1) Quieks and Ranks

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Keiade's POV

I am known as dark, hated, misunderstood. It's quite painful to think about, yet here I am, 13 years old, quirkless. My two best friends, Takahashi Tasuki and Yuuto Ikuto, have quirks. Tasuki has Psychic and Ikuto has Wind. I hate being quirkless.

Tatsumaki Kai, a kid in my class, he has an Ice quirk. I was drawing what my hero outfit would look like, when Kai took my paper from me.

"Oh what do we have here?" Kai smirks. I clench my teeth

"Give it back, Tatsumaki!" I raise my voice and stand up. Kai smirks and froze my notebook, before he threw it out the window. "No!" I yelled trying to grab it before it fell out the window, I almost fell out the window, but I caught myself. I was in utter shock.

"What are you gonna do now, Slushi?" Kai asked laughing. I clench my teeth and turn around quickly. I didn't realize it, but apparently everyone else did.

"Slushi, has a quirk!" Ikuto, yelled. Him and Tasuki, were smiling. Kai's, hand blazed like a cold iceberg.

"You're gonna die." Kai, yelled. I merely shrug and hold up one of my arms to examine it. A dark blue eery glow came from it.

"My quirk is Darkness." I was smiling, my favorite hero, Chaser, has the same quirk. I started to laugh, as I grab Kai's shirt pulling him close to me. "Don't mess with me anymore," My eyes started to blaze along with that dark blue eery glow, "or I'll kill you." Kai pushes me away roughly.

"Get as far away from me as you can, Silence." I flinch at the name. Kai, had always called me, Silence, I would never speak during class, I knew better, so he called me, Silence.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

6 Months later, Location: UA, Normal POV

Standing in front of the 1-C class door was a male with short black-dark blue hair. "Let's just meet the new class and get this over with." The guy mumbled in annoyance, reaching for the door. Suddenly a brown haired girl came bouncing down the hall.

"Crap!" The girl cried out and ran into the wall next to the black haired male. "Ow ow ow." She said standing up as she looked at the black haired male. The males dark brown eyes met her bright-dull green ones.

"Hi..." Both of them day at the same time. The brown haired girl had on a Crimson cat-ear headband.

"I-I'm S-saito Meiko, class 1-C!" The cat-eared girl said blushing. The male made a tch sound and looked away.

"Raidan Masato... class 1-C." The girl, Meiko, smiled blushing. Masato pushes the door open and walks in, Meiko trailed after him.

"I don't know an—" Meiko stops dead in her words and looked strait at two females with black hair and tanned skin. "Rin-chan! Safaia-nee!" The cat-eared girl cheers and runs over to them, hugging them both. Masato looked around the room, other then Meiko, he only knew Shirogane Satomi, Tsujimura Mitsuo, and Ishido Daisuke. Masato walks over and pulled up a seat next to them.

"Ah, Raidan-san, I didn't know you would be here." Satomi comments, her brown hair fell in front of her face forcing the girl to push it back from her face so she could see. Satomi has tanned skin, dark brown hair, brown eyes and freckles. The female next to Satomi looked up.

"So you finally got here," The girl pushed up her maroon glasses, "took you long enough." This is Tsujimura Mitsuo, as sarcastic as she is, Mitsuo is still pretty nice. Mitsuo has bob cut black hair, maroon glasses and brown eyes. Ishido Daisuke sat next to Mitsuo, he was staring at his phone, reading a book over Cats. Daisuke has tanned skin like Mitsuo, his hair was black, and his eyes were brown. Masato sighed.

"Tsujimura, watch your mouth, I'll electrocute you." He snaps. Mitsuo, shrugs and went back to looking at Marvel Memes.

"Damn Peter!" Satomi, cried out throwing her phone across the room. Meiko, turns from talking to, Saya Rin and Tsugumi Safaia.

"What the—" Before, Meiko, knew it she was holding her forehead, and, Satomi's, phone.

"Shirogane-san, please don't throw your phone." Meiko. groans and walks over to the group as she hands, Satomi, her phone back.

"Sorry uh... what's your name?" Satomi questions, she didn't even bother asking how Meiko knew her name.

"Saito Meiko." The cat-eared girl replied. Satomi nods.

"It's weird the teacher isn't here yet." Tasuki, mumbled. Ikuto, nods.

"Do we even have one?" Asako Chieko, asked butting into their conversation.

"You would think," Keiade, retorted.

"Everybody sit down and shut up!" A girl with long midnight black hair, Pro Hero: Midnight.

"Score, we get a babe." Watanabe Sato, and Tanaka Kise, said giving each other high fives. Midnight, growls at them.

"Shut up both of you!" She yelled. Meiko, smiles at Midnight.

'He's so pretty...' Meiko rests her head on against her arm. 'His hair is black like the night sky.' Her green eyes close. 'His brown eyes are so cute.." Suddenly, Meiko, gasped as she opens her eyes, she was staring at, Masato.

"Alright! Everyone find a partner and we'll test out your quirks." Midnight, spoke. Everyone grumbles. Meiko, took the chance and turns to, Masato, but he was already paired up with, Daisuke. Not that anybody got a choice, Midnight, chose for everyone.

Here are the people paired up with each other.
Raidan Masato-Ishido Daisuke
Tsujimura Mitsuo-Shirogane Satomi
Emiri Fūka-Kotai Cazuru
Mase Minoru-Yuuto Ikuto
Sumi Taichi-Slushi Keiade
Tatsumaki Kai-Sara Keri
Asako Chieko-Saya Rin
Takahashi Tasuki-Tsugumi Safaia
Watanabe Sato-Tanaka Kise
Kita Sharaku-Saito Meiko

Sato, frowns. "I have to battle my best friend..." He mumbled and points to, Kise.

"At least you don't have to battle, Ice Queen, over here." Keri, retorted crossing her arms. Keiade, let out a laugh.

"I'll switch with ya, Sara-san." Keiade, was just itching to fight, Kai.

"No way, Silence!" Kai, yelled imminently after, Keiade's, comment. Keiade, rolls his eyes.

"So, Raidan, do-..." Masato, tuned out, Daisuke, he was focused on, Meiko and Sharaku.

'If he hurts her...'

Sharaku, walks up to Meiko. Masato's eyes blazed remembering his past with Sharaku.

"Ahaha why would you surpass, Chaser?" 7 year old, Sharaku, laughed at 6 year old, Masato. The brown eyed male looked down and made a tch sound.

"I can surpass whoever I want!" Masato, yelled hesitantly. Sharaku, laughs and kicks Masato, sending him to the ground.

"Don't mess with me, pip squeak." Sharaku, growls and kicks, Masato, again, in the side this time.

(Flashback Over)

Masato, made a tch sound holding his side. "So, how about you and me get together sometime?" Sharaku, asked resting his hands on, Meiko's, desk. To Meiko's dismay she couldn't scoot back.

"I-I'm good..." Meiko, hesitantly spoke softly. Sharaku, lefts her chin slightly so he could see her.

"Oh come on, you haven't even had your first kiss yet? I'll be sure to take that from you." Sharaku, whispers the last part in her ear. Meiko's, eyes widen as she lets out a small whimper, Sharaku, smiled and let's go of, Meiko, before returning to his seat. Masato, sighed and turns back around.


"Alright, Emiri-san and Kotai-san, the two of you are first." Midnight announced. Fūka's, Quirk is Falcanary, and, Carzuru's, Quirk is Gyrokinesis, all in all, Fūka, ended up winning. Then more battles raged on until it was, Masato vs Daisuke.

"Go for it, Masato-kun!" Meiko cheers.

"Go for it, Masato-kun!" Sharaku mimicked her. Meiko looked at Sharaku. "Hehe, that pip squeak is a nuisance to me." Sharaku said. Meiko looked down and glanced at Masato.

'I wonder what is Quirk is.'

Daisuke started to run at Masato. "You won't win!" Daisuke yelled. Masato dodged Daisuke's attempt to hit him, in a split second, Masato had sent blue sparks everywhere. Daisuke was on the ground as Masato had him pinned.

"My electricity could kill you, don't threaten, and say you can beat me." Masato growls. Meiko's face was pale.

"He did all of that so quickly..." Her body shook. "I—" Meiko felt like she was gonna be sick. 'My Quirk would lose quickly...' Masato sighed and let's go of Daisuke before walking back next to, Satomi and Mitsuo, as he dragged Daisuke behind him. The Lightning male looked up at Meiko, she was currently holding her stomach as her face turned pale. Sharaku noticed Masato's worried look, smirking the male put a hand on Meiko.

"Saito, are you ok?" Sharaku asked. Meiko looked up at him weakly.

"Of course." She managed to spat out.

"Saito-chan and Kita-san, it's your turn." Midnight spoke. Sharaku laughed to himself evilly and walks out onto the training ground. Meiko hesitantly follows.

'I'm gonna die...'

Heya guys! It's Crimson here! So I was originally gonna name this We Are Real, but then I decided not to. If anyone can guess Meiko's Quirk, they get a shout out in the next chapter!
Masato, Sharaku: AkashiRakurai
Mitsuo, Daisuke, Minoru: ThePokemonLover
Satomi, Carzuru, Keri: biribirimon
All other characters belong to me EXEPT Midnight.
My Hero Academia belongs to the creator.
Story plot is some of mine and some off MHA.

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