink has made, but before he found truly crash to the ground, Error used the strings from his eyes to hang from the top, and was able to catch himself, as well as using the strings as a way to stabilize himself with what it is that he is doing.

Error is using the strings like a swing of sorts, a she stares at the glitched screen of Ink and Team Hanzo, and he is not happy at the fact that Ink had to arrive to all of a sudden stop him. He had gotten so close into making Ink break very very badly, and yet, Ink was able to find them just in time, before he could even have the chance to finish them off. Error frowned, as he than spoke out.

"Y-Y-You ma-may ha-have wo-o-on this ro-ro-round-ound, Ink...BUT IT IS NOT OVER."

With Ink and Team Hanzo...

Ink is shown to be patching up Team Hanzo from the harsh beatdown that they had gotten from Error, and needless to say, it is a miracle that they had survived an encounter against the Destroyer.

Surprisingly, in spite of the fight that happened, Hibari is somehow the leash injured of the entire Hanzo Team. Seems like luck is on her side, somehow.

Ink sighed, as he wiped his hand across his forehead, as he than spoke out.

"Man, I'm honestly surprised that you all lasted that long against Error. He would have killed you all on the spot. Guess all that Shinobi training is paying off on all of you."

Asuka nodded, as she has a bandage on her head.

"Yep, and it worked very well for us! But...we're very grateful that you came to us."

Ink Sans smiled, as he did a thumbs up to the entire Shinobi Team present.

"Well, I couldn't let you all get killed for your troubles now would I? Especially since all of you helped me back at Union Academy."

The entirety of Team Hanzo at the smile, they all blushed. Asuka than smiled, as she than spoke out.

"Ahh...about that...Ink. Can I...ask you something, on the behalf on Team Hanzo?"

Ink looked very curious, as he wondered what it is that Asuka wants to say to him. He looks up, his head peaked with interest, as he than spoke out.

"Oh? What is it that you want to say to me?"

Asuka sighed, before she than gripped Ink's shoulder, and kissed him on the lips. This caught Ink by surprise, but than, the rest of Team Hanzo kissed him all over his face, as Asuka than spoke out to Ink.

"All of us...we all have a crush on you, and we all wanted to be with you, we...we all love you!"

This made Ink surprised...but than...he felt a genuine smile form on his face, as he puts his hand over his heart, as he than spoke out to Asuka.

"I...I don't know what to say...I..."

Team Hanzo looked at he than raised his head, as a pink star formed on his left eye, and a heart formed at the right, as he spoke out.


Hibari felt very happy, as she cheered up a little bit, while also taking the time to hug Ink as tightly as possible. And than...he got dog piled by the entirety of Team Hanzo, as they killed him all over the place. But Ink...he didn't he is glad to have more and more people in his life. But the Sekirei...well...they're gonna need to get used to it, him having more female lovers with him.

Happy 4th of July, everybody!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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